What was this facial expression trying to convey?
What was this facial expression trying to convey?
He is trying to warn us about the damned grave diggers.
He was caught in horror that he had just taken a shit and possibly done something.
disdain for democratic centralists
Self-realization when your ideology is so bad and non-dangerous that Italian fascist government lets you out of prison.
How original post that has never been posted on leftypol before.
Reading it now, not spectacular.
From the conclusion of: marxists.org
All this rambling Marxist word salad to say what?
Wow it's fascist organicism, who'd have thunk
Word Salad user you just aren't smart.
Color me surprised.
Time and again, leftcoms post this link, but are they able to debate the content of it? I actually read it and found it very weak.
>On the other hand, the intensity of the struggle in particular phases demands speed of decision and movement and a centralized organization of efforts in a common direction, which, as the Russian experience is demonstrating with a whole series of examples, imposes on the proletarian state constitutional characteristics which are in open contradiction to the canons of bourgeois democracy. Supporters of bourgeois democracy howl about the violation of liberties, whereas it is only a matter of unmasking the philistine prejudices which have always allowed demagogues to ensure power to the muh privileged. In the dictatorship of the proletariat, the constitutional mechanism of the state organization is not only consultative, but at the same time executive. Participation in the functions of political life, if not of the whole mass of electors, then at least of a wide layer of their delegates, is not intermittent but continuous. It is interesting to note that this is accomplished without at all harming the unitary character of the action of the whole state apparatus - rather to the contrary. And this is thanks precisely to the criteria opposed to those of bourgeois hyperliberalism, that is, virtual suppression of direct elections and proportional representation, once, as we have seen, the other sacred dogma of the equal vote, has been overthrown.
Gerrymandering is bad when the capitalists are doing it, when we do it like marxistically-scienceyrifically, it's completely different!
A normal person would call that opportunism, and as you know Bordiga didn't like opportunists either, so this is totally different from him being a slimy opportunist, for reasons that are too big and complicated for your tiny prole brain to comprehend. But trust him.
Anything goes, weee! Actually, it's impossible to neatly separate form and content, that's an idealist viewpoint.
The more delegation levels you have, the more extreme you can gerrymander things. Proportional representation would screw with that however, it needs to be the winning combo of non-proportional elections and many delegation levels. Gee, how could a bureaucratic caste emerge from that I wonder? Did Bordiga really fail that much at basic mathematical/logical thinking when he wrote it or was he just a dishonest cunt here?
In the trash it goes.
this post was a repost
Wow did they really do this? Bordigafags BTFO
Daily reminder that Stalinist opportunists killed at least one "harmless" Bordigist in 1945 for doing something
So Leftcom's main point of contention is they're Stalinists but ineffectual, and hence express ressentiment over opportunity-takers who made it big?
Most leftcoms were still active and some were prosecuted until the end of the Mussolini regime, but
You have no idea what you're talking about. You should start reading this instead:
I read Bordiga himself on the democratic principle and it was unimpressive. See above.
read more bordiga
Which texts in particular should I handily demolish next?
It's almost like leftcoms don't realize that being in a bureaucracy or in a legislative position carries with it its own interests which will work counter to any ideological goals.
Already refuted Rafiq. Guy's a hysterical autist who can't write.
They are organicists. It's empty metaphysical holism couched in anti-metaphysical rhetoric, nothing more.
Not all LeftComs are Bordigists. I'm a LeftCom and I'm not that fond of Bordiga's theoretical contributions.
What other kind of leftcom, though? Councilism is completely dead.
Situationism and Wertkritik, for example.