/brocialism/ thread

discuss brocialism here, muh dudes!

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*gets banned on r/socialism for being abelist*

Yeah we must start a revolution! So let's go all on twitter and post under the #weclaimtheright tag to show those corporate fat cats how much we hate them. WEEEEEEEEEEE


Yo man, we gotta get fucked up tonight and go to the picket line. Shit's always a blast. We can try to overthrow capitalism again and maybe get our dicks wet.

I feel like r/socialism and tumblr types would call Rosa Luxemburg a brocialist if she was around today, just for simply supporting equality of the sexes

Brocialism is a retarded ideology.

You are probably more of a brocialist than you realize, right?

The PC left like /r/socialism would ban you for that post. The consider the use of the word "retarded" to be ableism.

Yeah brah, let's go organize a strike or some shit then go drink some brewskis and fuck bitches.

Yes but at least I believe in feminism.

I do too, that doesn't mean you aren't a brocialist

What makes you a brocialist?

Saying that you would not have sex with someone based on their genitals, I just got banned from /r/socialism for that

And I'm not being hyperbolic, I was literally banned for that

The definition of brocialism by the imrightyourwrong wiki is a socialist who doesn't believe patriarchy is a thing and "A socialist that is manipulative towards and sexually abuses women".

lel, r/socialism is lost
overthrow the mods!

It's crazy, they've gone so full circle that they've forgotten the fucking basic feminist principle of consent, it's literally feminism 101 stuff that consent can be revoked at any time, for any reason. Yet if I don't want to fuck someone with a dick I'm a transphobic piece of shit, cool

Someone who's good at internetting really needs to figure out a way to infiltrate the mod team and purge them

yeah, reddit is truly lost if they actually believe in that lul

Holy fuck they're stupid.

Because you have internalized transphobia. It's like saying "I won't have sex with someone because she's black". It's a racist thought that needs to be eradicated from your head. Rejecting someone based on their genitals is shallow.

I understand that point of view, but that's a problem with society at large, not just me. Shaming someone into sex is still rape, if someone doesn't consent they don't consent, case closed. I can't believe that I've been having debates with """feminists""" about consent, I thought that book was shut a long time ago.

No it isn't. Saying "I won't have sex with someone who has a penis" is not the same thing as saying "I won't have sex with someone because she's black"



What about white women who only fuck black guys? Have they internalized racism against whotes, asians, and hispanics? Are gays sexist for refusing to have sex with women? Are guys who don't fuck 60+ year old women ageist now? Is refusing to fuck a mentally handicapped person abelist?

Where does preference end and bigotry begin?

Please don't use slur "retarded" it's demeaning to our comrades.


brocialism is the worst word to appropriate from reddit.

Fuck you and quit calling yourself that, not for the reason of what you think, but the reason that the word itself fucking sucks and imagining saying it out loud is fucking hysterical


fucking hotwheels fix your website



nice deflection

but that's 90% of your tumblr feminism words


lmao, saved

That's the typical liberal view. Daily reminder that though liberals borrow a lot of terms from Marxist thought (like "structural [anything]" they ultimately view oppression as the combined result of individual actors' prejudices rather than material conditions.

"I'm not attracted to someone whos face has been destroyed by third degree burns"
nobody here buys that crap, I think you're falseflagging

Deflection of what? That you posted a gif? Nobody is going to be "transhuman", it's not happening. We aren't there. We aren't going to be there. It'll be a banned concept when we do get there like stem cell research and cloning.

Nothing wrong with stem cell research and cloning. I know this can be scary things nowdays, but they can be used for good as well.

Excellent falseflag, Holla Forums! Even better than last time.

I give it a 3/10, made me respond.
Now fuck off.

Oh, so Brocialism is actually socialism, and their version is the feminist idpol socialism?

I got this in response to a comment on /r/FULLCOMMUNISM (see reddit.com/r/FULLCOMMUNISM/comments/5kg9c5/full_brocialism/dbob93k/) - and got banned; pic related, no explanation.

Even if you try and have your own opinion, openly accept the fact that one might be wrong, it's discredited just because one dislikes internationality & co. Now I can't even learn why I'm horrible, nor could I prove that I learned something new.

The worst part is that most people on the sub don't even disagree with me, since the comment had a positive rating. So the mods are basically acting against the interest of the community!

