Do you have at least one leftypolack in your area? Why not meet them and form a cell?
Where are you from Leftypol?
Do you have at least one leftypolack in your area? Why not meet them and form a cell?
Where are you from Leftypol?
Other urls found in this thread:
download a new image
I swear you made the same thread a month ago. Also use a different image will ya; the tongue box one is getting old.
well nothing came of it, so now I'm doing it again
Anyone in Belfast?
Down for anything really even cuddling and starting a revolution
yeah i remember that thread. i was the only guy in south australia i think. sorry to disappoint, but there'll be no south australian Holla Forums cell :^)
wtf, i just noticed that someone threw a rock and dislodged a baseball bat from the guy's grip. that's what makes the tink sound. nice shot dude
Form a cell to do what? I'm pretty sure every big city will have communist groups operating, you can just join them, they aren't all IdPol.
Our battleground is the internet, our battle is to be fought on the internet and prepare the ground for said groups to operate. That doesn't mean that I'm not up for doing something IRL but it has to make sense and be done with confidence and swiftness, not with that shy boy attitude so many here display.
But we need to take the memes to the streets. Most people don't meme, or only casually meme.
I'm talking about creating public events, situations, if you will, that get talked about.
It doesn't have to be explosions. It could be something as simple as hanging up a large flag in a big public place… maybe even a flag that is a meme.. then again it could be something big like blockading or otherwise disrupting a particular business, for example Amazon or BAE systems, or simply distributing informational flyers on these businesses.
Sure there are already organisations and lots of these do work, but have they work-ed, no. In fact the left is dying. It needs new spice and new flavour.
Now, then things I suggest are hardly new, but in 2016 most young people haven't really been aware of any radical leftist action. Most of them don't even consider communism an idea that anybody subscribes to.
Sure the Socdem left gets in the news and environmental activists or anti nuclear activists occasionally take things to the drastic level, but on the streets of the west there's been pretty much nothing since occupy wall street and that pretty much went nowhere, a publicity stunt that probably woke a bunch of people up but was hopelessly optimistic in scope so ended up turning into a meme. Sorry Graebs my man.
Just bear with me for a minute and say we managed to create the formation of 5 groups in 5 majors cities and all co-ordinated something small but very visual and public at the same time.
Even the fact that we could connect 5 groups together across the world would hold the element of threat to porky. Even if it was just 5 flags raised on 5 public buildings.
If we could create that on a regular or even consistent basis we could get people talking about the radical left like they haven't in years and right now is the ripest time its been since all the crashes. In Britain right now there is a load of strikes going on, in America Trump has been elected and all across europe the far right is in ascendancy. Is in not time we answered with something?
The radical right came to the fore basically through memery and controversy. Liberals loved to hate them so they got a load of media time and then people started to listen. So we stir up a little controversy, push the limits enough so that half the population is saying our methods go to far and the other is defending us. Create that conversation.
They got literal Nazism into the mainstream and now Neo-Conservatism looks utopian in comparison.
These groups that you speak of more than likely formed before the formation of the internet. Besides, they do their work, we might as well add to it no? You could always be in a party a cell
Trust me, I'd love to do that, but this board couldn't even get a fucking student union done. We are under constant observation and shilling of Holla Forums - not to mention the constant infighting and refusal of some flags to work with other flags, etc. It would require strict organisation.
The other thing you said is interesting. You do indeed hear about liberal/SocDem demonstrations in the news, but those events don't shock anybody anymore because they are now part of the mainstream. I'd even consider Occupy Wall Street as such a thing. Let's have a look on how the right did it: They questioned the liberal narrative of political correctness by created controversy and got their meme candidate into office, because the liberal mainstream reacted, as you said, like a mad dog. What we should learn from this and also from the Sanders campaign: We must make a mark for ourselves outside the liberal narrative, provoke.
How do we do this? By refusal to work with liberal terms and compromises. By picking up the terms that are shunned upon and dropping those that are compromised by the mainstream. Don't say socialist, say communist. USSR was great. Stalin did nothing wrong. See what I'm getting at? I know not everybody here is a tankie but it's necessary to adopt a strict anti-liberal aesthetic to appear spicy to the disenfranchised and alienated proletariat. Be more populist.
The good thing is, that while right-wing populism is almost all feels and never really has any sustainable theory, we do.
