Has anyone else been keeping up with the "General Strike" that's been talked about on reddit, tumblr, and twitter?
"No work. No school. No fascist U.S.A."
Other urls found in this thread:
He's still shit though
What happened to the no shopping part
Is school even in session on the 20th?
we'd made the cool Cat image, where is it?
also this, not even restaurants, that is if we want to make this a real thing and not a meaningless student protest.
If anyone is thinking of the question of class consciousness, this is a potential, solid call to action that your agitation can be attached to. The most important thing here is to have a snowball effect going in terms of people directly acknowledging the class struggle especially in the light of Hillary and Trump's campaigns.
It's gotta affect business, skipping school or uni won't do that and I don't think there's enough internet-socialists to make the strike part of the strike significant.
There isn't a lot of other pictures to begin with, but the full slogan which includes "No shopping" is pretty much everywhere where this has been supported afaik.
I was joking. The idea that you call for a general strike yet have to specifically bracket the idea of consumption around that is fucking ludicrous.
I hope that this doesn't turn into a pile of shit. This might not be perfect but it has a fair bit of potential. Hopefully its a proper show of the left a different doesn't get co opted by liberals
Yeah no it's not going to happen. You need unions and other groups to organize the masses. Liberal bullshit will not defeat fascism.
Maybe instead of a proper strike we could just make it class awareness demonstration, which might lead to a more effective general strike later. I don't think it's in leftists interests to get fired over small strike that doesn't accomplish much/anything.
Guys honestly, I'm just here for the theory talk. I don't have any desire nor care to participate in a strike or revolution. I know a lot of you can relate with me even if in secret.
Then post in the theory threads, comrade.
I like the "no work" part.
No I won't, because these faggots wouldn't be striking if Hillary won.
Fuck liberals and fuck these leftists who side with liberals all the fucking time.
It's called accelerationism.
Yeah no. You want to go with the politicians who are basically caricatures of capitalist excess and immorality. It will be far easier to organize against Trump than Hillary.
i forgot liberals were playing 5d chess to overthrow the bourgeoisie and aren't just begging for concessions/attention (whichever comes first)
I dream about revolution to save my nation from neoliberalism every night, but i am lazy when it comes to reading theory.
No school, wow, these slackers really are showing Drumpf
they might miss the class where their instructor goes over the syllabus! :^) and you kids thought liberals couldn't go the distance.
All this proves is that liberals don't understand how power structures work. No one cares if students don't show up.
College professors walked out with their students to protest Drumpf, the fuck do we expect these liberal retards to have grounded expectations of their own place in this shitfest of an education system.
If I requested the day off and my request was approved, does it count?
theory is boring m8. go crack some skulls
As long as you don't go grocery shopping.
No because you're either taking your entitled leave which you won't be able to take when you actually want that time off now and your work will be covered whilst you're away.
I guess not consuming anything whatsoever might make a difference at this point.
Well I took it off because I'll be busing down to DC and I don't want to be fired
His job might not necessarily bring in someone to cover him - mine just makes the rest of us work more.
Shouldn't a general strike be crippling? I don't see how a few thousand people (at best) are going to impact the economy in any significant way. We should be focused on building a workers party that has ties to unions and then striking. Seems like whoever organized this is putting the cart before the horse.
Yep. A worldwide general strike would be the fastest and most bloodless way to bring about socialism.
It ain't gonna be bloodless fam.
Says who? I'd rather that than some barricade fantasy and violent orgy. Society would literally come to a halt.
Says history. Strikebreaking is a thing. Look up the Battle of Blair Mountain or the Pinkertons. The workers will have to defend themselves against the state.
Instead of occupying urban areas/workplaces we should be occupying arable, defendable land.
Well you have done nothing to agitate your employer really, it's a token gesture at best.
For it to have any real impact, it would have to hurt his business.
we should try and get this all over reddit, it's much better than the OP
Come on! This is the democracy you wanted!
Democracy makes everything great!
Just democratize the workplace and it will work towards the interests of the represented!
There is just NO WAY that the democratic process can be influenced by otherwise powerful actors outside of it, anyone claiming this must be some kind of fascist or something…
Excuse me while I go revere the next not-personality not-appointed by the not-controlled media.
