Race Realism in the left

Ok fellow leftists, do you really believe all races are equal?

Other urls found in this thread:


Pretty much, but I don't want to see what people disappear



Oops meant white* people

This board seriously needs some archives.

I hate blacks

Honestly I can`t stand Asians.

There is differences between races and individuals. And yes they all are equal.

i believe that objectivity is the biggest spook of all

No. They are not equal. They are clearly significantly different.

But with only a very few exceptions, there has been enough irrelevant shiting that the differences are negligible.

Just kill all humans at this point.

Has no importance, one way or the other.

I dare say, claims of pure impartiality and objectivity, is simply not 'realistic'.

Race exists in genetic/biological level. It's a fact.

But that doesn't mean it should be used as a tool against discriminating certain proletariats.

Quickly, you need a transfusion! pick the IV line which came from a white guy!

fuck off.


Only equal in the way that the player's races are equal on Skyrim.

I mean come on now.


Let me ask you this, OP. Do you believe all 'races' are pure? What is an 'impure race,' when we share exactly every set of genes with the human population?


No, whites must be eliminated

Feminists need to be reduced into sex objects for the forces of revolution.

so blacks are kinda like orcs huh?

Everything that isn't nordic

All women*
Bigot :^}

Ok but here is the thing, homogeneous societies are just so much better where there is actual social cohesion. Just look at the Putnam study and you will see the failure of heterogeneous societies. How do you think this affects the workplace? When all the workers share different backgrounds they can't relate to one another nor form any bonds, they are just cogs in a system, don't you see how alienating diversity is?

Leftist theory also relies on segregation and homogeneous societies, how you have communal government if everyone is from different backgrounds and just form in their own sub groups?

Your words, not mine


Heterogeneous societies fail the way they do because of white capitalists

I too romanticize savages who raped and burned villages down.

race is a spook and another method by the bourgeois the divide and conquer the proletariat

Global communism or bust.


Not if the classes still exist. Just look at what happened in Korea, which is pretty homogeneous society.

you might very well think that I couldn`t possibly comment.

fucking this I am swayed more and more to become a tankie


Someone needs a lession in nominalism it seems

Tigers are sublime beasts, and in the savagery of their age, the Nords too were sublime.

TIL the only thing you can relate to with another person is your race/background, thanks Holla Forums.

back to reddit


No I believe the Jews are the master race and they should maybe, maybe allow the Japanese (notice how they BOTH HAVE J'S!!) and white women should be fucked by black guys, specifically my girlfriend back basically both of these races, snow niggers, niggers and possibly sand niggers as well, should ultimately be enslaved and/or exterminated as the master race (Jews, highest I…Q… levels don't you know) sees fit.

Ultimately, debt slavery and imperialism are okay so long as enacted upon lower races, like whites, blacks, browns and maaaybe, maaaybe yellows, because they have almost as high an I…Q… level as me, your high I..Q… overlord, you pathetic white subhuman

And its now the turn of the muzzies

Spread em boy

So in your heart of hearts, you do want to be forcibly impregnated by the said forces of revolution since you question our ability to impregnate?

I know being a first world tankie is bourgy as fuck, aswell as cringy because they are MRA, but you need to calm down

Can anyone first give me a biological definition of what race even is?

let me bait OP alone you stupid tankie

Rhinos were fantastic warriors, and in the savagery of their day the Negro was fantastic too.

No, statistically niggers have 5 less Autism Level than me and I have 5 less Autism Level than gooks and dick size, height, melanin levels and other sorts of autistic shit is different between racial averages. And yes, genetics plays some role in this and it's not completely due to environmental factors(even though more than a few studies show that these factors are a huge determinant, although I assume the kikes faked them all). I'm sure you have an endless supply of infographics next to your Blacked.com screenshots and webms to prove this.

But why should I care about racial averages and statistics? The average person doesn't exist, individuals are rarely average in every possible way, and refusing to work with a nigger or spic or gook or kike because muh statistics shows they're statistically not like me is absolutely ridiculous. Why should I band together with a porky who materially fucks me over because we share a "common ancestry" instead of the niggers, spics, and gooks or kikes who I share a common material condition with? Fuck that.

