is he, uhm, /ourguy/?
Created one of the most successful far-left media franchises of all time
Other urls found in this thread:
Hell fucking yes he is.
How isn't Obama black?
Probably because obama is in no way oppressed due to his immense wealth and that he was never subject to the things the general "black americans" are subject to. He is not culturally black, he is a rich "white" guy whos dad happens to be from kenya.
IE its a step away from race identity politics towards class politics, while using the same lingo.
I can't understand americans, seriously, i give up.
He's never had to hustle pretty much so while his skin is black, he isn't "black". If that makes sense.
He's never had it hard, basically a white life in black skin.
His cartoon had a women problem though. I'd say over all it was pretty reactionary, there's only one episode I can think of that really criticized capitalism's base. It was when the grandpa is given a restaurant in a scheme by a rich landowner to drive down the price of prime real estate he wanted
He's at least as white as he is black. His dad was 100% black and his mom was 100% white. We get more of our "nature" from our mothers (mitochondrial DNA and environment in the womb). His mom raised him in a white environment and he went to fucking Harvard Law school. What connection does he have to the experience of the typical black American, exactly?
Not that race actually matters but the fact that people see Obama as black shows what a fucking farce race is.
That's a nigger.
not this shit again
fuck off
actually she's a jew. although even that might be false. keep in mind everything about Obama is fake as a chinese bootleg.
It's a pretty simple attack against idpol. Obama isn't great just because he's black. It's just smartly worded in a way that it actually reaches people instead of just being rationalized
Boondocks was pretty good as a strip comic. Then McGruder got that television show and he just completely lost all subtlety. All "jokes" are the laziest, low-hanging fruits imaginable. Show was trash from the start and the strip went to shit.
Fuck off with this shit. Huey is the Only Sane Mane in the show. Everyone else is insane to some degree and a stand-in for one or more social dysfunctions. The only exception I can think of is Martin Luther King Jr. This meme that the women were badly portrayed (just like a lot of memes about women having it particularly bad) depends on ignoring the portrayal of the men, who were just as horribly flawed. This is a show where a scene like this
Biggest mistake was they got rid of the Huey/Caesar dynamic of radical/liberal and replaced it with just Huey who became a disaffected radical, borderline liberal. That set the tone for the whole show.
The show creator is an uncle ruckus type IRL
Of course he's black. Still american blacks are all very different from subsaharan blacks. It's pretty obvious most of them had at least one white ancestor.
But that's pointless anyway. Obama isn't black just because he went to university, going to university is not a muh privilege, it's a right.
That isn't the point he tried to make though.
The logic that americans use is
The creator says that Obama, the "black president" does not have the same interests as "the poor black americans" just because of his skin colour. He looks black, but isn't "black" as in "from a poor socioeconomic background with the shared interests and culture" as other black americans.
With this the creator shows skincolour says nothing about political alignment and that you should look at what background people have, rather than superficial things.
He's the fucking president of the US. Obama is not suffering from exploitation. Kill yourself.
Thank you yes. Also "uh it was sexist" is a politically correct way for liberals to dismiss something anti-racist that doesnt fit into their particular narrative.
Love McGruder and The Boondocks. Some people around here think literally anything that addresses racism is identity politics and dismiss it on those grounds
so you are only black if you are oppressed? what path in life did you take that allowed that thought to accumulate? why is the "victim" theme so prevalent in your ideology? does envy play a role in your identification of being a victim?
Boondocks always did a really good job of showing how wealth and class play into race.
Americans have a collective average Autism Level of five and need every message bludgeoned into their eyesockets with an ice pick.
"Race politics is dumb, don't vote for Obama 'cause he's black."
Your blackness only matters if you are discriminated against because of it. Black porkies will hang like all the rest.
It's more like "After most basic civil rights have been championed for the Black communities, the race issue has shifted and is now predominantly tied to class and muh privilege more than anything else. Most Black Americans are held back through the mechanisms on which capitalism operates, of course still identified by the color of their skin. Obama however never experienced the unique Black class struggle millions of Americans had to face and therefore is not one who can directly empathize with the common Black man, let alone the common Black woman. He grew up in a "White" environment and should not be mistaken for an ally."
tl;dr race politics is dumb, don't vote for Obama 'cause he's black
your attempts to schism the proletariat will not hold liberal. The revolution is worldwide.
hmm, ok, that seems very binary, black and white. so where does the line get drawn. if someone were to just walk outside right now and decide who was discriminated against and who wasn't, how do you tell? is that as simple, and binary? like, where is the line drawn? what if a black person were discriminated against while trying to get a job in their early twenties, so they went on to get another job somewhere else where he/she wasn't discriminated against, and had a lot of promotions, raises, and make around $172,000/yr now. is that person black?
