I'm leftist, we need to debunk this otherwise this has great potential to explode into the mainstream and normalize all types of atrocities.
Get to work.
I'm leftist, we need to debunk this otherwise this has great potential to explode into the mainstream and normalize all types of atrocities.
Get to work.
Other urls found in this thread:
Hi Holla Forums
This has nothing to do with leftism. Why do we need to debunk this again?
There, done.
who debunked him? i want to know if he had some kind of a debate with an academic leftist
Can't be debunked as it's true. Nobody here is questioning this. And it doesn't matter. Even low Autism Level people will have a place in our utopian society where they can prosper.
top kek
Sadly this kind of thought, has been running around wildly, in anonymous image boards and then spills to the main stream.
We're socialists. We literally don't give a shit about racial differences in intelligence.
There's an answer.
I'm sure this guy's bullshit can be debunk tho lemme just have muh coffee
#NotAllWhites ::DDDD
It's literally already been debunked in the thread "Debunking Holla Forums".
None of his arguments are new.
source pls, upload some images if you got them
>>it's so unfair when my* people get accused of being racist
Whether this is true or not will have a tremendous impact on our current blind trust of scientific papers and statistical analysis. I've had debates where pubmed and science direct articles were practically thrown in my face, later turning out to all be biased and poorly constructed.
My point is not that human beings cannot be approached statistically. They can. My point is that if this goes mainstream and is debunked, the days of "This study says…" are over. That is a good thing.
This could destroy logical positivism tbh. It's clear that we as a society blindly trust statistics despite their obvious flaws. 30 years into the future this very trust will be remembered as almost affirming racism.
IQ isn't that important. Only for academic accomplishments an Autism Level of 130+ is required, but otherwise it's pretty irrelevant.
Racial differences are real though
And it has nothing to do with leftypol
We are not SJWs
All UK data btw
(Sources for pics in unz.com
Basically (at least in the UK) variations between average ethnic Autism Level can easily be superseded by environmental factors (culture, nutrition, familial relationships, attitudes to work) when it comes to educational attainment.
The CAT (Cognitive Abilities Test) scores are shown to closely correlate with GCSEs results (gl-assessment.co.uk
Of course the age 16 data concerns only GCSEs but there doesn't really exist any type of standardised test at that age in the UK similar to the SATs. In any case, considering the trend of both Indian and Chinese immigrants performing better than white students (as you would expect in the US) it can probably be inferred that Autism Level and GCSE results would be closely correlated. Additionally with respect to selection pressure of the most intelligent immigrants, nearly all non-EU immigrants (e.g. Indians and Chinese) would be subject to such pressures yet certain black africans still come out on top.
Regardless, the poorest performing ethnicity regardless of socio-economic group are white British. Most explanations for this phenomenon largely focus on the cultural attitudes of the Brithsh white working class to education rather than "genetic limitations".
Why does this nigger with an "h"?
and yet when you lump all the whites together, and all the blacks together, there's the gap you would expect, and asians are the smartest too, just as predicted
also thanks for the 4th chart
What's the point? That there are statistical differences between races? We have already established that. Blacks have black skin, whites have white skin. That's a statistical difference too. So races exist! WOOOOO!
It's not that simply comrade. Race is an extremely nebulous and fluid concept. It is an invented system of classification used only for oppressive purposes and nothing else.
For example: Barack Obama's mother is "pure white" while his father is "pure black" yet most people don't think Obama is "mixed-race".
A*-C attainment is closely correlated to Autism Level as shown here (gl-assessment.co.uk
Additionally, it is not uncommon for Nigerians to come out on top in terms of the extremes e.g. 2010 highest performing student was Nigerian with 15 A*s
Is verbal reasoning not important?
Not in the 2011 data
That would only affect selection pressures however, both low and high-skilled immigration occurs from all African countries (proportion will vary on country of course)
I assume you're referring to the CAT scores test which is data from 2008/9 so demographics are different to what they are today. Also remember that the UK is around 87% white (by most recent data)
But that's the entire point. You shouldn't lump all African blacks together as they're from different countries with different cultures. For example the gap in scores between Somalis and Nigerians with respect to GCSEs is huge. On the other hand white British all happen to be from the UK (funnily enough).
He only needs to mention australian aboriginals, not even a leftist can deny their primitiveness and lack of intelligence.
Australia should be nuked. There are an excess of shitposters there.
You can spin it in whatever way you want. They are lumping C and A+ together. They are averaging English with math. The gap still exists. And it reeks of selective sampling based on the sample sizes.
Not even an alt rightist can deny that australian aborigines were genocided by the british empire based on that thinking , that they are "primitive and lack intelligence" therefore should make place for the civilizied british master race.
SJW's have such servantile minds.. they cannot imagine existence as anything but an endless list of conspiracies to constrain them.
Autism Level is a garbage standard to have.
Just shows how well you jump through hoops under capitalism and is only predicative under certain values. They also can't even agree on what "g" is. It's just constant reification.
Shouldn't they have made place?
Capitalists have such servantile minds.. they cannot imagine Socialism as anything but an endless list of conspiracies to constrain them. They will clean toilets for $8 an hour for ten years and call themselves "free"
So what's you explanation for white British being the lowest performing group out of those who are eligible for free school meals (seen as an indicator for low socio-economic group). If Africans average Autism Level was such a significant marker in their educational attainment they would come out below white British even in A*-C GCSEs scores. (Sample sizes for both groups are well above 1000.)
now that's rich
Why is this category relevant?
The gap still exists in your picture.
And you are comparing 1000 african kids (pretty sure there are way more black pupils than that) to 400,000 white brits
That the british genocided the australian aborigines just shows that they are less civilized than the australian aborigines. Might doesn't make right.
