Ask a moderate who voted for Hillary anything
Keep it political and I dont want to debate too much on singular points so keep it to like 1 follow up
Ask a moderate who voted for Hillary anything
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Why do you think a psychopath should be president?
Your "moderate" system is run on systematic abuse and exploitation of the whole world, you are just happy to be unaware of this fact and chose to ignore it.
Wash the blood in your hand filthy libtard.
Why did you vote for Clinton and not Stein or a socialist candidate?
She was the best option at the time, lesser of two evils. Although I did not like her healthcare or education plan.
Too radical.
And voting legitimizes this choice.
How do you justify her disastrous, warmongering foreign policy, or do you just not care?
Stein is a buffon who doesnt understand business or the need for a mixed market economy. Hillary was a very poor candidate but I feel she could have surrounded herself with a good team.>>1196405
This thread is for understanding not ad hominem
I looked past some flaws of her as a candidate of coures but she was the most well rounded
Its not about her character but her appointees plus i feel she could work well with a republican house
This is not me.
I will now post with OP title to make my posts clear
Stop this.
As you can see from my screen snipping tool photo I am real op
i dont know why someones trying to shit up a good thread
Im a leaning left moderate but I wanted to share an opinion and take a Q&A style discussion. Hillary wasnt perfect but I felt she was way better policy wise then trump and would actually get things done for the betterment or at least not fuck things up like orange small hands donny trump
fuck me for posting in ur echo chamber
I knew the US left was essentially the European right but jesus christ. If you honestly think Stein was offering full blown socialism then you're an idiot.
Stein was a social democrat who is far left even for me a liberal.
Stein would have passed 0 legilslature because of republican house
I loved the clinton years it was a prosperous and glorious time for america, Id love another 4 years of a clinton
Also I live in an important swing state so I felt my vote mattered
Maybe if I lived in CA or TX id of gone third party
If clinton had done have as good a job as bill then shed of been a 6/10
Im a small business owner too
I almost voted Hillary but ended up changing my mind on the day i submitted the ballot. Ended up going with Trump because 'the lesser of two evils' thing.
that's adorable
watch this
I felt I couldnt trust anything he said
He flip flopped on LITERALLY every issue
How can you vote for a murderer who murderers not to defend themselves and their own but for profit and exploitation?
Republican lies
"too radical" isn't an argument.
most politicians seem to do that. i watched this video on the eve before election day.
idk if i regret voting him or not but it doesn't matter anyway
Stein was far too left wing for me.
Wut is a Honduras. Wut is a Libya.
So center-left is too far left for you?
If Leftism was on a scale from 10 to 1, Stein would be a 2 at best. Hillary would be a -3 at best.
I dont think shes perfect, I think she made mistakes as sec of state but she could have passed decent legislature. Its not about the candidates character but there ability to do the job and benefit the peoples lives, hillary would have done that I believe best
I run a small business that employs 10 people but they have good wages compared to similar workplaces and great benefits - I look after my employees to make sure they stay with the company and to boost productivity
Some of her positions were fine but I felt she wouldnt be able to pass anything into law and was just idealistic whereas hillary was an incrementalist that could get things done in washington
You're a fucking loser.
'no ad hominem'
Im here to discuss politics.
Why are you so hostile to someone whos not a complete idealistic/ideologue
Politics is complicated and requires a moderate whos nuanced
2 points I've always wanted to ask a Hillary supporter….
1. At the start of her carreer in the 70's during Watergate she was fired by Jerry Zeifman, who was the Chief Council of the Judicial Commitee, due her being unethical and dishonest. His exact words. At the END of her carreer, she has a proven illegal private server in her HOME RESIDENCE and shared classfied and Top Secret documents with those she shouldn't have, which was again proven. She LIED to congress and the FBI to their faces when under oath. Files were shredded. All proven yet again.
How on Earth do you trust her to run the U.S. with such a carreer spanning track record of deceit and subterfuge? How do you ignore such highly illegal activities?
2. How do you feel with all the hate created in your nation by all of you Dem's by falsey labeling people racist and woman hateric and then unleashing the hounds?
That's as meme as meme can be though. Hillary had no shot of getting anything passed in congress due to how much they hated her. Hell, they already had enough evidence to get her for perjury on day 1.
Incrementalism sounds appealing, but it's too little too late, especially now in the situation we're in (economy and global warming).
At least you didn't vote trump though.
Holla Forums cannot be trusted….
It run filters that change what your post says. I said woman hateric above, NOT women haters.
Fuck 8chans cencoring and filtering….
See? I sais M I S O G I N I S T I C. They ALTER what you say.
