why not just move to Africa and be equal there? I'm sure your African comrades will want to work together to create your ideal society
because, you know, we're all equal.
Please answer: Why haven't you moved to Africa?
why not just move to Africa and be equal there? I'm sure your African comrades will want to work together to create your ideal society
because, you know, we're all equal.
Please answer: Why haven't you moved to Africa?
Other urls found in this thread:
Please get acquainted with the basics before shitposting.
Why would I do that when I can establish socialism in my country and laugh at you in a forced labour camp?
you're ideology is rooted on falsehoods
kill yourselves.
You first.
t. 300lb patriot
rather a patriot than a communist moron.
your ideology will never succeed because it's rooted in falsehoods. It will always halt at le State Capitalism meme, because to actually enact communism requires impossibilities.
It will never succeed.
just watching this now, and this Marxist intellectual mentions "solving inequality"
inequality is inherent in nature. It's nothing to solve, it should be embraced. Marxism is an affront to nature, and thus an affront to humanity.
Do i really have to?
Does it bug anyone else that the dipshits who repeat this manta apparently have never cracked open a newspaper, browsed wiki, never traveled, or have even the slightest clue about current events outside the West?
Because apparently every non-white country is homogeneous culturally, ethnically, religiously, etc.
It's not even their dumb politics that really bothers me the most, it's just their stubborn ignorance of the world
explain how inequality is something that has to be "solved"
It's not an appeal to nature, it's an appeal to reality.
check flag for future reference
it's because the non-white world is irrelevant
Inequity breeds discontent. The same discontent responsible for the communist movement. It cannot last.
who said I'm a leftist? I come here for discussion, you came here for shitposting.
Name one leftist book you've read :)
like the US and other capitalist powers destroying attempts?
it only breeds discontent in bitter leftists
most people see success and are inspired by it. Normal people revere greatness.
books are for cucks
There are no leftist books worth reading.
Unless you consider book on Not Socialism to be leftist.
Leftism (opposition to any current organization of society and its ideology) is itself born of discontent. There is no such thing as an irreverence of greatness in those who wish to change society for the better of all. It is in fact the opposite.
I agree that socialism is the future, but Marxism is a cancer.
We need a more meritocratic approach.
also I've rest my case, you're completely ignorant
Recommend me some leftist books to read, then.
I'll read through them and then come here and tell you why they're wrong in a month or so.
You literally only watched the video until you could find something that would give you an excuse to handwave it.
Tell me, what does Professor Wolff mean by "inequality".
At least recommend something to read.
I'm certainly a leftist, but I hate Marxism with every fiber of my being.
Marxism is just a set of tools (dialectical materialism, historical materialism, critique of ideology, etc.) for analyzing socioeconomics. One cannot "do" Marxism. You're looking for socialism and communism.
What are your qualms with Marxism or Marx?
I'm still watching it though.
I assume he meant unequal access to capital or the means of production.
How are you both watching, and posting at the same time?
as we all know, Holla Forumsyps only need Mein Kampf and Evola
It's not meritocratic to give every individual worker the fruits of their own labor?
Communism (and socialism) are not about this vague notion of "equal". Differences are innate. What is not innate is the hegemony of an economic system. Men make their own history, but they do not make it as they please.
well, it's mostly a conversation, so I can post while listening.
Here you go fam, enjoy the following month
start with the Greeks
how would you give each worker the fruits of their own labor in a complex system like the ones that run the world?
How do you attribute "fruit" to the individual workers when everything is run hierarchically? Was it good management, was it hard work and gumption?
That's the main thing that I never understood about socialism. How do people actually receive wealth equal to the value they produce?
I'm reading the first philosophers right now actually.
Do I REALLY need to read the epics? I have no interest in these stories, but do they have a huge influence on the Greek philosophers' thought?
isn't Bakunin an anarchist? Are you unironically defending anarchism?
No, I'm doing it ironically
What's to stop people from forming one of these puppies right now? Why do you need to overthrow the government to do so?
dumb frog poster
no you can jump right into leftist literature
but yes I'd advise you do
this board is for leftist ideologies in general.
also, I didn't even notice at first
kill yourself, highschooler
You don't have to read that part you mongtard, that's just for fun.
lmao wew lad haha wow im gigglin rn
you're not that far from high school yourself, aren't you?