Precisely. Basically, a large part of the lefts problem that it used to be edgy and bad ass but now its just elderly women on local councils and Jeremy Corbyn on his bicycle.
That arouses the student youth, it does not arose the working youth.
The other thing the right did, is to be extremely unclear in their actual message as individual members, but there were certain themes they could all agree on, namely, fuck the immigrants, that they got behind.
This brings us to the diversity issue, who is the enemy we can all get behind? What is the occupation that people statistically trust least? Its the banker.
We need arouse hate against the banker, not just a sense thats things should be fairer, but hate, hate for injustice and the secret board rooms and the prostitutes. Hate for the embezzlement, hate for the basic concept of lending at interest and compound interest. We need to IRL meme into existence that same level of animosity towards immigrants as bankers.
This is something every anarchist and communist and most of the population could get behind. These are the strands we need to find and work with.
Now you say its impossible to co-ordinate on this board, which is why I suggested cells who can co-ordinate on a local level. In terms of events, they would only really need to happen on the same date with the same symbolism, the rest would be up to the local cell, that would also cover legality issues (I think)
5 groups is only 15 people if each group has three people. Our userbase is something like probably 4-500 people so that isn't that many, and I'm sure if there were two people in a city they could find a third not on the board.
It would actually be relatively simple to organise. Firstly we would need to find people, then build of some level of trust via exchange of emails, possibly details at a later stage, then arranging meet ups, but as all of this would go on directly between the people on the local level it wouldn't really take so much central organisation provided we could find the volunteers. After that we can basically just check back in with each other maybe on here but probably on some other communication network that is more closed.
I think 15 people in 5 different cities is a reasonable goal
I know there was people on here were talking about setting up a commune or co-op network. Obviously that's a lot, but what if organisation takes praxis, we need to start doing small organised things in order to grow the organisation. What better way to declare the existence of a new organisation than synchronised flag/meme dropping across the globe? In organising that, we would practice organisation for the future to build to better things.
Tbh could probably be done with 2 people in each city or even loan wolfs. We would just need to have some kind of confirmation that it was actually going to go down
Quit using that fucking picture
Go fuck yourself
Thats at least three maybe four of the people we need. Why not go loan wolf comrades
Anyone in chicagoland? I'm an honest prole
No u
Where u at
Northwestish, about a half hour from the city
To add this, the right are doing low fat fascism, we need diet insurrection rather than the nothing but water we've been getting from the centre
Please do this comrades
and another thought, maybe we did these things and at the same time tipped off a bunch of leftist media, maybe some right wing media to under cover so they glorious uprising about it, in fact a large part of are strategy should be trying to provoke the right so we get a media shitstorm
Oh and one last wild card imagine if we all wore these armbands
What about orgies
I want to watch a bunch of sweaty leftists fucking
Ok so where would you be located?
thats literally rape
I said watch. There's no girls here.
I'd tap catgirlanon but she's straight and engaged
I like this man. Somebody get him a beer!
But seriously those are some great ideas man.
anybody anywhere in Scotland at all? I know none of you are more than 2 hour train away. Islands don't count you are sea heathens
I see no reason to stop orgies, good cell bonding
Help me create them then ?
Well I live close to Boston if that helps. Problem is I don't know any IRL communists. I was just made aware of a leftist group forming on my campus so I'm looking into that.
But I definitely would help you man. Time and place and I'm in.
ATLiens where you at?
where specifically u at
West Chicago here, close to Aurora.
I'm like 20 miles from Aurora
And even nearer to west Chicago. Do you have some kind of contact info?
I made a throwaway email just 4u fam. Hmu
[email protected]/* */
I'll bet if we actually get this going there is another board member in Boston. If not try and get a friend or go lone
Do you want mine? If it turns out nobody else is in my area id go on my own if I knew it was happening in other places
Ok I'm in. If I go lone it would be in another city in Mass that I live in, but still quite populated. But keep the board updated and I'll check and move from there.
Please if you feel this could be for you email [email protected]/* */ and keep this thread alive also
Anybody from southern Germany?
North here
Austria here
deutsch/leftypol/ when?
So what if we unveiled a flag that said NO WAR BUT CLASS WAR with a stencil of Warren Buffets face on it?