It's not a Ideology - it's only used for name-calling and discrediting other positions.

The hubris. Dunning-Kruger and narcissism is one hell of a combo, fraulein.

…that is literally what discriminatory means. Having a preference isn't a problem and isn't bigotry, but it's definitely a form of discrimination. "Discrimination" is just one of those words that has taken on politically charged meaning because of how people use it.

I refuse to believe that this brosocialism shit is not just an FBI psyop.

I'm about 95% confident that all of the idpol shit is an FBI psyop or the result of people influenced by such.

I prefer the term "manarchist"

Ding ding ding

Everybody I have ever known who unironically uses the term "class reductionist" is literally a cultural reductionist.



They're good, except for human cloning. That's ethically ambiguous as hell in terms of long term use. The only way that would become in practice, is funding, and the only way to fund, is Capital, industry.

Imagining the scenarios where cloning becomes another cosmopolitan part of life in Late Capital for the upper of most upper class, is a scenario I'd rather avoid.

Say, some bougie fuck decides on his death bed he wants his genes to live on, and he gets cloned, and a seperate identical twin is born as his "son".

The ethics, the implications, the long term social consequences, I honestly think cloning is a bad fucking idea for all involved.

That said I'm entirely behind Stem Cell research.

But my point was, that I doubt transhumanism if it were at all possible this century, would look much different than either.

We could get there technologically, then you have to face the cold hard fist of the law up your ass about your research into immortality.

That's just the way it's going to work.

That's a lot of accusations from someone who posts Nick Land

Gender politics is bizarrely homophobic

I don't fuck with that crowd because they alienate you for being a lesbian and not wanting to fuck a transwoman pre-transition. Like. I'm fine post. That's all well and good.

But, I'm a lesbian. It's worse I know how all these things work and why they're in place in terms of transitioning.

But what took me totally out of it was the bizarrely Holla Forumsyp like idea if you don't want to fuck pre-transition trans women, because I can't get aroused by them, I'm transphobic.

That's just, not how it works? You're not entitled to me. Just because you fucking decided if I wasn't into you I'm a bigot, doesn't phase me and makes me want to fuck off away from your clique.

It's sad because they're ruining their lives pulling these stunts behind a steady stream of selfies and faces. It's going to ruin them in the future. It's tragic that they're Othering themselves so hard without a clue of the long term consequences of being an Other in Capitalism.

I'm a proud manarcho-brocialist. Deal with it.

Not him, but I have literally been told I'm mysogynistic because I'm gay and don't find women attractive. Which isn't too far off from what they usually say about "transphobia in the gay community." Like if you personally don't want to fuck someone for any reason relating to any identifiable physical or mental trait whatsoever (fat shaming! ableism!) you're committing some great evil in the world. Then they go on to screech about "male entitlement." God, it's like Elliot Rodger in reverse, with half the self-awareness

Yes, it obviously contradicts "consent can be revoked at any time for any reason and is never owed." This inane bullshit is designed to be inconsistent in the extreme. That's where its power comes from.

You are obligated to find ugly bitches attractive you mysogynist excellent sinner.

literally rape

I wonder how they would respond to the story of a woman who dated a man with no dick. Like the man is saying he wants to go through the motions of fucking or rub his dick stump on her clit or something. But she isn't into guys with no dick so she turned him down.

brocialism is making the left look bad tbh. brocialists should be hanged.

gb2 Holla Forums, no one's falling for it

/r/socialism mods will ban anything they don't like, no matter if in the rules or not. I proved one fake news article wrong with facts that was pro-Palestinian and got permabanned for that and got called a racist imperialist colonialist by one of the mods. Like WTF, I didn't even comment on my position on Israel.

It's not rape if a girl does it.

dude is wearing a dress and suddenly he is fuckable?
And if you say no, they basically want you to undergo a gay conversion therapy.

So comrades, when are we going to seize the means of reproduction?

Ban all NazBol posters.

This, except make them mods, and ban Trots.

This, except castrate all the nazbols and give them to trots as softwives

1776 will comence again if you try and take our Nazbols!

There's only so much to say about anti-leftist snarl words invented by liberals to demean socialists and anarchists. Eventually we're all gonna just run out of ideas.