What's your most controversial Holla Forums opinion?
I don't think public education should be mandatory. People can be as stupid as they want and it won't impede the Marxist revolution or the realization of Communism.
What's your most controversial Holla Forums opinion?
I don't think public education should be mandatory. People can be as stupid as they want and it won't impede the Marxist revolution or the realization of Communism.
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"Tankies" are a waste of space, time and a constant embarrassment to leftism in general.
Workers are fucking stupid
I like Trotsky
I actually don't mind feminism
Most Anarchists are overly emotional as well as too pedantic about their own ideology and will therefore never organize something substantial.
I also believe that most Anarchists display their SJW-ish attitude only because they wanna be contrarian to whatever authority they wanna piss off, not because they actually believe in it.
The reason that the third world is doing poorly is because they are stupid.
i solidarize with state of israel
its more of a controversial world opinion
pretty much this for me
so brave literally never see this here how can you live with the shame of voicing this completely controversial and unpopular opinion
Wouldn't say this is controversial considering that many workers don't have access to proper education.
This is also not controversial as long as you're not talking about bourgeois feminism.
I really only care about public ownership over the means of production because I believe capitalists will end humanity due to pic related. Social and political issues are of zero interest to me either way. If the dictatorship of the SJW clique brings about the common means of production, so be it. If it's the Nazis who'd somehow do it, that's also fine with me. I'm completely down with horseshoe theory as long as my single issue is placated.
If the possible death of humanity is ultimately what causes you fear, I think your views are untenable as is. Extinction can come from other sources or multiple sources at the same time.
I believe the left should appropriate and cynically use nationalisms to justify socialists policies.
what is this, an askreddit thread? fuck off btw
I like nazbols more than anarchists, purely because anarchism in most of its forms is completely unworkable and depends on the same kind of idealism as ancaps do with their "muh nap".
Nazbols are spooked about race but civic nationalism is a workable strategy to get socialism, since you have to start somewhere.
Also the idea of actually lawlessness and """communes""" is fucking retarded. Laws and police are neccecary for larger society and "just let the people democratically figure it out" is a recipe for mob rule and the killing of innocents.
And no, just because [inset capitalist state here] convicts innocent people doesn't mean that abolishing laws and police altogether is the right option.
Here is something that might be unpopular to say here but that I think is true. The key difference between anarchists and tankies is that I don't think most anarchists want "their" society to work or at least that is not their main concern, so much as they want a broad vision for a better future that lacks centralized control. They're Soc-Dems with a more idealistic bent who know a goal needs to be set so people have a carrot on a stick to get there.
The problem with Tankies and other iterations of people who want broad state control is they want exactly what they say they want and most of them are crazy narcissists who believe they will be "The Stalin" when their terrible dreams come true.
the party is more important than the people, whenever it's a communist party. to kill one million workers is a good thing whenever we kill, in the act, at least one kulak.
Tankies will take why opportunity to spread there sectarian bollocks, this is a controversial opinion thread, not a "same shit I put in every other thread" thread, which makes you claims of being pedantic and emotional kind of ironic.
i think identity politics are essential to a socialist movement and inherently tied to overcoming the exploitation of the disadvantaged and i furthermore am a moderate zionist that advocates for a one state solution
inb4 b&
>I post an opinion that gets flamed by anarchists every time i dare to say it in a controversial opinions thread
So what you are trying to say is that I can never voice my opinion anywhere, not even in a thread specifically for opinions that are controversial? Danke für die Erklärung, Herr Gedankenpolizei.
Palestine isn't terribly important to me. If Palestine were to gain its independence, it would become yet another fascist Islamic theocracy. That being said, I don't think it gives Israel free reign to drop bombs on civilians.
BLM is a good opportunity to radicalize the black community. Or at least it would be with proper organization.
This is a thread for controversial opinions mate.
There is a tanky v anarchist thread every day. Its not controversial if half the board agrees with you
On Holla Forums. From what I've seen people are mostly hostile towards BLM and Israel.
I'm a socialist.
Yes but so are you
"Race realism" is true
Liberals, democrats, etc. are worse than right wingers and libertarians and are the biggest threat to true leftism.
I think that philosophers are nothing but useless, self-impressed assholes who are so in love with their own minds that they can't stop jacking off their thing-in-itself to how brilliant their imaginary constructs are. The only thing that made Marx better than the usual intellectual wanker is that he focused on reality. He was still a dick, but at least he was a useful dick.
Liberals are right-wingers. You only have to listen to them talk about economics and war to realize it.
12 months reeducation camp
5 years gulag
2 years worker's study group
appreciated comments
high paying party position
Communism may never happen.
The revolution may never happen.
It's a waste of time to spend time and energy for something you won't see in your lifetime.
The "middle class" is a meme.
The end doesn't always justify the means.
won't that just create a class of educated philosopher kings ruling over a class of uneducated lumpkins
I believe full communism will only come about as a natural result of true automation and post scarcity, and trying to force it will only end in vanguard states that regress humanity.
Public education doesn't make anyone more intelligent. It's just a state indoctrination program no matter who does it. This isn't necessarily a bad thing, you just need to acknowledge this.
It'd happen anyway because the more intelligent will rise above the normal people on their own. The only difference being normalfags have the education required to do it, they just don't and are too stupid to do it anyway.
You have philosopher kings and plebeian worker drones either way.
Identity Politics is important to a certain level. Without Social change along with economic change, we will just end up reinforcing reactionary social views to implement our economic program. That said, IdPol as a movement is toxic as fuck. IdPol should be seen only within a Socialist context.
Not all Cultures are as "good" as eachother. While every culture probably has it's strength, Western Progressive movement is the greatest social movement and culture the world has ever seen. Interculturalism should be stressed over multiculturalism.
