What's your excuse? Free software is communism.

Other urls found in this thread:


Hah, nice troll OP. What next, that idpol is revolutionary and not liberal in the slightest?


You are not dumb, linux is simply designed to only be used by autists


You can have dota in linux. But yeah, linux is the prole's choice of operating system.

No need to worry friendo, don't worry about the retarded elitist bullshit of /g/ and 'arch and gentoo are the only proper distros, tiling wms and autism' kinda linux users. If you want a simple and easy to use distro, just go for mint or fedora; they will be pretty much fine out of the box for most of the stuff you'd want to do, and you can actually get better without spending all your time on forums or contracting autism.

Is it all right if I keep it confined to a virtualized Xen instance for playing vidya?

Mint is meme tier, use Xubuntu.

Whatever floats your boat. Distro elitism is even more retarded than sectarianism.



Come now, young comrades, just download your linux here: xubuntu.org/
and put it on a pendrive like so: rufus.akeo.ie/
and just make sure that usb booting is allowed in your BIOS

Use Xubuntu. Easy to use, easy to install, and easily customizable.

The only people who straight up can't use linux are people who've hit a dumbfuckery level of 10, they use proprietary as shit hardware, and thus can't use linux, or have idpol dumbfuckery bannana dildo dumbfuckery scare them off from even trying a flavor of linux. Seriously, Xubuntu is probably the best one I've used (Tried Trisquel, Mint, and Elementary, all of which made me want to roast some pork)

Wine by now has better compatibility with 5+year old games than the official Windows distros. dx11 games will be compatible in a year or so too.

Just use "playonlinux" for your windows games. Steam has like 2000+ games for Linux, and runs native.

The idea that every software should be open for everyone to study, accessible to all without limitations, and free of charge is not like veganism, you retard.


Now you are just being retarded. How is that even comparable?

What is honestly wrong with windows?

I'm not trying to defend it, just curious. I have a pirated copy, and I'd need actual reasons to swap rather than telling me Microsoft is capitalism.

freetards think its icky because they can't twist it and wreck it for their autistic needs

If that is not reason enough you should get the fuck out

Keep bootlicking capitalists because 'it just werks breh'


It's not about intelligence you retard, it's about freedom. If you've read the thread, I am opposed to arch/gentoo autism, using ubuntu/mint/fedora whatever basic distro is not harder than using windows.

A freedom that most people can't use because they can't code
That is why they don't care and why I don't care, without being able to code linux is a burden

My kamrat. Have used just about every mainstream distro and currently using manjaro on my main rig, gentoo on my server and debian on my other server. FreeBSD and OpenBSD are also cool.

Ave libertas!

Easy af to play any vidya, no stupid and overly complicated workarounds needed to do so.

Besides, only dumb fanatics have ONLY ONE OS in 2016.

And now that you namedrop some distros
I thinks distro wars are the biggest testament to how autistic linux users are
Most distros have no reason to exist beyond the fact the "devs" hate each other and furthing adding to the burden

Honestly too lazy to get some Linux distro, let alone know which one would be best for me. I know how to install it and everything but I gotta be able to play League of Legends easily because I'm a faggot and I heard it's poorly supported on Linux.

My excuse is that a fuckload of programs are not supported in any other OS then Windows.


Freshman year of college, my CS teacher forced us to use Ubuntu for all our projects.

All software is the same as windows, but open source and free.

As long as you don't play video games, or use Adobe Photoshop, Linux is all you need.


Because I want to be able to play games

the free/open source alternative to a propietarian program

Libre actually doesn't suck you retard

they dont make the vidya games i like linux compatible. and the emulators cause input delays and do have errors at times. well last time i checked in 06 and 08. i gave up on linux after because i cant give up my vidya

Video games are a waste of time, time that you'll never get back. stop playing them

That is Holla Forums talk

Mostly security. The newer the version of Windows the more spying they do. Win 10 makes it a bitch to stop the spying, though I have a friend who says he's still seeing background traffic on Windows 10. Windows 7 and I think 8 had no spying until a certain update. Everything thing from those versions and up lurks through your files and preferences and shares them with Microsoft. It's a massive privacy invasion.
Also see This is also a reason why you should be careful about linux. My Linux professor back in college had mad hardons for specific distros and got into arguments over that same shit. I like the idea and all, but there's a clusterfuck of different versions and they all have slight differences or are the same thing.

