Liberalism will crash and burn in the coming 4 years.
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Liberalism will crash and burn in the coming 4 years.
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The left really has a sexism problem though.
I agree
Criticizing Clinton is not indicative of that though
I guess we brocialists need to call off the revolution.
Leftist surge when?
Completely incapable of seeing policy differences. All idpol.
Maybe I'm being optimistic but this simply won't suffice in a Trump presidency.
fuck I hate this guys so fucking much
This is the state of the world
it's the same in the uk for the left, but with antisemitism
Yeah its true. Theres a real problem with misandry in the mainstream left.
Women were a mistake.
Except Rosa of course
Nah, it will stay strong with blame against sexist BernieBros and Russian hackers who stole the election from Our Girl
Especially Rosa.
Build for Bernie for 2020?
fuck off
too old and shitty
That sounds, word for word, like shit you'd hear from r/socialism. Like, holy fuck.
Sure, but I don't think that leftists will be the primary beneficiaries of the fall of feminism.
Seriously though if intersectionality were true then homphobia/sexism would have a 1:1 relationship to economic oppression.
What's wrong with intersectionality but one in which you weight class above all else?
I think the rapidity at which homophobia is being reduced kind of shows if an oppression is not based on class it is easier to combat under capitalism. Racism cannot be ended under capitalism but I think eliminating homophobia or at least reducing it to more acceptable levels (the bourgeois family maintains it) is possible.
Let's hope so.
Then go to the right
Maybe, but the Left has a far bigger 'remember: no class' problem.
Intersectionality is useless, divisive, idealist bullshit. All it does is cast problems both real and imaginary in an identity-based narrative.
The 2016 candidate which had, by far, the majority of leftypol's support, was a woman.
>New Deal '''socialist''''
But not the right woman.
gotta be the neoliberal one
because not supporting neoliberalism is sexist
thank you feminists
Intersectionality, and identity politics in general, calls for class collaboration and is focused on reforming the current system (and culture) rather than liberating these groups from oppression, so it's inherently counter-revolutionary and anti-socialist/communist.
Socialism puts the working class' interest above all else, hence it's against class collaboration (with the capitalist class) on principle.
Identity politics and intersectionality typically ignores class divisions, so, through the lens of idpol/intersectionalism, 'trailer trash' whites contribute just as much to systemic racism as a rich white person does. Likewise, through the lens of idpol, a black/female/trans/homo/disabled bourgeois experiences just as much oppression as a black/female/trans/homo/disabled illegal worker does.
Socialism/communism is inherently focused on the liberation of the working class, not the white working class, not the black working class, not the female/woman/homo/trans/disabled working class, just the working class. By focusing on any one identity, it immediately creates a 'us vs. them' mentality and legitimatizes the reactionary identity (i.e. women's rights legitimatizes men's rights, disabled rights legitimatizes abled rights, trans identity legitimatizes cis identity, and so on and so on) and pits people, who would otherwise be comrades, against each other. This isn't to say there's no such thing as patriarchy, systemic racism, etc., but rather instead of destroying the base in which this culture was created, idpol focuses on 'reforming' the culture.
Sorry if some of that seems oddly worded, just really tired rn.
[spoiler] it doesn't [spoiler]
and Emma
The feminist trying to blame Bernie supporters when one of the biggest traditional feminist arguments for female leaders is that they are less war-prone and then they expect us to vote for Clinton.
If she really wanted that vote why was her go-to-strategy name dropping a laundry list of failed states in The Middle East she'd been to? Why didn't she distance herself from Kissinger? I guess he is a peace prize winner but…
Also playing the victim is the most moronic strategy for someone trying to portray themselves as a leader. Retarded.
I was never a fan of Bill Maher, but i thought he was smarter than that.
Fun-fact: Many Holla Forumsacks actualy loved Jill since in regards to environmentalism, she was in fact literaly hitler.
Threadly reminder.
now we know where finnish socdem came from
Basically this. The liberals have proved their ineptitude in the face of proto-fascism, and the candidate of the populist right has already sold out. Liberals and Trumpenproles will both be hugely disillusioned and disappointed, which we need to capitalize on with a strong class based approach to issues. If we can do that we can sweep America in the coming years.
Did anyone happen to respond to her with "Yeah… and you're it"? I really hope that happened.
Once the next recession hits it'll be easier to get a broad coalition of lefties. Most of the USA pretty much agrees on leftist beliefs(higher minmum wage, punishing wall Street and etc.)
The liberals now are proto-fascists though, just the side that fetishizes futurism and spurious "social progress" as an end in itself.
It's like liberals are actively trying to prove how tone deaf they are.
The Democratic Party is already dead. Now it's just a matter of waiting to see when they'll realize this fact.
As with almost everything, feminists are wrong there too.
It will, but not the way Holla Forums autists want. The skinnyfat white communist who posts here gon' get kicked out of the Democratic party unless he disavows Bernie and promises not to say anything except "Black Lives Matter". You became permanently irrelevant when Bernie cucked you.
If anything the only ideologically clear political actor in the US anymore with any life blood and supporters is the far-left.
I think it already started to implode. There will be no crash and burn, it will stay for much longer but slowly lose its influence, becoming reduced to the media that only upper middle class consumes.
Before I clicked that link, all sorts of images flipped through my mind about what libshit political correctness Mahar might sputter out, but I NEVER would've thought of Cold Warrior brinksmanship.
I sure hope Trump supporters aren't bamboozled by the sellout. The sincere economic agenda from brocialists and histrionic screeching from the mainstream left/center will help, but the dissatisfaction of Trump's own supporters is the only thing that will force Trump's opportunist hand in the right direction/cause him to implode as a phenomenon.
Would Megyn agree with you on that?
Um anons..
It's funny how you made a simple statement like this and dozens of posters proved you right
If you fucking brits don't put this motherfucker in power, we will have no choice but to let the islands sink.
Social Democracy will save us!
Liberal logic
Come on, we both know they'll just handwave that away with "Yeah, well, it's not their fault they had to prove their right to rule in a macho, male-dominated environment by being even more aggressive than men"
I doubt it. It's lasted this long. Although you're probably talking about a fictional form of liberalism invented by think tanks for electory purposes.
They're fond of calling it "Cultural Marxism," when in reality it is Cultural Creationism.
lel, dis
Brocialist 4 lyfe
Does it surprise you that liberals hate the Left and want to slander it?