Local politics is inherently reactionary. Go to any town hall meeting and see that most people don't give a fuck about anything beyond their street. 99% of the shit there is reactionary NIMBY crap. Representative
democracy >>>> Direct Democracy on a macro level.
Palestinians will legitimately just genocide the Jews if they took control of the region. The only solution for the area is an integrated single SECULAR Israel.
The whole Anti-Fascism shit is just roleplaying. Liberals are a far bigger enemy to the left than Nazi Larpers.
Beyond aesthetics, the USSR and 20th century Socialism was dogshit tier.
Anarchism is a joke of an ideology that literally does not understand the complexity of society or running services.
A huge portion of the left are only left because of mental illness.
The vast majority of the left is fucking shit and useful idiots at best.
Most people don't want to give a single fuck about politics. Most Workers are willfully ignorant and some vanguard is probably needed.
Even though Vanguardism I think is basically the only real way forward, Leninism is fucking shit and should fuck off. If anything the Left should be shitting on Leninism more than the right.
Marx was one of the worst things to happen to leftisn.
Both sides are LARPers. Liberals can hardly be a threat to a movement that only exists in the minds of edgy college kids.
You can make everything controversial on a board with cliques shitting on each other for a variety of reasons tbh
Agree as a very pro-palestinian but plz call it "Palestine" then, the majority won't be israeli.
We need a worldwide one-child policy with no exceptions. You didn't roll the right gender or got an autist? Too fucking bad.
Holla Forums is the thesis,/lefty pol/ is the antithesis and /furry/ is the synthesis.
With the advent of CRISPR technology and the like the left needs to embrace a new form of eugenics.
But I think it should be an option for anyone who wants it.
We don't need eugenics.
Genetic counseling already fullfills any role it would.
Stalinism is the natural conclusion of Leninism which is the natural conclusion of Marxism. Trotskyism is just Stalinism with contrianism to Stalin.
Anarchism stands a better chance of implementing socialism because of autistic idealism, in that they won't do NEP or "with Chinese characteristics" the second it becomes more convenient.
Marxists are right about anarchist "not-states" not being able to defend themselves against capitalist states, but unless a Marxist revolution happened in the US and the resulting state retained most military personnel and weaponry that state would promptly get assfucked or subverted.
Socdem policies and coops are good short term strategies to show that prole and bourg interests are opposed, but should only be supported outside of revolutionary periods and are a means to an end not a goal within themselves.
Recruiting people is good, but left reddit and/pol/ are shit places to do it. They're hyperautistic and will end up turning more people away than bringing anyone in when they start screaming abiut muh abelism or the joos.
Seizing reddit would be extremely helpful in recruiting normies but it's a lost cause at this point.
Anfems are alright.
Most of this board needs to read instead of masturbating to anime.
Israel is realistically more left wing than Palestine
Prole culture is shit and shouldn't be fetishized
Anarchism would basically dissolve into city states
Theory doesnt mean shit if most people cant understand it or dont have the time to read it, unlike sheltered middle class leftcoms
Workers are for the most part reactionary and a large section of Trump voters were probably racist
I unironically prefer socdems over tankies
Given the heritability of intelligence I would disagree. Being stupid is becoming medicalized and should be healed at the genomic level.
A social democracy is the only society where a revolution can not only occur but succeed in tbh
Genetic enhancing isnt eugenics.
Antifa is cool
Socialism needs to begin in the West or it will fail.
this, but legalize medically-assisted infanticide until age 2
This isn't controversial but most of the people who would agree with you probably don't read
Femdom is a shitty fetish.
True but it needs to be said.
Accelerationism in general.
Freud, and subsequently Lacan, were frauds hiding shitty ideas behind language.
Free will in the classical sense is a spook.
Antifa is beneficial, particularly militant forms, even black bloc actions.
Terrible post
race realism is correct but that dosen't mean socialism is doomed.
Race idealists hold the poistion that certain races are better than others, they claim this pposition is axiomatic due to the fact that certain races are different
This is undialetical
By far the most effective solution to the problem of child abuse is to create as many harm-free outlets for pedophiles' sexual desires as possible while simultaneously running a propaganda campaign to create a distinction in the public consciousness between the bad, child-raping pedos and the good ones who don't hurt children.
Some of my views re: transfolk have gotten me called a TERF. Not surprised to get that reaction on leftist FB/reddit but when it happens on Holla Forums I spook myself a little bit
i think different people, with different ancestors form diferent parts of the world have different genes, and different abiltys.
how ever i'am against racial discrimination. i also don't think that excludes a socialist economy
so 2d lolis
I support this though.
Any kind of violent revolution is doomed to fail because of its violent component and its repercussions.
eh ignore my the greenone
No, it isn't. It's pseudo-sciece, read "The Emperors New Clothes" amazon.com
But it isn't real, it's idealism that attracts angry virgins who think they'll finally get to slip it in Katie with Jamal out of the way. Yes there's differences based on genes but simplifying it to folk races is fucking stupid.
Stop having shit taste
I know this is bait, but it's certainly true in a way.
Fucking switches
Fuck that
hey man sometimes femdom gets me going, sometimes it oposite
Literally the socdems of BDSM
I can never get off to the opposite, unless they are bimbos or traps.
did i kill femdom rosa?
trotsky would haven't been that different than stalin.
trots just like him cause "muh stalin ruined it" instead of aknowledging that the CCCP had flaws from the beginning
marx made a contribution, but we should hang on his every word like he is a profit. (like those tankies wacking themselves of to theory
Lots of people in this board use the phantom of identity politics as an excuse to be assholes to minorities under the absurd notion that any minoritarian struggle relates to the post-modern liberal construct of identity politics.
The ideas of Trotsky and Stalin can be reconciled and used depending on the circumstances
Stalin didn't "ruin" the revolution. The revolution had already failed with the failure of the German revolution.
Bourgeois feminism is shit but marxist feminism is genuinely good.
