Pretty good tbh.
Pretty good tbh.
Other urls found in this thread:
The thing about Muke is that he pretty clearly understands the concepts, and I agree with him on most things, but he can be so inarticulate at times that it can be really hard to follow - his verbal prose comes out extremely bloated and meandering
Maybe it's the fact that he does most of these types of videos in one take, seemingly off the top of his head - he could really benefit from taking the time to write a script, and putting a few jump cuts in there so he can focus on getting each small segment as tight as possible
holy fuck he finally shaved his teenstache. still unwatchable shit tho. also, hi muke (op). fucking faggot
You see that's interesting because I've been told a lot that my videos are better when they're done with minimal script and just off the top of my head like here. At the very least it's more entertaining than reading from a script because I have more energy and flow, but I dont want my arguments to suffer too much.
Could you possibly point to examples in this video where my points dont come across too well? Maybe if I know specifically what it is I can fix it. Thanks.
Not OP, but hi.
Bunkercon WHEN
Out of curiosity are you actively trying to better yourself?
Well of course, why wouldnt I be?
Muke btfo
If it wasn't Islam, then what made him do it? Muke gets things right, but on this he's wrong. Islam is a poisonous ideology.
Will have to watch and respond to this tomorrow, but if this is just gonna be 'islam is bad and muke shouldnt defend it' I'm gonna be pretty pissed, because I never defended it, simply explained why focusing on it is stupid.
Sunni and Shiites would still be killing each other even if there was no capitalism and imperialism, it even predates them, Muke seems to not know how bad it is between them. Wahhabism would still be on the rise because of Saudi Arabia and the other Gulf States pushing it, they see Iran mainly as a obstacle in cleansing their religion which is pretty high on their priority list.
The KSA and the Gulf States are very wrapped up in propping up US imperialism in the region though.
Yes they would, because of turbulent material conditions which allowed religious fundementalism to get that bad in the first place, and these conditions were created and perpetuated by class society.
Capitalism made them stronger and yes the US does help KSA and the others in the region when their allies want someone bombed, but it was already happening before though like I mentioned earlier.
Saudi's have had immense influence over Islam even before the oil money simply by holding the two most holy places in Islam (Medina and Mecca) within it's borders.
such explanation, no ad hoc shoehorning based on pre-conceptions at all
Not an argument.
indeed not, it's a characterization of the tripe i just watched and have heard a dozen times before.
Then it wasnt worth posting
The Christianity and Islam part was a bit weak, the former was able to reformed to be luckily more moderate over history, Islam had many chances in the past to become more modern(Scientific Islam etc) and hammer out the more reactionary parts but sadly, the reactionary reform side has always won out in the end.
Baghdad falling to the Mongolians was also tragedy, and can't be really blamed on Islam itself, the middle-east could've been a completely different place than it is today.
I am completely in agreement on everything else you said but, in the end though Islam needs to be reformed to be more modern, and its nothing wrong with saying that it is a problem along with capitalism(capitalism being the main priority by FAR of course).
not an argument
There have been isntances where Islam has been moderate or accomodating of science though. For example the instance given in the video of the late 20th century middle east, or when the middle east was actually miles ahead of the west in terms of philsophy and science a few hundred years ago - someome in the middle east had actually discovered newtonian physics and calculus lonnng before Newton.
When will people learn.
Yep, that is exactly what I was talking about.
seems like there are some spooks left
Holy shit if you think Islam is being defended here you need to kill yourself.
Its worth noting that the guy who assassinated the Russian ambassador is most likely a Grey Wolf considering the handsign. The Grey Wolves used to take after Ataturk's Secularism but became more safalist overtime, reconciling it with Turkish racial chauvanism.
Which consisted of left-overs from previous civilizations that dissapeared as the people became islamisized.
>literal spooks
i don't know what to tell you dude
Calm down, that post was just a joke.
Could the Gulf Monarchies have become as influential as they are without the help of US imperialism though?
I'm waiting you like cunt waffle.
Even without the oil money the Saudi's would still of had massive influence due to control of Mecca and Medina, control of those holy sites gives them massive power in the Muslim world and would be sufficient to allow their horrid ideology to spread.
Additionally the Saudi's oil money is less to do with US imperialism and more to do with them seeking out a private company regardless of the country it comes from, if it wasn't a US company it would of just been a French/British/Italian/etc one.
They are a regional power in their own right, not just a US puppet the power dynamics between the interactions of both nations clearly show this.
You should also mention that tourism is massive income for these spooky places. Israel is another example of this.
I'm no grammar tankie, but this is one mistake that grinds my gears.
How can we blame this on capitalism instead of jihad?
We can't. Unfortunately we have liberals here still. Ignore them
I was agreeing with you nigger
but you can pretty much also see how capitalism and imperialism are the ones to blame
hurr durr
I just woke up, give me a min, mum.
Also please dont fucking namefag.
Alright yea the video was as bad as I thought it was gonna be, good job. Left a comment.
You can record yourself a first time to get the original flow, then relisten and watch yourself to check if you soud fine and if you find holes in your speeches.
For writing scripts beforehand, i wouldn't advise that if you're doing it alone, as it can be quickly source of doubt.
Saudi Arabia and gulf States are capitalist as fuck, Islam is what SJWism and White supremeacy is to burgerland.
You didn't even watch the whole thing you dishonest fucker. You literally state that you stopped listening when it got to the actual theological points that illustrate the difference between Islam and Christianity.
Your counter argument here and in the comments is just you restating your original point and saying "its bad".