I think the phrase exemplifies our values. It encompasses the fact that history is fundamentally the story of class struggles, the use of the word war implies a militant tendency and the 'no war but' part subtly discredits idpol.
Warren Buffets face for the visual aspect, if it did get into newspapers they would have to decode it, and would probably end up quoting him, thus bringing this quote to the masses.
So I'm just going to write a little speech to maybe inspire you to join this.
Every morning I wake up and I read the newspaper and almost everything I see makes me want to scream. Some days the depression it causes means I can't get out of bed. Other times my mind ticks over trying to process all the embezzlement, all the underhand deals, all the decisions made on behalf of the population behind closed doors. That's just the corruption element, then you start thinking about the human side to that, the effect of these behaviours, the communities in EVERY CITY IN THE WORLD BAR NONE littered with crime, addiction, social decay, ill health, malnourishment, illiteracy, the abuse and ill treatment of children that goes a long with these things. Even for the supposedly middle class financial pressure rips apart families, fuelling divorces,driving parents to drink or suicide or an early grave through heart disease or simply to neglect to have affection for their family as their lives are filled with endless toil. Thats just the first world, elsewhere people starve. People live in bombed out rubble, people get on leaky overfilled boats after walking for thousands of miles just for a chance to sleep on the streets of somewhere else. The elite rape children in their ivory towers.
and all you can do is sit behind your computer screen and read articles that make you grind your teeth, gradually grinding you down until you're just this bitter husk who sees the tendrils of capitalist corruption in absolutely every interaction of your life. You realize that if you hadn't had porky infecting your mind you probably wouldn't have pushed away the only person who mattered to you. You realise the times in your relationship you were stressed out were the times when you lived in a shitty apartment with a cunt landlord and the leaking ceiling was a major point of conflict for you both.
and still you do nothing, you seeth and you rage and you type and it all comes to nothing. Well what if you could unleash that rage? What if you could carefully and deliberately create a constructive outlet for it, that would not just occupy your troubled mind, but actively seek to overcome that which troubles you so deeply?
I'm not sure Warren Buffet is the more despised of his bunch. The guy who multipliated the price of anti aids medicine by 10 maybe?
its just because he had that quote about there being a class war and his class was waging it and winning
tfw I'm the only vikangz here
Disregard shitposting flag
pretty sure you're not the only Scandi
The only non IdPol lefty I know is a 60 year old Polish guy I work with
Any famrades in the South of England?
I'd get a bus from Pictland tbh fam it seems Scotland is dry of comrades
Mate the north of the UK is the most left-wing part, especially Scotland
Liverpool probably has the most socialists tho
Any cletuses here?
I know that in terms of voter spread, but where the fuck are my northern bros? Nowhere to be seen.
Doing heroin probably
I'm in the Cambridge area, so sorta south east England
I'm not far… and I know some gommies in Gambridge. Wonder if I know you.
well there is deutsch gommie twitter
most of it tankie twitter tho
Who /Wales/ here?
on a scale of 1-Robert the Bruce how much do you wish to see the break up of the UK?
I doubt it, I just go to one of the colleges there
Just a note of context to the UK:
This is now a winter of discontent:
There has been a slew of prison riots
There are widespread strikes
It is time to agitate this situation
I'm not Scottish but quite a lot
right now there is a massive anti establishment sentiment, we need to turn that into class war sentiment
I doubt it will result in much, not enough people are going on strike. Hell like 90 million people went on strike in India and not much changed their
Yeah but the population of India is rather larger than the population in the UK
The point of strike is raise public attention. If those strikes then led to people taking it upon themselves to commit acts of direct action then maybe you'll get more strikes and more action. These things don't just pop out the ground when the conditions are right, it takes people to turn the conditions into something. It has to grow. You aren't going to convince everyone instantly, but if you can at least get a real conversation going then you are bound to win some people over.
We are losing because we are kept out of the conversation by Conservatives Liberals and Socdems
most people don't care about prisoners. they're lumpenproles anyway
I have been a prisoner. People cared about about me.
You mean, proles who started life in care most likely.
and these riots prove that indeed the lumpen are revolutionary, indeed more so than the normal proles
what did you do?
defended myself
well ok, but good luck getting people to care for drug dealers and arsonists etc
I'm not trying to, it was just an example of how there is currently mass civil unrest
A majority of American prisoners are there for nonviolent offenses
Anyone here /randstad/?