I use Linux because I don't have to deal with viruses and hard disk thrashing and fragmentation and shit getting slow as fuck after a year, its ricing capability and freedom are only a plus.

hur hur u don't play video games 10 hours a day?

hur hru u must be Holla Forums

Who gets to decide what a waste of time is? Fuck off nerd.

no exploitation going on here kiddos, now get back to your video games

What did he mean by this?

i'm mostly just lazy

I use Mac OS. I've tried Linux several times but it's pretty shit tbh. Shit touchpad drivers, shitty unpolished UI, shitty software, shit battery management, and I lose all of the integration between my phone and laptop.

No, the idea isn't. But using Linux and thinking you're a revolutionary because of that and that you're better than all the dirty capitalist contributors that use Windows, is.

Security, stability, speed, customizability, philosophy โ€“ Linux beats Windows on all counts. Why do you think that Microsoft's servers run on Linux?

Lel. I've been using Linux for 14 years. I can't code for shit. Whenever I have to sit at a windows desktop I feel infantilized, given toys for serious business.

Manjaro seems sexy af.

Yes, having myriad of options to chose the OS that perfectly fits my needs is "autistic."

Be specific.


Dude, people would maybe be able to take your opinion seriously if you'd tried using any user-oriented linux distro for just two fucking seconds.
Yeah so?
Some people are retarded, but when your entire argument is just
>But the people using it are nerds!!!
Then you should just shut the fuck up and leave it to the grown ups.

I can get this, but the far far far majority of computer users of 2016 only use a couple of simple programs that most of the time are well supported on Linux. Meaning that you don't belong to the group of people we're talking about.
And that's without even considering whether the programs you're talking about actually have good alternatives, for which a lot of course wont.

Who are you quoting?
Why the fuck are you sperging so fucking hard over this?

Who are you quoting?

Shitty design, a lot of the time when Microsoft changes something in their design, it's because they want to make something easier on their end, not because of user-friendliness. See e.g. the design change from 7 to 8/10.
Spying, Windows was at least a pretty good OS back in the days when Windows was the product, but after making their OS free it's obvious that Windows isn't the product any longer, it's you and your information. All the spying shit that they enabled by default that you can't turn off, the games that install themselves on your computer, &c.
Microsoft is just a shitty and abusive company in general.
Lastly, your OS is locked down to fuck. This doesn't really apply to most users, but if you're a poweruser using linux gives you the ability to do more stuff the way you want it. A lot of the time, Windows lacks functionality just because Microsoft doesn't expect the user to understand it, they disable and remove shit all the time if they see that not enough of their users use it, in an attempt to cut on internal costs.
Rest of the arguments for switching are mostly arguments in favor of linux, rather than detriments of Windows.

Steam runs on linux, native. Wine is better at reverse compatibility with 5+yrs old games than Windows is. You can use "playonlinux" to install any game with the "next next done" method.
Gimp, kdenlive, blender, audacity โ€“ these can cover 80-90% of the same functionality.

you can, ya mongoloid

Oh yeah I completely forgot just the basic shit.
Windows getting slow as fuck over time needing to wipe. I've been using this same Linux installation since I got my first SSD 3 years ago.
Windows having difficulty with uptime, I regularly reach uptimes of months on my desktop. (Don't know if this is still a thing, heard reports of good uptimes on newer windows installations)
Windows requiring you to install stupid fucking anti-virus bullshit.
Updating shit on your computer being a fucking pain.
Requiring to get completely new installations of your OS every few years.
Some company somewhere deciding how your computer should run, including simple design shit. How much fucking complaining did it take to get the start menu back when they removed it?

plz, no


Sure if you're a hobbyist.
Look I'm a huge Linux guy myself, but it has to be acknowledged that if you're a professional using software that isn't found in an office suite, then it's not unlikely that Linux isn't a viable option.
Of course most people don't belong in this category, and a lot of the people who do belong in this category will be using this software on office computers, and could be using windows on home computers. But, in turn, I don't think it's an unreasonable position to hold that you don't want to use two different OS's during the day if you belong to that latter group.



