Daily reminder that Anarcho-capitalism is the best ideology.
Daily reminder that Anarcho-capitalism is the best ideology
This thread is so low-energy that I even don't feel like shitposting. Sad!
It's ok, but your followers totally kill it. They choose people like anarchyball over the many intelligent ancaps well versed in economics to represent you and it's a joke. I agree with your reasoning, but your assumptions you form before the reasoning is carried out are often nonsense.
When you guys get your shit together and form an actual movement instead of a group of cringy teenager moral relativists, call me back.
move along folks
Did Rebel finally lose his sanity?
You need to be stupid. "an"capism is the worst of all liberal ideologies. It as well American "libertarianism" are corporate, phony ideologies.
I wanted to get into that shit, I'd be honest and call myself a monarchist.
I was ancap a long time ago and I actually knew a guy who argued it was perfectly ok for someone to own enough land that everyone else would be trespassing. He also made arguments that it would be great if one person owned every apple tree in the world etc.
since it doesn't exist, you can say whatever you want about it i guess…
Holla Forums bitches all the time over LSR, Jason Unruhe, Muke etc. for representing "the left" badly.
top kek
holly fuck
Fuuuuucking hell
This guy would end up as a sex slave or something under anarcho-capitalism.
Only if you are a pedophile
all of these are so wrong though. if it was even a little right they would be entertaining
Someone's butthurt.
Jesus that autism
>lol checkm8 ayncrap bigots fukken rekt >>>/somalia/
This is what these retards actually believe.
I didn't start the memespam, but I'll gladly stop it andstart arguing if that's what you want.
I have nothing against worker co-ops as a means of structuring a business, but the idea that the alternative must be banned is an admission that your system is inferior and can't compete on a level playing field.
I'd been saying planned economies are better for years, fucking ancaps.
you started it
we should probably lock the thread still
Why did an ancap brony quote Chris Hedges lel?
Just go to the gulag already.
What's this about banning? You don't ban capitalism, you sit back and watch it destroy itself and make plans to make a better system.
Worker coops also have a fundamentally different way then capitalist business, as in they don't follow the same rules, as well as being the minority.
private property does not exist by itself(as evidenced by primitive societies and animals), so its creation requires coercion
You people ar scum
why would you ban him? wtf.
He was banned? That's going to feed the torture chamber conspiracy more.
We have a lot of new vols and they're probably just bored and wanted to exert their powers but yeah.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
And you are a nobody. I see no contradiction.
Its just too much of a fucking joke. Lolbertian hatred is justified but this is good only for our side.
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Absolutely. Had the pilot simply reduced the power on the operating engine, he would have maintained directional control. Now, he didn't have much altitude to work with, but that was also his fault. A sad outcome to a perfectly avoidable crash
THX for the traffic M8
pls email [email protected]/* */ if you're a cat named sakamoto and want a cute furret to lick your paws
Caught you trip dropping there lad
*extremely pompous voice*
You are ignorant of economics on this matter. Austrian economics and Marxian economics have far more in common than neo-classical economics. Ancaps have revolutionary potential, far more than (neo-classical) liberals. I prefer them to those liberals. Read a book tbqh.
ancap is basically just stateless traders
it was done already and it was mediocre and primitive
TBH I'd like to see Ancaps get their way, only for workers to eventually get theirs. If anything I've learned is that their useful idiots for us, rather than the capitalists.
At the time and climate, probably. Shame the more buttrocky songs were the biggest singles, though.
that's my point, yes, you get it!!!
Indeed. Now get on DP or something.