Where in LA you fuck! I swear this always happens we almost always never respond to each other.
too far :(
we probably have enough users for a general, but do we have enough topics?
Sorry lads Brisbane cunt reporting in. Anybody /brisbane/??
Just rolling this thread round again. Doesn't seem like anyone in Scotland is willing. What about you English cunts? Its like a tenner for a megbus down so I'm game
I'm just gonna come right out and get nasty because you let my thread die.
Most of you, very near all of you believe in
I know some of you, very many of you are active in the real world, but then again a lot of you aren't. Many of you also preach extremely radical doctrine. People unironically post Nechayev, consider themselves nihilists, or believe in forming a revolutionary vanguard and stamping communism down like a boot, yet none of you are willing to get your hands dirty even a little? Even just to try?
No war but class war? No war but keyboard war. Sergei laughs from hell at your pretend revolutionary fervor.
Give me one good reason why you should not form affinity groups in your area? Not some bullshit excuse, why aren't you finding out ways to get around that excuse?
Okay, you're sick, you're too depressed to leave your computer, okay, I get that. But is that everybody on this board? And I'm not saying muh bootstraps, I'm saying, what if carrying out revolutionary activity was what broke the lid on the rut you're in. What if getting up and going outside in the middle of the night to preach the word would actually make you feel more alive than you have in your entire life? What reason can you, as a so called revolutionary socialist, give me, for not at least trying?
Try >>>/anarcho/
No where near enough traffic
and that isn't a reason
Did it ever cross your mind that imageboards are a terrible place to organize?
Did it ever cross your mind that you can gather on an image board and then migrate to an email chain?
Then set up something more substantial, but you can't just go from nothing to something, you have to start somewhere
do you assholes think im leaving?
Anyone around Central Pennsylvania?
I know a guy at my job who's at most a Tankie, if not at least a Sovietaboo. I kinda sorta tried to shill for this board when I found out but I don't know if he ever actually looked through. I doubt he'd be up for pulling a stunt like this, but I might try to at least go loan-wolf and tape some Alt-Right-tier Leftist memes (think >>1168725 ) on some telephone poles or some dumb shit like that. Since I live in the Rust Belt, I'd probably hit the hardest with shit like how industrial jobs were, and are being moved the Third-World countries with terrible conditions, therefore evidence that if given the choice, Porky would rather have things be like the 19th century. I could also do something about Trump "swimming in the swamp", but I'd probably have give that some time to make sure this meme is valid (though if any of our threads have any grain of truth, this is the case)
Not entirely the biggest fan of "muh Overton Window", but if I really have to do it, then I'll happily paste Stalin-did-nothing-wrong-tier memes, but if that doesn't work out (which we probably wouldn't be able to gauge, anyway), then pull out the memes like in >pic related
Sorry for my autism
Anyone /portland/ here?
You gotta hate living in the SJW capital of the US
Themen gibt's immer. Die Nazis im deutsch/pol/ larpen sich doch auch jeden Tag einen ab und sind zahlenmäßig jetzt nicht sooo viele.
Ich eröffne morgen mal einen und schau ob sich was tut.
Guess my country
Indiana 812
what's it like there, colony?
cool. Louisville here. HMU?
Even our """"""""Labor"""""""" party are just a bunch of crazy Bermudian nationalists.
So it seems like my organisation thread did not find many takers, but would any of the U.K. Posters be willing to exchange email addresses so we can meet up? I've got a non violent idea buts it's definitely illegal so I'm not gonna post it here but also we would not get caught. I'm basically asking for at least one other volunteer to just trust a random comrade from the Internet and come and engage in insurrection activity.
It is my hope that what we do gets in the news and it's to do with a hot topic so I think it will. I am hoping that this action, once posted, will inspire others to help me in what I am trying to do, I literally just need one other person because I can't do what I want to do alone. At very worst you would spend a night in jail but probably not even. What I intend to do fucks with Trump directly, and will leave us space to preach a radically leftist message while brining liberals on side. So I'm not asking for volunteers across the globe now, that was optimistic, I need a single volunteer in the UK willing to travel at least one time. Obviously more would be better. Does this appeal to anyone in then UK at all and tbh anyone on mainland europe I would but a plane ticket if I could find one cheap. That goes for Brits too I will pay your bus/train fare I'll pick up extra shifts or whatever I don't give a fuck about the cash but I'm sick of doing nothing
Helsinki, Finland
Willing to fly?