I support a plurality of ideas within the party with the only exception being nazbols and reformists.
Liberals are worse than fascists.
The majority of the far left has no interest in radical politics and instead only uses it as an identity to differentiate themself from others. i.e. they'll buy radical paraphernalia, line their shelves with books they'll never read and so on.
if tankies are our allies so are Nazis beacuese neither is significantly worse than the other, and both are eqaully annoying.
sorry for my shitty spelling.
fair enough
are you sure their has never been a yellow terror IIRC
agreed w all
I agree with all those except liberals are worse than fascists. They're both worse but we should focus on the liberals since they're more dangerous .
I think Antifa is not only a good movement but also effective at subverting fascism.
I like LSR, but his videos have dropped in quality due to clinging to his react video formula.
I think identity politics is good so long as it is viewed from a socialist stand point.
Leftypol is irrelevant and the most it has done was give a bunch of pseudo-leftist normies some memes to laugh at. Thankfully after lurking on this board for a year and a half; most of my older cancerous beliefs have luckily faded.
See my post on culture
But to elaborate more on my last sentence before the spoiler:
I think a lot of us on here and abroad get way too hung up on the "rationality" of Marx's theory on the Base and Superstructure and his theory should be revised because the fact that people cling to this cripples a lot of our arguments against right-wingers/reactionaries. I think we can agree that the Base is logical and concrete, and thus affects the Superstructure in a logical and concrete way, but the Superstructure is illogical and abstract, and thus can do weird shit (think self-fulfilling prophecies or, hell, even "meme magic") to the Base sometimes, if not almost all of the time with a long-lasting effect. The best example of this would probably be the great debate of race.
We generally do a terrible job debating with the likes of Holla Forums in arguments like race, culture, multiculturalism, etc.
If AsianCuntTrip isn't just a troll, then she says the dumbest shit and is probably not the most pleasant person to be around, BUT she occasionally makes good arguments
There are subjects and situations where ultimately Holla Forums ideologies and Holla Forums ideologies either reach moot points where absolutely nobody can win, or there are actions that would need to be done by either groups that both sides constantly talk about to show how "underhanded" the others are. Best example and application of my belief is that we would genuinely need a group like AntiFa as a necessity to ensure Leftism "wins", much like how right-wing ideologies need groups like skinheads, etc.
That's all I can really think of, so feel free to explain why I'm dumb or why my opinions are shit
I'm an anarkiddie with tankiddie tendencies.
Well, I think the reason we do bad in debates on race is because most people here are econ or philosofags, so it's like we're speaking in a different language.
Zizek is a contrarian who says edgy things to get attention but doesn't really present a cohesive position other being a sort of hard line socdem that doesn't like political correctness. Very few of his analysis stand true and all psych stuff is bollocks
This entire place consists of nothing but LARPers who have no connection to modern day reality.
Nationalism is fucking cancer
I don't want to give her shit while she can't reply, but she never does, especially taken in the context of what she has said before. Her position is fundamentally inconsistent even by leftypol standards and she is basically perfect enemy propaganda. Her opinions aren't unique or edgy or interesting in any way, they are Huffington Post tier liberal word salad, half of her posts don't even make any sense at all. She has major issues and obviously can't not overinvest, probably to the detriment of her own health, and should stay banned.
Nah he's on the money with ideology. He's just a lot of noise to signal. He intuitively understands memetics though, clearly. Nothing wrong with being a hardline SocDem given the quality of the would-be vanguardists and anarkiddies running around. Better to be a little cautious rather than throw the baby out with the bathwater and invite certain ruin just because "fuck it".
In many cases yes, but you misanthropic, edgy larping faggots really just uphold neoliberalism, ultimately, due to your incompetence, and your own forms of crypto-nationalism are embedded so deeply in your shell of cognitive dissonance you are precluded from seeing it.
Agreed 100%, finally some self awareness and common sense on this issue
Has anyone else noticed that never actually happens? Nobody really gets ahead by being smarter than everybody else. It is a fiction that gets treated as "human nature."
Not really Holla Forums, but a view that gets more support on the left than the right: do away with Age of Consent laws.
I think islamic communism is a viable option and not just a meme.
I'd agree with that user, but only because it's redundant. The lack of arbitrary lines by the AoC doesn't legalize rape per se.
get out
but seriously they should probably be reduced to like 14-15 or something
I'm an egoist anarchist and I unironically take Stirner's philosophy to heart and practice it in everyday life
I don't think there's anything wrong with illegalism
I don't care about age of consent but I ould rather both parties agree first and understand what they're getting into
Any leftism outside of anarchism isn't worth the time
If we follow anarchism and things do collapse and we have rioting in the streets I honestly don't care as long as the state dissolves, and actually I rather like the idea of being able to shoot cappies without recourse
I completely agree with Schopenhauer that life isn't worth living and we'd all be better off not existing, but I have no want of death
I think people need to be a little nicer to mutualists
Alexander Berkman did nothing wrong
No, and pedophilia is relatively uncommon historically outside of societies with unhealthy gender roles or repressed sexuality like Afghanistan or the Catholic priesthood.
Exactly. All AoC laws do is say that under no circumstance can you say yes if you are below a certain age.
I would have said yes to sex with an attractive older woman at a very young age. Most normal males would.
That's not really fixing the problem in a fundamental way, just acknowledging that the current notion that people should only have sex literally years after puberty is retarded.
No age of consent because you have to be married in order to have sex. As with the above comment, sex with boys is very common in this society which is supposedly a model of social conservatism.
that's because traps are reactionary
13 should be fine
Gender is a spook, which makes trans people really fucking stupid.
This. Plus he still supports SYRIZA for some reason and almost everything he has said about the EU is complete nonsense.
i always get reminded of full metal alchemist and van helsing every time i look at this guy
he has that 2000's golden era to him
OP Your reason against mandatory education is retarded. The proper reason to be against it is because it has shown that voluntary education can produce better results and happier individuals.
