Article about homosexuality and borgouise decadence
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wow…really makes you think
Homosexuality can't be "borgouise [sic]" decadence when it was around before the bourgeoisie as a class even formed.
C'mon you should know this; you're christian. Original sin and all that.
I think the author argues that its common to every ruling class going through decadence and decline. So the homosexuality of the Romans which Christianity opposed reflected the decadence of the slave owning class
Fuck your spooks faggot
Homosexuality is more like working class decadence, I know numerous working class boys who pretended to be gay.
I think it's less about what someone does in the bedroom but rather how people act out their sexual preferences in everybody's face, like the typical flamboyant LGBT activist or gay fashion designer. Being gay is a lifestyle now and that can be seen as degeneration of capitalist culture when you follow Adorno.
In the end, it actually hurts the gay people who are just regular dudes.
Shiggity diggity doo
Nice spooks nerd
What's the fucking point of being a leftist if you're gonna peddle standard reactionary bullshit like this? Go away.
Seriously, why are so many people here obsessed with hating liberals so much they turn to conservatism? Don't you understand you're going even further back than bourgeois liberalism?
The problem with liberal capitalism isn't that it accepts homosexuality and genderqueer whatever, it's that it turns them into commodified identities that fall into the status quo. "Marxism" that abandons class analysis is not a threat to capitalist individualism, it's perfectly in line since it denies the existence of "narratives" and economic solidarity, by focusing on particular interests.
The working class has no gender, sexual orientation or nationality, none of these things matter. Conservative idpol is a spook.
Fuck of nazbol gang
Homosexuality is a sin, decadence was part of the reason why Roman Empire fell.
I don't think any major figures in socialist thought envisioned the ideal economy as one that would allow gays to get hopped up on poppers and meth and fuck themselves into an early grave via AIDS on the public dime, though
Tbf although the reaction to this series from Holla Forums has been overwhelmingly hostile I really haven't heard anyone make a good argument against it other then:
we have this thread every month, even though OP should know all there is to know about homosexuality what with him being a huge faggot
you forgot to sage
TIL that superstructure has nothing to do with base.
"bourgeois decadence" isn't a phrase I've heard any leftist use
t.someone who has never read any leftist literature prior to 1980
It's mostly been by the third and you really don't give a shit about them.
Did you mean to say third world?
But not all homosexuals are bourgeois. In fact, most homosexuals are working class.
Shit argument
Homosexuality is literally reactionary.
Of course bourgeois in their decadence will run out of things to stick their dick into so they choose one another.
Gramsci, following Marx, argued that ruling classes throughout history rule by getting the oppressed classes to accept their ideology and cultural practices.
Do you ever wonder why Western lumpen and working class culture is so consumerist? Why rappers from black lumpen/working class values so often preach the virtues of making money,jet setting, having orgies and doing drugs while dissing "haters" who can't get to where they are in life?
Isn't this exactly the same type of lifestyle that white millionaires and billionaires follow whether openly or hypocritically? If a white person with a silver spoon born in their mouth started singing the same lyrics it wouldn't get near as much traction in the ghetto. Why? Because, blacks see rich white capitalists as the enemy, the idea that they can go from rags to riches is cultural propaganda designed to make them accept capitalism.
How many poor amateur rappers are there singing about how they get money and have a harem of pussy when they have neither? Now you understand the power of ideology.
TL;DR: you're the one with the shit argument
*working class backgrounds
everybody wants to see this thread again thanks for posting and bumping it, heterosexual OP
Not at all. Most of them are squares.
Ya no. Stories like Jeffrey Epstein's "Lolita Express" and "Orgy Island" (
How high on ideology are you? These people run the world, they have all the money, and you honestly believe they just abstain from sex with bombshell vixens/whatever kinky shit their into because of muh jeebus?
>also reddit spacing
I grew up in a village loitered with millionaires, they're really all a bunch of squares.
England being rife with pedophilia, in every layer of it, cannot simply be explained by bourjew plots to stop people from becoming communists.
Do you ever wish you could read?
You did argue that the decadent allures of the millionaire lifestyle are in fact designed to prevent communism.
Tear a hole through your cheek lol
In a way i can see some truth in it.
This act of sexually excluding and rejecting someone based on the bio sex of the person could use some close critical historic examination.
We don't have any good pre historic sex studies but i have the suspicion that the likeness of 2 humans having sex was based more on femininity/masculinity than whether does that person have a pussy/dick.
