Obama evicting 35 Russian diplomats
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Can't you just not post instead of shitpost?
So where are fellow burgers gonna go to dodge the impending draft?
Get a medical deferment hopefully. If we don't fight Russia it will be China or Iran under Trump. I'm not fighting for porky.
Why do Americans hate Russians so much, is it pathological?
goddamn red commie ruskies hate capitalism
This bullshit is just embarassing to watch. Democraps have guaranteed they are done as a national political party.
hopefully it won't happen until the end of the year when I become too old
if not, I probably have enough mental and physical disorders to get rejected
Just get some weed, smoke it one day before the exams. The military always rejects stoners.
lol pussy american
That seems too easy
Who wants to go porky hunting on the wastelands? We find their luxury bunkers, and then we just cover the ventilation system. Wanna breathe? Pay up!
There won't be World War 3, Trump doesn't want it.
This is the Democrats committing political suicide without even knowing it. They're completely tone deaf and in denial at this point.
Most Americans are too fat to enlist. So the draft will not turn up much. Live by the burger, die by the burger.
lol because exercise will not burn all that fat and tranform all the lards into private gomer pyle's.
I'm trans and the liberal feminists haven't been able to #EqualizeImperialism all the way yet :^)
Your average American can't even do a single jumping jack.
So what are they trying to hide or divert people's attention from that really makes it worth it to continue pushing this?
Nice source, OP.
It is one thing for someone to be 20 or 30 pounds overweight, but the sort of fat Americans are packongnon will take a long time to fix.
Doesn't matter that most americans are fat.
They can simply hire private companies to fight for them in WW3. Russia did the same in Syria.
Also WW3 will be a drone war, so that video gaming skills are more important than physical fitness. America has better gamers than Russians. Russians have better hackers on the other side.
Since Canada has an extradition contract with the USA, the only place to go is Mexico.
Sweet sweet irony.
Does this work?
Surely the military wouldn't give a fuck in a situation where the draft is used.
In the Army, they do half-jacks. :^)
mexico has an extradition treaty with the US too, most countries do
In the american army they just eat flap jacks
I agree this is foolish, but this is more like a tantrum then a suicide. Seriously how many fucking tantrums have the Republicans thrown under Obama.
We'll handle it the same way we do everything now that we're morphing into the collapsed Roman empire: Hire offshore 3rd-world temps for pennies on the dollar to do it for us.
north korea's looking nice this time of year
every time I see this sentiment expressed its like
how retarded are you to have such faith in America?
there will never be ww3 unless a leader of an actually dangerous country goes insane while in office. sick of retards saying x politician I don't like is going to start a war just because they feel like it.
thanks for the input, CIA!
You fucking retard, FPTP makes everything redundant.
The USA and UK are two party totalitarian liberal states.
Actual WWIII is of course practically impossible. But Vietnam/Afghanistan-tier proxy wars just barely not between nuclear superpowers are entirely possible if two MICs become too overgrown.
It's a tantrum, but a suicidal tantrum. Ending their term with fucking nationalist saber rattling is suicidally stupid. Between this and blaming everyone else for losing the election and changing nothing within their own party, it's like they want to become irrelevant.
Bitch I'm moving to Mexico and taking my friends.
Haha this. Democraps ain't going nowhere until porky abandons them.
The Democrats still need a mass base of support. If Porky's support alone was all they needed they would have won the last election in a landslide.
It's like the Democrats are intentionally trying to destroy their mass base.
1. Most young americans are in college now days, and college students are exempt from the draft. If the draft was enacted all you'd have to do is sign up for a community college class and you'd be good.
2. The draft would be really hard to bring up because it's incredibly unpopular. Even boomers remember Vietnam and cringe.
3. There's been legislation introduced to include women in the draft (since they can serve in all military positions now). Let's be honest, people will value their little girl's life over a boys (who're "meant" to go fight in a war). There's no fucking way the US gov could send its daughters off to russia.
4. Military is as big as it has ever been. Plus we have drones and shit now. I seriously doubt we'd really get into a war that big that we'd need one.
Putin already recalled them. This is like when Trump apartment building tenants "protested" for a name change when Trump already had plans to change the name.
You don't know man, you just don't. Cyka blyats, huehues, kekes, it's not our war out there anymore.
They already kicked me out of the navy for medical reasons.
Im good.
Why would anyone jump down there? Are they retarded? did he die? ;__;
More to Cuba. Come to paradise.
Why would you move there is Cuba is an option? Just learn Spanish.
Source 0
The US government are the ones who are saying that they told them to fuck off.
Putin would be sending back the US diplomats if that were the case but it isn't.
so when are we nuking korea then?
obama ejected 35 russkie dimplomats
So what does Putin do in response?
Invte US diplomat families 2 kremlin dinner
I loathe Putin, he's just Trump, but he won this battle
Putin is a non-retarded version of Trump.
Cuba has an extradition treaty? Fug