Sex should be freely available to everyone. Having sex is a right. If you disagree, you are still living in the cave ages.
Sex should be freely available to everyone. Having sex is a right. If you disagree...
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You're not getting a state mandated gf fag.
Not an argument.
who /virgin/ here
Sex should be banned. Humanity was a mistake.
This is not possible, because rationalization of sexuality implies violation of the citizen's bodily autonomy. Chances are people who would be drafted in such a program do not want to have sex with you.
Speak sense titofag
everyone on this shitty board is a meme
That's fine as long as breeding is outlawed. Mandatory sterilisations are a must.
anti-natalists pls go.
Keep telling yourself that.
wtf rude
i'm just a shy sperg
hello Holla Forums
Christ, just save up some money and get your dick wet inside some prostitute. It is not that hard.
virgin-bullying is just as bad as any other form of oppression
jesus fucking christ Holla Forums is spook central now
at least it was decent a year ago
Yes, withholding sex is oppression because I need to bust a nut. Read a book
Sex is freely available, consent is a spook.
Not where i live.
Well fuck you then, Sir Knight of the Social Justice.
We could just legalize pig fucking and let all the pathetic incels fuck pigs.
This tankiddie is right
Get psychiatric help hon
It only makes sense. State-mandated income, state-mandated puss.
It's not going to happen and unfortunately you're going to be treated like shit for the rest of the small lifetime you're living.
Just think about it comrade.
What stops you from getting sex? The law? SPOOK! The family and friends of the person you wish to extract sex from? SPOOKS! Your own morality? SPOOK!
If you want sex take it, rape is a spook and the porkies can only punish you for going against their spooky system if they should catch you. Don't get caught!
Trannies have lots of sex you would be surprised
Human rights don't exist, so therefore sex isn't a right.
You are free to try and force sex upon someone, just as those people are free to kill you later, or some organization such as the police are free to imprison you.
Sodomy is not sex. Sex is when a biological penis is inserted into a biological vagina. Sodomy is no more sex than sticking a baseball bat up your ass.
I bet you think eating ass isn't good
And it is also, not always sodomy. Sometimes girls like them. And what of post-op people who are straight?
Trannies do not have natural genitalia or functioning reproductive systems. They have a crudely stitched mass of flesh and nerves made to look vaguely like a sexual organ of the opposite sex, a fleshy mandible or hole. You can't have sex with that any more than you can with a dildo made of leather.
I'm sorry did you take a human anatomy course from Uganda?
Is virginity bourgeois?
Top fucking Kek
Unlike you I don't have severe body dysmorphia to trick me into thinking tranny pseudo-genitals actually look like the real thing.
How long can you go thinking I'm a tranny jej
Can you waste away your entire new years night away from family in friends huddled in a corner demanding the cock truth from AsianCuntTrip2k17?
New Years was like 4 hours ago.
Go to bed.
more like sex should be sold like any other commodity and the government interfering is a violation of a business deal between 2 consenting individuals. but what do liberals know about capitalism.
Do you know where you are
I know. I just popped in from the front page to tell you how retarde you libfags are.
Barter or trade of any kind should be worthy of capital execution without trial. All forms of usury and merchantry must end, capitalism must end, jews must die.
No, the bourgeoisie have loads of orgies and kinky shit
At least they know the 30 Ways To Please A Man by Cosmo right?
So can virginity be revolutionary?
idk desu, I'm a virgin and I feel like most revolutionaries would happily execute me
Most revolutionaries would execute anyone who is not part of their in-group and after gaining power they would try to get rid of them too.
I love seeing communists resist the logical conclusions of their own ideologies.
Communism is the slavery of the individual to the collective, and sexual agency is included in that slavery. Just like in We and A Brave New World: one's own sexual agency is stripped away, leaving one to abuse and be abused, sexually, by the collective.
Breeder scum pls go
After marriage.
Females should all be aborted pre-birth once we have artificial wombs, technology will create artificial biological human vaginas perfectly shaped and hygienic without a human attached. All women must be phased out.
Can you waste away your entire new years night away from family in friends huddled in a corner demanding the cock truth from AsianCuntTrip2k17?
What are you, some kind of fucking anarchist or some shit?
I think there was something similar to this concept, it was in Brave New World I think. Where if you wanted to have sex with someone, it would happen.
Brave New World was essentially neoliberal capitalism.
I've never had a real gf ever but I have a fat fwb for a couple of years and slowly she's become so left wing that she actually is DOING SHIT while I'm a armchair leftist
See lads, sex can be a revolutionary act
We are near artificial wombs. Women are just over complex child factories and technology will soon make them obsolete.
Tell me, if the male population can create children through artificial wombs and have sex with biological grown vaginas attached to Virtual Reality devices, what niche do women serve? None. Obsolete. Welcome to the 21st century bitches.
what book were you reading?
they were some weird half socialist social democratic (without the democracy) capitalism with no freedoms (political freedom)
Try harder
You have a point OP, we don't function well without sex and meaningful relationships but you have to remember that your "rights" need to end where others begin. Respect existence or expect resistance.
Are you thinking of this?
I'm not bullying him for being a virgin, I'm bullying him for being a delusional twat who blames neoliberalism for his personal life.
Sex is seriously overrated. It's not even that good if it's not with someone you have a connection to or you and/or the other person are really good at it. You get a brief high that's inferior to pretty much any drug and unless you're tying to have a kid you don't feel like you accomplished much of anything. I would rather do something productive until I meet someone I really care about again. Making love with someone you love is a whole different thing, but that's mostly because anything you do with somebody you love is going to feel great.
In commie utopia, people would just bond with people they like without any of the "ew gay" shit. Sometimes that would result in sex. There would also be people who are just really good at sex as a practice and that would be treated like other work - with respect for its value to society.
Virgin communism theory when?
I sometimes wonder what happens to these /r9k/ types who actually do end up having sex. After the way they've talked it up to be the purpose of the universe, it can pretty much only be disappointing.
Access to women's pussies should be shared among the people.
I think they go on shooting sprees.
Satanic rituals happen in caves. You knew this, right?
why even live lads?