While national bolshevism has become quite a meme surrounding the leftypol community, I myself am a national bolshevik. This is a QnA about the ideology. Before we indulge ourselves in the QnA let me state my beliefs first; national bolshevism is a loose term. I do not adhere to the Marxist dogma, as the Bolsheviks did, but rather I adhere to the sociopolitical systems of fascism. The sociopolitical systems of fascism being demolition of sociopolitical pluralism, in favor of monolithic forms of uniformity between the total society and the massives. Like I said, I do not adhere to Marxist social structures, I do not believe in transitional states and things similar to that. Economically I am a centre left market socialist. I believe in a market comprised of worker controlled industrise, similar to a system practiced in former Yugoslavia. I believe the term "Fasco-Titoism" would be more fitting, but I go along with the already existing ideology national bolshevism. That's it, any questions?
National Bolshevism
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Another nazbol bites the dust
Why are you a racist?
Why do you believe spooky ghost stories like nationalism?
Why do you think you are a leftist when in fact you are a rightist?
I'm not racist…
While I believe in some sociofascist conceptions, don't fool me with your average psuedo-neo-Nazi. I am not really nationalist, I'm just sociofascist. I am however, a total isolationist, which in some regards can be considered as nationalistic.
While I am a socialist, I've already stated I do not adhere to Marxist dogma. I do not believe in a transitional state, and as such am not necessarily a communist.
I'm bassically this;
Do you believe in some kind of hierarchy?
What do you think it should be based on if you do?
I'm struggling to find the socialism.
literally what
This makes exactly as much sense as Not Socialism: none.
Whoever they are, their supporters make me dawwww
What in the fuck is this?
National bolshevism have a lot of qts because, I assume, women are mostly left liberal and social democrats, some of them get to be right wing because spooked by fascists, and nazbol ones are the ones in the middle.
I'd say it's because they are from Russia, and not infected with feminism and fat-acceptance.
How do you consider yourself a leftist?
Especially considering you call yourself a form of a fascist.
Genuinely curious.
Anti-capitalism or anti-imperialism?
I really dont care about this capitalism/socialism nowdays. Nationalism is much more bigger fish to catch. We either have globalism or we will die in nuclear fire.
What is the difference between Nazbolism and S t r a s s e r i s m?
Why dont you stop sucking cocks?
Nazbolism is more flexible economically whereas Strassos want guild socialism with nationalist foreign policy.
Y not both?
So basically Asserism is more leftist than OP.
OP, what do you think about Jean Thiriart's "communitarianism"?
Are they really 2 separate entities now? I hear both are fighting in DPR.
Riddle me this, is National Bolshevism compatible with Lin Biao and the theory of Maoism Third Worldism?
They certainly have similarities, but since National Bolshevism implies European Natlib against NATO/American imperialism they cannot exactly be the same thing.
Gulag yourself ( ( (Trotskyist) ) ) degenerate.
Further proof nazbols should be permabanned
Radical inclusivity was a mistake. moot made that mistake more than once.
Butthurt pirateflags are a bourgeois metaclass.