Is there any good read you'd recommend to people who aren't familiar with the intricacies of trans-humanism?
Trans-Humanist Thread
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There are no intricacies of it
We just want to be cyborgs
Transhumanism is for pussies. Posthumanism is where it's at.
Like going full robit?
Why isn't biological transhumanism a thing?
I want to go fullfurfag not robosexual.
Flesh is weak.
But it feels nice.
By hooking our brains up to supercomputers after creating a Communist Interdimensional we can "feel" flesh just as our imperfect bodies once did.
the concept of humanity is a s spooky as spooky gets, if one truly subscribes to the concept of materialism, then the human is just like any other matter and can be molded and reformed and adapted to new shapes and purpose. Humanity is a concept, a philosophy, and ideology, not just an animal.
I heard they have a manifesto where they unironically use the word 'womyn.' Not worth it.
Aren't there many different and sometimes wildly opposed schools of trans-humanism? I'd be interested in a specifically leftist take on trans-humanism.
I suppose I don't know much about it. I guess I figured there wasn't much more to it than being le scifi ideology
Where are the other parts of those infographs, user?
Transhumanism is a shallow ideology on top of the more practical applications of scientific meritocracy.
I'd start with this book. Then consider whether the word trasnhumanism really means anything specific or useful.
Image 4 makes no sense.
Ignoring that the brain functions differently than any non brain substrate you would make - you still only mae a copy. Image 3 is the solution to the conundrum.
It is a viable option much preferrable to "mind uploading" or sticking "nanites" in your circulatory systems. The only difference is you use the machinery of genetics instead of the artificial nanobots.
ran out of room
digital immortality is a solution for personality continuity, it's not meant to save the meatperson, it's a failsafe in case true immortality cannot be achieved.
plan b is useless
Wen I think "trans-humanism" I don't necessarily think about "eternal life" or "uploading your mind", I'm thinking more about how augmentations would affect daily life under capitalism. Like, what would be the effects of strength-enhancing prosthetic limbs on the relationship between individuals and the job market, for instance.
Isnt using a phone a light form of transhumanism?
I'm fine with both. Posthumanism is more likely, at least in the short term.
Isn't using a book a light form of transhumanism?
We've become cyborgs when we've picked up the stick and bashed someone's skull in.
new developments, apparently fixed human brains are able to respond to stimulus when coaxed with a chemical and electric process
"these results suggest that portions of the post-mortem human brain may retain latent capacities to respond with potential life-like and virtual properties."
OK, wanting to live I can understand even if I disagree. But wanting to live forever? Why?
Why the fuck WOULDN'T you want to live forever? Holy shit. All existential troubles would be gone. Your life would be a permanent endeavor. You'd see all the phases of human progress. You'd be able to become a master in all areas of knowledge. You'd be able to shed light on all your doubts. You'd have the time to train yourself to be the fittest individual on Earth.
It is a gulag offense to stop the progress of human immortality.
but a vampire in a book hated living forever so you know…
This. And when you feel you have done everything you could just end yourself. It's a freedom of choice matter and I support it wholly.
considering no one has lived beyond 120 years, and in good health, there's no real way in knowing how someone will actually feel about living centuries or even millennia, I personally think it would be incredible, but I generally have a positive outlook on life.
tfw no helios to merge with
Pretty much the sociopathic transhumanist mindset right there. Transhumanists don't feel any connection whatsoever to their fellow man, to the point where they would be fine with seeing them replace themselves to the point of unrecognizability, commit suicide only for them to be uploaded into a robot that may or may not only think it is that person, or watch them live their lives in VR, forcing you to either join them or live without them.
That's just scratching the surface of the prerequisite misanthropy that comes with the transhumanist mindset, as it completely ignores human social structures in favor of creating a hyperchaotic mess, leading to nothing but countless gaps in mankind as a result of reckless tampering, and likely a new form of class society.
mein gott you have a severe case my friend, let me just say I love my fellow man far more than you would believe, I just don't believe that humanity is anything more than a concept rather than fact. Also no, I don't believe in suicide for a machine copy, that's just a backup whenever my meatself actually dies, it's continuity of personality, nothing more, I know it's not the me I am but a different me, and I'm ok with that. I believe we can make a better human, one devoid of the evolutionary garbage it is currently infected with, such as disease or sociopathy or the need for falling for ideology. If that makes me a monster, than I can safely say I don't know what a monster is anymore.
I seriously believe you and others like yourself are simply afraid of the abject truth that you are stuck in the past of what makes a human, and that is understandable, but it's just another appeal to traditionalism, a spook.
those infographics are cool as fuck
I agree. I'm scared of death and I'm not even religious