God help me, the liberals are bitching about being rejected by lesbians
this article is cancer and i'm going to post this every time it comes up
Most ruling classes indoctrinate the lower classes into their cultural practices and into their ideology at some level. The lifestyle itself isn't a "plot to prevent communism" but cultural propaganda boosting that lifestyle is designed to boost the allure of capitalism and mystify it in people's minds.
And there are many reasons for that but a solid, simple economic reason would be to depict elite consumption and hedonism in a positive way is a good way to sell luxury products, to draw some of the sharpest members of the working class youth into the bourgeoisie or petit-bourgeoisie in so far as they can help reproduce and advance the system.
An old ass white guy smacking Deshandra's ass pouring out bottles of expensive champaign and bragging about all the places he's been isn't going to be the kind of image that will sell blacks on the idea that capitalism is good. So, certain forms of cultural propaganda like rap music sell the idea of a popular black capitalism that's bottom up, where meritocracy is genuine in a sense that they don't see in their day-to-day experience in white society. Now suddenly blacks are craving designer brands like Gucci when not so many decades ago they neither knew, nor cared about elite French and Italian brands until they started being name dropped in black popular culture.
See how that works? It doesn't have to be all about "stopping communism" but rather it is about preserving, reproducing, and expanding the system.
I just don't understand why middle-brows are so skeptical about the idea that capitalists indoctrinate people into believing things, into upholding certain practices, in their media. Madison Avenue was built on the science of manipulating the public mind for capitalist interests.
Meant for
Everyone should just be straight and boring like you.
Not an argument.
cool story bro
Last I checked it's LGBTQIA*
I just don't like men sorry. I never have, never will. It's not something that occurs. There are plenty of people like me, and it was not because of subtle capitalist brainwashing.
this thread sure has a lot to do with leftism
Let's be honest, male homosexuality is a public health crisis waiting to happen (see: AIDS) so obviously the best option is to suppress it whenever possible
But it is presented as a plot to prevent to communism, which is how marxists tend to see every aspect of society, in their eyes, the capitalists are the perfect marxists, with every aspect of culture being designed as instrumental in serving their side of the class struggle.
This great misstrust is essentially a paranoia on the deepest level, the conspiracy theorist sees conspiracies as existing within the world, for the marxist, the world itself is conspiracy.
The acquirement of wealth, trinkets and beads, cattle and gold is not something that was brought into the blacks by the entity of capitalism, materialized in mortal form in the body of the white man, it was there all along, before a white man was first sighted. You're correct that this music is being sold to them, by record labels, by the media, by the rappers themselves.. from here a leap of logic is made by constructing this into an act of a capitalist body, something which the language used to describe it gives it the logic of a being, and is with that unconsciously treated as a being, an entity.
It's about capitalists being themselves marxists, acting in the interests of class. Because this is all they do, all aspects of society are therefor capitalist cultural propaganda to keep the working classes from having their communism.
Because we middle-brows aren't secular manicheans.
Who cares.
I'm genderfluid though..
I think any of the millions that have died from AIDS would disagree with that statement
They would disagree with you.
Besides which, the US Government hardly reacting to the crisis because of the cause is what made it extreme. The Reagan Administration virtually is responsible for the HIV pandemic.
Yes, that's it.
Fags fucking like rabbits on aphrodisiacs obviously had nothing whatsoever to do with it
How are straights not making more irresponsible life choices than gays?
Talk about teen pregnancy hahahaha
It actually didn't.
Besides which, it were the anfem types like Foucault who denied the existence of HIV and saw it as government propaganda.
To be fair 90% of the "irresponsible" life choices straights make don't end in a horrifying death by HIV
lmao, read a fucking book and tell me that gays keeping the bathhouses open because "UH, YETH IT'S SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED BUT I DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT HATH TO DO WITH THE BATHHOUSES" had nothing to do with the deaths of people like Foucault
The old gay rights shimmy! When someone criticizes the ideology behind LGBT and you have no defense just fall back and say its human nature!
