>who then proceed to give a new nickname to the victim fumogeno which means SMOKE GRENADE.
ITALIAN ANTIFA GANG RAPE one of their female militant with a smoke grenade
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pretty funny tbh
Nothing like the "anti"-fascists to make us look bad.
Wtf man, does she not know that sexual consent is a spook and brotherhood of workers allows this?
I didn't know that Led Zeppelin were antifa.
Reading comprehension OP.
no go back
Antifa are glorified LARPers
so they're basically the SJW version of skinheads?
exactly; both are useless lumpen fucks
Can anyone find an english link? Google translate is unreadable and googling "italian antifa gang rape" just brings up a bunch of Holla Forumsack and stormfag sperging.
where are the proofs?
A girl under the assumed name "Claudia" was 18 years old at the time. During a September 12 festival in Parma she was drugged against her will. A group of 20-something members of "The Romantic Punx" recorded the attack and circulated the video as revenge porn.
It allegedly happened to several girls.
The attackers were protected by a no snitching code (omertĂ ) that some of the girls finally broke after some years.
Consent is pure ideology, rape is bad, regardless.
was she cute?
probably not
Totally-coincidental sexual assault charges from somebody coming out about an incident that allegedly happened a few years ago against a heavily-political person or group? Obviously they must be true :^)
t. porky
consent is a spook tbqh fam
>equaly redisturbed gurl between comrades and smoke grenade
Wtf i like antifa now
God that sounds fucking hot. Was she a real women though? Usually anarchist "girls" are just trans.
Comrades, do we have a consensus?
they seized her means of reproduction
Well there's your problem
bitch pls, all the great revolutionaries (especially OP anarchists) are italian
I heard she had an EXPLOSIVE orgasm.
Nothing like some good old lumpen proles to ruin the day.
Sage because posting articles about shitty retard-groups doing shitty things is not thread worthy, and somehow thinking we have to have a special opinion on something obviously bad, is retarded.
Anarcho-whatevers are almost always lumpenproles. Antifa especially so.
here we fucking go
Pls leave fumogeno
roasties getting what they deserve tbh
karl marx would approve
He would not
antifa is utter trash so this is unsurprising. Very sad for the girl tho
but bordiga
ITT: I didn't think I'd ever see the day, but dare I say it, unironic brocialism