member when we used to read a book together weekly and discuss it? and now when somebody writes a post that consists more than 7 lines people reply with "whooaaa who's gonna read that nigger" meymeys?
yeah. gj.
member when we used to read a book together weekly and discuss it? and now when somebody writes a post that consists more than 7 lines people reply with "whooaaa who's gonna read that nigger" meymeys?
yeah. gj.
Other urls found in this thread:
This is not your sunday literature club.
The shitposting has been especially bad, but the user count is down too. Personally I think it's because all of the university students that actually make the decent posts are home on holiday and don't have as much time for posting on liberal marble stacking forum.
It also hurts too that the sort of people that would be making/posting in those sorts of threads are probably themselves busy reading rather than posting dank meems on the internet.
go back to illiterate/pol/
Also, if you want a decent book, here's one:
hell yeah bruh
I'm just trying to guide you to the rest of the retards so you'll feel more at home.
Kill yourself m8
If I am a retard, then this board should be my commune.
Here, I would feel at home, surrounded by my comrades.
We continue with another decent book:
>>>Holla Forums
Well, what have you been reading lately?
don't be too hard on him. he can't read after all and we shouldn't make fun of people with brain damage
sure thing buddy, shitposters in leftypol being intellectual hater just because they praise direct action and don't have time to read book because they are in a really intense revolutionary struggle not because they are Holla Forumsfags trying to sabotage the board. u got it again.
This is probably accurate.
We should really try to re-instill the culture of the board, discussion was better and it was more fun to be here, and I actually learnt from this place.
Reading (and subsequently discussing) revolutionary theory is vitally important. Posters like seem to have failed to understand that without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.
We should remember to utilize boards like >>>/freedu/ as there is lots of educational materials there.
Here, comrades.
Hope i help.
Wrong board m8
but there's good shit in there, I checked
OP I agree that this should be reinstated. Education is pivotal at this point since armed revolution isn't exactly happening at this point.
For all you know haters are just people from Holla Forums shitting the place up to discourage you.
I recently just ordered "How Will Capitalism End?" by Wolfgang Streek, waiting on that to arrive by mail myself.
Relevant if you want some new things to read for the new year and have some Holidays money to burn.
The influx of Holla Forums spammers hasn't helped
I remember! I think everybody should read what is property by Proudhon, it's a classic
I would be up for this
I don't have many people to discuss politics with IRL so I'd like this. Wasn't around for the original though
I remember op.
Last time I checked AW wasn't a student
i liked it
Are >>>/his/ and >>>/lit/ still dead boards?
Well what the fuck is it then
You try to organise irl action and faggots complain
You try to organise even reading faggots complain
This place has gone seriously downhill in the last few months. It is used to be shit, but now it's completely shit. There is barely any real disussion any more it's just nazbol threads, like 1 a day, people who haven't read stirner calling everything a spook, to the point where self interest has been called a spook. You've got people telling you o read Lenin who will then tell you that the goal of socialism in the Leninist framework is not communism.
We can do it on /freedu/ it's Holla Forumslution free
There is nothing wrong with not reading, there is something wrong with being anti reading because you are jealous other people do
Well come to leftypol. Where everyone is against anything you do.
Only because you people keep pushing that meme.
What meme prickles
I think the US elections really were a blow to the userbase here. A lot of the people who you might describe as "better read" or "more articulate" trickled out around that time to avoid the shitshow. It would seem that many of them did not return after that period like we were expecting. The board itself hasn't lost people overall; quite the opposite, we've grown a lot in the last year or two. The problem is that the people who have come since have not picked up the torch on keeping the intellectual traditions of the board going, and those who have adhered to that tradition are drowned out by seas of shitposters and willing illiterates.
Also I would love to see the reading groups return, but we run the problem that they are REALLY hard to keep organized and alive on an imageboard. It's not so much a problem of people not reading at all, but getting them all focused on a single book, have them cover X amount of content in Y amount of time, and then have them then come back here to discuss it is a difficult intersection of users to attain.
Tbh I keep seeing reasons to get the core users together and create a board or site specifically for people that want to move beyond meming and go to the next level
This board is done for.
It only serves as a dumpster for /pol.
OK, any ideas when/which book?
Maybe we could all read this and talk about it itt? It's only 11 pages. Maybe it could be a good jumping off point.
The text is still very long relative to the amount of information in it.
Why does he need one half of eleven pages to say that? At that point it look like he is basically saying there is only micro, no macro. It's all up to you! This DIY position leaves out prisoner's dilemma type situations. It's an individualism only slightly less hollow than the standard propaganda, so following that you still end up being a me-me-me autist and useful idiot for capitalism.
In the second half the essay rises from dog shit to somewhat below mediocre, as he gets around to the fact that breaking the spell requires linking up with other people. But how do you do link up when you fap to the concept of "radical subjectivity", like the author? He lists a bunch of "phoney social identities", examples are trade unionist and sports fan, and claims that these are "all are rooted in a common desire for affiliation, for belonging." He claims, "beyond a certain point these identities only serve to mask our real position in society." I don't know what he is smoking, but I would never say that about a trade unionist.
Half a dozen artsy French alcoholics were an international revolutionary organisation, you guys! (Is the author a former Trotskyist?)
He criticizes council-communists for caring only about work places and nothing else, like the issue of housing. That's a straw man. Final verdict: 3/10. Stalinism has superior theory.
Except he's absolutely right. If you base your identity off of your occupation in a pantomime game of belonging with everyone else that does whatever you're occupied doing then being a "trade unionist" is as bogus as tumblr genders and consumption-identities like "gamers."
I see.
yeah see you're not so retarded after all
Come join the new Holla Forums Goodreads group, where we will be reading a book a month in 2017.
The book for January is Graeber's Debt: The First 5000 Years.
Read a book about what? How sucking a better dick doesn't get you dem $$$ if he cums too fast?
The man can't discuss anything without being a egoistical asshole and he also ignore points that bother him.
I'm down ("null" here)
Been meaning to read this book anyway.
It's only the newfags who don't want to read.
ignore them.
Bumping again for recruits for
i still have the original reading list from february/march saved
Someone post some epubs of some more recent titles instead of endless out of copyright shit I could've found myself.
member when memberberries were used as a satire over the fact most people are living in the past?
Nice list
Sure I'll join but I kinda don't want to sign up for the website.