By abolishing the legal status of (private) property. Meaning that anyone has access to non-occupied means of production as to produce and consume what they need.
In class society, of course.
Inheritence of property rights and the exploitation of labor. The rich under capitalism are rich because they are best at accumulating the surplus value of their workforce and reinvest it to amass even greater profits. Any given CEO produces nothing of value; all he does is allocate and cash in.
You literally own your own produce as the cumulation of a social surplus. Unlike under capitalism, where the product is legally owned as private property by a capitalist who then sells it as a commodity on a market to amas a surplus, under socialism the conglomerate of workers allocate the commodity directly towards its intended use in exchange for money. Only barter is possible under socialism; not exchange for money.
You can find out about all of this yourself by reading about it online. We can spoonfeed you books, but not their content. PDF related, chapter 6.
lmaoa haha wow
You wanted leftist books to read and you got it, why are you throwing a tantrum now? I know you won't actually read them, Holla Forumsyps like burning books more than reading but why ask for sources the first time?
how do you stop people from hierarchically allocating means of production?
Certainly it wouldn't be efficient to have everyone planting and reaping willy nilly. Shouldn't some industries be nationalized?
I'm gonna read them. Non-fiction is scarcely propaganda. Fiction is more worrisome. You might get sucked into fake versions of reality without even realizing.
dumb Holla Forumsposter
you're just mad because you're on the wrong side of history.
Stuff that doesn't fit in your retarded worldview does not mean they are propaganda, go back to your safespace if you cannot handle truth.
someone /r/ing the ==HUMANS VS ORCS== pic
You do not. Hierarchy in the basic sense of in-group forming is not in conflict with socialism. What is in conflict with socialism is the legal enshrinement of private property by a state or other coercive agent with as its aim to create a society in which labor is commodified. In the term "communism", which comes from "commune" (decentralized societies), this [separate groups and hierarchies forming] stands central. What is missing is the central authority of capital cycles as ruled by an economic class of capitalists.
Why not? By consequence of of resource allocation and human ability to plan production, scarcity and sourcing would be met.
Read. People have recommended you literature to tackle your ignorance on the subjects of socialism and communism you here try to tackle. Do them, and especially yourself, justice by reading them now.
Anything that presents its arguments through anything but Logos is propaganda.
but communism is dumb.
Can't we all just LARP as Nazis instead? It's way cooler.
There are many examples, but you can't make a retarded Holla Forumsyp read two paragraphs from a book other than mein kampf or what that faggot milo writes for breitbart.
What's actually up with the lefts obsession with niggers and fags? I am super left on almost every single issue except immigration and handful of social issues but it seems that, that is enough to make me a right winger in the eyes of most left-leaning people.
leftism is usually begotten from an inferiority complex and a savior complex
therefore, they have to have a worldwide revolution so some gay nigger can fuck their oneitis
This is 100% true and anyone who disagrees is delusional
liberals aren't leftists
nobody is capable of doing that.
and to get this straight, nobody can have any private property?
so nobody can own a house and a garden to raise a family in? Do you really expect anyone to get behind this?
It's not so much an obsession (although a kind of 'noble savage', oppression olympics type of white/hetero guilt exists in the liberal left in this) as that niggers and fags are 99% working class like all non-niggers and non-fags. Since the far left is internationalist and is opposed to the global rule of capital, it consequently has international solidarity for all workers, whether they're fags or niggers. This is crucial to build inclusive movements that resist divide and conquer tactics by the strongarm of capital, which is itself more and more globalized.
I am not an American, our "far-left" party has actual old-communists from the eastern bloc and it's still "muhhh international solidarity", "muhh no one is illegal" and "muhh social pet issues #44542".
Learn what private property means you colossal retard. Protip, it is not the same as personal property.
you're telling me I have to actually read a book?
do you have any idea how long it will take to catch up to you nerds if I have to start from the Greeks?
can't we just admit that Nazi is the truth?
nah, you are
Nazis are fucking retarded.
Imbeciles par excellence.
to be fair, Jewishness is rooted in genetics, and Leninist """"""socialism""""""" is just as Jewish, predatory, and cancerous as Capitalism.
