What does leftypol think of saddam hussien?
He was a hero, he died defending his country.
he never gave in or showed any weakness, he accepted his death with honor and dignity.
shame on bush, shame on shia and shame on al qaada.
Saddam was the most honorable of all arab leaders.
RIP great leader and martyr
RIP Comrade.
What does leftypol think of saddam hussien?
Other urls found in this thread:
I think fuck off
why stop?
why should I fuck off?
What do you have against Saddam?
Dubs is on my side.
Saddam confirmed a hero.
This place is full of mentally ill trannies, if you want to talk about leftist politics this is not the place.
When the states invaded Iraq he should've ordered the oil to be burned
It's more full of mentally ill adults. There's worse than trannies. In fact you're probably mentally ill.
This is Holla Forums, stop believing yourself better than your own action.
But yugotrap is a cute
please tell me you didn't fall for the propaganda.
it was iran that gassed the kurds not saddam
citation needed.
Yes it was based Iran that killed the kurdroaches.
Kurds are less human than t*rks. Kill all kurds, Iran truly is based, Persians are master race.
Saddam was scum
Genocide deniers are the funniest bunch.
Tell me why it was false.
he didn't sell out to the states, if he did they wouldn't have tried killing him and invaded iraq.
he was socialist.
Because it was iran that gassed the kurds not saddam.
He was a good friend with Castro btw
You realize that everone on Holla Forums is cointelpro government agents right? They're feeding you lies and they will continue to feed lies to everyone. This is a board of subversion, a site of subversion run by a freemason. Wake up.
fake saddam is fake
take that flag off, apologist scum
dubs again, damn, saddam haters BTFO
Got a cited source on that because I really am laughing
He managed to do more for collectivism than Saddam and his simpy sons did in his lifetime jej
Oh shit, and I was wondering how would an honest leftist hate the great Saddam.
Why should we admire what a pseudo socialist did? Or more accurately, didn't do?
The person with the trip is a CIA agent.
Great guy Saddam.
haters BTFO, kill yourselves iranian shills.
"I can not defend saddam hussien, even saddam hussien is not great enough to defend saddam hussien"
The fact that he said that at his trial makes him the GOAT arab dictator
Now that looks like some source a chap can trust.
Dude did you listen to the whole thing, it was litterally the greatest court speech ever, many political analysts confirmed that this is a very smart speech, he would have been set free if the court was not corrupt and treacherous and paid by americans to sentence him to death, you didn't see how rigged against him it was?
the judge very obviously had his mind made up before the trial even started.
It is great and tragic, there is a real beauty to Baathism, despite its flaws
did you see how shia were watching his execution and taunting him in his last moments?
Disgusting, shouting at him "to hell" "to hell" shouting at him the name of muqtada al sadr the shiaite cleric.
it was disgusting how they taunted the man in his last moments.
and he accepted his death gracefully.
Saddam was a great man, I respect him and love him deeply even though I am not an iraqi.
Also he kept the middle east stable and kept extremists at bay.
after he died it all went to shit.
Yes man, I cried.
shame on bush, Saddam stood there in the courtroom honorably and bravely even after americans have tried to destroy his country and he knew they are planning his execution.
and that the trial would be corrupt and treacherous, he never showed weakness, and stood there as a lion.
He has developed iraq from a junkyard to a powerful country and americans have no right to destroy him or that country.
it's because of zionist-american colonialism that this planet can never have peace.
I like and respect Saddam because he actually modernized his country and turned it from a backwards feudal nation into a regional power that invoked fear, respect and awe from all.
I believe the Saddam Hussein of the 1970s was the greatest Arab leader to have ever walked the earth.
He modernized the cities and villages, introducing electricity and clean water.
All Iraqis (male or female) were given access to free and top quality education. Saddam recognized that iraq’s universities were horrible and so sent the most promising Iraqis to foreign universities all at the Government’s expense.
He liberated the Peasantry by introducing land reform.
He introduced decent healthcare to Iraq.
A great leader who gave his country dignity and honor and fought for the good of all iraqis and made the middle east stable for so long.
Saddam was a faschist pig.
Statist scum
Autism truly is a form of super power
Based on what?
also learn to spell retard it's fascist not faschist, he was socialist, and he made his country civilized and modern.
now look at iraq, it's a hellhole.
anyone who hates saddam is a brainwashed zionist drone.
He was a woman oppressor and fundament of the patriarchy, the world is better with his kind gone. Any society that does not give women power over men is oppression.
Holla Forums don't you have anyone to celebrate new years with hahahaha
women and men received equal opportunities under his rule, education,wages,legal issues…etc
You just listen to so much mainstream media.
I feel sorry for you.
yeah right.
kill yourself faggot
how many layers of irony are you on
This is true.
This is also true.
You didn't answer my question hahaha
Leader of the Arab Socialist Ba'ath Party.
are you honestly that ignorant?
I don't do that normie crap, mate.
dubs of truth.
by that logic hitler was a socialist because he was the leader of the Not Socialist party
I'm an Iranian, my father was a turk Iranian and my mother is a Kurd Iranian. my father fought baathist in Iran-Iraq war for 2 years until he got injured. My uncle died in that war! and I have so many kurd relative who lived in Sardasht and Marivan and in Bane who got killed or disabled during the war because of Saddam's chemical attacks on civilians.
cool story bro.
you are not iranian and your story is bullshit, you are probably the feminist cunt from above.
don't fall for CIA-iranian propaganda.