I don't think AoC laws should be based on an arbitrary age or at least not an age alone. All you need is more specific of laws that define someone as (not) of the capacity to consent.
I don't think private property has to be totally gone for socialism to be achieved. So long as the majority of means of production isn't private and there are laws that limit private business growth it's all good.
Mao believed that education was necessary to rid the people of old thinking.
can't see what's wrong with that
I don't believe anarchism can exist without hierarchical systems to stand in opposition to.
Mah nig.
I'm curious what you mean by this
Bad taste
1. Zizek is a fat self absorbed bloated piece of shit who poorly articulates his ideas and has no knowledge of East Asian or American political movements, although he likes to pretend he does. Autists love him because hes fucking weird and they think that they can become like him. Limp wristed lefties like him because Vice features him and he's somehow "cool." This is why our propaganda is bullshit now.
2. idpol is a good start towards class consciousness. Lefties constantly fucking shitting on idpol is the reason why they can't get support from non whites.
3. pointing at everything and calling it spooks to people who don't understand spooks is stupid and will get you nowhere. Like fuck try to at least appeal to the people
4. Drug addicted lumpenprole needs to be eradicated, especially in the inner city. But also blaze 420 everyday.
The fact that there are humans who type this shit further prove posadism right
1. I think people with mental disabilities (which can not be controlled through meds or therapy like Downs syndrome) and hereditary diseases should be sterilized.
2. I think if a fetus is found to have downs or a in- operational birth defect it should be aborted.
3. I think anyone who is convicted of rape, child abuse or domestic abuse should be sterilized and unable to adopt children.
I just have one.
Americans are cancer and should all be killed regardless of their gender, race and political beliefs. Even self procalimed leftists in America are fucking cancer.
Wipe them all out and shed no tears. Then the land known as "USA" should be returned to the natives.
eh im pretty sure rapist, child rapists and wife/hubby beaters already cant adopt.
So, a Statist.
I think he means he believe anarchism is only practically spoken a tendency that opposes hierarchy, but can not exist in any form if there is no hierarchy to oppose.
Basically that anarchism doesn't work, but that it is only functional as the antithesis to hierarchy.
Brexit was a mistake and any influence the left had in Britain will die now that the tories can do whatever they want
You type that, and then you follow it with:
Which is basically shorthand for saying that poor (typically black) drug addicts should be killed but rich (typically white) drug addicts are just having fun.
Literally kill yourself.
Fucking faggot
Nah, I fucking hate idpol. Just pointing out the hypocrisy of being pro-idpol while simultaneously taking a reactionary and hypocritical stance on drug use.
I'm not even him and I think you should fuck off. It's not hypocrisy you stupid idiot.
It kind of is. Racist drug policies are something the left should undoubtedly be against.
Not an argument ;^)
I think most of us who aren't butthurt anarchists or psychotic tankies like Trotsky, problem is his fanbase rather than him.
actually public education brainwashes and indoctrinates obedient workers (and NEETs)
very few break out of the forced mold
Genetics is a science. It is based on research and studies. There is no conclusion from genetics that can be correct because "geneticists wrote it lol" if it ignores research.
Jim Profit is my favorite contemporary Marxist theorist.
Jason Unruhe isn't that bad even if I disagree with his Third Worldism, I can't hate someone who amuses me.
The AOC belongs in the dustbin of history.
Occultism and Magic is useful for leftist goals.
Nazbols and National Syndicalists are actually cool even if I think Nationalism is spooky be it ethnic or civic.
Sargon-esque liberals are more annoying than feminists or SJWs at this point.
Technology is overpriced and a waste of time.
abortion access should be limited so people do not use it as birth control, birth control should be used as birth control.
We need women to reproduce and men too for a decent nation to survive, ceasceau was right.
First a country should be a country then worry about globalism,yugoslavia was right.
feminism and the rights of racial minorities are actually counter productive in many ways.
Most parties and organizations that are anything more than nomincally M-L should be outright dropped at this point and left to the dogs. They usually do more harm than good under most circumstances (except some places like India where they actually are doing something productive). Its a vision of socialism that is almost entirely unmarketable today.
I consider myself an anarchist, but despise no less than half of all other anarchists I've met (non "an"cap ones) for being idiots who had read one book on politics at best.
Anarchists who try and make compromises with "an"caps should be kicked out into the cold.
I don't like either side of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, but it would almost be better at this point if the Palestinians won and wiped the slate clean on that region. There's no peace to be had there at this point despite posturing about creating a mythical "united, secular, non-ethnic state."
I think Chomsky gets more hate than he probably deserves.
I think Zizek doesn't get enough hate than he deserves.
Feminism has been hyped up to be a massive boogeyman among many in the left when it is supposed to be one of the core tenants of our egalitarian philosophy. While the liberal mindset of "more women CEOs" should be rejected, we shouldn't be so hasty to throw all feminism out with it.
Modern tankies are almost all LARPers and/or hipsters permanently nostalgic about times and places they never lived in. They should be ignored outright.
All illicit drugs should be legal on the condition that information about the health risks of using said drugs is public and easily available at the time of drug acquisition.
Vaccination, even under an otherwise anarchistic society, should be mandatory without negotiation.
White people keep blaming Hillary for Trump because they don't want to address the ridiculous amounts of racism, white supremacy, and voter suppression (mostly directed at minorities) that actually got his fascist ass elected.
Plus they know he's going to be a clusterfuck and postioning themselves now to escape culpability, when in reality it was letting a nation party built on racism thrive for 50 years
This is for controversial opinions, most of Holla Forums would agree with these.