Not being a racist has nothing to do with the mistaken idea every individual is inherently equal, but rather not wanting a system in place that prevents a Jamal with a 120+ Autism Level from thriving and allowing you stormniggers to shit up everything because muh statistics says you've got an Autism Level 5 higher. At it's core, racism is a tool to divide the working class and is primarily used by the worst examples of a race to justify not killing themselves for being failures.

I am not denying the importance of class, I would argue it is more important but race matters too.

An aimless pictish horde can't sustain itself, the huns, the mongols, the timurids.. all temporary tides of the primal soup. The nord is forever.

Remember the Ulundi

Swede cucks are indeed forever cucked lol

Remember ye snowniggers.

Like their Atlantean ancestors, the best of them will survive the fall and give birth to new civilizations.

White is not a race.
It is a social status varying over historic periods and societies.
It's purpose is to create hierarchy that grants supremacy to those that fot the criteria.
It is not a culture, heritage, or identity.
Although white nationalities do exist.

yes because anarchism and feminism are much more prosperous alternatives, it's like you post here to just bait I can't wait for the and collectivism of your types


Please answer the god damn question. What is a "race". Let's go to the bottom of this before we discuss it.

Lmao, nice autism you fucking sperg

Anarchism is, feminism isnt, check my irony layers

I will fight you in the street

go back to Holla Forums

Did satan tell you this?

I'll let you win.

Holla Forums won't be my bf ;_;

I'll kill you then

Show us your tits.

Every civilization mentions it in their history.

Archaeology did.

why not


No they dont, plus there is evidence that they were talking about sicily

What? Atlantis? You mean the fictional city that Plato made up?

tits or gtfo

Good. No one deserves to go on suffering and living in fear.

The general consensus at Holla Forums and Holla Forums over feminism is pretty much equivalent.


This is what meds actually believe.

Show ass.

What were they talking about? Stop being coy you… you cuck

I kek'd at the tit posting I misjudged you you seem pretty funny

you're response is on par with your ideology


Pls keep sperging tho, cant belive autists likee you exists

I don't think you're a nazi tbh but yeah you have nothing to refute me My point still stands

I don't identify with any Not Socialist policies but that is irrelevant, but to defy an entire race as being used as the means to separate people is insane. I will admit that there has often been usage of race being the focal point of subjugation, but races are not social constructs they whey people integrate them being superior to others are social constructs though.

We have discussed this literally every day and nothing ever comes of it. Just stop fucking posting

Feathered snakes.

Structures we weren't able to create until the 20th century suddenly appear in stone age societies, they tell of people coming from across the sea who bring them knowledge. Pure coincidence, says the pure ideology.


Race, while not an utterly worthless concept, has too many spooky connotations to work as the talking point here.
Do you believe that all extant human genotypes have the exact same contribution to phenotypical intelligence? Y/N


Only an anti-science fool would believe that we're all equal and it'd take an even bigger fool to believe we should all be treated equally as well. It'd take a white trash redneck to believe those two fictions. Probably why communism is filled with so many white trash hicks betraying their own race, hah. (noticeable through these comments)

In fact, we believe the strong should rule, and be given the most responsibility. The weak shall follow their superior masters without question, for the greater good of all.

Communism won't be able to work with a mass of low eye-q population without them being subordinate to the high-eye-q. These high-eye-q will be the new aristocracy.

It's the opposite ;)

It takes an idiot to think that observations made from actions are objective or true. It takes a bigger idiot to think a system like this is possible and not doomed to collapse under its own self service and complexity.

But you're a tankie. So.


Hey look, it's the People's Commissar for Nationalities' Affairs!

fryinpangenderkin, born this way!

I wish the racial categorization known as "white" would just disappear and be replaced with Indo -European


I tend to see Whites, Asians, Latinos and some Pajeet as equal only some because they are literally classcucked, but I just haven't seen many black people embrace higher thinking, minus that magic black science man, Tyson. Can someone who's researched black innovation prove me wrong, because I'd love to remove my racism.

They're different on aggregate. Not sure about making value judgements from that 2bh.

Even if we were to factor genetic differences into politics (say designating certain people as not worthy of reproducing for genetic reasons), that would not be determined precisely along race lines. After all even within races there is no "race gene." Iirc the difference is in how frequent alleles are in different populations or something along those lines (that could be wrong but that's more or less what I've read, race is just an approximation of actual human genetic diversity).

