If there is a horse nature…
And there is a dog nature…
Why isn't there a human nature?
If there is a horse nature…
And there is a dog nature…
Why isn't there a human nature?
Of course there's such a thing as "human nature".
The question is whether something is a part of it or not.
You can teach a dog to sit on command and you can teach a horse to be ridden on despite that not being thier nature
Yes these are domesticated animals.
Because humans can think.
lefdygugs bdfo :-DDDDDDD
There are instincts in a human, but things like economic systems, aka capitalism, are not one of these things.
Modern man is a domesticated animal
Nice strawman ya built there bug
horses and dogs cant into socioeconomic systems
Who said there wasn't a human nature? But to be fair much of it is really mammalian nature. And just because I know where this is leading this, yes, people no different from animals want things and nature isn't fair and everyone gets eaten one way or the other or does the eating. I want to be one of the ones doing the eating.
Peter Kropotkin Mutual Aid: A Factor In Evolution
In case of humans its behavioral conditioning rather than deterministic human "nature" or evolutionary psychology
I read that as 'horse manure' and 'dog manure'
codemonkey can't code
There's no such thing as human nature. For instance, today I am indistinguishable from an attack helicopter. Yesterday I was a cloud of sapient hydrogen gas more than a billion lightyears across. "Human" isn't even defined in the dictionary because we can be literally anything.
This often asserted and yet we see very little evidence of this.
There is a human nature. It's not entirely deterministic or even deterministic a majority of the time, but it does exist, if that's what you're hoping for.
Self identifying Marxists on Holla Forums seem to reject the notion that there can be such a thing as human nature. And stirnerfags call the notion a spook of course.
Relativistic drivel.
There is only class and ego. Everything else is literally just a ghost.
It's not that it doesn't exist it's just that our "nature" is largely defined by our material and social conditions. Human nature is multifaceted. It includes cooperative behavior and selfish behavior. Talking about our nature without considering the material conditions is largely meaningless.
Then why all the hardline posturing about there being no human nature?
Humans did it themselves. It's an evolution.
We took wolves on the other hand, and made them into retarded cubs trapped in an adult crippled dog body. Speaking about "nature" here is very cynical.
Same with horses and other domesticated animals.
Or, what specifically, is fixed, and what is determined by the material conditions? Can you expand on the multifaceted remark?
Because our nature changes depending on how the society or environment we find ourselves in operates. So it's pointless to argue with someone about whether or not our nature in a capitalist system could function within a socialist model. The two economic systems encourage completely different behavior.
It's just a stupid conversation to have so people dismiss it out of hand.
dogs and horses are also creatures of consequence
determinism is a meme
If there was a dog nature, there would be no dogs, only wolves, and they would be eating people's children instead of wearing Christmas sweaters.
do you mean genetic determinism?
Sure thing, bud. I'll just be over here paying attention to neuroscience and whatnot; you go ahead and take advice from a dude who thinks brains don't dictate behaviour.
Why, why?
It's human nature.
Why, why, does he do me that way?
It's human nature.
This is now an MJ thread.
Shamone MJ.
Again I ask you to elaborate and specify what is different, how, and what is fixed.
Parents are the ultimate spook. Otherwise they'd realise how important I am to raising class consciousness and bring me my friggin tendies.
So you're saying that the conservation of young characteristics (neoteny) is the basis of domestication? Makes sense.
Shucks, fella; didn't know know that pigment is the most defining characteristic of a human being, and it's interchangeable in every way with culture and social cause-and-effect?
Boy, I bet you feel like a reeeeeal dummy right now!
They are secretly the bourgeois. You need to take a knife to them, and liberate the tendies yourself!
Tendies are a spook
How can there be human nature when humans mostly live artificially?