Also, lumping C and A+ together means that 90 = 100 even though 10 points is a huge gap
That's why you use actual scores
And you aren't free, every word you use is meticulously designed by The Man to keep you oppressed in the prison of the mind called language. It's all you ever will be, oppressed by some Man with some concept, a pure subject.
According to your ideology, that is.
They truly can't, that much has become clear from the ample discussions I've had with them.
The aborigines genocided and raped each other all the time. I can't see a reason why their presence should have made the fertile lands of Australia off limits to others.
It's relevant as it's seen as an indicator of a pupil coming from a lower income background. In other words, subject to different material conditions to students from higher income backgrounds. Obviously this will have an effect on educational performance.
I said this in my post (free school meal = low socio-economic group) so you either have trouble reading or you're purposefully ignoring my posts.
Note I said well over 1000 - i.e.into the 10s of thousands for BOTH groups
The american cowboys shoot each other all the time. Can't see a reason why Russia shouldn't just invade the U.S., cleanse it from the anglo-saxon dysgenics and repopulate it with superior slavic people.
C (60) is the same as A+ (100)
When you actually use gradual scores the gap is there
It's easy to hide a gap equating a 60 to a 100
More recent data
But that didn't happen, and you know why, there was no vacuum of stone age primitives to be naturally filled with Russians.
Stop being so idealist.
Roma are truly the worst race.
If the Autism Level distribution carried so much importance with respect to educational attainment then the fact it's covering A*-C would still be irrelevant.
Also refer to this gl-assessment.co.uk
see gl-assessment.co.uk
who achieve five or more A* to C grades. For example only 13% of students with a mean CAT score of 85 obtain 5+ A*-C grades; in contrast about 97% of students with a mean CAT score of 115 achieve 5+ A*-C grades."
The correlation isn't strong, it's between 0.4 and 0.6
the table of correlations is all between 0.4 and 0.6
it goes to show equating C and A+ is a bad system
IQ has a 0.9 correlation with SAT, much better
In any case considering the differences in average Autism Level level African blacks should still come below white British. But they don't. So either you're suggesting that GCSEs favour african students or you're refusing to accept anything that runs contrary to your own biases.
Irrelevant as it only concerns US blacks who have completely different cultural pressures to that of African blacks
also, how about they release CAT scores by race and income – instead of releasing a proxy that's only 40-60% correlated?
we have lots of SAT scores by race and income in the USA
We are talking about correlations, not racial differences. The studies that show the correlation between Autism Level and SAT have nothing to do with race.
GSCE (i.e.: a system where four A's and one F is worse than five C's) is only 40-60% correlated with CAT
IQ is 90% correlated with SAT
Why is this necessary? Even if racial differences in intelligence exist they are no justification to discriminate individual members of a group.
The case against bigotry is not a factual claim that humans are biologically indistinguishable. It is a moral stance that condemns judging an individual according to the average traits of certain groups to which the individual belongs. Enlightened societies choose to ignore race, sex, and ethnicity in hiring, promotion, salary, school admissions, and the criminal justice system because the alternative is morally repugnant. Discriminating against people on the basis of race, sex, or ethnicity would be unfair, penalizing them for traits over which they have no control. It would perpetuate the injustices of the past, in which African Americans, women, and other groups were enslaved or oppressed. It would rend society into hostile factions and could escalate into horrific persecution. But none of these arguments against discrimination depends on whether groups of people are or are not genetically indistinguishable.
This whole discussion is pointless. Whether innate racial differences in intelligence exists is totally irrelevant.
Already posted ITT. Also for primary education 12% of white British students are in a low socio-economic group (LSC), for secondary 15%. Black african 46% and 35% respectively (unzcloud.com
What on earth is your point?
My point is…
1. CAT are almost equivalent to Autism Level tests
2. CAT scores correlate fairly well with 5 A*-C grades
3. Therefore in absence of a standardised test at age 16, the best measure we have are GCSEs
4. African blacks perform better at GCSEs (in the 5 A*-Cs) than white British especially from certain countries such as Nigeria and Ghana
And I quite literally don't care about SATs and Autism Level tests in the US as there are completely different environmental conditions (culture significantly) experienced by African Americans and Black Africans. Therefore it doesn't serve as an adequate comparison. To argue otherwise is bad science.
Correction: percentages for low socio-economic group for white British should be reversed for secondary/primary education
It's not.
You don't even need to take a grand overarching moral position. All you need to do is say you enjoy the company of other races.
The CAT correlation with GCSES is much stronger than 0.5 for key subjects by the way:
Science core: 0.7
Maths: 0.8
English Language: 0.69
The lower end are:
Art&Design: 49
Drama and Theatre studies: 0.48
Physical education: 0.51
All very relevant right :^)
Stop being so nihilist.
You probably subscribe to some idealistic idea of "progress", which is why you think it is important and justified that "stone age primitives" make place for the master race, so that it can develop more technology to pollute the planet and accelerate the extinction of all life on planet earth, thereby proving its "superiority" over stone age primitives.
But i don't. I only tolerate it due to morality.
THIS. Holla Forums's own graphs show that, broad trends aside, the overwhelming majority of people from all races overlap in native ability.
beat me to it.
muh overlap
what difference does 10 or 20 points make anyway
If might made right he wouldn't be in jail JEJ
People who use the Bell Curve are mostly idiots
Dumb Holla Forumsyp
bell curve is just one of dozens
It's not the average Autism Level person who made the scientific progress possible.
Whether you have an Autism Level of 100 or 80 makes no big difference.
Whether you have an Autism Level of 110 or 130 does.