Saving Reddit

Before we get into this post, lets be clear. Yes, Reddit is shit, but what are we, Socialists or image board users first?

If we are Socialists first before anything else, then we will realise that Reddit is where the majority of people are, and where there are people ripe for class consciousness. At the same time though, this is being not only wasted but ACTIVELY DESTROYED by the current leftist reddit moderation and their rampant identity politics coupled with PC culture.

We need to save Reddit before it's too late. We have made ground on 4pol, we need to strike at Reddit too.

Obviously we cant out right argue and debate on Reddit like we did 4chan, we'd just get banned or down voted. What we need to do is create our own alternate subreddits, advertise them to anywhere that will allow them, and simply have better discussion without any of the rules. We can do this easily. As well as this, we can also find people being banned on places like r/Socialism and invite them to our subreddits.

What do people think?

Other urls found in this thread:

No, the admin or /r/socialism has in the last few months expressed desire to clear house. If he is not fully dedicating his life to being a faggot and hoarding control of a board he not only doesn't use, but has completely ruined, we should try and have him pass it off to our BO.

Over the last few days an article was published calling his sub retarded, so he may want shot of it.

Reddit's too shit for me even the interface is ass backwards as all fuck

Reddit was designed in such a way that unpopular opinions cannot be heard. It is a deck that is stacked against us. Our time is better spent elsewhere.

Reddit is a shithole and deserves every bad thing that happens to it.

There already is one. r/redflag.

Go there.

Unless you take nazbols/tankies as the norm, we don't really have unpopular opinions.

r/latestagecapitalism is a decent sub, and already quite popular

This. /r/lsc doesn't focus on BS idpol as much as /r/socialism, so it's a lot more enjoyable.

Didn't they get to the front page and start banning everyone the other week?

Nobody cares, reddit is fucking garbage.

Here is my pic related ban for constantly (and respectively, mind you) trying to argue against their constant practice of banning people who say anything that disagrees with their bullshit ideology. /r/LateStageCapitalism is everything that is wrong with reddit socialism. It gets popular, and then they use their gained platform to let everyone know that "socialists" ban people because they can't handle other opinions in their little safe space. It constantly irks me that they get this popularity (with a lot of memes that are posted here, mind you) and then use it to basically drive people away from any mention of socialism. People from /r/all show up and are just bombarded with faggotry until they think all of us are pink haired SJW types.

If this is true, then we need to hop on this ASAP. Reddit's socialism subreddit is a huge pathway to gaining a platform for true class consciousness and not just the bullshit idpol "socialism" that they push over there. There is already a thread existing in their subreddit complaining about their "self identifying as males", and I am sure that there are lurkers there just getting fucking turned off as hell over it. People already try to speak their minds, and we can see that by the constant graveyard of deleted comments by the mods.

Comrade OP, I am glad you posted this thread because you bring up a good point I've always wanted to harp on. Reddit has to be saved, and we have to make sure we at least attempt to do something to gain control over that platform somehow.

Although this option is sure to fail, I have always thought it prudent to show who we are by initiative in open and public dialogue preferably on their forum. If they knew who we were and what we actually stood for, they could stop using the "brocialism" boogeyman to continue to cow members into being scared of their bans. If they knew that there was a sensible and true socialist community somewhere, they would have to at least come to terms with the total milquetoast idpol they push in the face of our true class consciousness.

Either that, or subversion. Get people here to make reddit accounts and mass PM the people who post on that subreddit. Of course the mass PM would contain details about this community and some of the things we believe (anti-racism, anti-capitlaism, basically what Carmichael states in that image we always post here) and hopefully spark some sort of actual discussion over the "brocialist boogeyman" that they constantly shit on to keep people cowed into their ideology.

I don't know, I'm just spitballing here. But I'll say this. I found this place because I was constantly alienated as fuck that there wasn't a true place to discuss socialism, and one day someone from Holla Forums PM'ed me after I was banned from /r/socialism. It was the best thing that could've happened, and I think that there are hundreds on reddit who still haven't been illuminated to the fact that there are indeed places they can discuss and openly advocate the positions that they secretly hold away from the mod's eyes on reddit. It is an essential place to spread class consciousness, and a huge opportunity for socialism if we could gain a platform and spread the type of socialism people on reddit are so on the fence about. Show them what socialists truly are and should be rather than anyone who fears pronouns and bad words.

PS: If you're somehow against the struggle to reclaim what could be a huge boon for our movement just because "muh board culture says to hate plebbit", then you're not a communist and just a faggot LARPer who values board culture more than an actual chance to build socialism in a meaningful way.

This is a golden opportunity to reach the masses, and everyone is the thread is just saying "lol fuck reddit".

/r/socialism has over 74,000 users. Think about how much good we could do with that many people on our side.