Still, I don't really like the idea of sterilizing people for inferior genetics. I'd prefer to avoid it if at all possible.

Comrade, I think you mean "vanguard" and not aristocracy?

But I largely agree with you.

Whiteness is not a race. In Clapistan it's the acculturation or assimilation and the intermarriage of white immigrant groups. Not a race.

it's what happens when the emo-subculture merges with a radical left looking for subjects empowered by the liberal farce of self-expression

This is a terrible euphemism.

yet more proof that tankies aren't real communists.

Call it "The People's Aristocracy" and we're good.


The Popular Vanguard for the Genetic Liberation of Labor

We prefer to be called opportunists, thank you. Our hardliner policies are formed for the benefit of the vanguard, not the communism.

Honestly I don't disagree but I'm not that kind of person. It's mostly, not to be a racist, but white people who end up that way. The alienation faced by people trying to adapt to a world where their parents were kind to them in a crueler world makes them suck up to demographics of people, no matter how nonsensical, and cling to it as if they were dying.

That said, I do enjoy the absurdity of it all.

Marx was a somewhat self hating Jewish man.
And antiblack? Sure

The Gauls for the longest time were less civilized than fucking Africa today or in the last century.

It depends what time you want to select that's convenient.

This book truly liberated me to race realism.

Someone needs to make a time machine bringing leaders of both at their prime together and get Greece to sue Rome for copyright infringement. Rome was the West's biggest mistake.

You wouldn't happen to be the "It's not about defeating Capitalism" guy, would you?

That's like saying aids mostly happens to gay people anyway, an environment that breeds doesn't therefor also isolate.

It's as enjoyable as Sam Hyde.


Making jokes about the AIDS epidemic Reagan did fuck about and killed swathes of the poor and working class is about as funny as Sam Hyde.

Not everyone who got HIV was gay.

Reminder to gulag and gullotine all tankies

So you could be that kind of person, it isn't contained within Sam Hyde.

Samefagging myself to get my question answered.

wew lad

you act like you're shitposting but getting abused on Holla Forums very likely flips your switch, everyone knows women love being degraded.

But they built straight roads!

White women do. Asian women are the ones who degrade their spouse. There's a common sort of saying, or unspoken rule among Asian immigrants, especially Korean.

Don't date Asian women, let some other poor bastard be in the relationship war.

Culture changes from place to place. Men love to be dommed or are afraid of women in mainland Asia among the youth, while immigrants, it's more extreme no matter how Americanized.

Asian women don't put up with every dimension of possible shit at every angle. They're meaner than most fucking white dads.

can confirm, imagine a white woman doing this


Uh excuse me but who gave you permission to speak for all Asian women????

This is incredibly sexist. Don't make me report you to the head matriarch.

Wow hot

Nice madu up bullshit, you faggot

decolonization was a mistake

i'm all for communism, but only if it's without shitskins or queers.

Why do you talk in redundancies?

Don't tell my dad.

Holy fucking shit I love you

Shitskin queers to be the first ones to beat you to death

learn some real value forms dummy

I don't care. White people are dumb and destructive when uneducated, black people are dumb and destructive when uneducated, asians are dumb and destructive when uneducated. The solution? Educate them all.
Believing that people need to fill your Autism Level quota to have a right to exist is the sort of thinking that should get you into a gulag.



as a derivative of that, is there such thing as Moonstalin?

this reminds me of YTMND when it was still hardly relevant and it disgusts me

I had to feminize my penis before I was allowed into the cult of the flower.

not a real feminist

TERF is gender essentialist idpol that masquerades as "TRUE PROGRESSIVE GUISE, these infiltrators are trying to destroy this TOLERANT UTOPIA WE BUILT!"

TERF is also what made me fully reject patriarchy "theory" as narrow-sighted, 1 dimmensional, and not at all useful for moving forward. They basically reify everything wrong with gender in the first place, just from the "other-side" of the coin.

Don't know, don't care.
It does not matter.

"When we say that experience and reason prove that men are not equal, we mean by equality, equality in abilities or similarity in physical strength and mental ability.