I would change my os, but why? I really don't care. I have windows 10 installed on my laptop for over a year and never had any issues. I still use wmp, because why bother to change it.
The only things i changed are open office and firefox, because internet explorer did sucked for a very long time.
I don't play video games and mostly use my computer for internet, watch films and listen to music.

Nobody here said any of the shit you're trying to put on us.
Also, nice move not responding to any of the other shit I called you out on. Such as not knowing what the fuck you're talking about. GTFO.


Good on you.

top kek faggot

Wrong. The reason distros exist is that package management can be approached from many angles and is a particularly hard problem in software. You have rolling release vs phased updates, source vs binary distribution and stable vs bleeding edge releases.
Each of these are suitable for different purposes.

Sure, the freedom of choice linux offers is fantastic for a programmer but if you are a gamer, or rely on photoshop it is (right now, due to market monopoly bullshit) inferior.
Use whatever you fucking like to be honest. Free software is partially a rejection of capitalist forms of distribution - we should support it but it's fucking spooky shit to suggest we use it with as many compromises as it comes with for many.
"It works in wine" also isnt a valid excuse.

Wine and Playonlinux run games like complete ass on my machine. We're talking 40fps on league on a card that on windows can handle AAA games.>>1162393

GIMP is complete shit and has not improved in several years. I say that as a GIMP user.
Good enough for simple editing tasks. Unsuitable for music production.
Linux audio is getting better but it still has a heap of caviats.
Greate piece of software, good for hobbyists and moderately sized studios.

If that's all you do on your computer you are probably the ideal linux user. Linux runs more smoothly for these kind of tasks than windows, I've had much success installing ubuntu for some users who had their windows install bloated and needed help fixing it.

Dont get me wrong guys. I fucking love Linux and free software (flag related), but I dont expect anyone to make compromises just to switch to it for idealistic reasons.

what in the fuck is that picture

I've already spend enough time arguing here
Your posts are nothing special and don't deserve my attention

Thoughts on these?

Just install fedora. the only thing not libre is the firmware and if you're super autistic about it you can get "freedora" kernal.
All the distros on that list except trisquel are barely functional at best.

well.. pic related for startersโ€ฆ.

yeah but you can only use fedora for like a year before having to pay for it. Or installing the new distro every year.

Ubuntu or Mint are the logical choices

I'll go with Xubuntu, thanks.

the fuck are you talking about?

shit nvm, i was thinking of something else

Windows is extremely reliable and has biggest supported software base (for me its games and graphics). (millions of hours testing and hotfixes)

Linux creators envisioned distributing the maintenance load to everyone. They fractionalized the components to a huge mess.


My Windows is free.

Pro-tip. If Windows starts giving you that "This copy is not genuine" shit type "SLMGR -REARM" or "SLMGR /REARM" into the command prompt and it turns that bullshit off.

Also never go past 7.

And not to mention most pirate software is for Windows. To the Linux or other alternative advocates, can I run all my pirate software with no performance drop from a straight Windows desktop.

I'm considering making my main work station an offline Windows desktop and my internet browsing bullshit machine a Linux machine or some other alternative for security purposes.

Wimdows has NSA backdoors

What you need to realize is they managed to make DLL hell reliable. Thats basicly impossible. Microsoft had the resources to do it thou.

I know, see my post here:

I'm not really worried about NSA. I'm more worried from a software developer perspective or any other creative field for that matter how easy it would be for someone (Google, Apple, Windows, DARPA, ETC.) to monitor all your work and idea-jack you at any moment.

