How do you overcome sadness Holla Forums? Is it even worth overcoming?

How do you overcome sadness Holla Forums? Is it even worth overcoming?

You kill yourself

Pain cannot be avoided. Suffering, on the other hand, ought to sublimated.

Working out, taking a walk, hanging out with friends, venting it off to your close ones.

Freud would have a field day with you…

How does one acquire these?

smiling to yourself, works for me
Maybe. Its actually a nice feel sometimes.

Girlfriend or Boyfriend.

How do you do this without feeling like shit at first?

B e n e v o l e n t - H e d o n i s m

you can thank me later famlamladmangrade




Yeah but how do you do it whilst not feeling like shit while you do it


Pills (medical for me but I know some like recreational), and sex

I don't know, when I smile and look in the mirror it makes me feel happier.

""""Feels"""" good man!

t. Girlfriend/Boyfriend less person

Do something you enjoy doing

Do it with friends

and know we all care about you Comrade
or at least I do ;^)


Meditate for periods over 20 minutes. It shows you so much about yourself/your sadness, and also gives you amazing mental clarity.

Why are you sad? There's no point in it. Be happy or at least content


I drown myself in creative work or recreation until I feel like the sadness isn't so bad. Currently working on a script I think is really cool.

I take anti-depressants

Wish I had a Holla Forums friend to relate to

Think about the concept of "positivism," which is basically hope for a future that hasn't existed yet, while "negativism" is looking backward at the past. Our current use of the word "negativity" has a connotation of sadness, but the concept of "negativism" better describes the bigger picture in a more objective way. After one spends too much time dwelling on the past, inevitably unpleasant memories tend to surface as topics of discussion simply because those topics haven't been exhausted yet.

The body must move at regular intervals in order to maintain good flow of bodily fluids and microorganisms. When one becomes powerless or immobile, the fight-or-flight response can become a substitute for the craving to physically move one's body. (When our memories don't trigger the fight-or-flight response, chemical compounds in food do so instead).

Romantic memories keep us revisiting the past because daydreaming doesn't require us to deal with the full experience, including the less pleasant moments, in a chronologically limited way. As those pleasant moments become less exciting, those painful moments become more exciting, since they trigger the fight-or-flight response.

Think about whether you are most excited about the present, future or the past, and what pleasant and unpleasant impulses compel you to move.

In your case, just install Grindr on you phone.

Join the winning side and call yourself deplorable.


PS Im kinda surprised leftypol doesnt filter deplorable.

Filters are a reaction agaisnt obnoxious memers. Deplorable is not used enough on that board to make BO react.

Dude theres millions of things on the filter that people never used to begin with.

Sadness drives people away like the pest. Your advice is a catch 22.

i laughed thank u user

I don't overcome it I embrace it for it makes me feel alive

I remind myself that I will one day eventually die.

meet new people

i wouldn't exactly say this

but there is someone out there that will make you feel happy they may be a boyfriend or a girlfriend or even just a friend or like that either way when you meet them you'll be more happy


Get the fuck out you sick horsefucker!

You forgot your pirate flag