It goes without saying that in this respect men are not equal. No sensible person and no socialist forgets this. But this kind of equality has nothing whatever to do with socialism. If Mr. Tugan is quite unable to think, he is at least able to read; were lie to Lake the well-known work of one of the founders of scientific socialism, Frederick Engels, directed against Dühring, he would find there a special section explaining the absurdity of imagining that economic equality means anything else than the abolition of classes.
The abolition of classes means placing all citizens on an equal footing with regard to the means of production belonging to society as a whole. It means giving all citizens equal opportunities of working on the publicly-owned means of production, on the publicly-owned land, at the publicly-owned factories, and so forth.
In brief, when socialists speak of equality they always mean social equality, equality of social status, and not by any means the physical and mental equality of individuals. "

Wait a minute…. are you…. implying…. different races…. are different??? woah… really.. made me think

delete this

Bumping for interest

Holla Forums has the best boipussy

Who are members of the white race, a race of people genetically and physically distinct from Middle Eastern darker skinned caucasians and light skinned slavs to the east


cultural differences should be factored in. That being said, I don't think anyone in their right mind would deny that if you looked at the genes of a race as a whole and compared it to another race, there'd be some differences on aggregate. The point is that these racial categories only approximate actual genetic differences. No one allele variation can be found in an entire racial group that doesn't exist in others. More geographically isolated populations may show more difference genetically, but it's all just a matter of average genetic distance between two populations.

Fairly reasonable.

Be careful about the femdom meme, though - women won't respect a man they can "domme", and a husband a woman doesn't respect is a husband a woman is going to cuck.

Holy shit please tell me you're serious. I really want to believe Holla Forums is this retarded.


Gonna need to see a source on that.

In2 the >>>/gulag/ you go!

The left doesn't care about racism. When poor whites complain about unemployment the "ruling class" reminds them to check their muh privilege. Malcolm X is nothing but a red herring to the Left.

Can we please stop having these threads

We can conclude that there are only two races: the human race and the despicable Austrian race.

nice tits

Please, my co-worker is a fucking turban wearing pajeet, and we slap the bantz back and forth like no tomorrow.

srsly, fuc ausies.
Australian hate thread?
Australian hate thread

no, because races don't exist

Keepin' it real, am I right?


Niggers are still dumb and destructive even when educated. Same for some asians and whites.

Unban KeepItReal

Did this whore post tits yet?

Oke, races aren't equal. So now what? What's the point?


After the token black male leaves, the marijuana addict brutally attacks the white male and pivots the discussion to gender.

It took only 2 years for this podcast to jump the shark.

Races dont exist as classifications. There is only individuals.

Purge the unclean.

Why do we need racist theories to purge them? Straight up violence worked fine last time.

You're right kameraden, Even though Stalin was a bit misguided he did kill alot of degenerates and sub-human slavs.

Remember, at the end, even Hitler's dog was dead.

Think about this map. It's from Madison Grant's famous book, "The Passing of the Great Race" - which Hitler described in a personal letter as "his Bible".

What do you notice? A few things:

Think now about the racial theory of the later Nazi German state. What changed? Did the Nazis scientifically /prove/ that in fact, Balts and Slavs were not of the same race as Germans? Or that the "Alpine" race - to which Hitler, Himmler and Goebbels all belonged - was in fact just as intelligent and hardy as the "Nordic"? No, of course not. The political motive is what changed.

You, meanwhile - have you ever thought that your idea of the "Asian race" covers everything from Siberia to the Philippines? Or that the "white race" includes all three of Grant's primary distinctions, but not Turks, Tatars, Arabs or Berbers? Have you /scientifically established/ that those guys aren't European at all? Why do you disagree with Hitler about Slavs and Balts?

What I'm getting at here is that even if there was anything to "race" as a biogenetic divide, racial categories don't have any scientific definition whatsoever. They have only ever been based on political prejudice, and your understanding of race is only more intuitive to you because it's relevant to the society you grew up in. "Feels not reals" par excellence.

Race is complete bunk, and racial theory is just as much pseudoscience as homeopathy.

Whoops, that's actually the wrong map. This is the better one.

What kind of argument is that? All of us will die someday might as well die fighting for something you believe in.

I believe all races are equal.
I still fucking hate Indians.

Masterful post

Fuck off you retarded gimp.

no, because race don't exist

No retard shaming please, Remember we're all equal here kameraden.