I wonder how much that actually goes on in various industries

I'm sure your phone has all sorts of back doors on it as well.

That's like keeping a audio/visual bug on you at all times.

At least my PC doesn't have a webcam or a mic on it.

A good rule: Don't type anything in to any computer device that could potentially get you in trouble.

If you really need to write down plans and details like that, use a pen and paper, and don't talk on or near a cellphone.

It's GNU/Linux, you revisionist shit.

You could try ReactOS to run windows programs on an open source OS. It's way early in development though.

Ubuntu variant distros are filled with malicious code. Do not use.

Hush the mere mention of Ros triggers linux fags

Then spend some money to improve it, retard.

I want to run games and software other than non-compiled text editors from a decade ago.

Why is Holla Forums full of so many plebs?

BSD is a cuck license and only attracts cuck developers like Theo de Raadt.

Indeed, phones can be activated remotely even while switched off. The only way to be sure you can't be spied on is to take the batteries out.

I like to play vidya, and not all of my library is available on loonix, so I run Windoze on my gaming computer. I have a laptop I'm running Arch on though.

You're like a drug addict. Break free from your addiction and embrace freedom.

Maybe one day. Right now I like playing vidya too much, and I've poured in too much money to just quit like that.

What about dual booting?

Or ya knowโ€ฆ just not use a smartphone. They cant hack a normal mobile.

Still can Stringray you.

Beware: Cellphone bugs can be created by disabling the ringing feature on a mobile phone, allowing a caller to call a phone to access its microphone and listen in. Intentionally hiding a cell phone in a location is a bugging technique. Some hidden cellphone bugs rely on Wifi hotspots, rather than celluar data, where the tracker rootkit software periodically "wakes up" and signs into a public wifi hotspot to upload tracker data onto a public internet server. In the United States, the FBI has used "roving bugs", which entails the activation of microphones on mobile phones to enable the monitoring of conversations

That just seems kind of pointless fam. When I use my gaming computer I almost always want to game, so I may as well stick with only Windows. While on the other hand, I have my arch laptop in case I ever want to fuck around on Linux.

If they did that with me all they would hear is me talking to my cat.

I know you can play in Linux, but I seriously doubt I would be able to archive 60+ frames on games like Witcher 3, OW, SFV and FFXIV.
And don't get me started on how difficult it would be to run VR machinery in a linux environment.
Let's be real and stop hard fanboyism; like someone pointed in a another reply, there are needs that only certain distros can handle, so logically there will be needs that only certain OS' can handle; it's not like you can't a PC with several drives or partitions running different OS', SPECIALLY in 2016.

And there would be nothing wrong with this, if it weren't for the fact most people will just continue to use windows without ever booting Linux because they are used to windows. If you just break the habit and force yourself to use Linux whenever you can, you will end up preferring it and will have broken Microsoft's power over you.

I'm writing this from a think pad x60 with libreboot and completely free Debian Linux.

No it not. Distros with no non-free software are better.


Not me.
Running Linux since 2008.

That's hilarious. The linux system is obvious and easy, and you can see the whole thing.
Windows is a labyrinth of secret proprietary whatevers. Who knows? You don't, because you don't even get to see under the hood.
Windows hides the terminal, ffs


Photoshop 11 runs well enough on wine btw.

That is why you install custom roms

This is full autism. Debian is plenty free and your computer will actually have wifi firmware.

And if you're worried about NSA backdoors in nonfree firmware, I hope you also have a focused ion beam to write custom cpu microcode.

lost it at


I dualboot because linux doesn't have gaming support like the millions of autistic nerds wants you to think, and because I'm not a paranoid twat

you're some autistic, impotent faggot on the internet that is literally not a threat to the state

Also their communities are full of ancaps

AMD and Valve are working to get VR code into their kernel driver. Linux gaming is getting to be pretty damn sweet on AMD cards. Full support in kernel for OpenCL, Freesync, and more.

Get a mouse

KDE and XFCE are nice. Especially with Manjaro.

