Post any cool designs you've seen, real or fake. Deviantart has a lot.
This Danish one is very cool, especially the Space Program and State Security emblems.
Post any cool designs you've seen, real or fake. Deviantart has a lot.
This Danish one is very cool, especially the Space Program and State Security emblems.
Other urls found in this thread:
and in english
I prefer this one to Makhno's flag. Gotta love the scythe and spear and "remove porky" in Russian.
that american map is amazing
If this becomes a thing, cleveland becomes capital of Ohio, fuck Columbus
This got shat on the last time I posted it, but whatever I still like it.
Not even a socialist revolution will result in a united Ireland.
Nice, I like some of those simpler designs
Y Ddraig Ddu or "The Black Dragon" used by the Welsh republican movement
Here's a version that makes my eyes bleed less.
not bad, but it's quite low res
looks pretty menacing
also apparently Holla Forums has a deviantart account, who knew?
Have one created on leftypol
nobody made you post here, cunt
I made a shitty flag prototype for a thread of someone wanting to create a Libertarian-Socialist Party. Of course they didn't follow through as far as I know. It avoids using usual leftist imagery with the intent of luring in outsiders. The scale is to represent class equality and it's made to look sort of cross like to subliminally drawn in the Christian majority. The red white and blue is to draw in patriots and make it look like it's politically centrist.
you're not a socialist if you're an imperialist
NazBols would like that
Dane here, God I wish the Russians came before Montgomery in 1945 now
Reminder that the true flag of socialism is a simple red banner of internationalist socialiasm
One day, brother…
Of course, but a world of simple red flags sounds a bit boring
God I love commie a e s t h e t i c s. So much better than fashy shit.
We have the best artists, don't we folks?
Like the aesthetic the first one was going for but I thing I rifle laid over the sickle in place of the hammer would look better
Pic unrelated
I could swear there was another thread like this, but I guess it slid off.
is that Aeroflot?
I think it was the "post the flag you'd die under" thread? But this is more general, symbols/emblems in addition to flags
I thought including a phoenix would be a nice addition to symbolize a kind of resurgence of the left after the fall of the Soviet Union
did you make that? Awesome
I have no idea what Aeroflot is but sure
I did yeah, a couple months ago when I was bored and all my college computers had was MS paint. I just nicked the phoenix from google images, added some read and the hammer and sickel
the USSR's national airline. It still uses the hammer and sickle despite being a private company today
why not? back in the Black Panther days some communists from the south of the US used the confederate flag to reclaim it from racists
Aeroflot is the old soviet now russian airline which uses that symbol except blue on white.
Huh, the more you know. Still looks cool though
I have always favored getting rid of the stripes in a socialist version of the American flag.
Reclaiming the war flag of a rogue state founded because of slavery? Yeah, I don't see how it could work.
If the objective is to promote civic patriotism among southern USA citizens, it should be done at "state level". And with states I also mean a new type of state division based on socio-cultural borders, I particularly like the one in >>1173162
Well it was a worth a try. This is all hypothetical anyway, I just thought it looked cool and pays tribute to the workers there
Same. 2A and 2B look great.
I also think the Union Jack should get scrapped in a socialist version of Britain, since it implies The United Kingdom. Is there such a thing as a Republican Britain flag? Or perhaps we should consider the possibility of England, Scotland and Wales being separated countries.
Found this one, it seems it was used during the Pentrich rising and the Peterloo Massacre. Looks too much like the Hungarian flag.
I have a few designs I've liked
The red-white-green is the Chartist flag
Too bad it doesn't fit my snowflake vision of a Federal Socialist Britain. It would be something like, Scotland, Wales, etc would be Autonomous Republics, much like it is done on Russia. England would only exist as a cultural region, but not as a administrative division. In its place, there would be states divided more or less like current regions of England or the ancient kingdoms. Greater London would be a city-state of its own, much like today, but with more autonomy.
These were apparently used during the commonwealth and protectorate under Cromwell.
Where's the flag of Ireland there? Socialist republic of all the British isles pls
yeah England is tricky because of its size compared to Scotland Wales and Ireland.
Socialists in Britain pretty much all support a united Ireland
A union of all the British isles under socialism sounds pretty harmless
A confederation maybe. Any mention of union with Britain would make the Irish squirm, understandably given the last few centuries.
im not talking about a voluntary union lol.
