Can he still win this?
Can he still win this?
Wait till all the liberals find out what he really meant by political revolution…
He burned his political capital when he refused to confront election fraud or lead his own movement when it needed him most.
I suppose he was really spooked by the idea of getting blamed for Trump's presidency and becoming outright hated for it.
socdem took off his mask to reveal he was a socdem all along.
didn't see it coming
no he is too old and he burned himself the moment he endorsed Hilary Clinton.
he is done.
he is a fraud.
he is a reformist piece of shit.
reddit leave
I mean, you can not be a soc dem and we'd like you.
What always surprises me is the level of absolute distilled hate Hillbots have for Sanders.
Go read /r/politicaldiscussion or PoliGAF, both Hillbot dominated boards and they quite literally view Sanders as the reason "Queenie" lost and think he is a Russian agent designed to tear apart the DNC by turning it to communism.
And it is the later where these liberal fucks really out themselves as right wing progressives, because no leftist would be fucking offended by Sanders milquetoast New Deal social democracy, only the right wing would.
It's the same with Corbyn, if you think Corbyn is "too far to the left" then you are simply not on the fucking left.
Seriously, how in fuck did Orthodox Keynesianism become "hard leftist"? Before New-Neo-Classical Synthesis in the late 1970s, it was the predominate economic standpoint of both the left and right.
FFS Nixon was economically, as left wing as Sanders in many regards. Nixon wanted Single payer, Nixon wanted basic income, Nixon wanted minimum wage hikes.
It shows how far-right we've actually come.
Because all liberals do is betray us. Over and over and over and over and over. While many Socialists are larpers and see Fascism as our arch enemy because "LOL WW2! WE GONNA BE GREATEST GENERATION". In reality, the biggest enemy of the left is the status-quo and the establishment, and the establishment are the new-left neoliberals that arose in the 1990s with Clinton and Blair.
Here's the thing, I actually believe that a Socialist society should be social democratic in that, it should have representative democracy and a Government and major parties that are all various shades of Socialism (just like how modern social democracy is all parties that support capitalism to varying degrees). This gives people the illusion there is real freedom of choice in politics and lets them believe they are all political individuals acting on their own free will when we all know that is never the case.
Even with that said, I still think liberals right now are the biggest enemy of the left. Corbyn and Sanders prove that even the most mild Social Democracy are antithetic to the ideals of liberals.
Did they get stuck in a time warp or something? This sounds like '50s level of paranoia.
The man was weak and didn't go on the offensive when he needed to. He should have spoke on when the democracts forced him to concede even if his life was in danger. He should have denounced Hillary rather then praise her. He should have spoken up when Ted Cruz talk about "New York Values" right after when Ted said it to gain power like Trump did. He should have kept fighting rather then run then comeback. Bernie is a good man, but not a strong one.
This though assumes Liberals have just gone insane.
Couldn't be further from the truth, all this bullshit is to just protect themselves from engaging in self criticism or being criticized.
Hillary didn't lose because she ignored the Rust Belt for Republican Strongholds, no Hillary and our neoliberal ideology is perfection, what really lost it is this red-baiting McCarthyist conspiracy nonsense.
Their the liberal equivalent of Tankies.
No, he's a succ- dem who shilled for Hillary.
This and only this
I don't hate you
I admire SocDems like Olof Palme, Karl Seitz, Tommy Douglas
I've never understood why we can't pursue both strong reforms to help workers in the short term and long term goals of radical change if need be
why you kill rosa
If you don't want to abolish capitalism then in 20 years after your "success" you're right back where you started now that the rich have torn down every restriction you placed on their ability to make money.
What exactly would you have done in his place?
Told people to read fucking Bordiga.
I'm sure >>>/liberalpol/ would love to have you.
he got this
Yes, he even has furry support.
Furnie 2020
kek. People may have hate for furries, but at least the pics you guys jerk of too show regular humanoid animals instead of highly sexualized draws filled with semen and gigantic cocks.
Nobody even thinks it's that degenerate when I tell them. What the fuck
What fetish?
Gigantic boobs and superheroes with gigantic boobs
Bernie Sanders
Wer hat uns verraten?
why is life so unfair?
I hate you for the same reason I hate tankies.
Once we are of no use to you, you just kill us off.
r u a grill
I wouldn't bet on it.
No i am a chubby gay guy like in that pic D:
I'm a chubby hairy beta fag that loves hugs and cuddling. But i'm heterosexual and into gentle femdom.
If i was a fag i would be all over you. You seem a really good person user, i have that feeling. Good luck.
Maybe he could have been honest about the merits and demerits of Trump vs Clinton instead of just trucking along with the liberal narrative. Clinton was shit, Trump was a big unknown who might be worse than Clinton, or might be better.
feels so gay right now