Fucking liberals and reformists…
I made the QR code bigger and added the no fash back to it
There won't ever be a mass general strike in Amerika
made this so you can print out lots of them quickly
6 per 8.5x11 sheet of paper
Those retards think you can change things by just shouting and showing dissatisfaction. But guess what? just carrying flags on the streets or posting hashtags does not change anything in real life. If you really wanna change thing you need to take more direct action, something like forming a guerrilla, busting into the white house and killing Trump, this is something that would actually have an impact, now just skipping work and shouting is going to be seem as an act of sore losers in people's minds. But whatever go on with your inert actions, post mean hashtags against Trump, shout out loud in your college campuses you are all making a huge change, you are all history in the making.
"no shopping for a wow" shit is always a dumbass idea that hardly affects anything. Everyone has to go get groceries sooner or later.
Get the fuck out and take your retarded ideas with you. Propaganda of the deed is a pure load of shit and everyone knows it by now. Nineteenth century anarchist fuckery will not get us anywhere and neither will your shitty leftcom attitude. If you don't want to help towards the revolution then leave and go wank over your bloated ego.
Speaking about strikes, how went the prison strike?
Yes, but that doesn't mean a general strike isn't going to put us in a good position. There's not going to be a moment where the workers march into the palace.
In fact now that I think of it it serves the purpose of somewhat diffusing the strike. People are supposed to be pissed off that their cash registrar decided to inhibit their ability to get groceries.
and we should revolutionize people by feeding them shrooms right? :^)
Read Marx, fucking Anarkiddies.
Read Bookchin, fugging authoritarian
The Democrats sponsored this, so all you are going to get is idpol horseshit that does not actually address the problem.
Millitent begging is completely useless.
Liberals are gona do this general strike shit for feel goods, Leftists need to get out there and explain to the willing that the strike aint gona do shit while educating them on how its the capitalist system as a whole that induces the problems that they are 'protesting'
Yes, we have to stop Trump before he turns the United States into an oppressive regime that ignores rights, has secret police monitoring citizens' every move, uses the police and military to suppress dissent, has people extrajudicially murdered without any oversight, and only promotes the intrest of a tiny cadre of elite individuals!
Oh wait…
I keep saying this: a general strike will not affect anything. There is no way we'll gather enough people for it to make a difference, and even if we did, a one-day strike can easily be ignored by the rulers. We need to concentrate our forces as much as possible, make our message heard. The best way to do that is to protest at DC on inauguration day. Take the day off and go there for a day, it will do much, much more than jacking yourself off at home about how big of a difference you're making. We simply don't have the mass support to pull off stuff like a 'general strike.' Be realistic. Focus our efforts. A sharp scalpel is more useful than a foam sledgehammer.
I think that is the idea. Let the liberals get their feel goods from the 'strike' while the Left uses it as an opportunity to educate and agitate.
Didnt some guy predict that obama was gona deny trump the presidency in this conference?
A Huff Po post hack who probably got leaked to.
Pre-press briefing is taking place rn
Im very skeptical but goddamn imagine if it was to happen
In other words a bunch of kids with no prospects in life that took out student loans and can't find respectable work are saying they will boycott their own education.
Wow so politically active!
usury is a scam
Yeah, we must keep america free and democratic by deposing the elected representative!
We will do that by skipping classes and failing all our grades!
A general strike would. This shit is not a general strike. It is a bunch of directionless liberals arranging with their bosses to have a day off so that they can stand in police-designated areas shouting slogans against a Porky who won an election against another Porky. A real general strike takes full control of cities.
Before 1917, there was 1905. The tendency for a movement generally progresses as people grow more aware of the movement under certain conditions, which is what this strike is practically about.
The fact that too many people did not come to this conclusion and instead want to mock "lazy liberals" just adds to the list of how underdeveloped the left is, and how much more we need plans like these.
The event is sponsored by the Democrats. The entire thing is an attempt to paint themselves as the opposition party. You idiots are not doing anything beyond building their narrative for them.
corporatism and elitsm must be those lesser evils