Dank new OC fresh from le reddit
Dank new OC fresh from le reddit
Redditors should be shot on sight.
why did they portray us as a woman? I thought we were all straight rich white men
A criticism of identity politics and the common aspects they share is the same as saying that identitarian feminists and nazis are literally the same thing.
"Strawman" is a word that gets thrown around a lot, but it seems to apply here
single mothers are pretty shit tbh
It looks like an edit, so they probably were too lazy to either actually draw a comic themselves to fit their strawman, or to find a better adapted strip.
Are you implying this isn't expressed often on Holla Forums?
Until about 5 days ago, I was completely pro-idpol. Then I decided to actually check out Holla Forums so I could laugh at the 'racist and sexist brocialists'. Then I became anti-idpol because the arguments against it are far better than for it.
Plus, it seems that their bar for being racist/sexist/whateverist is the perceived use of slurs, not actually being racist/sexist/whateverist. And there really isn't this so-called problem of slurs, it's there, but not as much as the idpol left attempted to portray.
I still hold some views that could be considered idpol, i.e. national, gender, sexual, etc. liberation is possible, but only in a socialist framework, because it will end up being crushed by capitalist forces once it becomes a threat to capital, a la the BPP.
All in all, fuck idpol until a socialist framework has been set up, under a capitalist framework liberation is impossible because it requires class collaborationism, so under capitalism the idpol struggles will become focused only on rights and not liberation.
Women have it better than men tbh
I've been away for a few months, but I haven't personally seen people claim that liberal transactivists want to gas cis people and are thus literally like nazis.
It is an edit. The original was about liberal/centrist horseshoe theory (and had all the same dialogue, but without the logos and purple hair). The vaguely ethnic woman is a stock character.
It applies just as well to Holla Forums's "critique" of "idpol." The edit is pointless and stupid.
Yeah, since they do create more men of bad breeding.
I asked for a qualifier, not a simile
both are extremely exploited under capitalism and bound by the social constructs popularly kept regarding their "gender"
Don't bother. Suckdemflag is literally brain damaged.
Stop falseflagging, SoA
SoA? whats that?
plenty of us think idpol is annoying as fuck, but no, i've never seen anyone here seriously claiming they're literally the same as nazis
unless we're talking about impotent pepe himmlers
can you please use the nazi flag so I stop thinking socdems are as retarded as you are?
Sargon of Akkad
where was it posted?
The comic raises one (1) good point, and that is that some lefties have a tendency to label things "liberal idpol" (usually compared to right wing idpol) without any explaination and discard it immediately, usually accusing the other person of being an SJW or a secret liberal.
No. Since I am a member of social democratic party I think that its my procreative to use this flag, even if I belong to smaller faction within the party.
Well, does it truly raise this point directly?
The Nazi faction isn't the smaller faction faggot
I was referring to my pro-nuclear and anti-immigration stance mostly.
Might not be literally the same but they are goddam close.
Holla Forums does have a kneejerk reaction towards feminism though.
it's just ex-pollacks typically. obviously nobody takes liberal feminism seriously, but most of us are marxist feminists.
I know. But given the choice in a first world country, you'd be mad to prefer being a man
No, because about half the board isn't marxist. And I seriously doubt anarchists will suddenly approve of marxism just because it has feminism attached.
because most feminists are terrible people.
What evidence do you have to support your subjective assertion
true though
>>>Holla Forums
Look i am no femfam but i know one thing.
that these pics are weak ass argument that does not relate itself well with ideological body of society or the material economic condition of todays capitalism.
These pics do the worst thing IDpol can do and that is "genderizeing" a problem of the system itself, making it into identity problem, It ignore both for the sake of making this weak ass argument.
see this
stop being triggered assholes when someone disagrees with you.
I used to believe this, that even the most deluded SJWs and shitlibs weren't truly evil people at heart, in spite of whatever reprehensible deed they committed.
Then I actually read some of their internal propaganda. "Discrimination = prejudice + muh privilege" is one of the most depraved axioms I've ever heard of.