So yeah great guy Saddam .
Your parents were no more Iranian than an Indian in British. Only Persians belong in Iran. Eat shit invader.
Kek is strong in this thread.
Why are nationalists and ethno-race idealists allowe to post here again?
Because Holla Forums is a National Communist board now.
Hitler's regime was nationalist, had many socialist elements though, thus national-socialist
Enjoy your failed states
I've learned the lessons of history. Every communist regime failed due to not killing enough people. The obvious conclusion is mass genocide of almost everyone on earth. 6 billion must die, a real shoah.
Fuck off, Iran is Mongolian and by extension their client states rightful clay.
I don't think there's pure persians here anymore… and doesn't kurds count as "persians"?
and btw fuck your racist bullshit logic
You should do your part and kill yourself
Persians are white, kurds are not even human like t*rkroaches.
Nice spook
dafuq?! it's Iran we're talking about, Not fucking Afghanistan!
I think you dont understand what a spook is
as annoying as they are, we at leftypol are not torture chamberers
Yeah I get it evolution is a spook, evolutionary differences in biology and intellect are spooks. Physics and maths are spooks too I guess right.
I agree
stop liking what I don't like
everyone I don't like is a nationalist
kill yourself
kill em all let god sort them out. Holla Forums would love you.
I'm not Iranian? huh… would you mind telling that to Iran's military? because my two fucking year mandatory military service starts in less than a year and I really don't want to do it
You are retarded, as expected from a tankie
okay bro. enjoy
no, hope you get raep'd.
Israelis enlist the Arabs in their country into their military, do you really think Arabs are jews?
I mean top kek
Baathistbros please stop fighting. This is how neocons win.
saddam meme is Best meme
More like
Jej > kek
kek is like a total faggot
The faith campaign and his embrace of nationalism.
Also, Al-Anfal.
isn't "faggot" a derogatory term and sexist, you fuckin sinner.
I hate Holla Forums but I like kek being somewhat a pagan leaning fag.
What the fuck did he mean by this
You mean embrace of survival in a world where the USA, Europe, and Soviet Union would have been happy to slaughter his people and take his oil in two seconds if Middle Eastern leaders didn't take drastic measures and maintain delicate balancing acts with the monsters breathing down their neck (which still often weren't enough.)
No, I don't mean his foreign policy, I mean his embrace of nationalism.
faith campaign?
he was muslim yes, but mainly moderate, he was not radical islamist by any account.
he was more leaning towards arab collectivist like gamal abd el nasser of Egypt and al gaddafi of libya (this whole generation was socialist).
al-wat? , sorry friend I don't speak durka.
what does that mean?
Heard an interview on BBC radio the other day of one of the American agents who interviewed Hussein after he was captured. Fascinating stuff.
I can't find it now but here's another interview with the same guy.
sh i t l o r d , is filtered to sinner .
yes , this too.
Gassing campaign of Kurds during Iran Iraq War. I think the campaign also targeted Iranian troops but mainly Kurdish civilians
Why shouldn't Arabs have a national state? Iraq did the same shit Prussia and Serbia did in 19th and 20th c but its bad when Aeabs try to unify into one state.
No one should have a national state. 19th century Prussia and WWI era Serbia aren't exactly admired by the left.
Fuck your state nigger
it was iran that gassed kurds.
it was a false flag and they pinned it on saddam.
Prussia inspired national Bolshevism and Serbia inspired the modern Slavic left nationalists.
Eat a dick
German nationalism in 19th c was a leftist ideology given it was in oppositoon to the nobles and whatnot, and Prussia alternated between supporting said movements and killing it
And Serbia again was, compared the Austro Hungarian Empire leftist as it sought to put all the slavs into one state and the black hand had a lot of republican and socialist influences.
people complain about the anarcho-feminist flag but I think this thread proves that "anarcho"-nihlist flag is the worst.
More like anarcho-tankieism
That's easy for you to say if states existed in a bubble. Much of the existence of small states is determined by their relationship to more powerful states. Your dream world doesn't exist yet, criticism of small states for defensive nationalism is not only short sighted, it's laughable.
Fuck off statist
collectivism as in a collective of arab contries as in countries bound together by an arab identity.
which started as a revolution of socialist countries (egypt,syria,yemen,algeria,libya,iraq) all those countries had a socialist governments.
yeah more like anarcho-sjw
much cancer,so aids.
also not an argument
stop pretending to be an expert on iraq under hussein please.
yes there was a muh privileged elite but that's the same as any communist country, so make some fair comparisons.
thanks for the link, I saw a video about the guy who was guarding Saddam's cell, let me see if I can find it for you, he speaks that Saddam was calm,collected,charismatic,confident and very smart.
very admirable person.
I wasn't talking to you, I was talking to the feminist fag.
So assertive and alpha.
great guy
Hello Molyneux, i didnt know this board was pure anarchism now.
Fuck u
The fact that he was the CIA's puppet against Iran. The fact they turned on him is not a mark of his merit but of their corruption
I don't really care about him, but that was pretty lame, seriously. There was nothing alpha about it.
This. we're literally all COINTELPRO guys, except for like one or two poor fucks not in on the joke
Post ur security clearances ITT and laugh at people who don't have them