This is actually a thing on the left, but rather than r-word autism, it's now ableism. It doesn't stop there though, calling someone or something dumb, stupid or idiotic is also ableism.

Don't want to hurt the morons' feelings now, do we?

Rejecting race realism is the creationism of the left.

Creationism match more race realism's essentialists claims tough.

i hade the exacte same debate few years ago on yt with some christian.
dispite having no proof and failing miserably in the debate. he put his fingers in his ears and went "hah you'll go to hell, not my problem" then left.

same story with Holla Forumsype, they have a belief they reuse to drop despite all argument because that belief makes them feel good about themselves.


Omg people are genetically and physically different from tanned Egyptians and darker skinned Ghanians

See this thread you nerd

Honestly I'm proud of the left then

Stop smartsplaining you bigoted intellectual supremacist!


the vast majority of human genetic variation exists within populations rather than between them. ie, a given black person is like more genetically similar to a white person than another black

Are you referring to this study?
You may need to read it more closely before repeating that ignorant understanding of the data.

Putnam is a hack that refuses to acknowledge the inherent political bias in his own work, like most academics.

That people have more in common with others that look like them is utter fucking nonsense indoctrinated into our heads by neoliberals trying to keep people from uniting under common interests


Is there a single argument for "race realism" that cannot ultimately be boiled down to the acceptance of race as magical? I have yet to see one. There is no scientific study on the planet that even comes close to supporting political racialism as a scientific fact.

Literally all it is, is projection bias taken to its logical conclusion. The "HBD" edgelords are literally incapable of understanding that not everyone thinks and feels how they do–an Orwellian paradox, given how they are so obsessed with inherent differences in people.

This is called Lewontin's fallacy and it has been debunked.




This paper doesn't debunk the claim made by Lewontin though.

This is the stupidest argument I have ever seen, as far as the political implications of science go.

People with Down's syndrome are severely limited in their capacity to contribute to society, and this condition is caused by ONE recessive gene. You can have two exceptionally intelligent people conceive a child and end up with a useless retard baby. Trying to measure meaningful differences between people that have real political implications using statistical averages is completely asinine.

If you aren't researching human genetics, this information is useless.

Down Syndrom is the result of a chromosomic anomaly, it is not caused by one single reccesive gene. Some forms of microcephaly would illustrate your point better.

Indo European is a language family, linguistics do not determine race and anyone who says so is full of shit

Whatever, yes, you get my point. Biology is fucking boring so I don't look it up much.

No, i believe in biology. No need for ideology there. Its mostly impartial science.

I believe some races are biologically superior and that propper socialism can only work if the racial makeup of the nation is right

Let people live how they live, instead of supporting the government in brainwashing in the public education and forced housing sectors that mix income levels.
That won't eliminate class, the porky's just get larger padlocks

kill yourself

Race is not nationality, nationality is not race.
I can see the argument for dividing the entire world up into a series of socialist nation-states. Racialism however is absolutely useless.

Agreed and that's why I'm attempting to infiltrate their movement by flipping Holla Forums into an outpost cum vanguard for my retarded derivative ideology then memeing Holla Forums to the left on race, putting stormcucks on suicide watch / in ICU. Trust me it makes sense

What's a "race"?

wtf i love racism now

You are unique, just like everyone else : )

kek, Putnam refused to release his findings until he was practically forced to by an associate. And it's pretty clear that he was trying to find proof that diversity was better for trust/social cohesion than homogenity

Do you think anyone involved in genetics research would seriously try to argue that intelligence had a racial/ethnic component? That the scientific community operates entirely on good faith regarding issues that call into question the fundamentals of society?

I wish I could recall the article with a cultural anthropologist admitting that even "if" racial differences were proven by science, the best course of action would be to bury the findings and end any further investigation into the matter

Only one of those posts is mine, don't know why you made a generic reply and including my post in it. All I'm saying is that what you stated is commonly said with that study as support but the actual results of the study show the exact opposite of the sentence, thus it is all in the image I gave you.

There are connections


Urdu and Hindi are part of that language family too. I guess Indians are white now

topologically, this is still 2d chess


It wouldn't be a stretch to say Northern Indians are white

I guess it were the genes that determined the fact that you are fucking stupid and clueless about soviology

has nothing to say about intelligence, temperament or personality. but genes does :3

wow you are incredibly fucking stupid aren't you?