They're still socially liberal i.e. They believe all people are equal under capital, that's only an acedemic point to people's that have never been discriminated against on something inalienable
I think monarchism is pretty cool
Holla Forums is as bad of a cancer as Holla Forums is and anarchists should kill themself rather than leaving the work to us again
In relation to this board, that sometimes marginalized groups like African Americans and LGBT people deserve to have an identity to feel safer and deserve support from the left, because workers liberation means everyone's liberation.
In relation to the mainstream left I think identity politics have gone way too far, and we're too busy trying to police language in our own cliques that we're not doing enough to make real world change.
In relation to the mainstream in general I think that you should be able to smoke weed while naked and masturbating in public. Oh, and all cops are bastards.
Please use whatever magic or occultist powers you have to make the world socialist revolution take place ASAP. Thanks.
Not opinion so much as flat-out prejudice, I admit. But I want Europe to remain as white and Christian as possible, if only as to maintain some cosmetic variety in the human race. American countries can have all the immigrants they want, but when I go to Europe, I expect to feel in Europe.
You cannot be an intellectual if you are bad at math. You don't need to be amazing, but if you are bad, you are fucked. You need to constantly look at reality in a mathematical way, not math that is necessarily particularly clever, sophisticated, elegant, creative, but it needs to be math. The part of your brain with the math stuff must be ON the whole time, not overclocked, not even medium speed, but it must be on.
To think that there are people who get really good math grades, who do math in a quick and accurate way when there are given an explicit math question, and after they are done with their answer, it's like they take that part out of their brain and put in their pockets to keep track of their spare change or whatever, that makes me go what the fuck.
I am on the left because of math, not because of some lovely and inspiring left personalities I have met.
Whenever people don't grasp that something is a math question it pisses me off to no end, which is to say, I am pissed off all the time. What makes me extra-pissed off is when the math aspect of an issue gets pointed out to them and they then try to discount the importance of that aspect they missed, saying that it can't be that important because some hackneyed truism about abstract models never quite matching reality and what have you. It makes me lose the last bit of faith in a person.
I study math and people like you are the subject of ridicule of every math department.
No you don't.
Yes I do
I know quite a few people from my local math department and they mostly agree with .
Math department guy here. is right. We often make fun of people for being too interested in math, which is regarded a major faux pas among us top-tier math folks. We think it is time for math nerds to learn to be humble.
Through an intellectual journey that was quite painful for some of us, we arrived at the conclusion that many topics that are currently regarded as typical topics of math and physics by society at large, such as the Navier–Stokes equations, would be better off in the hands of other departments, like English Lit. Just try to imagine the planes these guys could build!
Social contract theory is the most bullshit imperialist justification for the rule of law and social harmony.
This idea that people agree to a common set of rules and rights is the basis for colonialist rule and the imposition of a class structure.
People who advocate for controlled economies are worse than lolbertarians who think we should privatize social safety nets.
Couldn't agree more.
What's more irritating is that Kropotkin completely BTFO'd Hobbes over a goddamned Century ago and people still invoke le social contract and le human nature.
1. I don't mind feminism
2. I think market socialism is pretty nice
3. I think marxism-Leninism is pretty dumb.
4. I sympathize with anarchists but find anarchism implausible.
5. I voted for Hillary because the Cuban communist party said so.
Stalinism is a betrayal of Leninism at least the Leninism that Lenin conveyed in his writing. It was supposed to be worker control not state control.
I'd unironically want an anfem gf.
Ofcourse his vision is eurocentric. He makes a lot of sense if you're European though.
But forming your identity based on shit like skin color and sexuality is retarded. The only reason they have black or gay "communities" is because people being discriminated against for the same reason will naturally group together. There's no "black identity" in africa because almost everyone is fucking black and have nothing in common with each other. Forming groups and identities around discrimination is only inviting for more discrimination because you're putting up a giant flag for people to hate and blame their problems on.
In the US there's no green-eyed community or identity because green-eyed people aren't discriminated against, but if a bunch of green-eyed people came together and tried to pass laws favoring or promoting them as a cohesive group I guarantee you 100% a counter hate group would pop up furthering the artificial divide and the country would be plagued with eye color politics for the next 100 years.
still better than people basing their identity around their politics
i don't really care about the working class or Marx i'm just a fan of Ceausescu, stalinism and Juche
what is AOC?
other then that i completely agree
I'm conservative socially.
I'm against abortion, gay and trans "rights", and all those things
so we are 2 then?
i feel you bro
today hamas praised the terrorist attack in Jerusalem and it can even start a war
Israel will obliterate them
I think communism is a retarded, failed ideology and I'm only here because I lean slightly more left than right and that I don't fanatically worship Trump to belong on Holla Forums.
How is that controversial?
Faggots and other degenerates should be shoot with porky
Wew thats nothing.
Absolutely disgusting.
Let us learn you friend.
By lean slightly more left, what do you mean?
most of Holla Forums are anarkiddies, cryptoliberals
i feel the same tbh
Humanity as you know it will be gone in ~500,000-1,000,000 years no matter what happens.
what book did how do that in?
Fucking of course
I'm only on here and Holla Forums so I can record behavior and ideas in preparation for the future. Know thy future enemies.
All it'll take is another Depression on the scale of the 30's and these people will end up trying to enforce their bootheel over our faces one way or another. Even a minuscule % of the userbase on this board and every *chan with political boards in their own right could form a movement that threatens to snowball out of control, thirty or so years from now.
The social rejects always end up being the social revolutionaries.
There is no far-left without feminism
left-mras need to be purged tbh
Go back to tumblr.
You're not being very dialectical.
Left egalitarianism is fine, feminism is cancer though
I fucking love Democracy.
Every time I mention it on here all the Tankies and ML's go off on me.
list of all left egalitarian achievements:
List of all 3rd wave feminism accomplishments:
How about a list of all
you stole my fukkin post dammit
wew being a virgin is spooky
I don't care; the universe might as well as explode 0.01 seconds after I die as far as I'm concerned. I'm afraid that shit will happen in my life time, or at least that conditions will start degenerating towards it.
