What is Holla Forums view about "Uncle Tom" or "House Negros"?
Are they both race traitors and class traitors?
What is Holla Forums view about "Uncle Tom" or "House Negros"?
Are they both race traitors and class traitors?
They were the "white collar" workers of the slave system. Better educated, better treated, and had classcuck tendencies, but not all of them fell for slavery memes.
They're obviously race traitors (that's the whole point), and generally that makes them class traitors as well since they typically scorn the black proletariat and aspire to be part of the black bourgeoisie.
Well, acknowledging "oughts" based on race would make me a nazi, so to me they're primarily class traitors.
Also goddamn kuruminha is the hottest thing ever pls post more
Class Collaborators, but deserving of more respect for their circumstance than the whites who are often overshadowed as concrete monumental forces of nature.
They should be spared.
In the scenario of slave owners, the real bourgeois evil is obvious.
Not a thing.
Essentially, but they shouldn't be hated for it. When the choice was either live relatively comfortably in exchange for complacency or be forced into the fields to be whipped and beaten, it was only in their self interest to pick the former option if emancipation/escape was a non-option. Like any slave, they should be pitied more than anything.
I'm pretty certain he didn't mean actual fucking house slaves.
I think rather, the black people who kiss white ass often to the point of being a rat or hating his own race.
In that case, then that's more or less loathsome.
You can't hate what doesn't exist.
What do you mean by that in modern context?
Any non-bourg faggot advocating for the status quo is a class traitor, which includes most Black leaders because almost all of them are pro-porky. But this is hardly a black phenomenon, with white leaders and hispanic leaders and asian leaders often more than willing to let the majority toil away for porky. So that brings us to being a "race traitor", which I suppose they are because they're willing to let most of their "race" suffer exploitation. With this in mind, nationalists are the biggest race traitors around because they fuck over "their people" again and again to a system that exploits them.
Racial purity is dumb anyway.
Yes you can you shitter, plenty of people hate a race.
An Uncle Tom is a black race realist who will rim any white ass for the corn in their shit and hates blacks/themself.
Can you really blame people for doing anything when they got the shit end of the stick?
can you prove races exist then?
Sound familiar…
(you) right now
lol i smell a spook
no they're just as dumb as poor white guys who advocate hard for unregulated capitalism
cucked is the word we're looking for here
I like that. Especially moving away from slavery terms like house niggers and field niggers would be nice.
They're regular ol classcucks.
>Here boss let me suck you off so I can have slightly more scraps. Sure I will tell all my coworkers to stop being such lazy workers niggers and put their back into it.
Depends on how you define them. If a black person was against BLM, I wouldn't call them a race traitor. I'm pretty sure your race doesn't dictate your political views.
As for the class traitor, that can apply to anyone.
Decolonization was a mistake.
Socdem poster showing his sociopathy again.
Just a bit of funposting nothing too serious comrade. Just a 2 litters of wine and entire day for myself to do what I please.