I have a right wing friend who tried to convince me that Pizzagate is real. What should I say to her?
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I have a right wing friend who tried to convince me that Pizzagate is real. What should I say to her?
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Suck my dick you retarded slut.
But user…pizzagate is real
"Where is the evidence?"
While there is no evidence for Pizzagate, things like this aren't unheard of. Could be, mane.
yes it is, now please buy my water filter
Probably is. Doesn't mean much if there's no way to prove it.
What is pizzagate?
In the Podesta emails, you can change certain words of your choosing like "pizza" to "children" and it sounds gross
Apparently Podesta is a foodie, or some stupid shit.
No, it's clearly a code from the context. What it's code for is not clear, but the code is consistent with known codes used by child sex traffickers. That's where the thing originated. The evidence is circumstantial at best. If you're going to try to debunk it at least be honest about it.
Where is the evidence that this is a code and not just a fat fuck having an orgasm over food?
I'm not saying it definitely isn't code, but there is more than plausible deniability to be had.
It's likely a code, I have heard 'cheese pizza' being a euphemism for child porn for years. But I don't think that a child sex ring is in a pizza shop though,
this tbh
then never talk to her retarded ass again
If you had read the emails you would immediately notice that the sentences make zero sense if taken literally.
This one really irks me.
Well, the thing about that is it would give you additional plausible deniability if anyone saw your correspondence or overheard a conversation. The cheese pizza slang is probably significantly older than the pizza shops involved. And then there's the inherent absurdity of it. Making your actions with absurdity is a tactic right out of Rules for Radicals, funnily enough. If you're trying to get away with something it's to your benefit to be doing something that will sound so silly that nobody will take the claim seriously.
That said I don't think there's any convincing evidence.
It probably is real. Just because a conspiracy is adopted by the right wing doesn't necessarily mean it's always false.
Anarcho-friend is right.
But it also doesn't mean that's true. It could still be a bunch of infowars followers connecting random dots.
The idea that child molesters are high in government isn't absurd, and is probably true. But the notion that because some pizza shop owner dated someone connected to the DNC means that he's running a child rape ring is absurd.
It's funny to me that people needed Wikileaks and further a conspiracy that might be contained within to realize John Podesta is a piece of shit. Just knowing what that guys job is should be enough to know that anyone who has ever worked with him is suspect and criminal you really don't need to know what color his socks are or what pizza toppings he may like in code.
The pizza code shit in the emails is genuinely weird as fuck and anyone who claims that's "nothing" is a retard, but as usual when child porn is concerned people go full retard with the satanism and "every politician goes through occult child rape ceremonies so they can blackmail them later" nonsense. It was the same with "Pedowood".
Shit started in the fucking 80s with the childcare abuse hysteria and instantly resurfaces whenever there's potential for organized child rape.
The real problem is that smoke and mirrors like this cover up the real pedophile rings in America - and you're deluded if you think they don't exist.
Speaking of CP conspiracies does anyone here see that SLC creepy daycare center shit? That was weird as hell but never went anywhere.
Tell her about convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein and Trump's friendship with him.
No, we invented that shit around 2006.
No. Torrent plz
it's prolly real but it's probably not a full blown satanic child sex ring
Even Alex Jones doesn't believe in Pizzagate, tho.
nu/pol/ is retarded, but you guys are something else.
So much for saving the working class or oppressed or whatever the fuck disease shows up at the end of a life cycle. All things must die, including civilizations. Peace and equality are lies. Utopian ideals are static; life is change, whether for better or for the worst.
Tell her about how NPR uses mockery and ad-hominems to cover for pedophiles.
You should encourage it, egg her on. Plumb the depths of her stupidity to see if there's absolutely anything she won't believe
have fun
I honestly think it was drug related or money laundering tbh
Nobody gives a shit about your fence sitting
Retarded alt-right conspiracy
Cheese pizza meaning child porn is literally just a meme
It used to be that you would ask on imageboards for it by just asking for 'cp' of course on Holla Forums way back when everyone knew this but didn't want cp on the board for obvious reasons so when people would request cp people would post pictures of cheese pizza and make dumb comments about them like
Eventually it became a staple joke.
And yet the whole time, actual childporn was being distributed in the form of bathroom threads.
I thought those dudes just really liked nifty bathrooms, but then I was told otherwise and I was very sad.
Bathroom threads? I thought it was sink threads.
Sorry, I guess it was just sinks but a lot of the posts were whole bathrooms.
Tell her about posadism
If there's anything about Holla Forums posting white women, it's that they're completely and utterly insane.
You shouldn't say anything. If you argue with her she's just going to scream at you.
Just walk away. It never happened, she doesn't exist.
Have you considered just burning down her house?
Have you considered not being pure IdPol 24/7? Just a thought.
Untrue I know a Holla Forumsposting white girl who's subby as fuck and will back down the instant there's an argument. The crazy part is still true though.
