hello darkness my old friend
Hello darkness my old friend
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They're beginning with the greeks.
What's the problem OP?
It's good to note that book deals are a form of bribery in the United States. So a lot of the conservatives and shills don't actually sell that many books, some asshole just buys them upfront in bulk as a favor and that counts as "sales." Then they get to have her on the news as a "respected author and columnist" doing her best to tell people anyone but the rich guy who bought her books is the reason this country sucks.
Is that how Bill O'Reilly manages to magically get his new book on the bestseller list every time? All this time I just thought readers were conservatives! Surely this is just a crazy conspiracy theory.
i don't know which one is more shocking !
whats next ? Kim Kardishan writing a science book ? what fuckery is this ? that blond bitch is 12 and talk like a retard.
btw check out the cover, look how its written.
the cover itself is a bait.
the kind of book you don't buy to learn but to masturbate your convictions with.
Bill O'Reilly probably does sell quite a few books on his own because he has name recognition and a show that has been on for years, but a random senator or tacky talking head almost no one knows selling hundreds of thousands of books in the first few weeks, no I don't believe that sorry. Also this is hardly a conspiracy a lot of them will admit it if pushed and it is something that most people just take for granted if you know anything about money changing hands in political circles.
Lauren southern burns coal and is a kike
Yeah fuck you amazon.
don't forget that the alt-right is now financially and politically supported by rich people like Bannon.
they're not the kind of people who bother with moral integrity or logical one either.
lies and manipulation are acceptable means to achieve their goals.
there is nothing we can do about it at this point beside hoping that people won't be stupid enough to fall for it
so does Milo, literally !
turns out that ALL altright figures are jews and strongly zionists.
so much for white supremacy and 4th riech eh ?
I'm not kidding
The bar has never been this low
I want to stab Lauren southern and Ann coulter at the same time with the same knife
I'm thinking the easiest way to do this would be to impale them through the neck with the same knife
that comment gave me the sudden urge to have sex with an Asian women for some reasons
i'm still surprised she managed to write, did she wrote it herself ?.
its probably full of meme and copy/past from Holla Forums.
It its
The first sentence is literally
No, I'm not kidding
first page
How high do you have to be to say something like that?
First review
The memes just write themselves now. We are living in post-materialism and neo-idealism.
This bitch is for real, too.
Huh who the fuck is Lauren Southern?
Republican shill for the new generation, trying to capitalize off the popular backlash against liberal idpol.
i'v seen better writing skills on Holla Forums tbh.
she probably wrote it herself.
so let me guess, she's blaming hedonism on boomers, immigration and islam ?
somehow "western" society didn't create hedonism, its all a plot create by evil migrants ?.
their lack of critical thinking always fascinated me.
they always see themselves as the good side, their world has no nuances, its just black and white, are rarely objective, and the answer to their problem is always the most simplistic.
its brown people !. easy.
why are they unable to see that, hedonism, individualism, mass migration is all the result of capitalism and natural human tendencies ? how can they not fucking see it ?!
a nobody, from yt. they only get views from Holla Forums
the fact that her book is in the first page is fishy as fuck, but its not the first time alt-right manipulate things.
he says on the "everything is akshually class" board
She's empowering others.
Why are people on this board so spiteful towards those who achieve things? Have YOU written a book? Have YOU made it to the bestseller page. No, didn't think so.
if you read this board, you'll see that there are as many opinions as there are flags to chose from.
we don't always agree with each other.
unlike Holla Forums, this isn't a circle jerk and you won't be banned for having a different opinion.
damage control
One, they don't care to think that far because two they are fundamentally cowards who have a basic psychological need to submit themselves to some greater authority. I realized this only recently, but rightists, centrists and some leftists are just cowards plain and simple. They're not stupid, they're just too afraid of some big Other punishing them for asking the wrong questions.
Sounds like Holla Forums
Lauren Southern, I'm pretty sure they'd hate though so it's probably just neocons buying shitty books again.
Gee Lauren, sounds like cultural marxism to me
Is she ripping of Dostoevsky? Is this just wax poetics or is she actually retarded enough to believe this sort of idea? I fucking hate New Worlders
And it's only a bestseller because she already has a large enough viewer base to scam, plus people with larger amounts of subscribers shilled for her book.
Yeah nah
Yes, people in general are afraid, but don't just condescendingly write it off as authority worship. Sometimes, they're afraid of change and chaos, and they're not wrong in doing so.
sauce ?
Wouldn't a katana be more appropriate?
evolution says otherwise
i don't consider molymeme a large youtuber tbh.
but he does have a verry dedicated fanbase, some say a cult
Evolution is a very long sequence of small, gradual changes preserving the equilibrium.
definitely a cult, he was completely libertarian 2 years ago and went full white nationalist porky in the past year
how do you figure?
Equilibrium =/= sameness.
being afraid of change is wrong
evolution does not preserve equilibrium because it is not an entity
evolution is correctly described in your post if you omit the last three words
i think Molyneux should be put on the same bah as Alex Jones, i don't think either of em truly believe what they say.
they're salesmen, they sell stupid ideas to stupid people, they just fallow the trend of what stupid idea is currently selling.
atheism and libertarianism used to be trendy few years ago.
i'm sure that in few years he'll be a commie.
the man doesn't sound very bright imo.
That finisher is some Mortal Kombat shit.
but the last part is exactly that furthers the first three points
they sound goodto their target audience without alienating them
most people dont want to watch a video/listen to someone with a link to a dictionary on hand
You are right that there's nothing in the definition of the evolution that implies preserving the equilibrium.
But it is true for the evolution of Earth's life. You know what happens with evolutionary changes that do not preserve the fragile stability of complex lifeforms? They do not propagate due to their carriers dying off.
thank you
Not really. Unless you want to define equilibrium as "anything that allows the organism(s) to successfully create offspring that will survive and reproduce in the habitat they live in.
And you know what happens to evolutionary changes that preserve stability of complex life forms despite changes in the environment?
Yes, the fact that young people feel alienated and untethered (and GASP! nihilistic) is because we haven't been subjected to ancestor worship enough.
Do these white nationalist-lite bobble heads think this shit through? If anything, the disconnect between what young people have now and what they've been promised (and supposedly what they're "heirs" to) can only increase their class consciousness.
the alt-right is so intellectually vapid
I feel ashamed for ever falling for it
It's OK bro. I fell for some crazy shit on my path from religious indoctrination to where I am today. Have you ever heard of Spirit Science?
modern intellectuals are rationalizing self destruction
You still need to get rid of your mansplaining/anti-feminism.
What is it with former lolberts becoming alt-right "we're not nazis" nationalists?
Fuck off idiot.
It's an e-book.
The Republic is in the public domain, so it's actually 19 cents you don't even have to pay, there are plenty of e-books for The Republic you can get completely free, Amazon is just hoping people won't mind paying 19 cents for the convenience of using their version. They couldn't charge a lot.
Americans don't read books. We just read a page or two at Barnes & Noble, decide to buy it, and then let it sit on a shelf somewhere for 20 years.
real shocker lib
alt-right makes great paypigs
no, what is it?
then again, this is only showing the statistics for people who BUY books uwu
Some of the most retarded shit ever. It's on youtube. Watch it and know that there are people who went through much more idiotic phases than you did.