We should just write to the admin and ask him for control, he sees it as a bit of a lost cause and is considering a purge, but I imagine he's doubting who to replace them with. BO is probably the only person we can confirm is not COINTELPRO or a power tripping lunatic, so I think that's the defacto choice for giving power to. She's also happy to purge mods when things start to goto shit, something which the admin seems reluctant to do because of backlash. This way he can wash his hands of the whole affair and know that he's put it in the hands of people that won't mismanage the place into the fellow kids of socialism.

We should compile threads showing their incompetence, all the evidence we have of reddit being addled with COINTELPRO (which some users here have been collecting) and propose changes. Namely clearing the ban list and removing upvote/downvotes and removing all the current mods from power. There will likely be a hipster uprising, but these people need to fuck off.

I don't understand. Who is this mod or admin who's gonna make this possible?

It's funny that they're reaching out to feminists. All these feminist groups seem to be white male (ur a fuggen wide male!!!) dickheads trying to earn some liberal points, and their userbase seems to be liberals with favourite socialist authors. The canary for these places should really be tankies saying insane shit, which I've always quite enjoyed having around since they break up the discussion and any stupid (you have been banned from /r/socialism) tangents a circlejerk can end up on, as well as them just being funny in general.

We shouldn't reach out for users to come here, they'll just shit the place up by not lurking and being self righteous and piss off the regulars until more leave. We shouldn't even make it open that we've taken control of the place, and keep it an open secret here and with the BO and admin.

I think this is the best way to move forward and sustain the questionable quality of content here while punching a big fucking hole in reddit's domination by potential members of intelligence agencies.

I dunno, I'm definitely an image board user first

OP here, I'm glad someone sees things the exact way I do. That image is golden btw.

So so much this

We need to really organize a game plan here. We did it for 4chan, we can do it for Reddit. I propose we start setting things up on the Holla Forums Discord channel, as that also acted as the nerve center for the 4pol threads.

Here's a rough list of what I think we should be doing:

Getting as many Holla Forums users as we can involved through threads, twitter and ofc discord. We also need to get propaganda packs together like we did for 4pol as well. Also we need to teach people how to get their Reddit accounts set up so they can actually post every 10 mins ect.

Proposing alternative subreddits/communities, or bolstering the numbers and activities of existing anti-idpol friendly leftist subreddits, we can contact their mods too.

Mass PMing people is a great idea. We should in particular focus everyone talking about these issues already, and people we see banned.

Look for the comment by cometparty here, the one hidden by le downboats

This is the admin of the place, there's only one admin at once and this guy has been holding onto it since the start. This is the only posts he's made there this year I think.


Leftypol is litrly the only leftist board on the internet not controlled by power tripping neoliberals who think calling someone an idiot for being an idiot is some sort of slur against idiots.
This is owed to unique imageboard and chan culture which is superior to social media and le reddit when it comes to being able to say things that need to be said even if people dont like them

You will be banned for being a dissident.

Just do it if you want to, then tell us how it went.

Thanks comrade. It'd be really sick if that were to happen.

Cant even question a stories validity… There is no hope for reddit.

Ok guys, if this is true this is pretty fucking big, and we need to forget everything else and focus on this.

But before we start contacting BO or anyone else, can we get some solid evidence for this?

This could be our golden opportunity. We have all the content we need to present to their admin that their current way of moderation is suffocating Socialism, and we should be able to make a good case for why our own guys can handle it better.

It also wanna make another note, anything to do with reddit NEEDS to be separate from our board-culture attitude. I'm seriously. We will be defeated before we start if we do not.

Comrades, first off the Holla Forums discord is cancerous and not to mention is compromised for anonymity (thanks to another friend on here who posted about it).

Second, I propose that the first thing we do is reach out to the board owner. If someone can point me in their direction, I'd like to personally reach out (I have a vetted account, pretty much all I post about is socialism and basketball) and begin dialogue as to how to work this out and what he thinks he wants to do.

I wish I had kept more of what was going on, but if we can keep this thread going I'm sure the users that have the stuff will drop in.

We shouldn't just run in and message the admin or start mass PMing reddit users, that's like some socialism in one country meme. We can either create a big KGB tier dossier on why his mod team are not socialists and probably kulaks too, or I can create a reddit account and make a convincing practical argument for him to hand it over. Somebody had some shit on one of the mods of one of the subs who can afford to fly around the world, spreading idpol and distrust at every protest they went to.

We don't want a handful of redditors coming over here or to publicise that we have taken the place over, we're just the sensible alternative to having edgy liberals running the place.

Reddit can't be saved. It can only be abandoned, especially since its owners are cracking down ever harder on subversive content.

The discord is the reason we were able to do so well with 4pol though. We cant organize real things like this purely through image boards. it's impossible. We need a real-time chat of some form and discord is already there.