Shiites and Sunni have been killing each other since muhammad died, and muhammad himself elevated the middle east out of a bunch of barbaric warring tribes who'd rape and pillage each other. Islam is fundamentally poisonous.
I've been on message boards while you were still shitting inside your mom. I will name gag all I want to because I am a massive faggot and no one can stop me.
Yea, I stopped watching the video when you started pulling out quotes from each holy book, as that's when it became clear you wernt even listening to my video, so I had no reason to watch yours.
Well then at least use a better fitting name, that one implies people like or even know you.
You're down playing the role it has in their culture, how deep the Sunni and Shiite conflict is and how important it is especially to Wahhabis to cleanse their religion, the ideological differences between them are mainly what their Holy War is about.
Holy Wars that were foremost about ideological differences predates capitalism and will exist afterwards if such extremism exists.
This was another CIA false flag/useful idiot used to support the CIA narrative theyve created about Aleppo and Syria
Your point was that switching Islam and Christianity would produce the exact same results. I then explained the theological differences between Christianity and Islam in order to illustrate that a fundamentalist in one religion would behave differently than fundamentalists of the other religion because of the differing messages of the two religions. You decided to skip that analysis, which is intellectually dishonest, and does a disservice to both you and myself. I urge you to listen to my points, come back to me with criticisms and I will address them.
Hey man I just record on my shit phone for practice I need to save money and get a second job to afford a real computer and internet before I can make real videos. You and everyone else will know who I am soon enough. Inshallah.
Yea I have a response for why the differences in text is irrelevant on my computer but my internet cut out so I'm waiting for it to come back so I can post it.
If you're gonna get higher production value and make great videos then yea go you but, that's still a dumb name, seeing as it's self-appointed
Its not self appointed I asked Holla Forums to name me and this is what I got
I told you to take your pills in the other thread. You're bordering on parody.
Take a break and read some Kafka or whatnot.
I'll just wait till a random 15 year old Irish kid BTFO's him again in the comment section :^)
You cannot have Islam without imperialism. The foundations of Islam are imperialistic. The bloody thing began as Arab supremacism and it was much later when they started accepting non Arab converts.
What do you have to say about Sunnis and Shiites seeing the acts of "terrorism" against each other as a Holy War and not terrorism?
If you swapped fundamental Jainism with Islam, would Jains actually take up arms?
This. It's a ruthless proselytizing belief. Everything is about "us vs. them" in the religion, because as a religion that can not be questioned, everything derives from it.
I mean just look at this and tell me how progressive it is:
Jesus I feel like I'm on Holla Forums rn. Do I really need to explain basic Marxist concepts here? I thought I was the one who hadnt read anything.
Of course they would act the same if their material conditions were the same but just under a different name.
I love how a conversation with a guy who mostly agreed with me but just corrected me on a few minor points that wernt related to the point of the video counts as being BTFO now.
no, you're butthurt
You seriously think you could get Jains to do armed revolution even if they knew it would be in their interest?
Do you have any fucking idea what Jains are? They sat there for years as neighboring religions took up arms to slaughter them, and do you know what? They did not resist at all, and do you know why? It was because of their extreme fundamentalist religion. Seriously, you're just being a hardheaded dumbass right now.
Not big surprise tbh.
Oh shut up, most of you are liberals in extreme denial
I would rather be a fascist than a liberal.
Only the tankies and nazbols
Get a Muslim to eat pork and use his religion as an excuse to do it? Wait, what's that? Thier religion explicitly
My bans them from eating pork and its part of their ideology? What's that? There are Muslims that would rather starve themselves to death than eat pork to be in good standing with their religion? Duck off you hack.
If everyone acted in accordance with their material conditions then you would have to say that all of the catholic waits that starved themselves to death fasting weren't real because "th-that works against their material conditions"
Just accept that ideology can get you to act counter to your material interests already.
Fuck off not duck off.
Jesus Christ I hate this fucking phone
bullshit. you are really hard to follow on most videos, that is why I can not listen to you very often. I have none experience with this youtube faggotry, but I believe that the problem might be when the script is only "freshly" written. try to write script, wait week and then do the video. Your channel should not be your diary if you want to make at least a bit successful propaganda.
I know this was directed at Muke but imma pretend it was directed towards me.
Expect scripts and actual work to be put into my videos when I get a computer internet and editing software and you will see the best leftist may may propaganda that has ever been produced.
Interesting idea. I will give it a try.
I guess that's why the GCC states labeled Hezbollah a terrorist organization this year.
What are you trying to say?
i don't think its that simple.
islam is a tool, not the goal itself.
some people use it for political/military reasons.
its easier to send someone to die for "god" than for a country.
this is and always was a political thing.
islam was just the wind blowing on the fire
That they consider Sunni/Shia violence terrorism. They aren't compartmentalizing things as "Holy War" and "terrorism".
It is more that the perpetrators of shia/suuni and sunni/shia "terrorist" attacks don't consider their actions terrorism but instead see it in part of being a participant in a holy war. They don't see themselves as mere terrorists but instead something more righteous.
If you want to pick at my use of "Holy War" then I obviously mean sectarian violence of course, but I was just getting the point across.
Ok I get what you mean now. Is that really exclusive to Islamic terrorism, though? Almost every terrorist organization has a rationale behind their activities. I don't know of any who self identify as terrorists.
Sectarian violence mate, it isn't exclusive to any specific religion and it goes far beyond than just "terrorist" attacks.
The hatred of between Suuni and Shia goes back to almost the founding of Islam, this blood feud is fueled is neigh irreconcilable at this point. They have been fighting for centuries, you are accused of heresy or the likes and are killed for just being from a different Sect, this can happen anywhere.