How do we fight nationalism without being pansy ass pascifists like we've been doing.
I don't mean doing anything violent either, more like firm politics where we don't back down and we actually have kind of a metaphoric revolution
How do we fight nationalism without being pansy ass pascifists like we've been doing.
I don't mean doing anything violent either, more like firm politics where we don't back down and we actually have kind of a metaphoric revolution
People who join fascists as sleeper communists honestly do more damage than a million liberal protesters.
Aligning with the fascists makes the most sense.
how about fuck you actual revolution based on principles other than 'w-well nationalism scares me a lot' you pussy liberal
Some of us here have genetics that would not allow us to do that though.
I am a paternal half jew
I like how this entire post assumes the Nationalists are gonna get their way to begin with…
That's why we bash the fasc before they get a chance to win
You defeat a nationalist by replacing his shit with better arguments/ideas,
until he resorts to calling you cuck or commie. Thats when you stop, you`ve won.
Engage socialist memes and calmly keep talking.
Being put off by violence is liberal shit. Embrace your inner savage.
you don't.
this is the reason why the working class hates you
trump is populism
not nationalism
also hes a politician and now going to be part of government
government is cancer
politicians are pathogens
nationalism isn't a bad thing when used in a positive way
European nationalism is exactly what we need to repel both the migrants and the globalists.
Trump's daughter (and future POTUS) is a convert and her husband is genetically jewish.
you tried that tho. Even with the entire lugenpresse and political establishment behind you, threats of violence and actual violence all but condoned by the police, the student body, 'women', POC behind you, you lost. Maybe it is quiet time.
The first step is waiting until you graduate middle school. The second step is learning to spell pacifist.
Embrace globalism
Don't back down to them. Plain and simple. You see fascists and nationalists attacking a minority on the street? Get up in there and fuck those skinheads up.
but european nationalism is globalist
how are they going to fight themseves?
i wander how Holla Forumsypes are trying to flip that around so it doesnt hurt their feel.
shit is starting to add up real fast, god knows how long they can keep with their Trump delusion
First you have to be able to explain why globalism is better than nationalism.
Civic nationalism is fine.
Ethnic nationalism is dangerous, cancerous idpol
Nationalism is bourgeoise
Have you honestly ever witnessed this ever occur in your life? Or have you only ever read about it? A large percentage of 'hate' crimes are fabrications, I hope you realise.
Varg is extremely anti-christian m8
nations are the geo-political result of cultures.
what defines a nation is culture.
Nations are the geopolitical result of private property.
We first agree, that globlaism is bad. Which I am sure at least everyone in the libertarian left/green quarter folk do. The rest, I don't know.
countries != nations.
Culture is bourgeoise
Read althusser
They doesn't negate what I said faggot
the disintegration of culture due to commodity fetishism is bourgeoisie
read adorno