I'm scared Holla Forums. Look all the damage Nazi Germany did, Germany was strong but the US is much stronger than Germany was, and Germany had stronger opposition while the US doesn't really for the foreseeable future.
The United States will fall to facism in your life time
America has been fascist for quite some time now. In a way Trump is actually a good thing since he helps us convince normies of this fact.
Depends on how you measure strength.
Bombers and missiles of the coldwar are locked in bureaucratic morass.
Warfare this century will be terrorism. Every city street as the theatre. Every bomb and shaped charge worth more than an aircraft carrier.
Also, correct me I’m wrong, but you sound surprised.
Surprise is just American exceptionalism, implying that fascism was any less likely to rise in the US.
The USA isnt fascist.
Just capitalist with some racism and religious extremists.
the US is racially and culturally too diverse for fascism
So fascist.
Are you stupid?
Racially and culturally diverse cunts can still fall prey to fascism
It's a program for England in 1848. "Rebels" and "emigrants" refer to French royalists, not some nonsense about foreign banks.
And FRS is not Central Bank.
Seriously, did you read anything?
I'm pretty sure that he's just shitposting.
Top kek. Good luck holding any land or establishing an economic base.
jesus, conservatives are so fucking confused
Yes, it will.
And you Lefties are the people who will bring it about.
The United States will cease to be what you know it, or what fascists know it, within the century.
That is simply a fact. Fascism will rise and will feed itself on the fact it cannot get what it wants once in power and becomes opportunistic, and so whites become ever more bitter and violent towards their neighbor, seeing as how even the people that promised to elevate them from old power lost fail.
The left, and the right, will become more and more addicted to escapism and the internet in a world that is fucked.
No it won't be any leftists that bring about it by proxy, actually.
It's a feeling of loss of power you have.
Don't worry, OP. You were always going to die. The when and how doesn't matter.
You mean Liberals, fam.
The US already Fascist, even before the second world war, where they funded the Nazis.
Except it's the corporations that control the government and not the other way arround (the way the fascists want it).
Also it lacks the aesthetics, the authoritarianism and the rallying behind a "national goal" to be truly fascist. Corporatism is as old as capitalism.
Your history is fucked up. There is moar to that story than you seemingly acknowledge, much moar.
I spose that's what happens when you only read bullshit that you already agree with.
Please tell me when they will start rounding up the Jews.
When they send the journalists to Guantanamo.
So never, because journalists are allowed to call for violent revolution and war against the U.S without the government doing anything.
Face it, you are allowed freedoms you would never the capitalists/fascists.
bullshit. fascism arose in homogeneous states. Germany had a long history of Volkism. American doesn't. Good luck getting the 40% of non-whites onside
*fixed it for ya
for free
Corporatism is capitalism. We need to attack this meme that corporatism is a new thing, that state intervention is a recent phenomenon. The state and capital are inseparable. Capitalism would not have developed without state intervention. It would not have survived its periodic crises without state intervention.
first 10 million of inheritance isn't even taxable
99% of people aren't affected by it
once again the most logical guy on this board is a tankie, I feel becoming a full on tankie often
So much autism, it hurts.