Marxist feminism is dead, it's the same as if ancoms insisted on going around calling themselves 'libertarians' and being annoyed if people react with snake memes.
Feminism has been totally defined by liberalism, sorry, that's just how it is.
wew im sure you'll be a big help in the revolution, larper
left-communism is really underrated
freedom of speech is good. fashies aren't worth bashing unless in times of crisis and revolution
also this. but libfem ruins everything it touches
id pol, as it stands, pretty much just benefits middle class white women, who are already arguably the most "privileged" group. shitting on it does not alienate any actual prole. participating in id pol is a luxury already
Read Mutual Aid
i have so many
It can be useful in a context of anti-imperialism.
controversial to local Blue State normalfags
controversial here
- Drugs, even marijuana, should not be legal
- Gender is a social construct. Men who have benefited from being raised men cannot lay claim to womanhood.
- Prostitution should be illegal, and men who try to buy human beings should be prosecuted.
- Pornography should be highly discouraged, probably through a national filter system. Yes people will bypass it, but it will ultimately have a net positive effect on the way we view sexuality.
Whenever people on leftypol explain why they believe their ideology it always winds up being feels>reals.
It's like no one on here can critically analyze anything. It's okay for your theory to have a few blind spots, that alone doesn't debunk it.
Landwhale detected, sex work is no more exploitative then any other form of wage labor.
Hookers are marginalized because their trade is criminalized, making it legal would mean they could demand worker protections and form unions
abortion legal until you can live by yourself, if you parents stop caring for you, and no one else does either (teachers relatives, etc) then by all means they have a right to kill the life sucker
This board is overwhelmingly male, so it's no surprise that you become hostile when your sexual gratification comes under scrutiny.
The fact that something flies in the face of tradition does not mean it holds inherent progressive value. The notion of a trans-"woman" is fundamentally woman hateric, and prostitution is inherently exploitative.
To say that society bends to the whims of an individual, or that the exchange of money legitimizes any act is liberalism of the highest order.
Spotted the Holla Forums falseflagging
Selling != sharing.
Nice to admit that you consider human beings just another commodity though. That's more than most liberals can say.
Worse than a strawman. A man.
I wonder who could be behind this post
Why do you browse Holla Forums?
And the only liberal in this thread is you. I'm not the one who thinks "da revolution is about tha pu$$$$$$say"
I'm not the one who found that image, we had a thread about it iirc. I do lurk Holla Forums sometimes though, mostly to watch and screencap the stupid monkeys dancing and flipping out every time a world leader scratches their nutsack or somebody disagrees. It's fun.
Where do I say that? I could be a flaming homoman who only fucks obese Italian men in fursuits for all you know. Take your meds.
…do you have Skype?
Nope. This is as social as I get online generally.
Sorry not everyone was raised with crippling sexual hangups. There's no proof that promiscuity is harmful to mental health. But plenty of evidence that making prostitution legal would dramatically increase the safety and well being of hookers and johns.
You're just a butt mad land whale that sees hookers crippling your own ability to commoditze your own pussy cause that is what hookers are doing
Prostitution is already pretty illegal so if the state can comple a guy to marry your fat ass by now nothing will
All wage labor is exploitative. Why pick on hookers cause your a land whale that see them as competitors
Yeah, nah, fuck off to Holla Forums nazbol
*can't compel
Have you tried hanging around the water cooler, nerd?
So is all capitalist labor.
You people are disgusting. Honestly. Read some radical (ie actual) feminist critiques of the sex industry.
Cough up whatever argument you think you have an a cohesive way or STFU.
There have been plenty of studies that show legalizing prostitution increases safety and empowers women, since they can use state organs like the courts.
You are fucking lumpen prole tumblrinas that couldn't give a fuck about poor women that are turning to hooking and having their bodies and souls torn apart by the state and criminal cartels,something leagaliztion would end over night
Don't you think all that would happen is that legitimate businesses would take over the trade and monopolize it, just like almost every other industry under capitalism?
That's not really a problem insofar as it goes.
I personally don't think so. We have the internet, there are already plenty of hookers that have managed to avoid being cooped by a pimp using it, but sure porky would try
Plenty of critiques are FOR legalization, of the act at least.
What are they then you poor woman hater. I bet they are all just bullshit middle class moral judgements of hookers and prostitution in general.
Legalizing it would materially improve their lives today. You got a better idea that's not dripping with distant for poor women that turn to hooking I'm all ears land whale
I think I've got an idea…I call it…communism. Just read any of the classic communists on the subject my boy.
So you have no solution.
Absolutely not. I do not look down on, or judge, these women at all. I just actually want to liberate them. I care about women at the bottom, not aspirational funfem middle-upper class """issues""" designed by PR firms aligned with the state. I was just pointing out your screeching rhetoric was rather retarded and dismissive.
Yeah that's something everyone says.
Legalization does not get mafia cartels out of prostitution, it just legalizes their operations and gives them more cover and elbow room. Legalization does better the condition of some prostitutes but of course only those that have papers, immigrants without papers will still remain horribly exploited. I don't think legalization of the industry is something worth advocating. It's literally bourgeois reformism. But decriminalization is necessary so as not to punish sex workers until the real socioeconomic conditions that cause prostitution can be eliminated.
That sexuality and intimacy become alienated commodities is a negative development which every anti-capitalist must oppose.
You just want legalization so you can feel more safe as a John, incel shithead.
Decriminalization is not legalization. Legalization implies legal recognition and regulation as an industry.
Very well then
Also: with legalization undocumented sex workers and those without permits would still be harassed and punished. With decriminalization there would be no precedent to persecute.