Fucking this. Feminism is trash precisely because it does shit like this. Don't do the same thing they do. Discrading identity politics means recognizing that the disparities of societiy are functions of economic reality.
racism/sexism = muh privilege + unlimited powaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah
libs = gulag
This reminds me of something I found today.
feels excellent xan
I'm really hating these wordfilters, I can't shitpost as well with them.
this better be satire
Oh fuck off, I hate Holla Forumstards but let's not hide the truth here
I get that economics and class are the most important things. But I'm sick of being told feminism is so wonderful and men need to shut up. Men have tons of issues.
It's more true than you think
that's one BLARING [CITATION NEEDED] in neon air horn
how can people eat this shit with question?
also, some of that shit is just abstract shit like "the sisterhood" like what the fuck lel
so what you need is some, uh.. meninism, huh?
holy fuck
the sisterhood one is the only really dodgy one. the others are pretty much all true if you do the research.
no, I just want equality
Do socialists negative reaction to nazis come not from our ideology, but from the stereotype that we're all a bunch of violent skinheads who crave violence?
famlam you goofed up.
no one is born a nazi.
I don't believe it was. This guy was very serious.
I can disagree with feminism and challenge it without resorting to idpol
leftist terminology is getting out of hand
it is k fam i also gooff up sometimes
Become gender fluid like me bros: You don't even need surgery, hormone therapy, to wear woman's or faggot clothing, and you get to be immune from all this bullshit.
It's pretty boss honestly.
I'M A woman hater BIGGOT?
Well someone didn't notice I was a woman in that moment.
Now who's the biggot bitch? I swear these bitches are gender fluiding in the wrong direction.
Not to mention rights come from the self.
I give myself the right to do and say whatever the fuck I want and no one can take that away from me except me.
lol what the fuck
you mean like every guy with a career and family life?
and this is just the dippy feels shit, picked out apart from the things that really could use the statistical sources backing it up
good, we're on the same page
That's a cultural truth. Have you never heard men told to "Man up", "get on with it", "boys don't cry" etc? Women's emotions are more valued. Men are told to be stoic and bottle it up. Fortunately my parents are understanding but for most men, not so.
how many men have that? between de-industrialisation, divorce culture, income inequality etc.
I tried
kek, good work
lel the guy looks like Stefan Molyneux
and judging by his speech bubble I'm guessing that's intended
Yeah, nah fuck off cunt.
Men are told that by other men.
Men are right now pushing that on other men. I know you types hate hearing the term, but that's exactly what "toxic masculinity" is. Telling some dude to nut up and deal with his depression is not some celebration of masculinity, it's psychopathic. But mix that rhetoric in with a little casual just-asking-questions ant-feminism idpol like what's found in
and suddenly it's ok? Sorry, you're being disingenuous.
Absolutely not true. It's mostly women.
See how no one replied to me bros.
Gender fluidity works.
how is this fucking political
Yes, but also by women too. Too often women just don't want any part of it and see men who complain as weak.
I agree. But "toxic masculinity" is too vague/open and just gets used to bash men for nothing.
I've never met a man who has told me to behave that way
Give me my woman's rights!
If men do it, it's because they believe that women want it and are trying to 'help' the man. If it really wasn't attractive to be manly, men wouldn't do it.
I'm sure it does for you but I don't feel that way
it relates to culture, gender roles, socioeconomics etc, yeah it is political
thank you for reminding me why "economism" exists
Fuck yo feelings bitch. Who got yo panties in a bunch?
This shit wouldn't just go away instantly if we had full communism this instant. You can believe in economism and challenge gender roles
fuck that noise, it better
There isn't even any need to edit the comic as much as you do. Observe.
It's both men and women. Let's not be naive. The relationship between men and women in modern society is not the same as the relationship between bourgeoisie and proletariat. And even if it were I'm not sure it would necessitate the same kind of response.
I have been schooled
well done
kek, reddit BTFO
can I get an enraged Lando Calrissian Wojak standing next to a smug Darth Chader pepe who is fucking an ahegao female wojak Leia while saying "I'm altering the feel, pray I do not alter it further"
please include bb-8, the little white cuckball watching it all from the window.