I'm not to keen on the whole anti-Jew stuff though. Maybe I am a closet leftist who just hasn't read enough, but I doubt it.
But we know that this doesn't work, time and time again the working class has betrayed the left by siding with nationalists and/or capitalists, so any international solidarity is just between a few intellectuals while the capital uses the new (almost) border-less world to extent its power.
Might as well say that you want wet-fire. Again, we know this doesn't work, the only thing that happens is that it's even easier to destroy a movement, because "lol identity politics".
You can form one right now.
First, we're talking more about historical necessity, capitalism will eventually collapse, leading to the rise of a new system, and we seek to make it one that does away with class antagonisms.
Second, cooperatives operating on the market are not sufficient to yield desirable results. We must do away with the logic of capital reproduction and market exchange.
To understand why that's important, I recommend you watch that video series in the third link I gave you.
I think the obvious solution is glorious White Socialist Imperialism to get all the subhumans up to speed on our worker's revolution.
If they fuss and moan we can just exterminate the mall. You with me, comrades?
Great post. 10/10 arguments.
which book would help me understand it?
I'd much rather read a book than watch youtube.
not an argument. Let me try again.
Explain how inequality is something that needs to be solved.
Although I suspect you'd much rather watch a very comprehensive video series on the subject than read three 800+ word volumes of a book on political economy.
Fucking 10/10 argument.
when LARPers reference Jews, they're talking about the Ashkenazi.
nigga you don't suspect shit
fuck outta here
But just think
wouldn't it be glorious? A glorious socialist workers' revolution, but with out any smelly brown people.
You've yet to read pretty much anything on either Marx, Marxism, socialism or communism. It's more than honest to suspect that you have trouble reading the things you supposedly understand.
meme it!
let's get on this boys. We got a real firestarter here! Spread the good word
I like brown people, I just want to rid the revolution of leftists tbh
Is that second sentence some top-tier bait because I actually don't understand what you're trying to say.
No. You've literally started this thread asking us to explain to you what socialism is about and what it looks like. It was never outside of the realm of possibilities for you to pick up a free PDF of Capital and inform yourself before coming here to shitpost. A video series on the subject may honestly suit your needs much better.
Here it is, once again: youtube.com
the essence of Holla Forums
What is Marxist there exactly?
Why were Jews hated everywhere? They were first Financial Capitalists, since Christianity prohibited usury. Well, they also had some other functions, like tax collectors in Ukraine, but that's inconsequential.
What did Nazis do? They personified this hatred towards Capitalism in Jews, instead of actual Capitalists. Then they proceeded to bending over the whole of Germany for Capitalists to do as they pleased.
You have to be mentally challenged to ignore that.
It is not, learn some history.
"Jewishness" was a religion in Middle Ages. Even in 1917 (Russian Empire, the last traditional state) you stopped being Jew when you became a Christian - this is still being considered true by most orthodox Jewish sects.
bitch I don't have to read about socialism to know that it's stupid. I have Holla Forums for that.
I will read your dumb capital books once I get there.
really makes you think.
fuck off
Good idea, then when we destroy all the malls we can wipe out the edgy middle class teenagers in one go.
It's people like you why the left can't get anything important done.
so you're telling me that you don't consider Trotsky a Jew?
he's a Russian atheist, and anything to do with Jewishness is just a right-wing conspiracy?
Truly does fire up those synapses, doesn't it?
how is exterminating the inferior peoples not important?
In my opinion, it's the most important struggle of the 21st century.
no wonder Socialists always fail.
How is that relevant to anything? Trotsky got ousted years before Nazis came to power.
Wew lad
Ok Ill just be honest.
I'm in dire need of help. I'm wasting my life away completely, and I can't seem to find any motivation to do anything productive.
I just shit around all day browsing 4/pol/, playing dumb video games, and working my part-time job.
I have no motivation to do anything, but I don't think I'm depressed. I have some weird form of autism, and I don't know how to set my life on the right path. I """want""" to dedicate myself to a life of learning and creation but I clearly don't because here I am shitposting all morning.