Specifically what? Most software runs, or has FOSS alternatives, and more are getting Linux ports. Plus wine tho.

I've never had this problem on any Mac I've ran linux on, maybe you just have a shitty battery.

KDE Connect, it lets your phone double as a touchpad too

Since on Linux I can manage everything that runs, go into a totally minimal environment if I want to, fine tune every detail, I bet you that I'll get more battery compared to your overloaded ridiculous golem of an OS.

Media player classic. I'm pretty sure i also use other programs that don't run on anything but windows. To say nothing of being capable of running on linux.
Other then that, a shit ton of video games only run on windows.

there are tons to chose from: vlc, smplayer, xmplayer, etc.

well, some vydia created for windows are now more compatible with wine than with win10. Steam is native on linux, lot of indie shit comes out same time as on windows, wine can run 5+year old games no problem, directx11 will be supported in a year.

you are just a consumer whore enjoying your ideology, tbh

I run games from the late 1990s on windows 7 just fine. I have no idea what you're talking about. I also doubt that wine can run every game ever made for windows.

Games from the late 90s run fine on windows 10. Please give an actual example of a game that isn't compatible with windows.

Because I'm tired of it freezing all the fucking time

wasnt KDE 5 a bloated, retarded mess

isn't ubuntu the windows vista of linux

It flat out fucking can't.

Remember you're dealing with hysterical consumer loyalists

MPV is better, and it has frontends like Bomi.

nope, it takes a standard amount of RAM for a full-featured DE.

4 was absolute trash at launch and Plasma 5 was getting the same treatment last I knew

I'm using KDE 5.8 right now. It's stable, smooth, good-looking, and full-featured. It's more efficient and quick than KDE4 ever was, and I know because I used KDE4 during its later years. It's also getting new features all the time. For instance, 5.9 is going to have a Mac-style global menu widget.

If you're on a rolling distro or something relatively up-to-date, give it a try. However, distros like Mint and Kubuntu are still stuck on 5.6 I think, and that isn't as stable.

No Unity is more like the Windows 8 of Linux. Cinnamon is the Windows Vista of Linux.

An example of what that poster is talking about is the Exile series. These games don't run at all on 64-bit Windows because Microsoft are fucks and ditched their 16-bit Windows-on-Windows layer for it. They run just fine on any Linux through WINE on the other hand. Though last time I checked you had to use an older version of WINE because they broke something a while back.

i use mint :^)

your mistake is thinking that autistic = bad. instead, autism is actually really good


Using windows

Okay, so games from the mid 1990s that probably won't run on wine either.

the spying is cool if you help the govment out with solving crime stuff, they seriously report anyone with above 120 i.q. and push what you say to the authorities. It gets shitty if you make racist jokes with friends though, because that shit actually helps you feel more confident in front of the races that you make fun of, which changes society just a little but. Some people are exactly that obsessed with control, and will do what they can to prevent you from making any change in society.

Baldur's Gate, Divine Divinity, and many more from that era. Windows' backward compatibility was never a priority to Microsoft. This user is not up-to-date on Linux gaming. There's a software called playonlinux, with it you can have parallel wine versions installed for each and every game. It's like if you had multiple virtual windowses, pre-configured for each and every game, automatically.


Lol no

KDE and XFCE are nice. Especially with Manjaro.

Logic Pro, photoshop, Microsoft office mainly

Negative. I get around 9 hours with Mac OS. It seems like it doesn't throttle the processor as well either.

So I can receive iMessages, text messages and phone calls with that? Does it have copy/paste across devices? Do the browsers sync so I can go from one device to the other?

According to wikipedia that program used an online database of which scripts to use. I am 100% sure that there are games that it doesn't have the scripts for.

No the point is they do run on WINE and don't on modern Windows because Microsoft doesn't support compatibility for 16-bit Windows versions anymore.

It lets you create your own running environment if there's no script.

cant run music software i need on linux so no

It is. It's Arch but it JustWerks. My gpu, my xorg, my ethernet etc. All just works out of the box and if you pick the i3 premade flavour you save the hassle of theming one yourself.

