leftypol btfo
Leftypol btfo
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/leftypol getting btfo/ general?
peak lifestylism
t. Never lived in a commune
leftypol btfo
Two lines killed 200 years of leftists theory.
Face it capitalism is the end of history.
dude human nature lmao
We have this thread every day. Where on the spectrum are you?
I can't hear you over muh glorious Democratic Confederalism
Then why is it creating constant and insurmountable crises?
Let's say OP's correct (he isn't, but still) and people do need incentives other than their own volition for a successful. How does that BTFO leftypol in any way? Who says that incentives can only be capitalist (e.g. starvation, homelessness, unemployment)?
OP is not a clever person.
Pretty sure OP thinks leftism is just gibsmedats.
Anarchists and communes are both equally retarded anyway.
Trying to establish a fully functioning commune today is like trying to establish Socialism in Russia without outside support.
Because it will make us go extinct.
I'll lay in some for this bet.
Gorby must've keked loudly at that one.
I'm fine with this, push for a Libertarian agenda with us and we'll prove you wrong (you don't really need to since international competition will force all countries to demolish their welfare states anyway, but we'll appreciate the help) .
t. State Capitalist
you're implying that Socialists would deny workers the means for their subsistence in order to achieve economic goals (create artificial scarcity, even if only in the short term), that's a pretty reactionary way to rule.
made me think.
Cars are retarded anyway, today you go around Western Europe and Japan, for example, and public transit gets you anywhere you want, falling for the Car meme was one of the Soviet's greatest failures.
anyways so how much are you getting paid to post here? I feel like I'm not being I N C E N T I V I S E D enough tbh.
I honestly don't understand. Like, it was just a few people living in an appartment and sharing chores. If two or more people living together is an effective model of an anarchist commune, there must be literally billions of successful examples all over the globe. Has this guy actually, really never lived with anyone else his whole life or is he actually retarded?
Can we please take a moment to reflect on the fact that most of the "success" stories under capitalism are people just as fucking incompetent as this dude? /liberty/ trusts the entire organization of human society to people like this.
Please kill yourself.
No one cares about your post OP, Anarchist in Spain spent 3 years fighting fascist and only lost because they ran out of supplies and weren't being backed by world superpowers like Franco.
You seem to be lost. Nice shirt though. Basically points out that imperialism a shit.