How do I fix myself? If you can help me with this I promise I'll read up on Marxism and maybe even join your side. I'm decently intelligent, just autistic and lazy.
post-ironic shitposting us still shitposting
and given it's a Holla Forumsyp, you can never know when you reach Poe
and I'm obese, have terrible hygiene, and only interact with other people for the novelty of wild conversation
Then don't try to say "only white countries are forced to have diversity"
Read a book or kys. Nobody cares if you don't even have a desire to improve. Those who have nothing have only their discipline.
Did you go to college? What is your major?
Pretty sure he is baiting
But what gives you, personally, the drive to always move forward?
I'm double majoring in CS and Mathematics. I graduate next December. I've got a few Software jobs lined up that I can choose from.
Read Marx on the JQ.
See pic related. I'm not sure how accurate it is but the pattern is unmistakable considering they are such a small fraction of the world's population.
I think it's a matter of white idpol being used by rich whites in the same manner as jewish idpol was used by rich Jews. See Finkelstein on ADL and the Holocaust industry.
Denying the outsize influence is absolute willful blindness, if you see it from their perspective: all kinds of antagonistic political movements, often nearly openly hostile to white people. But also media, law, finance, US government. It's undeniable. (Muh hibernian conspiracy: no. They're not idiots, despite what you need to tell yourself to justify killing them in any of a number of your hypothetical endgames.) Some of the WN types like nationalist Jews just hate the liberal diaspora that is perma-victim and holds a grudge about it. In that they don't exactly like political Zionism, but don't hold it against the general populace who just want their own place to live with their own people. It's maddening to them that Israel talks openly about demographic threat, doesn't take refugees, etc. And people, all people, leftists included, tend to stereotype and turn people into monoliths. Especially when the opposing faction REFUSES to be intellectually honest about it, it's easy for their imaginations to run wild, because there's no room for nuance.
I am frankly not sure if this is b8
maybe it was one of us just testing how we'd handle generic Holla Forumslack #8745889
maybe OP is just on damage control after getting btfo
who knows, who cares, I think this thread is done
FUCKING THIS. I'm tired of these niggers. most of them will never pull their own weight unless we force them to
We cannot have socialism unless it is worldwide and as such, we have to get rid of white people as they are the #1 source of resistance to anti-capitalist ideals. We cannot have our utopia until each and every single white penis is castrated and every white baby aborted.
At the risk of this being bait, the only person who can fix you is you. Read marxist texts, broaden your horizons, and fetishize labour. It's helped me overcome depression and become better at art, programming, etc.
Unable to tell if ironic nazi or ironic idpol
What matters is that you're an unironic faggot for giving him a (You)
Tell that to China.
I'm making myself vulnerable and honestly asking for help and advice.
But what's your underlying motivation? Why not just waste away the days until you die of heart failure? I just feel like most paths of life are unsatisfying.
sasuga Holla Forums
semantics is a spook.
Asking for life advice on an anonymous imageboard have limited interest imo, you end up with people talking about things they may or may not know about, with little way of knowing if what they say is complete garbage or actually pertinent when it goes outside your own field of knowledge.
Why bother, it's not like anything productive can come out of it.
please help me :(
Mate if you have trouble with taboo topics there's always reddit.
Start exercising, FFS.
Seriously, why do you expect politics to help you with that? I mean, living in Socialist state would make healthy lifestyle much easier, but it's not an option.
Go shitpost on /fit/ (or wherever), at the very least.
Happened long ago. I strongly suggest you do it yourself.
So? I already pointed out their position as the early Capitalists. What did you expect? Rich getting poorer, not richer? Rich people not affecting state?
There is no "their". There are much more poor Jews than there are rich Jews. And poor Jews are not part of any conspiracy.
There is a thing called DiaMat that was developed explicitly to combat this.
I used to exercise all the time but I stopped for some reason.
the rallying cry of Holla Forums
Very Marxist.
9 out of 10 - lack of positive feedback. Either way, get lost to >>>/fit/ or >>>/suicide/.
The best you'll get here is a suggestion to kill someone (I can recommend some candidates) and go to prison, which might or might not improve your situation.
Did you take your meds?
this doesn't help me by the way.
I still have no underlying motivation to do anything. Pls help. What do I do. How do i convince myself.
t. Marxbot tripfag
kek. Your "appeal to nature" is not a fucking argument. If cancer is as "natural" as inequality then why the fuck do we bother to solve it?
