Who were the good guys (ie: most compatible to leftism) in World War I? Were there any at all?
Who were the good guys (ie: most compatible to leftism) in World War I? Were there any at all?
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This is a spook
The CP aided communism being the primary instigator of the war and fueling the revolution in Russia, which was nice. Then they did the proletariat another favor by losing and destroying several more reactionary empires which ultimately set themselves up for another defeat that ended with half of Europe flying red flags.
Every war always has a more communistic side whether they realize they're acting as communists or not.
read marx please
Nah, it was a complete clusterfuck and ruined the international socialist movement
You mean that guy who supported the Germans in the Franco-Prussian War so that his theories would be more popular than Proudhon's?
The good guys were supposed to be the international labor movement under the 2nd Internationale that had been preparing for the greatest general strike ever, in anticipation of the war everyone knew was coming years ahead of time. Except, the 2nd Internationale folded like a house of cards, abandoned worldwide solidarity, and disintegrated to each fall in line behind their governments' petty nationalists.
Perhaps moreso than the Bolsheviks seizing control over the Communist Party and dissolving democracy, it was the most pathetic and humiliating moment in the history of socialism.
Yeah. It was fucking appalling. How did it all fall apart?
A European wide general strike would've brought down the empires.
So depressing thinking of all the people dead in that period from 1914-1945
Accommodationist faggotry on an absolutely mindboggling level, at the worst possible moment:
I don't understand how Britain, France, and Italy all suddenly become communist if the Central Powers win.
i guess because the war continued for longer and starvation and proverty hit aswel as the humiliation of the defeat it all boiled upp.
also their syndicalists not commies.
Do you mean during WW1? Because I mean the Bolshevik revolution took place during WW1.
It was always the British that were meant to be. But they turned to the dark side.
Yes, during WW1. Who was fighting for a good cause. Because you can argue WW1 was just a war about 4 imperial powers trying to prevent 3 other imperial powers from getting more powerful.
The Second International since they were the only people who were interested in stopping it.
Fucking socdems. Every single timeā¦