Is he /our guy/?
Hello Phil.
why don't you believe in the withering away of the state?
I do, and I am willing to help it wither away faster :^}
Good heart, shit theory worst followers.
Leninist need to but Leninism to rest and move on, it was tried and failed .
He's not as bad as Molly Klein. I'll at least give him that.
top fucking kek, someone pls make a spurdo
is that Red Kahina? tankie twitter is fucking nuts
He's entertaining but waaayyy too sectarian and really entrenched in the tankie anti-imperialist narrative where modern Russia is a good actor.
Especially Crypto "Literally everyone is CIA" Cuttlefish. He's very entertaining though, unlike Phil and Molly.
The withering away of anything is never appealing, prove me wrong.
Get them where it hurts, it cant function if global trade is abolished
So when does the first video of someone trying to change lanes between the arches and getting stuck for miles come out?
I actually like him tbh, he posts some good titbits
Makhno literally created a state apparatus and had total control over the 'free' territory in southeastern Ukraine lol.
Phil (left)
Cuttlefish (center)
Molly (right)
Which twitter tankie was outraged that western YPG volunteers didn't go through the proper government channels to be in Syria?
Anarkiddies, not even once
Is phil in the cpgb-marxist-leninist-autist?
mad mol
left wing anarkiddies are no better then ancap really.
just aslong you don't call it a state it's fine for them
better to be a kid than a grown-up paranoid murderer
Makhno's own comrade, left arm and member of his 500 man personal security gang (Azarov) is basically the source of all that is known about daily life in the free territory.
Even actual anarkiddies and smashies acknowledge this and are butthurt at fellow ideologues who glorify Makhno despite knowing better:
So-called 'libertarian socialists' are literally just mirroring the behavior of Stalinists (everything that paints us in a bad light is western/authoritarian propaganda!) when it comes to having a proper review of their ideology's past in action. At least within the modern Leninist tendencies, you find various leading ideologues who are nuanced and critical of the past (Badiou, Jameson, etc.), even where they hardly need to be, and actually provide something new.
Nice meme
CPGB-ML are probably too revisionist for him
before you start your revolution you have to get a consent form from the government okay
enjoy getting rekt by the grown ups over and over again
phil is an absolute madman but he's also pretty funny in his tankie delirium. red kahina is just straight up despicable and humorless. she doxxed pisspig, the bitch.
Its funny tankiddies have the audacity of calling anyone a cappie shill while worshipping a cappie stqte yoirself
Dangerous waters, wanna go there?
It actually is quite likely that that whole faction of the left is just COINTELPRO. They seem like big fans of criticizing any attempt and defending dictators like Assad (who is better than the FSA, of course, but we really want the SDF to kick his shit in after they're mopped up) and Kim.
That bus has already been decommissioned.