Lets wait until we have a working plan before we contact BO. I have their email though for when we do, I can give it to you then.

This. Whenever I see a screenshot from it my vision becomes blurred from the rapid growth of tumors.

See here
CometParty is the admin, top of the mod list. His comment is hidden

I was in half of those threads on my own. Don't tug my cock.

The OSS field manual on sabotage has this to say about breaking up group cohesion: nitpick. "Haggle over precise wordings of communications, minutes, resolutions." Sound familiar? Policing the use of words like "stupid" or "fool" is the most transparent sabotage tactic imaginable. GCHQ also advises agents to "exploit prior beliefs". In this context, it means presenting your counter-productive policies in the language of the group you are infiltrating. Make it appear as if your disruption is consistent with group goals. This is why the moderation team legitimizes its disruptive policies by accusing all who oppose them of being "reactionary".

You really think intelligence agencies didn't realize the organizing potential of the internet after Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring? You think they didn't notice the popularity of 4chan and reddit? If the objective result of a policy is consistently to alienate people, ask yourself what the person advocating that policy really represents. If a withdrawn cult-like atmosphere emerges in a political group, find the person who is most fanatical in advocating that atmosphere. It is likely they will also be in a leadership position. I am willing to bet that 9/10 they will be an agent. Never judge a policy by the language used to advocate it or by the symbols the advocates drape themselves in: judge it only by its results.

Is the moderation policy conducive to building a broad movement of working people? No, it does the opposite. Is the policy consistent with the aim of educating the average person about socialism? No, it alienates them. I don't doubt that a minority of sick minds are acting independently, but I believe that the initial infection emerged by design. Those responsible for impeding the progress of socialism by sabotaging this important platform of communication must be held accountable. Even a low-intensity campaign of harassment would be sufficient to neutralize the psychologically frail dupes on the moderation team. The intelligence agents would have to be exposed.

I think at this point we have to accept that it is more likely they are intelligence assets. How likely is it that the moderation team has failed to notice the words "stupid" or "insane" when reading leftist literature? These words are so commonly used that they aren't even noteworthy. Just to illustrate the point, the word "stupid" appears several times in Marx's Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts. Can we really believe a literate person to be a leftist if they cannot or have not read leftist literature? Is it not more likely that they are something else? This may sound like a radical claim, but just consider all the proven cases of online manipulation:

We know from COINTELPRO that they've infiltrated and disrupted political groups in the past. We know they were deeply concerned by Occupy Wall Street and the Arab Spring and what it taught them about online coordination. We know they have a massive presence online. We also know that /r/socialism is useless for coordination or outreach owing to its disruptive moderation. We also know that the people moderating /r/socialism cannot have read much left-wing literature. Doesn't this paint a very clear picture?

If it wasn't for that furfag destroying literally everything and making us have to shift our focus to saving 8ch and Holla Forums then we could've won

Holy shit I never realized it was this bad.


Ok guys, we need to formulate a message for him right now.

in reply to

This is true, I even wrote them a little status update and they all got angry with it which was pretty funny.

Nobody panic, this is like being confused in the ER and seeing the doctor who tells you you've got a huge piece of shrapnel in your head. You've had it in your head for around four hours and just become aware of it - you're about 20 metres away from the OR, don't panic and start trying to rip it out with your hands.

I would be very glad if the current admin would give the board to our BO, but this sounds too good to be true.

Found this festering piece of garbage on /r/FullCommunism

What's so bad about it?

there is no gulag cold enough…

We're imperialists now, bois!

get out

We're just creating satellite states, tovarisch.

we's kgb now
we's purge now

Ah, I understand now.

still here


It's idpol.


- Contact BO asking if they would be willing to replace the current mod of r/socialism. BO is best for this as they have existing credibility for their commitment towards both Socialism and moderation.

- Contact Socialism Admin with our proposal

- Get BO and friends into moderation position on Reddit

- Establish new rules, new discord, new community

- Socialism spreads through Reddit, sparking world wide revolution

First thing's first. We need to formulate a message to send to BO.

Hold now though, I don't think power over reddit should be given to the BO of this board. That is ridiculous consolidation of authority. That is my only problem with your proposal.

TFW not Golden

Operation: Kronstadt Ice Pick Gulag


transfeminist communism?

I sent an email to BO. However, I have very large doubts that the admin of r/socialism would hand over the sub to leftypol outright.

I'm working on a plan behind the scenes that's a bit more plausible. There's a leftypol grill I know with street creed on r/socialism. She's had bad experiences in the past with owning a sub though, and basically said she would let me handle the nitty gritty of shit if the admin hands over control to her.

