Prepare your vomit bags seriously lets fucking kill this hack

Prepare your vomit bags seriously lets fucking kill this hack

These pieces of shit deserve to be hanged by their own intestines.

everything's just fine guys the article

I'm amazed at the ability to say so little with so many words.

"Radical centrist" utter complete liberal garbage. It is also one of the largest cogs in the British pro-war propaganda model and machine (t. Media Lens).

[email protected]/* */

I'm telling this cunt to kill himself if anyone else wants to join me



You have to give them credit for the Snowden stuff. Which other UK newspaper am I supposed to read? The Independent is slightly better in terms of truth telling but its still rife with sensationalism and populism

Lmao who's this "RememberAllende" guy who keeps getting his comments deleted

t. not a laborer

ha guilty

He's kidding, right? 1984 wasn't this dystopian.


liberals really are the most sheltered cunts in existence

The message is to never envision anything beyond this. Just give up and embrace the capitalist cock deep in your asshole.

If Clinton had been able to inspire anything other than disgust then she would be the president-ellect.

Of course it does. It makes use of it, therefore it encourages it, therefore, it SELECTS for it. It's a slow processes, sure, but it exists. Every day another altruist dies in a ditch.

Technically she won the popular vote so. I hate her I'm just saying.

I find Alex Baldwins comment the strangest as the clearer sign of a broken system is a person as corrupt and uncharismatic as Hillary Clinton being forced down our throats.

just don't

maybe read the metro if you see it on a bus seat

but there is no need to support any of these shit rags when you clearly have access to the internet

That is true, but she won the popular vote while still getting fewer votes than the guy who got blown out in the previous election. Not only that, but I would wager that Clinton got the lion's share of her votes from people who were terrified of Trump and would have supported absolutely anyone else. Clinton is an utterly awful politician.


couldn't even win a majority

my sides