Now this I'm interested in. I've been wanting to see what all the fuss about i3 is for a while now but the package on Canonical repositories has nothing configured and I can't figure out how the hell to use it.

Linux isn't communism. Some full-time free software developers make a six-figure salary.

And what if you don't know how to do that?

are you actually class-cucked, or are you just digging for an excuse for >but muh gaymes?

Windows is primarily a commercial platform that dumbs everything down and does a terrible job at it. It's near monopoly results in general users that are technologically illiterate and distrust everything that isn't aggressively marketed at them.
Linux is designed to be a tool for work and actually not difficult, it's just not Windows. That and gaming on it is way better than it's reputation.

Corporate participation in FROS software, giving something away for free what they could otherwise use very well to extract rent out of, shows very well the insufficency of conventional capitalist economic models. This is a strength, not a weakness.

It's just different
You know windows users don't use OSX generally because they can't figure it out? Or vice versa? Or how iPhone users can't figure out an android?
It's the same principle with people moving to linux. They are simply used to having things a certain way. Often enough, things are not harder on linux, but different.
On windows, you download a binary installer and let it do its thing to install the software you want.
On linux, you simply look up you software in the package manager, and let the package manager do its thing.
On windows, if you want to change X setting, you go to Y place. On linux, you go yo Z place.
Of course, you will need to get out of that comfort zone of yours. Of course, you'll have to learn new things. But there is literally no other excuse against doing any of that but laziness.
So until you accept that you're a lazy fat fuck who can't be bothered to get security, privacy and freedoms if it means you have to get out of your comfort zone and spend a small amount of time NOT playing vidya, you have literally no excuse to not even try it for a few weeks.
And just get something easy. Mint or some shit. You can rice it to fit your needs if you want to. You can keep everything at its defaults if you don't.
Really, if you can't get into linux, how can you expect to be of any help to any IRL revolution if you're just gonna spend your time on your fat ass.

Yes it will be new. Yes you will have to learn new things. And yes, it will be better for you in the long run if you start now.

Windows' abusive practices will only get worse, and it will only be harder to escape from it if you wait. OSX is no good alternative in that regard.

Playing less vidya was one of the best choices I made, btw, but that is not as relevant as you think it'd be
Only the most recent, bulkiest, shittiest AAA games don't run on linux if you don't have the hardware for it

I don't care about fancy modern software, but I've spent years setting up my emulators for every major console and computer system, and making workarounds to get older Windows shit run, on 7. I've got everything where I want it and the thought of doing it over again for Linux is painful.

Certainty Windows OS have gone to total shit and I don't plan to move beyond 7 and screw up compatibility even more. I guess I could try a Linux distro for shit other than gaming thought.

Rate my autism, fellow molekin!

Okay but seriously, how well do games run on linux, and can you play every game developed for windows using software like wine?

Autism: the operating system

Points for i3, seriously it's the best way to operate a computer with a keyboard. Also what font? Terminus? Also admiring the i3status, how did you get temperature displayed?

You've got quite a lot of packages, how is the system holding up?

Autism: the ideology

I've been using i3 for about an year now. I'm sticking with tiling window managers for sure. I tried dwm for a bit, but for now I am sticking with i3.

Yes, the font is Terminus! I've spent many boring hours but I always come back to Terminus (bold). Very readable and very pretty.

To get temperature on i3status, I just added this:
cpu_temperature "0" { path = "/sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp1_input" format = "CPU temp: %degrees ยบC"}order += "cpu temperature 0"
to the ~/.i3status file.
As always, do man i3status: all the boring details are there.
The 'path' field will be something else for you: you'll have to explore your /sys/class/hwmon (or similar) a bit.
Files such as 'temp1_label' have the name of the sensor and files such as 'temp1_input' have the reading of the sensor.

The packages aren't an issue at all, I think they're mostly small libraries. They're all only 68 GB, not counting my home directory.
I don't install packages with a lot of dependencies like desktop environments, so I never get Package Hell.