But… no? What I described are race politics. Capitalism is tied to racism, there's no way to defeat it without fighting racism as well.
It doesn't matter at that point, now does it?
Unironically this. The poor white working class is more 'black' than Obama will ever be.
Reminds me of this scene
Eminem wasn't from a poor background was he?
that is my exact question. at what point does a black person stop being black? was it as soon as they accepted the job offer at the new job where they were successful? or was it after that job promotion 3 years later? does it have a shelf life? like, 5 years after the last episode of discrimination and the claim can no longer be made?
Thats the exact question that guy wants to plant in their head. To make people realize race doesnt mean shit.
Nevermidn he was.
The revolution is worldwide.
The eternal liberal at work.
Nobody said he wasn't black. I said it didn't matter. Making money doesn't make you porky. Owning the means of production does.
Because being black means being lumpen trash with a castration complex.
This place is more racist than Holla Forums at times.
But race does mean shit, user. Just because the borders are not clear doesn't mean you don't get treated differently based on the color of your skin. I don't get why it's so hard to acknowledge that for you brocialists.
That's a heavily debated topic in sociology, you won't find an universal answer. It basically depends from what angle you look at it. With everything in social studies there are also tons of criteria which make up a definition rather than one single identifier. And especially when it comes to a concept like "being Black" it gets hard, since it's a social construct that changes every day bit by bit.
I'm a socialist, mate, not a liberal. Have you ever talked with socialist outside the safe space of the Internet? That capitalism, fascism and racism are deeply tied to another is a very prominent opinion among socialists and has been for years. Hell, MLK and Malcolm X have been talking about this years ago.
I think I just realized this is a holdover of the NIGGERS GONNA RAPE THE WHITE WOMEN meme that used to be so popular.
You truly have the reading comprehension of a peanut.
No you.
sure thing cracka
No being 'black' (in the context of what was said in the OP) is simply means poor, disadvantaged and screwed over. Race don't matter shit. I posted that video to sort of prove my point that middle/upper class blacks are far less relatable to working class blacks than their white counterpart
It is an example, not evidence
Class > race, absolutely. Doesn't mean race doesn't mean shit. The experience of being poor is still tied to your perceived race in society. It's not either/or.
Like how being jewish simply means being a greedy schemer. Also, middle class blacks are culturally quite similar to poor blacks.
Friendly reminder that there is no biological basis for race.
Friendly reminder that by the same logic there is no biological basis for species.
lol, no
Species is defined by whether two organisms can produce fertile offspring. Try again.
Sure I guess
Much less than the white working class
read a book faggot instead of getting your knowledge from jpgs and shitty pol memes
It isn't, and if it is, would this then mean that infertile animals don't belong to any species?
Think critically about ontology for once.
They're called hybrids.
This is what Holla Forums actually believes.
But it is.
You can't define a species by one animal. Is a mule a horse? Is a mule a donkey? No, it's a mule. Horse and donkey are defined by the whole population in aggregate. I'll turn the question around to you: if race is defined by [trait] and a person lacks [trait], do they have no race? Let's say [trait] is skin color. Let's say [trait] is skull shape. Whatever it is the same logic applies.
That's the general idea, though sometimes it makes it difficult to define a particular group as distinct sets of species.
There are different tiger species that can produce fertile offspring.
That's begging the question.
Race isn't defined by trait x because that is not how ontology works, using this to claim that race doesn't exist would logically lead to the conclusion that nothing except maybe core physical concepts like atoms and such are real.
Its always funny to see this internet rednecks talk about genetics and biology. You sure learned a lot in highschool kiddo.
I know that, but I thought I read eminem grew up in a cozy suburban house. But I think i got him confused with someone else.
We're talking to a Holla Forumsyp they don't understand exceptions to rules.
Not hard at all. All those wolf subspecies are species of the same because they can produce fertile offspring, even if you need to take a little roundabout.
The problem is that some pairings can produce fertile offspring and others can't. While the groups form distinct geographic populations they're thought of as a whole as a sort of "superspecies".