I felt if Hillary won the republicans and democrats would move to the centre and start coming up with policy that could help the middle class grow through protectionism and a regulated free market but cutting income taxes for the poor/middle class and small businesses - not large conglomerates.
Firstly Im against identity politics. Im a white man but I do see your point with the fact that alot of things my fellow liberals say are racist/sexist but arent and it just leads to over using of key words then the power of the word diminishes. Hillary sure does have some skeletons in her closet but nearly ever politician does I believe and I dont like her character - Id hate to have her as a friend but I think she could have passed some policy to help the american middle class grow whereas Trump is just a populist buffoon
I voted for Hillary in the primaries too although I liked bernies message I felt that it wasnt time for social democracy yet, perhaps a person like bernie could have gone after hillarys incrementalism
I wanted a third Obama term but Hillary was good enough I believe.
Yes it is. You do not want a candidate who is going to continually lie to you about what they are doing or how can you be sure that they will benefit peoples lives? When you don't even really know what they are doing
I dont care if she lies to the media as long as she gets the job done. We the people arent naive - we can see the effect policy positions have. Presidents have always lied and some of our greatest have had horrible characters. Its not about their character but ability to do the tasks required to maintain the highest office
It's not Holla Forums. It's just leftypol's word filters. Triggering words and phrases are filtered into less excellent ones.
Case in point, 'p r o b l e m a t i c' became 'excellent'. It's all to preserve the safe space (will that be filtered too? Let's see.)
Also, check em.
i can hear chomsky screaming in the distance
And since she lost the election, I take it you start caring that she lies?
I know she lies like all politicians sadly do
The next 4 years will be interesting..
I'm going to give Trump a chance but honestly with his appointees hes really capped his ability to do well as a president with half of fucking goldman sachs on his staff - funny because thats what they said about hillary
It's mostly to make boring posts funny.
But is it not exactly this kind of politcal pessimism, of allowing lying warmongers to rule us, that has bred the kind of frustration that has allowed Donald Trump to win?
Do you not see that if you continue to perpetuate the same system, you will only get an even worse Trump the next time?
The system is about to break down, and now you must choose direct democratic socialism or you must embrace barbarism.
It will be interesting to see which side liberals like you will choose.
the word filters are there to troll people.
You getting upset at them is exactly the point.
I hear this so much from you guys, so I have to ask, what things exactly? Promoting fracking around the world? More interventionist regime changes that end in failure?
You do realize Bill Clinton was INCREDIBLY close to privatizing Social Security, right? That's republican shit. So exactly what do you think made her so much better than Trump? IMO they are both cut from the same cloth
The economy stably grew under Clinton,
We had a surplus
Crime dropped massively in the 90s
The country was bounding the racial tensions and coming together for a chance
I think we could have returned to at least some of that
Wrong on so many levels. With our current government everything is compromise. When a right winger and a moderate compromise the results are different than when a left winger and a right winger compromise.
The average of -1 and 0 is -0.5. Still a step in the wrong direction. The average of -1 and 1 is 0. So at least we didn't go in the wrong direction. Get the metaphor?
A lot of you think that the world is coming to the end or capitalism is gonna fail havent lived through US politics as much as me.
Liberal policies will continue on to provide success for hundreds of years until the inevitable pick between fascism or communist - but I believe that is a long way away.
I want a centrist in the white house.
Or a centrist who leans slightly to the left.
Hillary moved a bit far to the right post primaries but I wanted her to be able to compromise with a republican controlled house and at that time possibly senate.
Bi-partisanship is crucial to creating policy, its decreasing over time as the parties move from the centre
Trump was a madman who flip flopped on every issue
Gary was too right wing and 'dude small government'
Stein was too left wing and wouldnt of passed any single policy position through the republican house/senate
For some people. Real wages were at their lowest during his presidency. He passed NAFTA which shipped jobs overseas, resulted in a lot of poverty.
He also repealed the Glass-Steagal act and signed the Riegle-Neal interstate banking bill. Such deregulation was thought to contribute heavily to the recession we just experienced.
So what you are saying is you want to to return to the "golden years", the future be damned.
Are you fucking kidding me? His laws disproportionately targeted minorities, and contributed heavily to us being the country that locks the most of its citizens up in the world. Great achievement.
To me it seems like you simply gobble up media soundbites without critically thinking about the effects these people have. You talked of nuance earlier in this thread, yet it seems you don't realize that often times the effects of a presidency don't show themselves right away. Look at what NAFTA did, look at what welfare reform did, look at what his crime bill did. Recognize he wanted to privatize social security (Republican wet dream). Look at what deregulating the financial sector did (the 2008 Recession).
That's what you wanted to return to. Own that.
NAFTA was a mistake yes, Im for protectionist policies that benefit the American worker.