Every time

I never said anything about who and who isn't pretty. I was just pointing out the connections between Iranians and Indians to Europeans

Fuck that, Jack. Live your own life.

There's a magical word out there called subtext and it's for this kind of event.

Looks like someone never went past high school biology.

I missed this gem.


Oh so now anfem is using European beauty standards? For shame


That's like telling a slave that he's freed when he's still clearly in chains.

Anime uses European beauty standards

I don't get it.

Still anime.

Whites are ok. But they're nothing particularly special in any game. It's what I'm saying, Europeans are not necessarily special in their attractiveness, half the board can testify to the fact they are white and have not yet had sex.

There are small differences (including those involving intellect) between populations, but of course, small is the keyword

The average Autism Level of a Sub Saharan African is about 70, yet the average Autism Level of a black person in the UK is about 94

Environmental factors are the most important factors in racial Autism Level differences

Answer yes and you'll trigger both, alt-right and ctrl-left

u got a giggle out of me m8

That based word-filter…top kek

There isn't difference between races, because races change depending on the time period; it could be that there are objective races (I doubt it) but we haven't found it, yet.

There are differences between people, and certain people aren't as good at some things as others. It is true that there are groups of people who share similar characteristics.

But people ought to be treated as individuals. It is clearly not fair, and in fact fallacious, to exclude all, for example, "black people" from taking mathematics degrees because you have some prejudice against them. It may well be that on average black people don't do as well as others (I don't know if it is or not) but you should judge individually.

You can't say all humans are equally good at everything.

i guess that filter is specially made for lolberts.

you're like a litle baby watch this

d e b u n k e d c c

To the Left policy trumps race

The word "republican" doesn't appear once in this article about Ida B. Wells:


You need to go back to Holla Forums.

Race is a spook

Some of the people from some ethno-religious groups are degenerate, anti-social (in the true sense of this word) and likely pose a threat to my safety

This doesn't mean I can then anti-analytically declare a whole ethno-religious group to be inferior to any other ethno-religious group. If I can find even one instance of an honorable member of one ethno-religious group then I have no reason to hate them all, plus this is an impossible feat therefore using Occam's Razor I can safely deduce that at least a few members of every ethno-religious group were based and deserve my respect. Ergo there is no reason to be a racialist or to care about the misdeeds of a few members of an ethno-religious group.

I believe in intellectual sub species of memetic agents. AKA different carriers of various spooks.

Sad faced idealist, fox faced machiavellian pragmatist, eagle faced authoritarian.

Of course Im not making claims to scientific knowledge so I am not spooked and am just using provisional measuring devices for organizing information. Nothing more, nothing less.

Too bad Holla Forums users can't be honest about this and just admit that what they're doing is provisional and has no real basis in biology, physics or any form of ontological understanding of nature and mankind.

It is quite clear there are races.
There is nothing smart about denying nature.

Capitalism is a threat to everyone's safety. Thinking your personal situation warrants any consideration whatsoever, let alone being elevated a point against any general theoretical approach is the essense of the kind of narcissistic projection that makes Western petit-bourgeois idpol such pure cancer.

youre an idiot if you think that you can breed in different enviroments, have different diets etc and be isolated for hundreds or even thousands of years without affecting youre genetics differently

What is affected and to which extent? What relevance does it have? How does it match races as we know it?
It may be more complex than Holla Forums's memes.

You might label your ideology as "definite truisms about real happenings on the field of truth", yet the bullshit that comes after it will still get judged on it's dreary smell, not it's title.

youre an idiot if you think the vast majority of humanity existed in total isolation for "hundreds or thousands of years"

seriously read a god damn book holy shit


No. Whites are superior to all else and thus must be treated as such

can't post my reply for some reason



they where isolated enough.
youre examples mostly affected europe, north africa and the middle east. and just so you know i am not saying that there are necessarely different races, but there are sertanly different abilities among different peoples.

You think it's a coincidense that for example so many sprinters are from west african and Jamaica while Kenyans and ethiopians dominate in long distance running?

Why do you post this picture? It looks badass, the point is to ridicule them

This is what passes as badass these days?