It's you who doesn't understand that your definition of species is faulty.
The problem is that antropology needs to get its fucking shit together and start behaving more like a science and less like a dog breed judge.
In the end there are actually about five or six different definitions of species used at various times and in various fields. Though most other definitions have fallen out of favor, you'll still find morphological species in use in paleontology for instance. The biological species concept however is the most consistent and leads to the most meaningful/predictive categorization.
Some would call it… a social construct.
There is no intrinsic ontological difference between racism and specieism.
There is because the function of taxonomy is to predict. Humanity doesn't even have enough genetic distinctness between geographic groupings to constitute subspecies, let alone any superspecies complex. Our differences are only meaningful in so far as our eyes and minds have evolved to have a huge attention to detail for differences in facial structure in order to read emotions and recognize mates and kin. But our differences are mostly tiny and exist on a spectrum that nullifies any discrete racial groupings.
Both are ultimately judgments based on differences, there is no objective criteria for when the size of such of differences justifies discrimination. Therefor my point still stands, there is no intrinsic difference.
If it were a matter of sentience then, the retarded should have the same rights of animals.
You just got through some 30 posts of people explaining that there, in fact, is.
None that give objective criteria for when discrimination is justified.
I'll just go talk to a wall now.
And solve the is-ought problem while you're at it.
that's not my point you idiot
Wrong. I thought this type of hatred of women was banned here? I'll leave if this isn't the case. This is gross and anybody not criticizing this poster is enabling the oppression of women.
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting. Lurkers take note, this is not the standard of faggotry we find acceptable around these parts.
And here comes one of the trolls to act like hatred of women doesn't exist here. *sigh*
Now you mention it I dont know any men who really hate women.
And I even know a couple of gay dudes. They find women repulsive but they dont hate them.
Honestly, comrades are a bit hostile to women. It's not just an isolated incident either. There's this pervasive toxic masculinity (yes I know this has turned into a cliche due to mgtow, but it's the truth) here that encourages women to either submit or admit that the idea of a patriarchy is absurd. I don't feel comfortable posting when this is allowed and often go back to /gamerghazi/.
mis 0 gyny is wordfiltered here
To be sure what you describe is a problem but god damn even my parents noticed it without me even suggesting it and they're about as old school politically incorrect as you can get.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar and not a penis
Miso-gyny is wordfiltered to hatred of women to remind people what the word means.
You are being too obvious. Also don't ironic shitposting is bad for the board.
That's because this "think of the women" shit is traditional as fuck. I posted this earlier:
Mods are part of the problem in using this inflammatory, constrained definition in their wordfilter. Most hard-line feminists would say it implies the propagation of patriarchal power constructs. Mods should be using prejudicial rather than hate.
Thats exactly why we have wordfilters, to stop you from using vague concepts that you can change the definition to depending on the situation.
Of course a random reddit-tier anfem has to cointelpro the shit out of this thread.
idiots. black and white do not exist, only thr cultures for such do. Someone is only as black or white as they act.
Yes it is, because race was a taxonomic classification moron. I guess if you redefine terms, no one can prove you wrong?
Really liked this show until they started making fun of Tom's wife.
Half black, raised by a white family
His dad, who he barely knows, was from Africa.
He doesn't have the same experience of being black in America, a family history of slavery or social stigma.
The entire point of the show is everyone but huey is a socially dysfunctional wreck
Holla Forums is a bastion of free speech, even if it's speech you or I don't agree with.
wtf? So instead of stuff like enough time for lunch every day you get handful of condoms in US?
my god, I need to read better. also, isn't this, dare I say, institutionalized sexism?
I don't think you realize how retarded burgerland is.
Since most Americans aren't eligible for publicly funded coverage, and individuals are too retarded to form health coops, employers are expected to be the primary entity for group-negotiation with private insurers. Since even the pathetic group negotiation of employers produces vastly better deals than individual negotiation, this means most burgers are tied to their jobs not only by the risk of unemployment, but by the threat of losing their health insurance, and other things they shouldn't even be involved in, like pensions.
Under this "logic", employers are supposedly "responsible" for providing or supplementing every imaginable service government and/or coops should be doing instead.
my god, that country is porky's wonderland.
To be fair, a perverse "system" like this could've evolved into something acceptable, like what happened (IFAIK) with Germany's employer-centric social services. Except that the third leg of the stool, labor unions, has been broken clean off since the 1970s.
Where's this list from?