The problem is that anyone else with authority in Holla Forums generally tends to be a massive hotpocket, and as you can't oust someone from a reddit admin position once they're there if they decide to go full retard they're there forever. She's also pretty hands off and will swap out mods if it's not working, and is not part of any of the cliques here.

I think Comet should hand over the admin position to BO, as he may get cold feet when the mods start sockpuppeting up and screeching all over the place. He'll also be inundated with threats and shit if he holds the admin position while this goes on, something he's already stated he's not a huge fan of.

Holy shit, based board volunteer.

Are you on IRC or Discord or anything? We're gonna wanna have some kind of chat room ready if things move along.

I dont care if people find either of thoes cancerous, but I'm willing to go on literally any chat room you guys make if you want, we just need something, and it's a little easier if we use what we already got.

inb4 space joins and shills his community

Not on IRC or discord but I'd gladly join a chat room if a new one's made. Although, I think most of the discussion can take place in this thread. I don't want to let anyone else on the particulars of the plan in case r/socialism begins to distrust my friend.

I'm actually pretty used to working in the background. I've been orchestrating things for leftypol for quite a while now, but most of you wouldn't know who I am as my name is different in different contexts. I'd prefer to keep it that way.

All is well then, hopefully.

So, next step is obviously contacting the BO and reaching out. We should discuss first and foremost our collective commitment to building socialism, since apparently someone pointed out that the current BO of /r/socialism is also a committed socialist.

I also think we should be very forthright about our intentions here, since this board obviously is public and they will see this discussion anyway.

You know what then, I'll just let you do your thing, you seem to know what you're doing. I'll continue to make threads as I have here as things progress, so we can make sure we get input from the whole community.

Thank you comrade, people like you give me hope in the left.

like I said earlier I doubt he would directly give it off to our BO, but I suggest you try anyway. No reason we shouldn't give both strategies a try.

What makes you think he would do anything except for maybe shuffle a couple mods around, anyway? Did this admin do something in the past that makes people here think he'll actually be willing to hand over the biggest leftist subreddit to anyone, let alone our BO?

snitches get stitches

Alright, so these are the exact comments he made on the matter.

It doesn't look like he's interested in letting go control of the board, but instead of resetting the mod team. I'm going to see exactly what sort of changes he wants in mind.

Alright cool, but there's a chance that the dude might just do the same shit to /our guys/ if there's not enough redditors that agree with our ways of moderation. Or do you think he wouldn't do that?


So should we all rewrite and add to a draft or something for Comet?

Hello Comet,
We're from another leftist community focused on class struggle and raising class consciousness, and have been watching your sub for a while. We recently found out you don't use the sub or particularly enjoy being the owner of it at this point along with a mod team that doesn't reflect your views or vision for a socialist presence on the internet. And if you'd bear with us, we'd like to explain why you should hand over control of the sub to us and why you can trust us with it.

We have been an established community with stable leadership for over two years, and when moderation issues arise they are solved promptly. We also keep our rules to a minimum, with the only ones set in concrete being the global rules for the site (in this case they would be the global rules for reddit) - no further rules have crept in. Moderation however is given quite a lot of slack which is reeled in when they become overzealous, meaning that if a user commits themselves to obeying the rules but deliberately lowering the quality and driving people away - they're temporarily banned. Because it's an anonymous imageboard, the content can be quite brash but discourse is robust and intellectually honest. We would like to export these values to your sub and reinvigorate your large community so that people feel free to participate once more.

We understand that you may be skeptical of handing over control, but it's our ability to quickly promote and demote moderators that has given us a consistency to moderation policies, not allowing cliques in moderation to form and to stop an increasingly single minded and tunnel visioned approach to moderation. Of course we don't expect you to answer right away, as things could obviously be much worse than they currently are if you had handed it over already to anyone who simply sends you a message, but as we know you're having doubts over the current management of the sub we thought as like minded people the best thing to do would be to reach out to you directly.

t. Holla Forums

GTFO newfag. Prickly was still a mod for months after his first purge of the "bunkerfag menace"

Or takes it down :^)

I can make a IRC channel for you lads. Plus I'll be hands off.


No, this cannot be representative of Holla Forums. This must, at most, be between a few individuals, some of which happen to go on Holla Forums.

This is not about bringing chan culture to Reddit.

This. Personally I think Holla Forums's involvement should be concealed as much as possible.




Valid concerns from

I originally talked about this up earlier in the thread, but it should be people with long time reddit accounts who are concerned about socialism. This isn't a Holla Forums matter, this is a socialism on the whole matter. I agree that this has NOTHING to do with chan culture or plebbit or whatever the fuck, this is about /r/socialism losing its way as a place for socialists to gather online and discuss/organize. I want to volunteer to be on the outreach team.