Could be worse

Too many anarchist that live in a puddle of gasoline, I guess.


and you're an idiot incapable of learning if you think everyone from opposite ends of the continent just bred with each other before the advent of modern mass transportation


Not evreyone moved from side to side of continent, but you still had groups migrateing for thousands of kilometers and breeding with the local. Of course you observe this more amongst relatively neighboring places, hence why the human genetic variety is more a gradient than absolute categories.

damn dude those old nazis really were nice

Definitely NOT equal.
Now, arguing about who is "superior"? Now that's something I can't be sure.
Still, don't fall for the "we are all one race, the human race! XD" thing, please.

They would've been nice if Hitler wasn't the one in charge

You also have to work on improving yourself, and most bedora dippers :DDDdD don't


back to reddit faggot

Im a spic and I know the difference between your and you're. A spic writes better than you, faggot.

and a gradient does not disprove races
whats so difficult with this?
why in denial of science?
there is no political agenda involved, except in denying this

There was the ancient Aryans who spoke Indo European and they have spread out across the areas that speak Indo European languages but that does not mean the speakers of the language group is a race in itself
Iranians and Indians are mixed with non Aryan races, but the original Aryans were white

Glad we cleared that up. Oh wait.

Also, if you're going to be this disingenuous from the get-go you should show some consistency. For example, if white is not a race, then white people cannot be racist because their actions and words cannot be in the interest of advancing a race that doesn't exist.


Nice try. I really hate disingenuous people in case it isn't clear at this point.

Are you trying to be retarded or are you naturally this good?

It can be if they subscribe to such beliefs. God doesn't exist but that doesn't stop people for killing in his name, does it?

You mean
Communism will never exist but that doesn't stop people for killing in it's name, does it?

"race realism" is code for white supremacy

it never occured to you that you can believe that there are different races with deifferent abilities but without wanting to have supremacy and dominance over the other races?

What are the races? List them. And prove that they cannot change. Otherwise you're full of shit.

What you're referring to as "races" are in fact labels for groups of people who have more or less some genes in common.


who claimed that
if races exist then evolution exists
of course they change

apparently thats not allowed

What I meant to say was to prove that races are objective and that they don't just exist in the mind (example: objective morality vs moral reletavism).

However if races do indeed change over time, I see no reason to cling to that concept, because clinging to a changing phenomenon brings suffering. It's only the racist who is making himself suffer.

Proving race exists is like proving colors exist.
Where one begins and the other ends is impossible to determine on an objective point of view, but there is a spectrum we have to accept it exists.

Boring pseudo-psych.

I'm sorry but do colors change over time?

So no objective categories then? Glad we're agreeing.

You could argue that yes, through the evolution of our eyes ;)
But that's not the point. The point is that races/colors exist. That's the only thing I'm arguing here.

Yeah. There are no objective categories for colors. That's what I was saying.



Can someone explain to me just what in the everloving fuck being "judged by history" means? Is this not just intellectuals worried about how they'll be potentially perceived by other intellectuals, ie hypothetical future historians? So they're giving shout outs to them? Why is the Appollonian ideal of immortality overlooked in left wing thought, it explains a lot about dynasties, inheritance, power (see: Obama). Do atheists have a need for muh legacy to feel like they'll live on?

race realism means they accept that asians and jews are superior but they prefer their own anyway

some try to weasel out by hypothesizing that Asians have a lower standard deviation of intelligence,
but they all accept Ashkenazi supremacy

Is it not true that change is a cause of suffering, when we cling? You cling to possessions and when they are swept away by a flood or someone steals them, do you not feel at least some discontentment, or even sadness or anger?

Clinging to the concept and to the false hope of permanence, despite having superficial knowledge that they are not permanent causes suffering.

It's not pseudo-psych, it's considering the effects of clinging to phenomena which you know change. In the long run it deserves to be abandoned, as there is no endeavour that humans pursue other than the elimination of suffering.

I'll say it again: races have traditionally been and are still labels that humans have come up with to apply to groups of humans who share similar physical attributes. The idea that they exist in objectivity is simply not true.

You can point to a group of people and say "the people in this group share a similar combination of genes to each other" but that's far from being able to say that this group exists as a race. You seem to think that race is defined somewhere biologically, but it simply isn't.

Colours aren't a bad example; they only have the meaning which we assign to them, and different cultures will identify and separate colours differently.

