How does Holla Forums feel about South Park?
Is it too righted for your taste?
How does Holla Forums feel about South Park?
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Man bear pig turned out to be real, so that's kind of a moot point.
Yeah, I like south park.
I enjoy south park because they make fun of everything and everybody, which is the right atitude.
That whole season where they made fun of liberals, pc culture, gentrification etc. was glorious. Mainly because they can see how liberals love lavish lifestyles.
Also, in the 2008 Obama episode. Randy always singing one hit wonders. It's like they knew from scratch how obama was a wolf dressed as sheep.
I'm not sure if I grew up or the show got bad, but I don't find it as funny anymore and not insightful at all (which it feels like it attempts to be with its "political commentary"). I still watch it, simply because I grew up with it and watched every season, but these last two seasons in particular felt very off to me.
They don't really though. They make fun of everything they disagree with, which just so happens to be a lot of stuff US society agrees with. In making fun of it, just as the poster in OP's pic said, they like to stroke their own egos more than anything and don't even really care about careful evaluation of the topic they're ridiculing. The day they alienate their Reddit user base by making fun of them is the day I'll be proven wrong, but I don't think it will ever come.
This season was meh.
It was all continuous without a single breather episode, and the plotline itself was unfocused.
Also Trump winning the elections clearly fucked up their plans for the ending.
I wonder if it is because of the videogame coming up.
"here is some grossout humor and apolitical shit"
"here is some grossout humor and also fuck George Lucas for using CGI bullshit, fuck libreals, Bush is an idiot but we should still suck his cock anyway because muh turrists, global warming isn't real because a fictional geologist said so and liberals suck lol, capitalism good and No True Burger would disagree and if you do you're a limpwristed pinko"
"douche and turd lol, dude Xenu lmao, fuck Hollywood liberals, also only liberals are anti-drug"
"here is another totally random shot of naked boys, a little grossout humor, 'satirizing' movies and TV shows by using our expensive CGI to ape them shot-for-shot and signifying either nothing or some hamfisted political analogy that falls apart under scrutiny, fuck Shrillary, oh and btw the homeless are literally zombies because they hang out in front of our mansion in LA but we still hate Hollywood and are muh outsiders lol"
"we won't let you watch our shit online without commercials"
"lolk, fuck you then your grapes were sour af last season"
(at this point I stopped paying attention and what I see is via cultural osmosis via Polynesian woodcarving guestbooks)
"w-we're relevant! How about those kah-rayzee esjaydubs, my fellow kids? Also yaoi fangirls exist but we're cool so we're cool with it el-oh-el"
"We have always been at war with Eurasia loved Shillary, the only people voting for Chump are doing so out of nostalgia, srsly guise she's the best choice guise guige no guise srsly guise"
it's alienation unfolding before my eyes also anybody who has ever unironically identified as a South Park Republican needs to be Gulag'd
It's a cartoon.
It used to be edgily funny but it should have been shot in the head after the first few seasons.
perhaps the TRUTH…. is somewhere… in the middle?
Oh God how partway through the new season they seem to be overcome with a nihilistic malaise they can't quite put their fingers on. And then how the season ends with basically none of that being addressed.
All porky media is pretty shit.
This generation's pic related. Mostly correct anyways just because of how fucked up things are, but riddled with enough anti-intellectual contrarian faggotry to invalidate any overall point being made.
Wasn't my post. It being from Reddit means any point the guy made is automatically negated, huh?
I stopped enjoying South Park right around the part where they made a whole episode about how smoking companies dindu nothing.
Season 19 is was the only good thing Matt and Trey did recently and I'm pretty sure that was just dumb luck on their part.
OP picture seems like a guy who's looked for and found an excuse to disregard the entire series for not agreeing with his worldview.
South Park can be boring unfunny shit (like much of this season) or act as a blatant mouthpiece for authors' political positions (which exist, and it's stupid to accuse them of "not giving a shit", when they obviously did numerous times), but it's also proven it can be really nuanced and insightful (much of the previous season, for example). It's best approached on a case-to-case basis, critically rather than dismissively. Which applies to pretty much everything, honestly. Yes, even Reddit.