Basically this. After reviewing all the facts I think our best course of action would be for anyone with an actually reddit account to message up cometparty and ask him to nuke the mod team and put in people who will act with more restraint, and only focus on protecting the community from genuine reactionaries.

Anyone interested can message him from here:

It was more because that's our claim to competence than anything, and a private message. Obviously you can't import chan culture to reddit, although I appreciate reading back over I gave that impression. I certainly don't want them all flooding here, as others have suggested.

It's more about the admin not having anyone he can trust with moderation and our BO being anonymous and having a pool of people who know she'll gulag them for being powertripping autismos.

….and Reddit will figure out there is a raid going on. There is a reason why the url is broken up on other boards. Reddit can read the redirect in the header.

Is everything else set up and ready then?

I dont wanna start messaging anyone with anything until I know everything on your end is sorted.

DON'T do this.

Please, no one fucking message the guy. We are consulting together on how to do this.


Anyway, BO says they're not interested in taking on any other mod duties and don't even have a reddit account

This post is important. Please pay attention.

Have you asked BO what they think about just being a figure head for the sake of reliability in our commitment to Socialism?

He or she would also see that this place is shitty in its own ways. And as someone who is unapologetically from reddit anyway before I came here, I want to say again that chan culture needs to be arms distance from the issue we are currently trying to solve on reddit. This isn't about chan culture or how much Holla Forums is better than r/socialism, its about bringing class consciousness to a board that gives a bad name to socialists.

delet this

We don't want any old impulsive idiot dropping spaghetti



We can become the master race and walk into the sunlight together

There is nothing Reddit has to offer me. In fact, people with Reddit accounts should be the second group against the wall, right next to the capitalists.


COMRADES: I want it to be brought to your attention that there is currently action being conducted to *see* if there is any possibility in changing the regime of mods currently in power in /r/socialism. This isn't a raid, isn't a coup. Simply an exploration of the possibility. Please do not message that board owner on reddit, and instead trust your comrades to get something positive out of the obviously overwhelming support we have uncovered in this thread.

If anyone likes, keep this thread alive to receive updates.

You're going to need some proof for those claims, user. You don't have to be from Holla Forums to hate reddit.

This is not for the sake of leftypol moving to leddit, it's for the sake of helping the spread of socialism by chopping off the snake's head.
I prefer imageboards too though



The longer Comet Party leaves it, the worse it'll get.

But our subreddit /r/leftypolitics/ is basically dead, are we going to start a new subreddit?

Sure, why not

Socialism is literally the first stop for any redditor who decides to take a gander at what socialism is. My path here started that way after I started getting into Marxist though. I thought to go to a socialist subreddit and find out what other people are talking about, and lo and behold feminism and idpol was all I got. Others might not be so lucky to get a random PM telling them about leftypol like I did after they are banned. They'll just walk away thinking we are all feminist stalinists who legitimate gulags and oppression through dictatorship.

That's a problem. We are not going to gain any traction through simply making another subreddit. Those faux "socialists" have hijacked the principle name of our philosophy, and must be stopped. Hence why there are plans in action to hopefully explore options to reach out to their board owner who, as I've heard, is also a committed socialist who is lamenting the state of the board he started.

Interesting you use the phrase "a deck that is stacked against us."

Reddit is very susceptible to a propaganda technique called "card stacking:"

Fucking Christ.

I don't want anything in this comment to be true, but I know that this is very logical and lines up neatly with the moderation views of those subreddits.

Great comment - I wish I could give you le upboat

How do you mean? Source?

Reminder that praising leftypol on r/soc will get you banned

How would this happen though, what?

Who would give power to a random guy from Leftypol, and why?

I'll answer this. Currently, a few lads are getting together to talk to an admin and exchange a few words and see if anything can be worked out hopefully using socialism as a commonality. Who even knows what he is going to say. This is something we need to remember: this was all started on a hunch someone mentioned somewhere in this thread with no real proof. The BO never is on record anywhere of saying he no doubt wants to change anything concrete about the subreddit. And even if there was, there is no proof that he or she somehow wants any one of us involved. I am putting hope on the high side that something can be worked out, but my expectation is realistically nothing. Let's move one step at a time here.

This. So much this.

Reddit is designed with shady media practices in mind, for the benefit of the people who aim to shape perceived consensus and control the conversation.

Reddit is to meaningful exchange of information, as a gas chamber in the shape of a shower is to hygiene.

is that a cross?
also what the hell is up with the star?

meant to quote

That's the star-shaped sticker their preschool teacher used to put on their cheeks when they were compliant.
It's a symbol of their solemn vow of conformism and their dedication to consensus, whatever it might be.

Actually, he said he wanted to change the mod team at one point. Me and someone who has some potential sway in the community are asking him to do that right now.

Then I invite you to go to bunkerchan. I'm sure you and us would have things to talk about, as well.