Look, you criticize America, racism and sexism constantly on this board. Take a step back from the personal side of it– gay rights is the American Empire in 2016, you might not want to admit it, but you know its true. At this point the US government is probably more pro-LGBT then the majority of the population (minorities included). These days the media uses the image of muzzies slaughtering gays to sell war where "muh burkhas" fails. Just another example of queer place that US imperialism finds itself today:
Consider the racism of the LGBT movement that Gearoid alludes to:
If you don't like him you should look up Terrorist Assemblages: Homonationalism in Queer Times by Jasbir Puar who lays it out in a much more academic way of how gay groups promote Islamophobia.
You know, male homosexuality and hatred of women have long been associated with each other. How much of a surprise this board fights you tooth and nail when it comes to feminism and probably 60% of this board is gay or bi?
To be fair Anfem is your stock standard college radical that - once she gets a job in the real world - will swiftly change her politics to radical centrism
I never said that. I'm saying that there is nothing you can do to make me straight
Rest of the post I didn't read.
I'm not white and I know where I come from, sorry. I doubt you know where you come from.
like how jews promote naziphobia
Yes, tell us more about how capitalism is really just a dog whistle for "it's the fault of white people"
Really, what the fuck are you doing on this board? It's pretty clear your politics are mostly due to the issues derived from whatever happened to your parents in South Vietnam
Being adored by a cult audience.
Nah. It's that I have more investment not to appreciate the US Government for what it's done than most of you have, since I am singularly existing here right now as a byproduct of that war.
As a matter of fact, you can blame the US Government I'm posting here right now.
You don't live in that one.
Blame whitey ;v)
4d mahjong
And I regret it every day
I know you do.
Bullshit. You did read it, because you read every reply you get because you're an attention whore. You just couldn't come up with a good reply because you know its true.
It might as well be.
Legitimately I saw the word Islam and thought to myself "white in his twenties talking about islam I'll pass" and didn't read it.
I love my fans.
oh man a real job, that's a good one
Look, you can't help yourself from mocking "white people" for not being as educated as you are, clearly you're destined for the typical "Asian Liberal" path of mocking white people for being dumb rednecks that just can't survive in The Modern Economy™
it's not like you aren't a petty chinese tribe in denial
That's not asian liberal that's literally all of us
You've done you're research, you've figured us out.
Whatever helps you sleep at night when you make the transition from "Marxism" to centrist liberalism"
the inferiority complex has to come from somewhere after all
That's more likely among the whites here really. It's not like I'm not the one who have put forward actual propositions for how to go forward revolutionary, or that you believe this isn't late capitalism where you have either a choice or not in participating in it.
That's you, getting mad about deeply triggering and problematic racism.
I like mushing in the face I'm smarter than the people who constantly cite the Bell Curve, what can I say.
It's deeply satisfying schadenfreude to rub in the face of people using these biopolitics arguments, by their own arguments, I am superior to them.
It's just great, it's great shit.
Why would I read what I already read a billion times
What the fuck are you even on about?
From seeing your posts sprayed like dog shit on this site, its clear whatever inclinations you have towards "socialist" thought are more influenced by your simmering hatred of "white people" than any actual appreciation of a future that following those principles might lead to
That's me being Vietnamese not really anything to do with my beliefs. It's an unconscious response, sort of like sneezing, wanting to eat, peeing, etc. It just happens from time to time on a daily basis and there's not much to be said, some people in the room might get uncomfortable about it, but it's just human nature.
"Vietnamese" is a spook
Stop getting so easily offended ;v)
I hope you get over whatever problems you have with white people in time for the revolution, asian cunt trip
I won't and so won't North and South Korea, China, Japan, and Thailand, or Laos, and really anywhere with an established population of South East Asians.
I guess it was ridiculous to expect asians to get over their hive mind devotion to their respective nations
Your posts are literally the huffington post dressed up as radical along with plenty of Asian """defensive racism"""
How full of shit are you? The autism level fags are constantly saying that these studies mean Asians are more intelligent then whites so how are you discriminated against?
The vast majority of white people haven't even heard of the bell curve much less care about it.
I doubt you've ever experienced any real prejudice because Asians are pretty much considered white in America now. Your posts make me sympathize with the Khmer Rogue
It's just banter m8 no need to get offended
When did I bring up discrimination? Maybe you should these read posts more……
That's awfully racist of you, cunt
My soul is black…….
If your idea of getting laid is chasing after lesbians you deserve the pain for your naivety lmfaoo
"Tell me how your father molested you"
I pity whichever poor fool gets stuck with you when you make the inevitable transition to heterosexuality
Sounds like your kink
No thanks, I know what it's like, my cousin married a Jap 2bh
You don't know what it's like to please a woman, so I doubt you're anything of telling me what I'm capable of.