Ireland is a rather way long winded way of saying gulag
I remember an old flag I saw, it had the hammer and sickle in the middle, and above them was a heart with wings. These were all pink on a black background. For some reason the image stood out to me. But I can't find the fucking thing in my HD, and the original host is no doubt kaput.
Made this myself as an anti traditionalist / modernist culture / multiculturalism symbol
The black flame is a corruption of the Yugoslavia coat of arms multiculturalist flame
Whether you like it or not Ireland is a part of the British Isles
You mean Britain is part of the Irish isles.
eeks dee
yes pls
stuff i made for nationstates
If it wasn't for the hammer and sickle, this one would look more like a fascist flag than a communist.
good stuff, any more?
That's fresh as fuck
Union of British Socialist Republics
England BSR
Scotland BSR
Wales BSR
Northern Ireland BSR
no autism please
go back to looting you retard
sort of reminds me of the Workers Party of Korea
Antifa a cute
for map - not done, still got some things to do tbh
also >inb4 nazi
no, that flag in antartica is for ethnic nazis living there for socialism.
Not a fan of the Stasi but it's a cool emblem
I notice a lot of left wing emblems have an outstretched arm of some sort
png have fun.
All the Nazbol shit in here.
that second one is cool as fuck
is the fifth one meant to be some sort of Pagan design?
Certainly looks like Celtic motifs.
That's by far the worst flag I've ever seen.
Nice PR flag. Who made this?
Cool flags
Just no
who cares
All shit
Shit contribution from you tbh fam
good stuff my man
Is segregation suddenly okay? This new afrika meme is pure racism.
Terrible designs all around, so cluttered.
Like this one, too many fucking colors.
and what the fuck?
This one is especially bad, I mean Christ
lol look at that arm are you shitting me
oh wow yeah a weird curvy heart that won't look silly jesus
it looks so stupid, why is it grinning?
Either contribute or fuck off
nice digits buddy, terrible star design though
Each one of these is its own form of cancer. Any group that would willingly use any of them is a bunch of cunts.
like they're doing a parade and some onlooker thinks 'wow what a respectable movement that shrieking cat doesn't look like something out of a Halloween store clearance aisle'
This user is right, any time spent designing that shit was wasted
it looks like pubes
Bit harsh, but I agree I'm not a fan of any of those designs.
A little something for any other islander lefties out there
A Bermudan leftcom? Amazing. I love this site
Im probably the only leftist on this island
also what the fuck
sorry to hear that fam.
bet you don't even know the symbol
take this shit elsewhere
Also I thought this was their flag originally
it was, the flag I posted is just a communist variation of it someone made
Ah right famalam I kinda like their black on red dragon design the most anyways I guess
Accept no substitutes
Lorgar plz go
yeah that's cool too. are you Welsh?
Gotta love domain of the public. Made the attached flag by using a graphic made by him.
kek, kalashnikov and molotov is pretty good
can you argue against the first line in the meme?
Secondly, what matters is also *what they're doing', anti-fa inherently means giving up our own program / the struggle against capital, which means we will lose against fascism. You can't fight capital by continuing its logic.
The other lines are obviously strawmen.
Good video (although the ICC is shit):
I like the German Nordic flag his party proposed
Yeah i'm from the Ceredigion area
It's cool, but I still prefer the tricolor, since it was the one that was used during the 1848 revolution. Too bad the Nordic one has been picked up by neo-nazis and AfD supporters recently >implying they're not the same.
I actually like the 2nd Reich flag, sue me.
the second reich flag is pretty menacing
Left wing designers sure like stacking two flags together huh?
Cleaner version.
You offend both the dutch and the waloons.
pretty nice, seems peaceful
This'll be cooler if the hammer was longer, like fitting the design in a square to make it more symetrical
Giustizia e Libertà was cool af
dunno they look good
I like the International Brigades and Venice ones
The horn is an icon/symbol that appeals so much to me, not just on this flag
Dunno why I like it so much
it's very cool
it looks like Belfast/Ulster is a special zone, probably jointly administered
Wow, based OC. Legitimately great.
very nice
Is that Team Valor logo from Pokemon Go?
Epyc Wynn flag is best flag.