Mostly well. And it's getting better due to Valve's (porky) efforts.

You'll still have to sacrifice a lot of games, especially the newer ones. I found it worthwhile though.

If you don't have any interest in customizing and controlling your computer at a 'lower' lever, I wouldn't recommend linux. Seriously. It can be a bitch.

But I found the increased power over my computers to be very worthwhile, even if it can be a (fun) hassle once in a while.

Unless it doesn't exist or is out of date or the current version is buggy and you need to downgrade for some reason. Then fuck.

It's getting better due to AMD's efforts with Mantle and Vulkan.

Valve's disgusting fucking DRM peddling does nothing good for Linux.

Tell me how to operate i3 please. Every time I attempt to give it a spin I can't figure out how the fuck to do basic things and that includes hard resetting since I can't even figure out how to log back out of my session.

Is linux faster though? I find windows slow sometimes (not particularly often, but sometimes) even though it's installed on an SSD (windows 7 to be specific).

Even the heaviest Linux desktop environments do not match modern Windows bloat.

next next choose option next install play


linux has all the emulators you need

waay fast0r, waaay saf0r

What do you mean?

Start with the basics: your superkey + enter opens up a terminal and from there you can reboot or shutdown etc. Get comfy with your /home/user/.i3status.conf

More than that make use of multiple desktops i.e. superkey+1-9 numbers
superkey+shift+jkl for moving windows around.

superkey+0 for shutdown, reboot etc options.

superkey+d for dmenu (which is one of the best things ever)

read the control pages a few times and force yourself to learn the commands because it is so worth it.

Depends heavily on the games. Experiences span from best performance day-1 releases (eg. Paradox games) over aspyr/feral AAA ports with ~5-10% less performance to low-effort indie crap ports (eg. Rust). If you have a good GPU (GTX 1060, RX 480) the difference doesn't really matter.
Yes, as long as it's somewhat older.

Gaming on Linux started to flourish when Valve brought Steam to Linux. The two games for Vulkan right now, Dota2 and The Talos Principle, don't make much difference.

Also DRM on Steam is optional and Mantle is dead and reincarnated and so on.

Is that using wine?

Why is Ubuntu the most popular linux OS?

No, these are games from steam/gog.

So, how do games run that are developed for windows?

Even KDE, definitely the most resource intensive linux desktop environment, is like three times lighter than Windows 10 in CPU usage (which increases the perceived slowness of the OS).

again, it depends on the game and the version of wine. You can look them up appdb.winehq.org/

Play better games. If you seriously play League of Leukemia you are lumpenproletariat

"Unix is user friendly, it's just selective about who it's friends are"

Private surveillance apparatus, purposefully crippled security, shit underlying operating system (fuck WinSock)

Linux is empirically less complex than Windows you tool

What the fuck? Even my mother is fine with using Mint.

GIMP > Photoshit

8 to 10 fucking years ago?

Fixed (libinput)
Try GNOME or KDE any day
True, true, because bastard hardware vendors don't let kernel devs in on the power saving secrets in their components that Windows has access to
What the fuck does this even mean? Besides, take a look at KDE Connect which does this bizarro notification-sharing shit.

ok nvm lol

If you're already an Arch wizard Parabola is 0% different.

This sounds like one of those Nazi taglines about the ebil Jews. Seriously? Unix is made up of many interdependent components and when the GNU project began and the free software movement kicked off it made sense to keep each piece in it's own project and let the people who want to work on it contribute.

Linux still got better power consumption. I'd pick OpenBSD for server use in a heartbeat though. FreeBSD can fuck off and die

This meme is shit, and by the way Theo is a fucking legend.

Ahhโ€ฆ the classic disinfo NSA shill

Get mpv and get a fucking grip

Shit meme

That was KDE 4. The full rewrite came at a time when Qt 4 wasn't mature at all though.


I meant how well do they run.

What about vanilla WoW?

Ah yes, I can imagine Windows users feeling at home with use flags. How silly to think otherwise.