And "Striver", is that the new "not naive enough to forget about retirement" to you sorts
You sorts that are all so similar and hive minded
Tells you about all you need to know really
I am pretty insatiable
You don't merit further attention 2bh
You mean the sex tourism country that sells their kids to white guys? I'm genuinely curious about two things 1. how do blogs like this make you feel: 2. how does it feel to be an Asian feminist whose only friends are a bunch of white guys on an imageboard?
Yeah you've given me enough attention ;)
Holy shit you're actually a genius.
How mad does it make you /10 that you know I'm basically DFW, but I wouldn't be friends with you irl because I actually have a conscience and don't hang out with unironic pieces of shit, even though you're kinda ~quirky~ and can trash an entire board like a pro? Sorry bout all the agent orange, it sure seemed to make you retarded. :(
PS check the mod thread
Again I pity whichever guy ends up with you after you get over your temporary "I'm a communist because my parents were sort of hard done by…" phase
What about yours?
um… that its gonna be dank?
I remember a guy who used to advocate something like this…I wonder why it didn't work out?
Are you confusing Japanese nationalism with Vietnamese shitting
Why are you so stupid
That picture's so fucking sick dude. Where on Earth did you find it.
Not really your just playing dumb, you know exactly what I meant. Jap Empire was basically the Asian version of "We WUZ KANGZ" and really pimped that whole pan East Asian/ "whiteys da debit" hard and got BTFO
**whiteys da debil
No, I'm just saying that we shit on whites 24/7 as a passtime. At the end of the day we all hate each other too.
I'm not for fucking Japan, I hate fucking Japan.
You're alright by me then. 7/10 would buy lunch just for the conversation.
Im not one for settling down. Isn't it ironic how the people who should hate the idea the most like it the most? I always find that amusing with you people.
Ngl I have no investment much in hating other Asian nations except Korea but I'm addicted to Kpop so I'm a hypocrite
It's just mostly Japan really. I fucking hate that shitty island.
That's quite natural, Marx advanced his theory of historical materialism by observing the class struggle of the bourgeoisie, which he was a part of and studying their history. The bourgeoisie are very class-conscious people especially the people at the very top. They even study Marxism and try to apply it to their interest from everything from counter-insurgency to economics, anthropology, and cultural theory. The most successful political movement in effecting a political shift in the United States is the neoconservative movement which was and is heavily influenced by "ex"-Trotskyists.
It's about capitalists being themselves marxists, acting in the interests of class. Because this is all they do, all aspects of society are therefor capitalist cultural propaganda to keep the working classes from having their communism.
Really all your ranting and raving, however grandiloquent, comes down to the fact that we assume that the capitalists: 1. have agency within the limits set by the system 2. choose to pursue and exercise that agency. Hardly a crackpot assertion that merits the charge of conspiracy theory.
But these days the charge of "conspiracy theory" simply means having a critical view of the status quo. I'm sure your middle brow mind will never adequately reckon with or explain why the CIA popularized the term "conspiracy theorist" (as declassified CIA memos prove) to smear critics of the Warren Commission but one thing that is sure is you will continue to use that charge to demonize or discredit by association those whose views lay outside that of the official narratives of the status quo.
Bit of sweet and sour going on with little miss sass sauce.
For Korean actions in the Vietnam War? From what I heard their behavior was often worse then that of American GIs
We are all very brutal when it comes to war. The Vietnamese are no exception. We're a bunch of bastards really. But when it comes to the most powerful nation on earth invading your home, I think all of us would become a bunch of bastards, wouldn't you say.
It was very easy, and still is very easy, for people back home to dehumanize Americans into self serving honorleas insects.
But rivalry between each nation is common.
Korea hates Vietnam. Vietnam hates Korea. We all hate the Chinese, but at the end of the day we can all sit down and agree on one thing
Fuck Japan.
That's basically how the hatred game works in Asia.
How can Asian women possibly compete
I don't have to compete with you.
Cus whites are in a league of their own, right?
No because you're not in the market
Honey, I don't go to Chinatown.
You don't have to, neither do I. Why do you feel the need to sexually banter with me. It's so tiring.
Relax, not everything's about sex. Us girls gotta stick together.
STOP shaming virgins you silly chop suey