"White", "black" etc. have no meaning. You will have to think of something much more specific and descriptive, otherwise you are just talking about vague groups of people who are not well defined. I don't see how this is acceptable for someone claiming to be so steeped in science.

But for now, "race" is the rubbish from the 19th century about the physical appearance of people. Read a book.

Do you even stoicism, bro?

It's not the change that causes suffering, it's one's own attitude towards the change (the emotion of clinging) that causes suffering. That's pretty close to Stoicism, but I'm coming more from a Buddhist angle.

daily reminder that there is currently no scientific consensus on behavior differences between races
if they can't figure it out, neither can we

This isn't how linguistics works. Neighboring and trading tribes adopted loanwords for concepts that they can't express in their own language. Often auto-didacts mispronounce words that they can't hear spoken by a native speaker. Their isn't a master language that ever other language branched off from (and thus "corrupted").

confirmed infiltration by /r/socialism

Why do negroids insist on co-opting the word "pride?" It's for faggots only!


is no one going to complement this man on his fine digits?

I'm sorry to be irrelevant, but how do people take Alex Jones seriously?

People like hearing about how blacks are 10x more violent than whites.


lmao at this thread

I don't think the argument should be wether race is real, but what should we do with people of other races. I don't know any leftist who supports segerationist policies.

I would be banned if I said so. I know Leftism is about transcending reality, but this is a little nutty.

It's not a question of whether there are differences between continental groups, it's whether these differences are significant enough to be biologically relevant. I would argue the answer is "no".

check this study and give me your analysis;

National socialism was pretty nice, then Hitler and friends came and fucked it all up
Same thing happened with the USSR and Stalin

glad you do
race is just the larger group above nation

there is no scientific consensus on what defines "consciousness" either
yet we dont go around saying chimpanzees and crows are as conscious as humans

also refer to this study;

Do you into reading comprehension? I said that there was indeed differences between continental groups (however when you look at the populations between them, it isn't distinct and is largely clinal), but I would argue the differences these genes cause are not significant enough to be biologically relevant.

Kill yoourself.

why would races not change?
its change that has caused races to exist, change that has caused species to derive new species
what is so hard to accept about this?

i didnt say anything is the same as anything else
i said that people in a particular field of science disagreeing doesnt mean the topic of conversation is meaningless
care to read again?

How does it change the answer; that races exist; whether there are narrow or large margins between them that overlap to some extent?
If clines exist - which you admitted - then how is that not relevant?


So jews then? Yet you complain about the jews ruling the world. Make up your mind, Holla Forums.

The problem is not that they are smart. The problem is that they are subversive for cultural reasons. A Jew raised in a Christian family as a Christian would be no-problem.

Also, Holla Forums has of lately grown out of anti-Semitism because of Trump and the many many Jews who are helping him.


No, scientific consensus isn't that race doesn't exist.


Take off the flag, you're not fooling anyone.

Equal how? Qualitatively equal? Equal in ability? Equal in value, but with respect to what?

Let's find out what religion you are. Explain "equal", lefties.

Nah, Jews are doing it too. Many Jews support Trump. I think Israel fixed them, honestly. Having their own country slowly cured their subversiveness.




Why is Holla Forums so scared about tackling the Jewish Question?



You're not wrong, but the Empirical view of the world is the only one that actually leads somewhere.

From your perspective, a Rationalist one, nothing can be known to exist - be it the universe, classes, oppression, race or any other mind.

The Empirical view is: "Let's the world exists independently from us and that we can say something about it through observation"

And if you assume that the world around you truly does exist it should be quite evident that this world view, the foundation for science, actually leads somewhere.

In other words - it takes an even bigger idiot to think relying on Empiricism is bad. And yes, we're not equal, although the law should treat us as such.

*Let's assume

what a surprise

No, because races don't exist

Read your own sources. The first picture in 2000, said race was a valid social construct, not a scientific construct. There's a mention of the method used being able to tell the different ethnicities apart from their genome, but that's never brought up again. 2nd picture is the research team head saying there's potentially more variation than he initially, but still stands that race isn't real. Third picture highlights a quote from a sociologist that race-positive aspect is increasing, which should be no surprise. The study from 2000 already said race was useful as a social construct, so no doubt the sociologist would say something similar from the perspective of her field

I whole heartily agree with Marx on this one.

The concept of social constructs itself is a spook