Blacks are not capable of achieving class consciousness, what is to be done with them when the revolution happens?
Blacks are not capable of achieving class consciousness, what is to be done with them when the revolution happens?
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Nazbols get out
And to answer your facile question, we upload their brains into the communist cybernetic hive-mind and force them to become class conscious.
Simple math, really.
Gulag, (You), are of going to, etc.
Look up Thomas Sankara, Maurice Bishop
and read these (and pic related)
You're the hero leftypol needs but does not deserve.
Revolution in America will undoubtedly be Black-led. Even Marx could see that, and it's even more evident today.
Can't wait to watch them gulag you.
They will serve as foot soldiers. I will lead the black revolution and get all the THICC black girls.
Niggers can't organize. They could never lead a revolution against whites without other white's help. 200 years of slavery and not one successful slave revolt. Niggers are just too dumb to oust the bourgeoisie.
You'll be a foot soldier as well.
what book
Any ffs
American Uprising: The Untold Story of America's Largest Slave Revolt
The Fires of Jubilee: Nat Turner's Fierce Rebellion
Runaway Slaves: Rebels on the Plantation
American Slave Revolts and Conspiracies: A Reference Guide: A Reference Guide
Slave Insurrections in the United States, 1800-1865
Black Rebellion: Five Slave Revolts
wow you must be pretty upset to make more than one of these
Don't forget comrades, "sage" goes in the email field.
Stop bumping shit threads.
Call them Uncle Toms for "voting against their best interests" and remind them that the Democratic Party is the "part of the people."
fuck off racist cracka
man that nigga got steamrolled. holy shiet thats a fucking bulldozer bitch, each thigh a steamroller
You fail at crudely imitating AAVE.
What is Toussaint Louverture defeating the so called "greatest military genius of all time"?
OP was not talking about the african blacks but about the ones who live in the US and live in poor with gangs and crimes in their communities
Yo cracka you think your punkass can tell me ho to ebonics? You some gramar nazi or somthin? Punkass bitch from your white suburb
You what?