So they support multicult? I have no problem with this and have no need to use plebbits shitty interface.

Christian anarchism is a thing you know. The Kingdom of God Is Within You!

r/socialism is complete and utter trash. let it rot

This, OP, is a question you should also apply to the leddit kids you are talking about.

None of them actually care, because they don't take the internet seriously as a medium of discussion. It's nothing but empty roleplaying, a way for edgy liberals to act out online so they can feel better in real life.

This is a frighteningly immature perspective. When I was disillusioned with bourgeois politics, I did some googling and found myself on plebbit years ago. I eventually graduated to the immortal science of Holla Forums - but would not have gained consciousness were it not for plebbit (particularly /r/debateacommunist). So controlling it is, like it or not, controlling the path to the radicalization of many people. Right now, many Bernout libs who lost faith in democracy are seeing /r/socialism, and it is making them turn away, because they are getting the message that socialists are ban-happy idiots.

Didn't reddit bleed users over the past years?

It's still bleeding users. As soon as The Next Big Thing hits it'll start hemorrhaging like mad

So wouldn'it be more productive to settle on smaller sites that could potentially become the next big thing?

Board Volunteer, are you still there?

I may have another guy with reddit street cred and also a mod of a r/socialism-orientated discord also in favor of nuking the mods. Should I get him to message comet as well, or get him in touch with you?

reddit won't be saved, forget it, that's a lost cause. Much less with the 800 or 900 average users on Holla Forums

Guys please don't send a PM to the admin of /r/socialism, our arguments need to be concise and well thought out first.

Muke, pls read.

thank god the mods left this post up.

Looks like they might have to reform the policy at least a little bit now.

100 guys could easily take over a subreddit that size
there just has to be a way to infiltrate the moderation team



You realize Steven Pinker is a neoliberal right?

He has the perfect face to compile the emotions I feel towards the concept at this time


What? The "crippled guy talks about himself and says nothing" thread, or is there some comment in that garble at the end I'm missing? If you're physically disabled and find stupid an insult, you're a faggot. Here in Britain disabled people are starved to death and don't worry about such bedwetting bullshit and use any word possible against the government, yet these fucking cunts have a problem with the word stupid?

These people must be removed from their post and their supporters treated with suspicion, this is a backpedal which has resulted only from backlash, with a mentality to only implement it at a later date. Every single person condoning this should be treated as if they don't exist and everything they type is a fantasy.

Did you even read the same link as me? The thread is full of disabled people criticising the policy of banning people for using words like 'stupid'. I'm sorry that's not good enough for you buddy.

No man, that's why I said in my post I wasn't even sure if I ended up at the same place..

What I was trying to say is that the easily triggered OP is a faggot.

Whatever comment the gibberish at the end of the link directs to, it doesn't work.

Also looks to me from scrolling through the top rated comments there are several disabled people who have spent a great amount of time typing absolutely fuck all. Disabled people are not automatically better than the average shitposting idiot, and the replies condoning banning no no words from them concludes it.

does brigade just mean too many people were disagreeing with the mod team

That wasnt me, faggot.

I made this thread.

You should still read.

I've likely read more than you fam

Consider these alternatives:


I would say the major left subs on reddit are all lost. Controlled opposition is a funny conspiracy theory–but honestly, if you wanted to drive people away, would you do anything differently?

Best to start a competing sub, have a few Holla Forums regulars be the mods (and lock that shit up to only vetted anti-idpol Holla Forums) and then subtly try to to advertise and draw away the main the subs' userbases.

Seriously, if we were a bit bigger we could pull of the same shit that Holla Forums did with the_donald.

Our memes are already superior to any shit they churn out and they already hit the frontpages of their subreddits.


Hell that's trying to discuss anything on Holla Forums.

This needs to happen

Is Holla Forums basically leddit now?

What the fuck?

I thought chans are supposed to dislike leddit?

We can hate it and want to influence it at the same time

Guys, we need to move now, I'm being told comet may already have plans to do something.

Everyone join the IRC.

May have an opportunity to talk to comet on discord.

Board volunteer, any update on what you were doing with that friend of yours?

Given that you promote almost exactly the same bullshit they peddle, I'm surprised you aren't trying to defend them. Then again, maybe this is a stupid attempt at reverse psychology.


I have many bans over the years from leftist subs on alt-accounts.

One for saying we should forgive a comrade who was transphobic in the past but apologized for it and explained why he was wrong. Banned by G0vernment.

Banned by G0vernment for literally just disagreeing with her in a debate.

Banned from all main Socialist subs for being a regular on Shittankiessay.

Banned for using fucking english (Calling something deranged, haha ableism)

Banned for questioning why the entire mod team was made up of Leninists when the new mod announcements were made after CometParty got purged due to bullshit from g0vernment.