Have you considered developing reading comprehension?
Have you? What's being white or a woman got to do with a Holla Forumsyp being an [autistic screeching] nutjob?
Cheese pizza was necer a code. It was fucking cake.
Also why would a pizza shop use pizza for a code for child sex. How in fuck can you tell if people just want a pizza or not. Also all the podesta shit is just gay high art crapsince podesta is a famous abstract art collector not codes you retards.
Because unlike with "duuuuude can I get a Bob Marley extra dank?" people who do shit like child sex trafficking play things closer to the chest and between people they know personally. The people who buy pizza from the front and the people who buy, sell or whatever with the sex slaves are completely separate groups of people.
Is she cute? Show us her penis.
because they are out of context autist
that's how two people who know and speak to each other in real life communicate
why? I said something almost exactly the same today, replace handkerchief with bandana, and pizza with buffalo. (people lose a lot of shit in restaurants, especially in "family" restaurants)
Sounds like the kind of thing a pizza connoisseur would say.
"Sounds plausible."
How do you mean, did they hide the CP image in the JPG headers of bathroom pics or some shit
I mean, if you read the emails it's clear "pizza" ad "hotdogs" are obvious codewords for something shady.
How exactly Holla Forums went form that to sacrificing children to satan is beyond me. Might as well be coke, the most common illegal recreational activity withing the elite.
If you actually read the e-mails and looked at the evidence that they did present you would see why Holla Forums says that. Honestly I don't know what's worse. How Holla Forums likes having their head up their ass or Holla Forums's filthy ass white supremacy bullshit.
I don't think the emails contained any mention of "cheese pizza"…? Just "cheese" and "pizza", separately.
evidence is pretty meh.
Avoid the topic or just don't talk to them. Chances are if they believe in PIzzagate, they are extremely stubborn
I found a video some guy covers most of the delusions about it one by one. It will save you effort.
can someone fill me in on this? or is it just more Holla Forums tier sperging?
It's a heathy mix of both. There is a lot of suspicious material in the podesta emails that is worthy of investigation, but unfortunately it seems to have attracted a significant number of lunatics.
The long and short of it is that there appears to be coded words and phrases in podesta's personal emails that when juxtaposed with the content of the emails and knowledge of the recipients strongly suggests that there is a ring of pedophiles or child trafficking working in Washington
I have not seen anything that would warrant that logical leap. Internet detectives WANT there to be a dastardly child sex ring under a D.C. pizza joint, so they read into the emails connections that would justify a child sex ring.
You could just as easily replace those tenuous connections and arrive at the conclusion there's an underground meth lab, the code words are for arms smuggling, etc. Except in this case, the lunatic fringe took over and as usual, they go for the big guns straight out the gate.
Then you haven't seen anything.
Question to the americans.
How big is #pizzagate really?
Do many people believe in it?
Connect the dots for me, then.
It's a mostly an internet joke.
on suspicions and links it covers the globe. mentions pretty much USA and ties to UK, if it holds true i think it'll cover more.
maybe half the population believes.
this will probably get me hate, but those code words are real. i know this because i took the time to chat with the now removed /hebe/ and the other pedo boards.
also the shooting or whatever is fake. the person arrested was a professional actor, initial articles on the subject couldn't get the number of shorts or weapon correct with conflicting information. this actually gives credit that there might be something.
the real joke is the fucking frog. i'm so fucking tired of that shit.
They are 4chan memes.
Failed actor is mentally unhinged–news at 11.
This happens all the time. You said yourself "initial reports". Social media has made the 24/7 news cycle all the more competitive–reporters are basically trying to shit out all information they can grasp to be the first without properly vetting it. People are still citing "initial reports" out of Sandy Hook and the Aurora shooting to claim they were false flags, ffs.
Pizza was a code me and a dealer used for weed in text messages a few years ago, because pizza is ubiquitious.
And cocaine is the most porky drug out of there. I mean, it's possible that they are molesting children, but cocaine use is common among the wealthy.
Sasha/Anita Lord is the music performance booker at Comet Pizza, she is close friends with the musicians of satanic Heavy Breathing and linked in the "friends" tab of Comet's website. Due to hacked emails, we are able to see a correspondence between her and a Dave Stone asking for a reference for "Richard Windsor." i.imgur.com
Upon further research "Richard Windsor is the known alias of ex CLINTON FOUNDATION board member Lisa P. *Jackson i.imgur.com
“Dave Stone” / “David Flintstone” who calls himself a "poobah" is the owner of the very odd website www.daveflintstone.com where the only image is Mr. Potatohead.
The site is registered to a Dave Stone, the same owner of a site known as islanddistilers.com The site also lists him as proprietor i.imgur.com
In the emails, a bizarre message regarding "sleeping partners" includes the .jpeg of mr. potato head once again as a supposed sleep partner option. i.imgur.com
Through his emails he is linked to a "Biff Skippman,” a self professed “grand poobah.”