They don't even need checkboxes, remember when everyone had to fuck around with autoexec.bats and config.sys files?

On the whole it's very impressive. Certain double-dogshit games like LoL have problems.

Blizzard actually puts time into ensuring WoW works well in Wine. You should probably break out of WoW though, you're getting supremely jewed

Maybe they can compile their kernel while windows boots up then. Those lucky windows users.

I thought i made it clear i don't play retail. I play on a private vanilla WoW server for free.

Another untruth that people believe because it's been said over and over again. I don't know anyone in any case that has ever HAD to compile their own kernel. It just werks. Come up with something that isn't a non-argument and doesn't try and peddle that every single Linux user is going to use Gentoo.

Nope, nowhere at all was it mentioned. I guess that means you don't use the up-to-date Blizzard client which, idk. You'll just have to try it.

Native. Truth is, only the most cutting edge shit runs better on Windows and only because the drivers are closed source, rendering techniques kept secret, etc. For instance with opengl games you'll see the opposite. I remember benchmarking Enemy Territory (basically Quake 3 motor) on the same PC on Windows ME and on SuSe 9.1. The game ran significantly faster native on linux than on windows, but to my surprise, it ran faster in WINE than in native windows.

With Vulkan coming, expect Linux gaming to take over. The game devs won't have to whore themselves to ati/nvidia, linux will get a fair chance at showing its performance capabilities, its tweeking range, etc.

User friendly. I recommend you watching clips of xubuntu and kubuntu first on youtube to see which environment fits you better.

Waiting for you to do the same tbqh

get a trip 2bh lad

Show a Windows user a ufw table and they're linux. Surprise!

Do you just have a text file of total fucking bullshit that you're reading out of? Pathetic!

I'm sorry for outwitting you. Explain again the benefits for a Window user moving over to Linux.

Who said you should get Gentoo? You'll never encounter use flags on xubuntu, debian, mint, whatever.

I get it if you don't know what vanilla is.

I know it's pre-expansion pack 2004

You will however encounter reams of shit the uninitiated caste won't give a fuck about like user groups. USE flags are just an end-point along that road.

You won't see that shit either mongoloid


I'm glad a fellow comrade has good taste. Allow me to share a script I wrote for it, very similar to dmenu_run.

Instead of opening a program in your path, this opens any file within your home directory using xdg-open. I find it immensely useful! Far better than doing 'cd cd cd ls ls cd $program $file' in the terminal. Sorry for the ugly shell scripting:

dmenu_files: Lists all files in your home dir, line by line. Analogous to dmenu_path, which you already have:

dmenu_open: analogous to dmenu_run, which you also have:

Usage: just put them both somewhere in your PATH, make them executable, then bind a key to dmenu_open.
You can also pass dmenu's usual options to dmenu_open (so you can have your own fancy colors and fonts).

Tell me what you think.

Due to visiting 4/g/ too much, I genuinely thought all computer nerds were autright nazis.

How fresh.

you have no idea what you are talking about

Unsurprisingly he also sounds sounds incredibly autistic

I'll let my boss know.

What's the point of dmenu when xfce4-appfinder exists?

Maybe if you don't use XFCE??

You don't need Xfce to use its snazzy appfinder. I stick it in every window manager I'm currently using.

Virtualbox Win7 VM in seemless mode fixes all but gaming issues normally. I run the whole Adobe CC 2016 suite in it. It does help to have two monitors for this though,

wine + dual boot then fag

Shut the fuck up or prove this


muh games

Gentoo is bretty good. I use arch though.

try Manjaro

I dual boot with Linux but I pirated windows so I can play all my vidya without all the problems WINE has.

oopsies, no refunds :๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€๐Ÿ€

Microsoft Admits It โ€œWent Too Farโ€ with Aggressive Windows 10 Updates

OP, you should be redpilling Holla Forums instead. We are pro-FLOSS here.

Can you burn ROMs in Linux?

Of course?

Every fucker that knowingly is still using windows or apple shitware is counterrevolutionary and deserves the >>>/gulag/