how is anime now woke af again?
How is anime now woke af again?
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Anime isn't "woke" because it is mostly an extension of japanese culture which is insanely repressive and patriarchal. The best you will ever get from the Japanese is mild liberalism.
why the FUCK are leftcoms such a bunch of anti-fun fucktards?
Because theory must come before activism and most people do not understand theory. Like at all.
As much as I hate to admit it the Leftcoms are right in this case–at least when it comes to the vast majority of anime, animes that have sci-fi themes tend to be more woke.
Its not, its reactionary drivel from an incredibly reactionary country.
I'm not even opposed to it from the perspective of mindless entertainment, nor do I call people weebs, but you're a fucking retard if you think the majority of anime is anything other than right of center.
Except there is no second part to that for leftcoms. There's just impotent complaining.
This. The only non-reactionary anime that I can think of are Miyazaki films and that's debatable.
anime is a somewhat pluralistic medium as far as political views represented— but on the whole their kind of reactionaries are tend to be aristocratic and their aesthetic is fascistic.
Also, like all production in Capitalism, Anime is based around extreme exploitation of low paid workers. So it's not just a content issue.
What about Satoshi Kon?
stay mad
thats the result of a defanged wolf
wait til their teeth grow back
and we love it its part of the culture
follow your dreams and suffer its fantastic
typical critics you always know better dont you
some of us enjoy the pain you know
Working!! is the partisan's choice.
Comfy as fuck. The only problem is the child labor.
It literally fetishises wage labour.
never gets old
I dont think child labour is inherently bad if they have time for schooling and having fun and if it is their idea to work.
Sure but
Fuck Super S.
best anime
Well, if it's patriarchal I guess I'd better give up anime for good.
How is the patriarchy idpol?
Wut? Explain yourself.
>please don't watch Earth Maiden Arjuna
Anime is no more rightist nor leftist than any other medium, and many arguably centrist anime (such as GiTS & LotGH) plunge far deeper into analysis of both sides than I see in popculture outside anime.
I think the leftcom was talking about specific ideologies within Japan that are inherently and openly patriarchal, like filial piety in Confucianism, not the demented "all hierarchy is penises from outer space" conspiracy theory of feminazis.
Animeshmanime Manga>Anime.
The industry and workplace environment are so fucking terrible it's no wonder most artists are leftists.
I love LOGH, but I hate when people pretend like it's an intellectual political commentary. It's really not, the actual politics and systems at play is totally overshadowed by the characters, similar to House of Cards. It's an opera first, and if it has a political message or moral its simply that no system is perfect. On a spectrum, it's as centrist as Seinfeld.
Kenshin was liberal garbage. Still liked it but damn was it liberal.
The series itself provides a defense of this, by noting that Yang and Reinhardt are extraordinary people who create extraordinary events. It's repeatedly emphasized that the true challenge of the era shaped by them isn't just what they do while alive, but the long-term challenge of how well their legacy can withstand the test of history.
The central conflict of the series is not between the rival leaders, or rival powers; but between Yang's system based on law, which is more resilient against corruption but also more prone to stagnation; versus Reinhardt's non-system based on power, capable of great things, but constantly on the verge of total corruption. The story doesn't touch on socialism, but it's highly applicable to the debate over vanguardism.
That's objectively untrue.
It's on the same level as blaming "the jews" for all the world's problems.
Hell yeah my nigga, FMA is basically "fuck you imperialists imma smash this state from the inside out"
It's racist and sexist and for manchildren. Should be banned, tbh.(ASK AND YOU SHALL RECEIVE )
Sci-fi anime is mostly some dystopian warring empires bullshit. You get token poor oppressed folk in the side stories, at most, and they aren't exactly class-conscious, either.
On the other hand, contemporary stories usually take place in school settings, and those are insanely egalitarian.
Is there anyone who enjoy anime which are labeled as for women to make me some recomendations?
I really enjoy this type of animes like Usagi Drop, Nana, Clannad, Wolf Children.
Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki Kun
Ore Monogatari
Inari, Konkon, Koi Iroha
They are Shoujo instead of Josei, though.
why do you niggers look everywhere in hopes that they'll spew your world views to you? Can you not fucking enjoy something in life without it being attached to your identity?
kanon, aria (the entire series and all OVA's), kino no tabi, mushishi, mononoke, gunbuster, utena, and haibane renmei
Utena is a must watch though
Otome adaptations are almost always worse but I really like Hakuouki.
Felt will bring full anarcho-nihilism
I asked someone in the industry what is the most leftist anime. He said various members of the staff of Gundam is part of the Japanese Socialist Party. Then he went on saying LoGH is the most leftist setting if you interpret it that way. He's seen a shit ton of anime too though so he probably forgot some shorter series.
Boku no Pico
probably The Kingdom of Dreams and Madness
most miyazaki pics floating around seem to come from there
Huh, i've watched that movie, i don't remember that part.
Anime is the highest form of art achieved by humanity so far.
anime isn't art, is entertainment
Drawing is art
Writing is art
It has both. Deal with it.
Those aren't mutually exclusive.
Are you really saying this is art? really? really?! come on…
yeah why not? some art is just bullshit
Why not? Because Umaru chan is simply pandering to an audience who's going to get the show creator a ton of money by buying their shitty merschandising.
This isn't art. It's knowing what your audience wants: They like lolis and they go nuts over a girl taht's into otaku culture and games and enjoys eating shitty food.
Jesus, that show is awful, i could only watch a couple of episodes.
Anyone know why this video has so few comments despite the many views? I've noticed this on some other japanese videos on youtube.
Evangelion is objectively the best TV series ever made.
Davido-san pls go.
If you don't thing this is the biggest form of art you may be a fag.
this is the oldest (non) argument out there. Art comes in many forms. Also knowing how to cater to an audience is a craft in itself.
That was cringy as shit, user.
Why do people like anime specifically? As opposed to just cartoons in general? I've watched a few anime series but was never "an anime fan" pretty much every full on weebshit anime I watched -Oreimo and K!ON among them- was complete garbage that I stopped watching after a few episodes. In the case of K!ON it was after about 10 minutes because it was completely vapid unintersting shit about highschool girls. It's basically your average shitty Disney sitcom but animated and without canned laughter. You could probably make an anime adaption of garbage like Hannah Montana or Wizards of Waverely place and anime mouthbreathers would lap that shit up, because they girls would become "muh waifus" and instead of cancerous tween humour it would become shitty /a/ meme material.
Despite all this I somehow found Squid GIrl kind of enjoyable, but still, fuck weebs REEEE, etc.
Because like puppies and babies, it's infantility is soothing. It's designed to have you drooling.
Most of the anime I like is old or based on old things like Jojo or Miyazaki films. What you are describing is trash that makes up the bulk of what is coming out now. Not to say garbage like that didn't exist in the 90s, but there was much less and they weren't catering specifically to lonely NEETs.
Kill yourself.
One of the things I enjoyed most about Meduka Meguca though the show itself was actually pretty neat was watching the bug-eyed moeshit character designs scream in their annoyingly squeaky falsettos as they were ripped to bloody shreds, very cathartic.
The appeal of anime to me is the sweet spot it straddles between the full-length stories of a serialized TV show, and the high-concept premises that would be financially impossible to achieve in live-action except in theatrical movies.
Nowhere but in anime can I see onscreen stories that have both the conceptual ambition of the best genre fiction (historical settings, SF/fantasy/horror settings, complex action scenes, nonhuman characters, etc.) and length beyond a film script's 50-page-novella-equivalent or episodic TV screenplay's 15-page-short-story-equivalent.
If anyone other than otaku could get past their attachment to live-action, genre fiction could finally be adapted intact instead of 120-800-page novels being raped down to fit in the 20-90-minutes of screentime alloted to it and stripped of anything requiring special effects or fancy staging.