I'm not uk but can somebody please volunteer I want leftypol to go outside
Fucking Hanson is less cooked than 95% of the lefties in Brisbane. Have you heard the stories about little miss "My parents are multi-millionaires and pay for everything but I'm trans so I'm SO OPPRESSED, brb becoming a Maoist because every other leftist group has banned me" and all that shit? A lot of people thought she was a cop because she basically couldn't be more of a burden to left-wing politics if she was trying.
Not him but didn't you mention this before on leftypol? Mind explaining what happened again? Is there any news links reporting this?
Ay u in Brisbane my dude? Also haven't heard this shit specifically but I'm not surprised Brisbane is Melbourne-tier in terms of idpol bullshit but without the greater lefty scope.
Proposing a meetup is one thing.
Is asking to be arrested.
nice edit. remember you can post this stuff on leftybooru
I intend not to get caught, and what I intend to do will happen in a wide open space under the cover of darkness with no security. It will be very quick and you will be able to get away speedily. You will do no damage to people and virtually no damage even to property. As its in the UK you will probably receive a £40 breach of the peace fine which I would pay but you wouldn't get caught anyway
Also I know this is probably not be the same for other people but I've been in jail before I really don't give a shit, it would be good publicity if I could sperg out in court tbh. No matter what its anti Trump so the Liberal press would have to be on my side which is the beauty of it. It would never ever come to that though. Really the police have stabbings to deal with, they wouldn't give a shit.
Haha sorry to disappoint mate but I didn't make this.
target is also out in the middle of nowhere, if the cops even got called it would take longer for them to get there than for you to complete the task
Also if there was shit to take I would take it
I think Melbourne has the advantage that more people brings: it's easier to find people to do shit. Even if a relatively same proportion of lefties are completely cooked, in absolute terms that means there's still more less-cooked people who can work together on projects etc.
West (best) Midlands
I live on Long Island in New York USA.
If by some miracle anyone lives there we can chill and be leftist together
You're a genius black flag
I am open to comers of all genders
Would you travel Scotland?
I'm in Chicago proper, working on the popular front idea
Fuck you faggots who think memes are a good thing.
Alt Right memed themselves into power. Don't be a liberal and deny that your enemies have strengths because you have muh moral high ground and objective truth bollocks.
Sun Tzu. Know your enemy. Use his strength against him.
Fuck you faggots who think who should not use the power of the greatest tool ever invented, the internet, to further the revolution
Wait are you actually in the UK?
Oh and you know what else, what I have in mind will be F-U-N
get off your computer and enter the night
and you are willing? Or at least, willing to exchange emails and be convinced?
Memes are shit. Go rot in hell, frogfucker. The word "meme" should be eradicated from the English language just so i never have to hear it in the real world again.
This is literally not an argument
The leftypol insurrection begins
I mailed you, I'm hoping you are covering your tracks rather than getting cold feet
So it seems I have my first volunteer, now that the brave has stepped forward, any other UK friends who will follow?
Who /midwest/ here?
But channels of abstracted information signaling housed in information technology, with the information serving as spiritual analogue to its biological source, and the two evolving interdependently - that's cool as fug
I'm not here to argue, kid. If you weren't a teenager then you would realize that.
I'm 24. Your negativity is of no matter, the process continues without you
This is now happening, it is no longer a theory. Do you want to be saying, I WAS THERE or WHERE WAS I?
Melbourne, soon canberra
Seems like there is a lot of you aussies around. Seems aus is ripe for revolution
If you want to help but can't meet up we need slogans such as 'Draining the swamp means no Goldman Sachs' Remember the goal is to turn Liberals into Leftists. They don't have to be Trump related. They should also where possible encompass core leftist values
Any comrades in Albuquerque, New Mexico?
Guys I think op might be actually autistic
Any comrades in maryland?
In reality I'm probably one of the lesser autists here. I have regular sex, a job, a degree etc
Solidarity from a fellow British island shithole with absolutely no leftist movement, famrade.
Pics or it didn't happen.
Willing to Travel?
I know there are Scottish people on here so why the fuck are you keeping quiet?
Also check you email guy I was talking to yesterday
What part of Melbourne?