Armed and ready edition.
Irish Republican thread
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I wish they remained active, it's so sad to watch revolutionary potential die down and end up flirting with Capitalism and the State, FARC and the IRA are just history.
I am nostalgic about the 20th Century.
But I hate nationalism in popular uprisings that will never change.
That RPG doesn't scare me.
Sounds like a paper tiger to me.
Did the Provo's have the longest active urban guerilla campaign?
The IRSP are still active and the INLA are on a ceasefire… for now.
Fuckin' leprechaun commie fucks.
The Real IRA popped up in 2012 as well.
The Real IRA are drugdealer scum. Some of their lot loitered around where I live recently.
The Provisional IRA put these faggots to shame.
They're still active, comrade.
Prefer the INLA tbh
Taigs don't care about politics, just drinking and tom foolery. Shoot the fucks on sight.
Didn't realize that. So no connection to Sinn Fein?
Nobody here gives a fuck about you, "comrade".
The incoming hard Brexit is going fuck up the Good Friday Agreement and it's gonna result in a hard border. I'd imagine republicans will start kicking up a fuss again if so.
Hello, Mi6.
Hello communist faggot.
It's going to get ugly.
The Provo's sold out the Irish republic and the cause by recognizing the Freestate and Northern state, surrendering and decommissioning, and now administer british rule from stormont.
The Continuity Army Council of the IRA (Continuity IRA) and Republican Sinn Fein are the true inheritors of the Irish Republic founded in 1916.
Unfortunately there has been many set backs for RSF and the CIRA but they continue to rebuild and carry on the Republican cause.
The image below was taken last year of CIRA volunteers showing off improvised weapons.
Nothing is going to get ugly unless georgie boy says so.
Is the Unionist shill also the Israeli government shill?
This often explain alot.
you know sometimes I marvel at how successful and efficient the PIRA were
I know they didn't get the 6 counties back, but they got got a helluva a lot more concessions than 90% of similar groups.
I marvel at it because I look at the Irish political landscape and the Irish people today and I see slackjawed centrism at every avenue. There's not an ounce of revolutionary zeal here. It's very sad. And it's also no wonder that everyone here boils the Troubles down to "ehh, they were both as bad as each other, both scum". All this said whilst holding the 1916 boys up as angels.
So I look at something like the Canary Wharf bombing and there's an element of shock and pride that my countrymen are capable of such things.
They been about since about 97.
Where the Provo's started to go wrong was in 86.
Most likely some /brit/pol idiot who stumbled across leftypol seeing as he's posting Enoch Powell.
Our resident Israel shill is certainly a sight to behold though
we have no one to give us weapons now that muamar is gone
maybe assad can help us out
If there is a will there is a way.
That ain't gonna happen any time soon, Syria is still drowned into a bloody civil war, Palmyra just fell into the hands of ISIS.
That's why I feel nostalgia about the 20th century, the only good popular uprising we have right now is Rojava and the US is backing them.
Aleppo was just liberated
Palmyra was not that important really
i mean the guys defending it were former FSA
the NDF (i think that's what they're called)
and most managed to retreat
It's going good for Assad right now, hope he pushes forward with that extra wind in his back
for the most part they now have to rely on their own ingenuity more that ever.
Currently Irish Republicans are under intense surveillance and harassment from state forces.
But as always we continue defy the Brits and never give up.
I just hope he doesn't try to crush the Kurds.
They cant do shit like that.
Yes they can.
the PYD has played its cards exceptionally well thus far in the Syrian Civil War, I think they'll be fine
baby's first leftism
Fucking shouldn't have bothered
go back to Holla Forums you clown
An bhfuil tu triggered?
Dissolution of the UK when?
Confederation of the Socialist Republics of England, Ireland, Scotland and Wales when?
What the- You slavved them up!
Red-White-Green was the old Chartist flag
A shame the chartists were unaware of Hungary's existence.
stop fucking saying paper tiger
The IRA as a whole have almost constantly for nearly 100 years
Kek, I only said it to meme you because paper tiger I've seen 'end up flirting with Capitalism and the State' two or three times today already.
you clearly know nothing about them, they hated the south as much as the north and never recognised it as a legitimate government
Idiot here, what is this pic supposed to be?