His Facebook is equally odd as it contains a bizarre bio with the image of Mr. Potatohead. HE STATES HE IS IN HAWAII. It also states that he is the owner of the "Cheesybay" company. He makes multiple references to supplying cheese in terms of code. i.imgur.com
Upon research, cheesy bay was an eBay account selling used *faulty drives for high prices with raging customer reviews. ebay.com
Here’s what it all starts to come together… i.imgur.com
if that wasn’t crazy enough, i cross referenced this all against voat and reddit and came across something HUGE. (I am completely covered in goose bumps and actually feel afraid at this point) I found this reddit thread: reddit.com
577 Pakala Street Honolulu, HI Find on map >> Show street view
What is this trust and why does it own this property??
It turns out it also owns 587 paluka as well a huge amount of other land. according to my research, “The Bishop Estate is the largest private property owner in the state of Hawaii, governed by five trustees who are each paid more than $800,000. annually. With assets of around $10 billion, it is one of the richest private charities in the world, whose sole beneficiary is the Kamehameha Schools, located in the heights above Honolulu with a student body of only about 3,200.”
Heres the weird part; “ The governor of the state of Hawaii appoints the Supreme Court justices and also provides the names of candidates to be considered for the lucrative Bishop Estate Trustee position. Because of this cozy relationship between the government and the estate, the coveted trustee position, over time, became a plum for Hawaii's Democrat machine insiders. For over fifty years the Democrats have ruled Hawaii. " It is the longest running continuous political machine in U.S. history." Says political commentator David Broder Being accountable to no one and in control of so much wealth and power, for so long, the trustees festered with greed and arrogance. Honolulu Weekly, Hawaii's alternative news weekly, raised a red flag in editorials and cartoons as early as 1991 but the mainstream media, always in support of the local government and the status quo, were relatively quiet until 1997 when corruption at the estate became so transparent as to be undeniable. On August 9, 1997, a small group of prominent Hawaii activists, published a newspaper article titled, "Broken Trust" which called for the removal of all but one of the trustees and urged the state to investigate. An investigation was conducted by the state attorney general and also by the IRS. On May 7, 1999, Probate Judge, Kevin Chang ordered the trustees temporarily removed after the IRS threatened to revoke the estate's tax-exempt status. By December 13, 1999, all five of the Bishop Estate Trustees had either resigned or were permanently removed by court order.”
And according to a NY TIMES article, “A Hawaiian educational trust is investing $250 million into the Goldman Sachs Group, the parent company of Goldman, Sachs & Company, the companies announced yesterday. The trust will get a stake in Goldman of more than 5 percent,’ Goldman officials said.”
Now get this: I cross reference “Dave Stone” through wiki leaks with respect to Clinton and Podesta and find a possible smoking gun. There are several mentions made to a “Dave Stone,” one is clearly deceased as references to his funeral are mentioned (active duty). BUT there is mentions in HRC’s calendar for a PRIVATE MEETING w/ DAVE STONE. wikileaks.org
This is obviously a separate person than the Dave Stone who was deceased due to the dates. This obviously requires more investigation but in a seperate message Dave Stone is is connected to an LLC. that has some programs regarding HUMAN TRAFFICKING. This is a correspondence directly to HRC. ( wikileaks.org
David Stone/ Dave Flintstone seems to tie all these parties together, a “Hawaii Connection” of sorts; he is in contact with Comet, HRC, and seemingly Podesta’s Hot Dog Stand. More research is required on all these but holy shit guys this is huge. We al need to do more research into Stone Harbour, BP BISHOP TRUST, suspected recruiter “Sasha” Lord, and this Hawaii Location. Is this where they are keeping the children? more research into it is required, maybe we can talk to the Reddit user? She’s a direct source. the Images she posted raise so many concerns and tie a lot more together.(i.imgur.com
Well: ](i.imgur.com
We are beginning to see past all the deception and completely uncover their ring of pedophilia, lies, murder and evil.
I know I am dropping a lot out there but this needs to be spread and researched and completely pulled apart to see where this takes us.
We need to be coordinating with whoever will listen. Fact check everything and then share wherever you can. Remember, they will use the slightest mistake to discredit all of us. Help me make sure that doesn’t happen. We can be the ones to put these people away and to bring these kids home.
ITT: Yeah but muh plausible deniability
>if that wasn’t crazy enough, i cross referenced this all against voat and reddit and came across something HUGE. (I am completely covered in goose bumps and actually feel afraid at this point) I found this reddit thread: reddit.com
I lost.
podesta is up to something, but it probably isn't child sacrifice or something
They used the old 'image is actually compressed archive' trick.
shit is stale pasta newfag
What you think of ol Dennis "Denny" Hastert and his long standing friendship with the Podestas Holla Forums?
The longest standing, child-molesting, Speaker of The House of all time!
That we know of…