And anyway, as a previous user said - inequality breeds discontent and is unsustainable in the long run without suppression of dissenters.
As technology progresses and automation allows money to be even more concentrated at the very top of society people will seek more extreme measures and solutions to make sure their voice is heard. At the moment what we see are far-right populists in the West while hardship in the Middle East has provided fertile ground for Islamist extremism.
And before you start claiming "it's only Islam that causes terrorism not poverty" - many of the men who were persuaded to join ISIS did so out of the fact they offered them a steady wage, boarding and security at a time (and place) where jobs were scarce. We can go even further and take a look at how the Syrian civil war started. It was protests by members of the public unhappy with the current leadership's handling of the economic hardship brought about by droughts that had crippled farming in the country (theatlantic.com
In the West we see right-wing populists blaming the influx of immigrants and globalisation as a reason for the average worker's economic struggles. And although immigrants and globalisation do play a role in the suppression of wages, the low labour costs they provide have allowed the cost of many everyday necessities to plummet far below what they would be if all labour was kept "in-house". Additionally, with respect to manufacturing, many of the jobs seen have been "lost" overseas have disappeared actually as a result of automation. It's the reason why productivity has shot up in the last 20-30 years while wages have remained stagnant. The high paying and high-tech jobs that were promised to the working classes in the 70s/80s never materialised because those with power and influence saw to it that the profits reaped by automation went to the top 1% (with executive pay skyrocketing) rather than developing post-industrial regions and re-educating the workforce. And now when Trump/Brexit are unable to bring the changes the working classes hoped for where do you think they'll turn?
this is either next level trolling or either you need to leave
you should listen to what Stalintrip said go away
Lel, exactly. And you people told me I was crazy for supporting right wing populism.
But I'm showing him to be a dissembling clown in this very thread.
Where do YOU think they'll turn?
wow leftists are so mean
I'm reaching out in desperation for help and you cast me aside. Is this how you expect to woo the working man and woman?
So canada excluded, you mean to tell me 99% of these of these diverse countries arent socio-economic shitholes?
I mean, clearly Brazil and south africa arent actually bad, all those articles about the state of living in brazil from the Olympics are a farce, and after they got rid of the white man in africa everything 180 turn towards utopia. They have gold fountains on every street I hear.
this is not a self-improvement board
book a meeting with a shrink or at least go shitpost somewhere else
Well considering the rapidly increasing rates of substance abuse in the rust belt states I think we have somewhat of an idea…
Other outlets could be strikes, protests, violence against groups perceived to be the cause of their struggles (i.e. immigrants) etc.
In any case, we already have a situation where millions of people in the US and UK are in employment but are "underemployed". In other words, they have to take multiple jobs or government top-ups just to survive.
Hopefully to the left, if they're capable of waking up to the realities of the situation and snap out of the defeated, depressed navel gazing funk they've been in for the last 25 years allowing them to become a sectarian farce, but it's getting to the point I honestly wouldn't mind if fascists get in for a bit and helicopter some of them, truly repulsive human beings, but we apparently have to jerk them off due to muh solidarity. Partisan faggots. Like below:
How am I denying at all that social power is based to a large extent on economy? Turns out your advanced Hegelian synthetic mental maze simply excretes false dichotomies when faced with inconvenient evidence. Great job, genius. Let's put you in charge of the vanguard.
please help me:(
I'll be a commie I swear
They're not going to turn left, they're going to become radical Traditionalists. Dugin will become Emperor of Russia and conquer the rest of Eurasia.
Hey well we may disagree on a lot of things but we can all appreciate a good happening.
yeah this is b8
I'm out
fuck you just help me :(
Those are neoliberals, none of that shit is socialist.
Contrarians win. Marxfags and crusties BTFO!
Brexit itself is good because the EU is a neoliberal shithole, its just that the Tories will fuck the UK over.
Yeah, the working class realises neither party is in their interest and are starting to vote as a bloc. Class consciousness. It's happening, and pearl clutching academics are mad as hell they aren't in charge of it hahaha
classfags don't realize that all modern history can only be interpreted through the context of Race struggle.
You can be a patriot while being a communist.
Go kill yourself.