Why in fuck do all leftist forums get these fucking power tripping nutters in power?

Holla Forumss moderation has gotten a lot better overtime and they are very responsive today, but in the past there was some fucking shitty partisan moderation here. It wasn't that long ago you could be banned for being anti-gg or feminist or pro-gun control or whatever pet peeve some of the mods felt strongly about and would ban those who disagree with them.

Good thing about leftypol is the moderation staff actually accepts criticism and learned over time where they were overstepping the boundaries of what was being authoritarian or not. Moderation also got a lot better when more mods were added. Though I do feel the mods are too lax on the Holla Forumsshitposters that constantly spam this board. But I understand their pain, for example, I'm forced to use a VPN some Holla Forumsfaggot also uses and I constantly get banned for Holla Forumsfaggotry or CP or some shit when it's someone else on my VPN service. (have to use VPN for security reasons btw). Mods have always receded the ban though once I gave them my IP and explained it wasn't me.

It's pretty hilarious though that you see so often online all these lefty subs split, while the right stay unified.

The online world mirroring the real world.

The problem always is that leftist subs get fucking nutters into mod/admin positions who then go on to implement their own personal views through force, which pisses off a huge portion of the userbase who then split and go create another sub and rinse repeat.

This isn't even a problem with the far-left, look at the Labour party online presence, many different subreddits that all hate eachother and on facebook many different opposing groups, even in the party, New Labour are threatening to leave and create their own "Centrist" party.

That being said, /r/socialism is fucking retarded, it's the beginning face of Socialism yet has fucking Mao and Stalin in the sidebar. How fucking moronically stupid can you get?

do you think it's the idea, common or even inherent in far left thought, that no one is better than anyone else? I think people probably take it too far. Some people are better leaders than others. Some people are more altruistic, therefore make good people to put at the very top, while others are better at organizing. They think anyone can handle it, so they just put whoever seems the loudest in charge, while the right picks whoever they think is the most competent (usually an organizer).

Reddit was destroyed by the millennial generation of leftists. They do not understand the necessity of free speech and are extremely eager to limit it whenever they can. If you try to make a case for it, they will at best pay lip-service to its importance in the public sphere but will inevitably bring up the distinction between governments and private entities concerning censorship.

They entirely miss the point of the first amendment, in that allowing people free exchange of ideas is the surest way to undermine authoritarianism and it acts as a pressure-valve on extremism (in that people who feel they cannot speak often find themselves resorting to violence ultimately).

TL;DR version is that you could replace the reddit admins every day for years and not solve the problem which is that a culture of free speech needs to be seeded and nurtured again.


is anything happening? it's really getting under my skin to read shit there but now that i know about it i can't leave it alone

It's because they're progressive-fascists. They live entirely inside the present and prioritize action over consequence. They seek to not to overcome the system, but install themselves or its symbolic totems in its echelons then perpetuate it forever. Any resemblance their rhetoric has to leftist thought is incidental. They are nationalistic in that they tend to entirely focus on the ills within their own country, even at the expense of their champion causes elsewhere. They want the state to nitpick and regulate everything, are total corporate whores, and don't give a fuck about the working class. They are a persistent menace and believe in nothing. Their social media horizontal surveillance panoptic online hive has ramped up the cognitive dissonance to such extents it's hilariously easy to subterfuge however, if you understand the way they think (study the procapitalist Religious Right and Nazi bourgeois society).

i was kinda black pilled by this for leftism. i'm just here from half chan Holla Forums cause i got purged during the crackdowns on rwss. i was a libertarian socialist during my adolescence after looking into how the ideology was supposed to function, but after a while of interacting with other libsocs i was deeply alarmed by the safe space shit. it just seemed like the perfect way to degrade an anarchist society into an ochlocracy. this, then seeing the results of the european migrant crisis ended my alignment. its a little spooky seeing how similar leftypol is to how i thought back then, i might not have join the right wing populists if i had found you. stay active for gods sake, and try to branch out, not just raiding 4chan pol, but get actual venues where you can maintain bases. the west needs the left. once the establishment left is fractured between corporate centrists and regressives, like whats happened with labor and the democrats, it'll be up to guys with ideological consistency like you to supplant and rebuild the left.

Kinda same user, also the state of the current MSM and all the liberal drones. It's a dystopian present and was set to get a lot worse, pretty quickly. The "real" left is so neutered, coopted, and subverted the only option seemed to be a temporarily alignment with the right. The leftists don't seem to be able to comprehend this at all though, but I'm getting through to a few of them, one at a time. This board is just a release, the real conversations are IRL.

You have to go back, oh wait you can't.

There is no necessity of free speech

Fuck off and kill yourselves fucking liberal kiddies.

Truth hurts.

