My friend refuses to support Rojava because the leadership is trained by the CIA.
She believes American ties make them just "attack dogs for imperialists."
How do I convince her otherwise?
My friend refuses to support Rojava because the leadership is trained by the CIA.
She believes American ties make them just "attack dogs for imperialists."
How do I convince her otherwise?
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Use a bit of empathy and think about being in their shoes. You're in trouble, surrounded by people that hate you, someone who doesn't particularly like you comes along and says he'll give you shit to defend yourself and train you.
Do you decline because you don't like them?
Tell her that she is eating from the ideology can and that not everyone USA supports are automatically bad.
tell her to stop fucking phil greaves
and also accuse her of being orientalist, say that she's robbing the people of Rojava of their own agency in a contrived attempt connect the dots of her bloated anti imperialist thought process
also this
funny, this is the exact thing my father says when he talks about Israel
Your friend is misinformed. The Lions are organic and have no ties to the West other than our brave brothers and sisters who fight alongside them. Tell her to check her fucking sources.
Tell her it's the height of muh privilege to sit in the first world and think you can pick and choose what aid you can take while fighting a brutal civil war. I don't think the people of Rojava were in a position to turn down US air support while ISIS was gobbling up the countryside around them. Sorry they aren't interested in being martyrs for her principled stance.
Ask her if it would be better if Kurds had bigger backing by other imperialists power like Russia. If she says no(thus implying it'd be the best if they did not try to get any external support), accuse her of being romantic/purist for wanting Rojavians to fight on their own rather than actually trying to achieve their goals. If she says yes, then ask why one bourgeois imperialist power is better than the other, other than being weaker on the global scale.
Ocalan was trained by the CIA? That is just dumb nonsense, I'm sorry.
Trump has a Turkish lobbyist in his cabinet that said that they will support turkish anti-terrorist agenda.
make her read a book outside of her circlejerk sudo commie party
t. i'm pro ypg/pkk and I'm a tankie
but at least I'm ideological pure :')
Turkish tankies are out there fighting and dying for Rojava. You're not alone.
Uhhh duh dude. Here's a rare photo of him during Agency hazing.
I guess you could say that, but the Kurds don't even have a state, but then again, the Jews didn't have a state, although they got a bit dirtier, they didn't have an autonomous region.
Strange place, Earth.
but she is right
Let me post
Why the fuck can't I make big posts anymore?
Revolution in Rojava: Democratic Autonomy and Women's Liberation in the Syrian Kurdistan (No PDF yet)
I had this same problem a while ago, not sure what's up.
Also recommend Liberating Life: Woman's Revolution (just search for it)
This it passes me off so many tankies here shit on Rojava when actual MLs out in the region are smart enough to see what's happening
Fuck you, you`re a disgrace to all of us tankies on this board. YPG at least embodies the spirit of 1917, they took up the opportunity and formed soviet style council socialism.
You fool they are either puppets or useful idiots to america. America will use them to get rid of Assad and install a pro-US puppet.
You think they then will then allow a bunch of kurdish anarkiddies to stick around when they challenges their new syrian ally aswel as their old turkish ally?
You are aware that mensheviks said the very same thing about bolsheviks and how they were German agents?
besides, they are not anarkiddies in their heart of hearts, PKK is still M-L to the core
The ypg has been cooperating with them though
nice to see this unity
lest we forget our tankie comrades have been instrumental in setting up International Freedom Battalion
Sup Yankee cowboy. It's pretty obvious they just took the guns and training and have no intention of doing this. If anything, Syria and Russia will use them as an ally to turn Turkey into their own state, as the Kurds have some rightful clay there. Then they'll pretty much just be buddies for the sake of stability along Russia's border.
Tell her that the Viet Minh and Soviet Union were also supported by the USA.
So they should all just die at the hands of ISIS? I have no doubt that Washington wants to use Rojava to further it's goals, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't support it.
Yes, they'll probably try and use Turkey to crush it if they refuse to topple Assad (Turkish pro-governments papers are already calling for an invasion of Rojava), but the fight must go on.
If you thought the revolution was going to be easy, you're mistaken.
PKK doesn't run Rojava though, and ever since Ocalan's imprisonment they've been shifting towards libertarian socialism rather than vanguard ML.
I could see Turkey breaking into civil war at some point in the near future tbh. The internal contradictions in Turkish society between Islamism and Kemalist and more hardline nationalist values among a host of other things are growing by the day. I just dunno how the coup has accelerated or slowed down this process.
On ocalan`s rather hierarchic "request".
Tell her the USSR was the first country to recognize Israel.
I think Assad and the Kurds have more to gain from teaming up and invading Turkey, and since they're on cordial relations with Russia support, this seems the more likely position.
They just need to bait Erdogan into doing something so retarded he leaves NATO, or call their bluff and throw NATO itself into question. Personally I think NATO has done nothing but be a tyrannical sack of shit, with its ineffectual peacekeepers and enforcement of the war on drugs. Fuck them.
Not sure what an invasion of Turkey would cause though. Does anyone know what the ethnic regions of Turkey/Kurdish/Syria are? It could show us how things will be years from now.
He didn't force them to. Besides, what could he have done? He's been in solitary most of the time.
It's definitely accelerating. Things are a lot tenser, more and more people are getting thrown in jail and Turkish pro-government media outlets (Many neutral and anti-government publishers have been banned) are calling for all out invasion of Syria.
Actually it was Truman who did so within minutes.
There's no need to bait Erdogan, he'll fuck everything up all by himself. Anyone that doesn't agree with his unhinged policies faces either prison or (soon) execution.
South-East Turkey is full of Kurds, and there is no doubt that if he decides to (inevitably) launch an all-out invasion of Syria the revolution will spill over into Turkey.
And there's no way that NATO would prop up an increasingly erratic tyrant. (He's extremely unpopular in Europe)
Kurds are outbreeding Turks very heavily in Turkey though, and this fact has spooked Turkish nationalists quite a bit.
we have some posters here who are pretty intent on going to Rojava. would be cool to have an on the ground perspective.
honestly OP, if they were trained by the CIA, then they probably are.
And then promptly armed and trained the Egyptians and Syrians to wipe if off the map.
I get a sort of perverse joy out of the fact that the kurdish areas were basically all formerly armenian areas. Really just traded one problem for another there.
In her own words, "Putin might be bad, but he's an anti-imperialist. Imperialism is the greatest threat to human life right now. Even if we don't like Putin, he's the strongest force against American capital."
Given the above I'm seriously starting to view the Armenian Genocide as one of the few good things the Turks ever did tbh
Alas, they actually outsourced most of the work to the kurds.
they'd genocide the kurds and a few more minority groups before they come to some introspection
Point to how almost every CIA/US gov backed organization comes back to bite them in the ass?
See the middle east.
Once I'm there I'll post updates.
Anyone else considering going?
hell yeah
thought they can't accept int volunteers atm because of the border situation?
Apo was flat out not trained by the CIA
Maybe this is the US new tactic to combat leftism smear them by association. When every one hates you, giving things a rubber stamp means they'll fail and no one will care.
System of a Down are fucking incredible though.
The border has been re-opened
Now if leftists could just stop endorsing Chinese imperialism and realize that these same arguments apply to when Tibetans accepted CIA aid, I'd be happy.