Theres alot of reasons for the great recession, deregulation was a problem, but that mostly occured under the bush administration.
Crime did drop massively in the 90's with racial tensions improving massively under Clinton. Also gonna need a citation for these laws targeting minorities.
This is adjusted based upon purchasing power and inflation - not just wages.
And the vast majority of that policy helps the rich, not the common person:
Are we also going to ignore Clinton's fuck ups in foreign affairs. Like his debacle in the yugoslavic region or him blowing up the only medical facility in south sudan?
Also surpluses can't be maintained forever and everyone can't have one. In order to maintain a surplus someone has to maintain a deficit. That's one of the things plaguing the EU right now.
I dont care about non americans deficits or surpluses. Also thats not necessarily true as economics is a not a zero sum game - there is consistent growth and thus surpluses > deficits.
Surpluses can be maintained through smart economic planning and a focus on demand style growth and consumer expenditure to increase aggregate expenditure in the economy, which increases savings for workers.
did you not read anything I wrote? Major player was thought to be the repeal of Glass-Steagall. Bill Clinton did that. George Bush obviously played a role but you are understating Bill Clinton's role in it.
Bill talked the talk but did not walk the walk. He kept the 100-1 crack-cocaine sentencing laws in place that disproportionately affected minorities.
Yea no shit, since inflation and purchasing power dictate how much you money is worth, it is incredibly important to consider. Which is why it is called "real wages". Is that your attempt at a dismissal of the evidence?
Let me read your sources and perhaps there sources
I am beginning to question things and going to go do some reading maybe Ill return
Thank you for enlightening me
I'm a traditional leftist and if I voted, I would vote for Trump.
Trump: I want to build a wall, I want to bring jobs back. I want to do this, I want to do that.
Hillary: Love trumps hate, we can't let Trump win, Trump is a monster. Trump this, trump that.
Even though I disagree with Trump on many issues, he's way more transparent than Hillary Clinton and he's a leader, a boss. Hillary called Trump a puppet but SHE IS THE PUPPET. She had the support and the money of the most disgusting people on earth and she still lost. Donald Trump spent his own money and fought against his own party, against the media. He kept saying he was winning despite the negative polls. He deserved to win more than anyone else whether you like it or not.
If you do come back, consider this:
Look at Nazi Germany. There was a depression in Germany that helped propel Hitler to power. Obviously other things as well but Hitler used to the depression, scapegoated Jews and the like, and got control of government. Just remember that fascism is always a depression away. And that could happen at any time. Nobody predicted the recent recession, and if it was worse, who knows what could have been born of it, especially with the alt-right gaining traction.
Foreign trade measured in dollars for all the countries in the world during any period always sums to zero. All the countries in the world implementing a policy of a trade surplus in $ is literally mathematically impossible. Likewise, the "wise" advice of German politicians
is literally mathematically impossible for all the Euro countries to implement at the same time.
What is mathematically possible is that every country has a balanced foreign trade. In that case,
implies that the nation's private sector has a corresponding deficit. Is there any reason to be proud about that, if one is part of the public sector? Should likewise people working in the private sector be ashamed? What's the point?
Now the Republicans and foreign leaders are sucking his orange dick.
I consider myself leftist as well, sempai… I ended up voting Trump, namely for the reason you stated
I enjoyed how he fought the mainstream media (and their repeated calls of HITLER! HITLER! really turned me off and his own political party. I gotta say, the massive pushback against him and the flood of fake news stories from CNN is what really won my vote Remember the tape where Trump said the word 'Nigger' on air? Me neither, because it never surfaced
I gotta say tho, I could do with a different cabinet for about 2/3 of his choices… the other 1/3 or so seem decent.
And I gotta say, I wish he would just drop Israel.
why are you such a faggot?
Socially democracy is to far left for you? fuck do you want our society to just collapse in on itself?
It's an example of the problems with capitalism. bill got lucky with his surplus. And we still haven't talked about his shitty foreign policy escapades.
I haven't even touched upon how scummy he was when he was being tried for obstruction of justice.
Funny how standing upright gets you respect on the world stage. It'll be nice to have a president with balls.
hillary would only have benefited the same people who are benefiting from the current system. The rich and powerful.
Im sure the president who took pics in front of black chain gang officials and executed a retarded man really was ficing the racial issues…..NOT.
Shit i got my dick sucked by a jew! What do…..
They're being nice to him.because theu want decent relationships and Trump is unhinged, not because he has "huge balls"
Do your part
Why was Hillary caught naked with underage girls?
Follow-up: Was the TPP a "truly progressive platform?"
Still waiting for superbrain's response to this.
why you beleave the state should exist at all?