Are there any actually cool looking Communist flags? Thinking about starting a party but don't really want to use same old shit. A new look might also gain more popularity. How do I make a good, original socialist flag?
Mfw most communist flags are repetitive and boring
There are literally two good fascist flags, and that's the swastika which is overused and (questionably fascist) imperial japanese navy flag.
Boring and repetitive.
because fascist's flags represent the nation where as leftists flags are international, the only thing that matters is class etc.
anyway OP we have a thread for flags
Mosley was pretty based but BUF flags look fucking hideous. I'll give you the Iron Guard flag. Codreanu had style.
yeah, but the topic of this thread isn't the same as that one. I'm wondering why all communist flags are so bland and also asking for help designing a unique party flag.
I think most of those are pretty hideous too. I think flags with cogs or grain look terrible, also not a big fan of the communist star.
The Asserist flag maybe the only flag Socialist that looks somewhat good to me, but not sure Asserism really counts as a genuine socialist movement.
The reason some communist flags may seem 'bland' is that many of them came about during actual revolutions when there was no neat designing process and you cut what materials you had and made a flag of it. Many of these originated from union banners used by trade unionists on strike protests and such.
They are also almost always red since that has been the colour associated with socialism and which underlines worker solidarity and sacrifice.
Fascists similarly tend to use red and black so as to imitate the marxist and anarchist movements of the time while placing motifs that are typically either weapons, crosses or other symbols of strength and unity (fasces, yoke and arrows)
Socialism tends towards tools of working people (hammer and sickle, cogs) often with unity between industrial and agricultural workers. The five-pointed star representing the five key groups of workers.
The question when designing new flags and new symbolism is what makes it socialist unless you want to make something completely new and without connotation and make it into a symbol of socialism.
Before he left labour when he was trying to make them more radical.
Just made this flag, rate 1-10 and please give feedback so I could improve it.
Ah interesting, thanks.
that orange is hideous and the hand is bad.
Really? I like the bright orange.
Ulster Trotskyism?
Change it to black or red.
Why did you leave out the middle of the hand?
It's the best quality picture of it I could find with a transparent background.
Maybe for a Dutch student group. I do like orange and thing it should be used more though.
I'm not a fan of the raised fist on flags however, other things like posters sure but not flags. Personally I don't really like any human or animal features. The tribalistic/totemic obsession with animals as symbols of traits is pretty un-materialist.
I prefer pure symbols and shapes like the swastika if anything, ones on which any ideological connotation can be placed.
Is this one better?
Too similar to nazbol
You could change the symbol to a non-soviet hammer and sickle like maybe the Chinese one. Or you could just use a star.
Can't find any other good hammer and sickle with a transparent background
The red revolution will start on the red planet.
Arise, ye workers of all planets!
why is France a generic hwite power logo?
This, BUF logo is overrated
I really like this one because it's just so clever.
I'll take this chance to confess that I really like nazi/fascist aesthetics and I wish we could apropiate the swastika or the toke and arrows
Fascist have no theory but they have all the aesthetics
What is this pure ideology?
t. Lenin
The star and crescent is associated more with Turkishness in the middle east than it is with Islamism. We only associate it with Islam because Europeans believed that the Ottomans encompassed the idea of Islam in Europe.
This is why i switched from Nazi to Tankie
*nazi with russian tendencies
I love it, user, I really did.
Well shit yeah I guess.
Nazism and Stalinism is pretty much the same except for the racial theory thing though, and sometimes I don't know how I stand on it
If I was a marxlen I'd be disgusted by your existence..
This looks like the logo of a Dutch martial arts club or some shit.
Communist Latvia?
Terraforming is a quintessentially imperialistic process. Space habitats are the only ethical choice.
We would have all the best aesthetics if only the Soviets hadn't crushed everything other than Socialist Realism.
How do you mean?
All of fascism's aesthetics were stolen from socialism, with the exception of shoving antiquated and occult symbols into things.
This. Stalin was a mistake in so many ways.
I love the PRK flag's design. It's a shame that the Khmer Rouge decided to make their flag so similar.
Not my work.
All celestial bodies that have been settled or on there.
The white spot on the asteroid belt is a base established on one of the bigger rocks.
The Revolution was followed by a storm of avant-garde art, most famously constructivism. I'm tempted to blame Stalin as having picked Socialist Realism as the semi-official school of art, but truth be told, it began in Lenin's time. One of the many problems with accumulating the means of production and communication in the hands of the state is that it sooner or later leads to just one way of doing things being acceptable (a cynic would see a parallel with monotheism here). So as soon as they reached power, Bolsheviks began condemning this or that art school as counter-revolutionary and whatnot. The best example is probably Proletkult. Personally, I think that the gradual shift from wild avant-garde innovation to sterile one-size-fits-all Socialist Realism is the perfect analogy for socialism shedding away it's libertarian roots and embracing authoritarianism.
The Greater Britain and Revolution by Reason are the greatest pieces of British Socialist writing, only rivaled by Strachey's edition of Revolution by Reason
This guy read Bordiga.
Kinda like fascism with futurist art?
Kinda, yeah.
Further proof they should be banned
So then… you're Nazbol?
He was the only fascist with their brain plugged in tbh
Authoritarian faggot
The fascists' flags are flashy but with no content, just like their ideology
based PRK
Gulag yourself
Looks like a deformed hashtag
I really like the falange flag
Orange is the colour of royalty and the far right. It looks like something de NVU would use.
What about mutualism
Mutualism is idealistic
absolutely disgusting.
this symbol would be a more proper one since it was used by our fascist party in the 40s
Communist flags are classy, striking, and subtle. Fascist flags are garish and autistic.
heh that stuff is still being used. niiice
post the other flags that person made/related stuff, pls
not if the planets are dead.
There's only one flag you should care about.
Nothing about any fascist flag looks appealing, it's rather concentrated autism with boring repetative and straight lined up patterns as if using a limited set of molds. I could see you having a point if you were arguing in favor of monarchies but fuck you for being such an obvious Holla Forums shitposter.
You're full of shit and most obviously a fascist if you delude yourself into believing that socialist flags aren't on a much higher level.
Socialism isn't about abolishing individualism but the liberation of the masses as a prerequesition for the liberation of the individual, or if you were an anarchist, the other way around.