I hope Pol Pot 2.0 cuts your intelligentsia tongue out. Workers fought for free speech you worthless class enemy cunt.

Color me surprised

I am not siding with anyone, masturbating over muh free speech is as liberal as it gets.

If you think that workers fought for the rights of autistic shitposters on the internet arguing over rules of irrelevant forums you are retarded beyond help, kill yourself.

Bootlicking doublethink faggots like you are pure cancer though. I think it's to do with the fact that you can't stand the routine humiliation of your trisomy-tier orthodoxy being shredded by anyone with a braincell.

Pretty hard when they ban you over the most trivial shit

hmm its almost like it may be a microcosm of the real world


It was and they should

Free speech is a meme and like all rights needs a state to protect it.

The enshrinement of Enlightment liberal ideas are stupid.


I don't worry about Mcdonald's trampling my free speech, m8.

You know that you can get sued for defamation right

For fuck's sake, get your act together.


so what now?

truth is a defense :^)


I see where your thoughts are on this, in a way it happened to me too. Watching the torture chamberes form around my university and then on the internet communities I adored.

However I have given up on the left for the moment because I believe that they need to prove themselves by acting as a force for freedom of thought, expression and intellectual honesty. What I see now is that the left is at best an enabler for these torture chamberes - as long as you fly their colors they will refrain from criticizing you no matter how much you stomp on their values.

Until then I see the rise of the new right as justice for the left forsaking its principles.

Will do.

I know this is going to sound cringey AF, but join the alt-left group on normie book.

(the one with the green and pink hand). You can say that you're not the alt-left all you want, but they genuinely hate idpol as much as we do.

Just do yourselves a favour and join.

Entryism caused this problem, on Reddit, on 4chan, even on SA itself. Entryism might also be the only way to stop it.

I guess that makes sense if your entire ideology is purely amoral propaganda. Communist logic never fails to impress.

I'm not opposed the free discourse per se, as open debate generally leads to a more progressive society, but to pretend free speech even exists under capitalism is ridiculous, when capitalists can dominate all media to push their ideology 24/7.

Basically, speech has always been a spook and no one has to accommodate yours, especially if it's vitriolic bullshit about largely immutable and insignificant differences among people.

I think what we are seeing now is that the far right has been successful in landing shots at the parasitic left. In a way that's what this election was about, the disgusting faces of this ideology were turned to eleven and put on display - so we saw many mainstream rightwing people and centrists starting to speak out against them.

I know something has changed because I talk to a lot of people and in the last two years, ESPECIALLY after GamerGate, I saw a lot of ordinary people speaking out against social justice and progressives whom they saw as nutcases. I saw liberals and reasonable leftists condemning them. People are no longer afraid of speaking out.

I think what's really happening is that after a decade or so of goons having their way, Holla Forums and their networks were able to sow the seeds for an alternative line of rightwing thought which finally bore fruit this year. Calling it alt-right is incorrect however. It's imageboard culture at the heart of it, and the alt-right simply names men and women who have decided to try and make a name for themselves off of its momentum.

The really really weird thing here is that, if this is really what it looks like, it means that the last decade of ideological and political thought has been strongly influenced and controlled by imageboard skirmishes between goons and Holla Forumsacks. Think about that for a minute, that the social justice warrior and trannies like Brianna Wu are products of goons vs 4chan, and that Trump's presidency came about as a backlash to these people which itself was propelled by imageboards which directed social media on his behalf.

Should I join a nazbol group too then ? Fuck you.

Never forget that the goons used to be "our guys", literally us, even back to the roots of trolling I remember on USENET and proto-Reddits like Slashdot.

Also, Holla Forumsacks are starting to have their own troubles, with self aware shitposters being slowly replaced by sincerely deluded srsbzns stormniggers. I think they will probably be easier to fight off than the SJWs, since even though they're more dangerous individually, they're also much more criminalized and suppressed by normalfag society than the mix of obscurity and naive support feminazis receive.

If not what's your point? Are you implying some speech is just morally wrong? How is that not just bourgeois morality? Why do commie memers always try get people into the idea of rejecting speech, very much the same as the liberal idpol larpers who affect anticapitalism? Egalitarianism, the equality of all people, is an "Enlightenment ideal", so is much of the fundamental basis of Marx's thought inextricably linked to ideas from that era. It then declares everything else illegitimate unless """proletarian""", even when actually proletarian, including all questions of morality. This is both the predetermined and inevitable end game of capitalism, but also needs revolutionaries to actually bruteforce it.

How the fuck does this bullshit actually make sense to so many smart people is what I'm asking I guess?

Peak subversion was an amazing time to read FYAD though. Little did we know society, too, would slowly become goons.

hey remember when "alt-left" was literally a meme 8/pol/ was forcing recently

i do

i member CoolStoryBob