Was he /ourguy/?
One of the very few punk musicians who didn't become a lifestylist liberal
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you Holla Forums faggots never do your homework
and? am i supposed to care?
Peter Kropotkin was a prince does that mean we should reject him?
have you guys seen Johnny Rotten's butter ad? Its hilarious
Johnny Rotten and Henry Rollins are a shell of their former selves now
Johnny Rotten didn't become one either.
He's just doing his own thing.
Johnny Rotten said that he likes Gandhi and that Russell Brand's anarcho-liberalism will make everybody poor
Ian Mackaye was always the much more talented of the two friends to be honest.
Also, Strummer and the Clash stood by their morals.
They kept ticket/album prices low in exchange for lower royalties for themselves, frequently stood up against fascism and Imperialism, and worked to promote left wing causes. They did a hell of a lot more for leftism than Crass did, and if anyone says they sold out, they can fuck off.
I can see his point, in a there's no ethical consumption under capitalism way. Half these guys are broke as shit and getting something for songs they played when they were in their 20s is hardly a bad deal. If I was a 40 something dude working a shit job and could get some extra money so life would be a little easier.
Henry's music is great but we're kidding ourselves if we think he was anything more radical than a socdem with edge.
That's because all Crass did was complain and play shit music, even for standards of punk. I think The Clash's later shit sucked but that's not really saying much fam.
Listen, I know all of this is subjective, but there has to be some Law of the Universe that makes these 2 statements together impossible.
So does everyone, myself included. After Sandanista!, things went downhill. Combat Rock had some good songs, but was nowhere near as good as their past projects. I still refuse to listen to Cut the Crap. Heard its pretty much shit aside from 1 or 2 songs.
The important thing is they made punk more than just a bunch of edgy white working class kids in London who liked black and American music, and made it into a movement with a sense of purpose and ideas. At the same time, they took leftism back from the hippies and third worldists, and brought it back to the working class in a time it needed it.
Go back to your Bailey Jay fanclub.
Oh yeah, what they actually did is pretty cool, it's just that after a while their music when down the drain. Strummer's later band was pretty cool though.
Some of their more explicitly leftist songs I could think of off the top of my head
You forgot one youtube.com
Can this be a /leftistmusic/ thread?
Gang of Four are definitely our guy, besides the woke lyrics they refused to change their most well known song so they could be on Top of the Pops and other commercial radio bullshit and they got screwed over by the giant EMI conglomerate who puts their music into soulless commercials while they don't make a penny.
ok gj, you made me mad
It is on record that often had very agressives arguments with his father on that matter and that he was anything but proud of his lignage
great band that got fucked by their label
Sandinista! is brilliant