How do we amplify our means of communication?

How do we amplify our means of communication?

2016 has shown how possible and utterly necessary it is to fight propaganda and dismantle mainstream media narratives. But our currents methods (basically, social media shitposting) are not enough. We need a more concerted effort imo.

Other urls found in this thread:

We are a relative young board that still needs to grow.

Make infographics and post them on tweeter

We need catchy tunes.

Youtube. Memes. Fourms.

This. Unfortunately, need a new socialism subreddit too.


We stop clinging to failed 20th century regimes and actually start addressing the problems of our own era instead of the """post-ironic""" idolization of quasi-fascist dictators like Stalin and Mao.

Anyone decided on the name?

I like r/The_Socialism, r/TrueSocialism, or r/NewSocialism

pick one, liberal


r/newsocialism already exists as well

..and how exactly does that improve or creates mechanisms of shaping public opinion? Do they just appear out of thin air once you renounce Stalinism?

You didn't really think this through

Need better analysis of the failed Russian and Chinese revolutions as opposed to liberal bullshit like


You gotta read a book, bud. Fascism isn't just "anything authoritarian"

Every time one of you faggots make a joke about gulaging kulaks or praising Stalin you reinforce the decades of state funded propaganda. It wouldn't matter if it only hurt tankies and maoists but it also makes actual socialist look bad because guilty by association and such

Yeah, fascism is opportunistic authoritarianism that hides its incoherence behind some metaphysical struggle.

I don't disagree with you but this is besides the point. The Left has all sorts of moderate, normie-friendly groups and discourses and they too struggle with lack of means to communicate those views with the wider public.

I also think a concerted effort by a network of small news, propaganda and communication groups both irl and online would be the best way for the Left to filter out these people you're describing.

ding ding ding ding we have a winner

tankies get out

Are you trying to imply Holla Forums had an effect on this election? Because they didn't. If you want to reach people you need to build ground game.


Holla Forums just latched onto it and got caught up in the Trump movement

The origins of Trump can be traced back to the 80s

I've been planning on getting into YouTube. I've already made one video but it wasn't great. If you want the link, ask. I sound like a manlet

Seconding /r/TrueSocialism

Give credit where credit is due the kprf knows how to make some good music

When we say "propaganda" people usually think of mainstream media, establishment pundits and pro-US think thanks, but this retard thought about Holla Forums.

Do you even into memetic hegemony?


tfw I'm willingly going to be this in the next few months