Says the retard who thinks having a kind of annoying boss down at your graphic design magazine coworking space is literally just as bad as being forced into selling sex to strangers under all kinds of conditions. Why?
Which is atrocious.
You haven't bothered to defend anything you've said. I have no reason to believe you're being intellectually honest about this.
I'll admit that my sexual appetites do play a role in my opposition to TERFs, not that there is anything wrong with that of course.
Actually, all I did was point out the error in your rhetoric. You're the one who can't defend your stance, because it's autistic horseshit, and you got called out on it then think you're in any position to make claims about others' credibility.
You've done nothing but dodge some fairly basic questions and then followed up with adhoms.
I put down a fairly basic statement. All capitalist labor is exploitative and that it is purchasing people's bodies. Where is this wrong?
I'm the other person. But not recognizing the psychological damage the commodification of human intimacy causes in the social and cultural sense as compared to other forms of labor (ie: useful labor) is the error in your logic.
I don't have a radfem reading list for you off the top of my head sorry. "Why am I still arguing with autism?" is the only question here that matters to me.
I'm not saying that prostitution as a commodification of social relations isn't psychologically damaging, and I never once said that it wasn't a dangerous and degrading job. The thing is what are you trying to make the claim that prostitution is more exploitative than other jobs on? just how bad it is to work it? That leads to utterly meaningless definitions of what it means to exploit someone that are just as easily ended by liberal "just be yourself".
Why am i not surprised in the least.
Or, put bluntly. If you're going to claim that prostitution under capitalism is more exploitative simply due to negative qualities that come from working it, you can just as easily make the argument that it is possible to reduce exploitation while remaining in a liberal capitalist framework by making things better.
Or, as conservatives like putting it, "You're texting how exploitative capitalism is from your iphone ;)"
My argument is that prostitution is probably literally the first form of alienated labor - it's fundamentally alienated - and for that reason it is more exploitative and degrading, and because it has no need in a free society (not to imply that all other non-sex-related labor does have social benefit).
Thats some good shit.
It's not possible. Also, I'm getting a good chuckle out of the idea that I'm some twitter guppy, just because I actually read some of the radfem blogs to see what they had to say after SJW's and gommie edgelords kept spazzing out about about "muh TERF's".
Marx disagrees. You're wrapped too far around your own rhetoric.
Could you explain that one?
the fact that it produces nothing of value to the worker.
You are the one crypto-shilling for capitalism by making your all-or-fucken-nothing-bro-lmao version of anti-capitalism seem repulsive to anyone with a conscience.
Fair enough then. I would agree, but how would that be different from other things where workers don't produce anything directly of value to themselves, such as day laboring?
I've just been trying to find if there's anything more to your arguments than empty moralizing and smokescreen claims of having totally read this somewhere. The fact you can't come up with anything that isn't attacks on others is plenty telling. I'm done.
Day-labor is exploitation because of its own capitalist dynamic and not for the labor itself, which could be useful for the most part at least. Again, the commodification of intimacy has deeper psychological implications than other forms of labor, and is based on the usurpation of another one of our biological needs. Read any Wilhelm Reich?
That is a rather good argument. Fair enough then.
I have not.
Prostitution does produce something of value: either a wage or the full value of the service kept as revenue. One is alienated labor but the other is not; however, it could be argued the latter is self-exploitation. I.e. the commodification of sexual intimacy on the market, which can only be done by selling your body in competition with other bodies.
Alienation originally meant to sell. But Marx changed what it meant, ever so slightly. Labor becoming labor power – for him, that is the fundamental alienation. It's no longer spontaneous and self-driven: it's a commodity. That can only be the case when the worker is alienated from the means of production: it is no longer under their ownership or control.
So this makes prostitution interesting. If they work for a wage in a legitimate business, we can most certainly classify them as workers regardless of the specific nature of the labor. If the prostitute works for themselves, on the other hand, then their labor is not alienated in that sense; however, it's not spontaneous and self-driven either. It's a means of subsistence in a market economy.
The independent prostitute isn't alienated from any particular ownership of their own labor or means of production, yet they would not be prostitutes if they could not commodify their bodies for sale on the market. In a way their alienation is more fundamental: the alienation of the market preceded the alienation of labor. Before workers were selling their labor power, prostitutes were selling their bodies on the market.
I would not classify the independent prostitute as a worker, however, for the simple reason their labor is not labor power. Instead, their bodies in a literal sense are commodified: time with the body in exchange for a rate. Neither is the prostitute as socially important as the worker, even if they are arguably more degraded in general.
I guess the point is there's more than one kind of prostitution, and it's only when sexual intimacy is commodified and when prostitutes are hired as sex workers does it become alienation in the full sense. Exploitation > "self"-exploitation.
Anyone has a non ant version of russian dracula dude?
Completely fucking false. Women who sell their bodies are fucking lambs lost in the woods. Many women have to go through criminals because they can't call the cops or sue employers that expoloit the fuck out of them.
Also hooking isn't like other jobs. They own the MoP, plenty of hookers have been able to avoid the underground by soliciting online only. Something all hookers could if legal.
It's worth the incarceration, violence and death hookers endure as long as it makes me feel better.
Liberal feminism in a nutshell. No wonder even women reject feminism in its current lumpen prole porky backed form
Leftypol, the dirt bag left and white male leftist in general are all LARPers that will become full blown fascists when the next depression comes.
then get gassed by real fascists when their usefulness is through
go away Holla Forums
Prove me wrong.
How many people on leftypol blame SJWs for the lefts marginalization, and not you know a systemic and well funded extermination of any leftist movement by porky.
Revolution won't happen from below in the first world. a subverted party must be elected to chip away at capitalism from above
The SJWs are apart of that sabotage.
Btw, I just joined the OWE but now I'm wondering if I made the right decision.
Leftypol in a nutshell.