The most striking thing about that post is the author's misunderstanding of libertarian positions. He thinks libertarians oppose change, while in fact they oppose control. American progressives (only mistakenly called "liberal" or "left" due to a quirk of US political landscape) are nothing but evolved Puritans, aiming to build a perfect society by forcing strict social and moral norms onto everyone (instead of, say, trying to change their material conditions). It's obviously a more extreme position than that of status-quo preserving conservatives, and regardless of whether their goals are viable and have merit or they do not, the way they go about implementing them is inherently harmful. But of course they can't see that, and keep complaining how it's their goals, not deeds, that people hate about them.
Their old shit was good but they went down the gutter.
I love this critique so much.
Yeah, it's good. I know this kind of whining the redditor op is doing and it's just impotent crying because someone you disagree with disagreed with you well.
Matt and Trey are both funny and smart, they know how to make good jokes and make their points catchy and convincingly. Their point of view is also contrarian, which pisses self righteous people off (like the redditor), but they're also extremely welcome to have around when there is some cow you want to take the piss out of.
No, it's totally wrong. Like 100% wrong. Southpark is contrarian.
Damn….hit the nail on the head.
Seems like the tide is turning on South Park. I used to only see this kind of hate for it on liberal enclaves like democratic underground, now seems like half of leftypol has turned their back on it
Are you retarded. Dumbass lefty teens have always hated south park because the idea of someone smartly chaffing you is unbearable. They'll get over it.
Remember when they supported the destruction of rainforests because thats where the bad commies live and they need to be brutally killed no matter how bad it fucks the climate?
It's funny and random entertainment, but if you think the show has valid points about politics or anything really, then you are a clueless retard
it's puerile, sophomoric, reactionary trash written by an arrogant, pseudointellectual egomaniac who's too self-absorbed and coddled by spineless sycophants to see his own hypocrisy and ideology
The problem with mixing comedy with sociopolitical commentary is that dumb people won't be able to tell which is which.
That's not a nice way to describe "The State and Revolution" fam
it's decent satire at some points but when they get political they usually don't seem to get it
Matt and Trey are lolbertarians, if you filter out that ideology you are left with a pretty decent satire. You just have to cringe through the episodes where they make fun of environmentalists and poor people, because their ideology is "fuck you I do what I want!" and they seem too egoistic to make fun of themselves.
This, pic semi-related had one that was the same but for Holla Forums, found this one first and it says basically the same thing
There are people called Poes (after Poe's Law) who pretend to be sincere and people who are sincere get fooled and RT them and shit.
I think is was beautiful how they showed in this season that political correctness and idpol is used by corporations to get rid off undesired speech in order to make things more advertising and commercially friendly.
That description better fits le trashmen of rationality, whose positions are carefully researched and normally spot on, but have a single small lolbert-shaped ideological blind spot. South Park is mostly just contrarian and edgy, though they sometimes look into things when they're angry enough, like freemium games or Scientology.
Holy shit is that pic recent? Penn looks like he lost a bunch of weight and hair.
TBH it's more of a them-shaped blind spot. They did an episode of Bullshit! about fitness that was 100% muh genetics. In their defense, Penn came around on this so at least he is able to learn. Maybe someone will eventually set him straight on economics. Unfortunately he travels in horrible circles. Last I heard he was having lengthly email correspondences with Sam Harris and was being convinced that atheists need to take back "spirituality". If you don't know, Sam Harris really likes psychedelics but tries to downplay it.
Watch the episode again, because clearly you didn't caught the message.
What they defend is smoking a personal freedom and they point out how retarded things now are.
Back in the day it was allowed to broadcast ads for tobacco on tv, no if you're a smoker you're basically a fascist.
t. smoker
It's surprising to me now when I see people smoking on television or even in movies. Not that it's shocking behavior or anything, but just because it's so rare.
Past a certain point at least. If you watch something like I Love Lucy or I Dream of Genie where the male actors are either lighting up or pouring martinis modern society seems practically milquetoast in comparison.
Off topic, but pic sadly fits Holla Forums WAY better than it fits Tumblr. The grip of legitimately racist, misandrist, neopagan, luddite, anti-intellectual lunatics on formal leftist nonprofits, acadamia, government bureaus, and corporate HR/PR, is roughly equivalent to if neonazis openly operated hand-in-glove with the mainstream establishment, Republican were able to force even centrist Democrats to wear swastika pins, and anyone daring to defend Jews from blood libel had to do so with careful provisos and qualifications.
Tumblrinas are, if anything, somewhat less extreme than the most frothy specimens from social "science" journals.
At least the in-character advertisements (usually at the start or end, by the 1960s) are cut out.