Framing race issues without a class analysis is worthless class collaborationism, bordering on fascism. Class struggle without a larger scope leaves unexploited avenues for progress. Socialism 101, fam.
Triggered white boi detected. LBGT, PoC's and furries are trying revive an ideology that lead to the massacre of native american's and jews like fascists are.
Orgs like The New Black Panthers are not the same as the old organization and could rightfully be labeled fascist. Sorry that fact bothers you.
Words just mean whatever the hell you want them to mean huh.
>nothing weird about my performative LGBTFPoC class-collaborationist online radicalization movement, it's totally organic
I's been bothering me since I first made this post, but I would like to build on 's post on Trotsky/Stalin and say that the biggest tragedy of Trotskyism/Stalinism is that they're both right
Just using them as a means of comparison, broski.
Anfem right, for once.
SJWs are cancer the same way Holla Forumsyps are, they hijack everything to be about their cancerous idpol and destroy cohesion with their Paranoia LARPing (just replace 'Communist' from the vanilla game with 'kike shill' or 'soggy knees' for the other two factions). They browbeat everybody into focusing on their pet issues at the expense of issues that affect everybody including them, to the point that if the movement accomplishes anything, it's rarely something other than Porky making some token gesture that benefits only them and often makes it harder for everybody else. I'm not politically involved so I can fight for everybody's rights but mine, and I'm sure as Hell not here to fight for the right to be fired or jailed for sitting a certain way on public transportation or somebody saying I looked at them funny.
The world is overpopulated and I would only want socialism with population control (or a space colonization program)
analytic philosophy did nothing wrong
fuck religion
I don't think socialism can be instituted by "abolish private property" and just work. I don't think a planning committee can effectively plan an economy. It would need to be computerized and distributed so it could not be abused by anyone.
I believe rights and actual democracy are essential to keep socialism from turning into a hellhole. constitutions are necessary to prevent reaction or bonapartism
also this
It seems perfectly possible to me that some measure of racial differences exist. It's a total non sequitur to suggest that that is grounds for denying rights to other races though.
Affirmative action is fucking stupid though. Blacks aren't poor because white people are racist, they're poor because white people historically owned all the property and had all the opportunities and passed them down to their descendants. It's not a racial divide, it's a reflection of an underlying class divide. Trying to correct that just further justifies the myth that capitalism is fundamentally just.
trans "rights" are a fucking joke, they are mentally ill people that should get real help instead of being allowed to consent to mutilation surgery and foreign hormone injections
the only reason trans rights are even a thing is because the democrats need some pseudo-cause to keep petty-bourg liberals feeling like they are changing the world for the better, while essentially arguing over non-issues and that's why so many big companies promote all these trans-right crap
nah a 2 child policy is fine
People who call liberals worse than fascists are pampered babies who have never lived in an authoritarian society and deserve to be sent to the gulag for 5 months to discover what true suffering is.
and you've never lived in a country getting droned and bombed by liberals it seems
I Hold Che's views on black people
Evopsych has some merit
i don't there is anything wrong with nationalism, i don't think a stateless society is possible, i have a hard time believing there will ever be a revolution in the first world so i have sympathy for third worldism
We've never opened up a history book and read about how many people fascists have wiped out, which the GOP is
Ok just a hundred
If it ain't about the worker, it ain't leftism. Like all religions, Islam should be purged from existence and there is nothing wrong with having a family structure to breed strong workers for the future. Gender equality should be about the woman taking the weight of the men and the men taking the weight of the woman in society for extra efficiency. Any form of individuality, like idpol is unacceptable.
Well the problem is, what you say sounds perfectly reasonable. But what happens in reality is more like exactly what I described. If you say so there's nothing weirdly fascist about being a self-appointed arbiter of racial hygiene though I guess, that emerged suddenly in a major crisis of capitalism. Note: never once denied systemic or institutional issues affecting minorities. Reality is more complex than your lil good guys vs bad guys fairy tale tho, you'd find, if you weren't hooked into the corporate narrative.
no its not. i suggest you follow your own advice and read some history cunt
Hitler and Allies would wipe out 250k people in a single mission. The Hutus in Africa were wiped out by the millions by a fascist that scapegoated them for all the people's problems.
Saying this isn't a defense of the drone program or Obama it's just fucking objective reality
The corporate narrative works because it's rooted in reality. They is oppression still based on race gender and sexual orientation. Absolutely porky is trying to decouple that oppression from class. And creating a narrative by editorial omission, i.e. By focusing solely identity it gives the impression that it's the root of the problem.
But that doesn't make it any less true. Your like one of those Hill Shills that complain that Wikileaks didn't leak anything on Trump and that shows they have an agenda.
It absolutely shows they have an agenda but that and no way miti gates the corruption uncovered. And if you think Trump is any less corrupt then you are a cuck.
He had ties to the mob. He's also probably a pizza gate style pedo
Sure they can, but children should not be forced into ignorance just because their parents are retarded. The bourgueois idea of family must be destroyed.
For all the talk pre election talk about accelerationism being a meme I've never seen my local leftist groups be as active as they've been after trump's win.
I believe the left should drop everything related purely with social issues and focus solely on economics and the class struggle.
Doesn't almost everyone here say this?
Of course public education shouldn't be mandatory, either way today's school system is turning the current generation into factory workers made to follow commands.
I'm the best poster here
Pol Pot is for Anarchoprimitivism what Augusto Pinochet is for Anarchocapitalism.
For everything you say on Holla Forums, there is someone who disagrees with it. It's a fact.
Being a socdem who doesn't want to collectivise, but just to reform the rights of company ownership to give more power to workers. It's considered radical where I live. Even the opposition party is right-wing here (fascists). Maybe I'm a cuck, but I'll read marx, zizek, adorno, and eduard bernstein before considering a more radical position.
Race realism/racial differences are true.
but that doesn't mean they should be discriminated against