Some kind of ied?
N o i c e.
I have to admit, I wish that I'd have been born over there instead of burgerland. It would have been nice to actually have a shot at revolution.
One of the greatest Irish republicans that ever lived.
I'm picturing an alternate reality where Dev and Collins were executed after the Rising and James took hold of the country and steered us away from the backward religious, capitalist road we went down.
Unfortunately the like of the Free Wales Army didn't stay around long.
;_; I know, shame
Still we had some good moments. The Red Flag was flown for the first time as a symbol of working class revolt in Merthyr in 1831. Lots of syndicalists and communist activity well into the 1920s. The Miners' Next Step caused uproar in 1912
their VBIEDs don't require a big donor.
Stick old rifled barrels salvaged from deactivated guns on Luty firearms and you've got a near military standard gun.
You're welcome.
There is some movie about Irish liberation that has this quote
WTF, I love nationalism now!
Ayyy Welsh Bro Ceredigion reporting in
Oh wait forgot to turn my shitposting flag off
also how /ourguys/ where the official IRA trying to have dialetical debate with sectarian death squads
Where do they stand now? Will they be more traditional should they rise again or will they swing more to Marxism?
Holla Forums is dividing the class struggle with their national-idpol meme again.
Most in the Continuity IRA and RSF are Democratic Socialist and Federalists.
The INLA and the IRSP are staunchly"Revolutionary Socialists" in their Ideology.
Fuck off you edgy fat American cunts, you obviously weren't around during the troubles so just shut the fuck about issues you don't understand
The PIRA and Loyalist forces were just a bunch of religious maniacs who regulary killed innocent people who had done absolutely nothing wrong and had nothing to do with the conflict.
It wasn't noble, or "leftist", it was extremely bloody and violent and innocent people had to suffer because of religious conflicts between catholics and protestants.
I just hope that some people who died on 9/11 were """"""irish-americans""""" who donated to the IRA so they got a taste of their own medicine.
God I fucking hate Americans so much, even the "woke" leftist ones are so fucking ignorant about the world it's unbelievable
Agreed 100%, the Noo Yawkers got a taste of their own medicine on 9/11
stupid. nobody was killing anybody over transubstantiation.
new graph just for you guys
I thought it was some sort of cake at first kek
Islamig Gommunism
Here's one you never see, up until very recently a big majority of british people wanted a united ireland.
Face it paisley, we don't want you
If you think it was nothing but a religious conflict, then you are fucking dumb.
How do you explain the likes of Ronnie Bunting a protestant and founding member of of the INLA?
There's always a frustrated Anglo who pops up in discussions about the IRA and makes a similar post, displaying their complete lack of knowledge on the conflict, painting the conflict as one over transubstantiation and painting the IRA as religious extremists.
it seems anytime the IRA come up in conversation on the internet some sad uneducated English cunt has to show up and moan about "muh innocent civilians!!!!112!" read a book you brainwashed faggot.
How is that British people never seem to know anything about a war that took place supposedly on their own soil less than 30 years ago?
How can you even reconcile leftism with support for British imperialism in N.I.? I will never understand English people
Most people in England don't even know that Northern Ireland exists, the flag riots, the budget crisis, the possible effect of Brexit, none of this was talked about on British news.
Well for the British the Troubles exist without context. Mad IRA terrorists just started bombing like crazy in mainland Britain. For the people of Ireland the context is the constant war and occupation that's been going on for hundreds of years. The citizens of imperial powers are so fucking arrogant and stupid.
Yeah this is why you can take NI. Enjoy running that place. Complete basket case
It seems anytime ISIS come up in conversation on the internet some sad uneducated Turkish cunt has to show up and moan about "muh innocent civilians!!!!112!" read a book you brainwashed faggot.
How is that turkroaches never seem to know anything about an attack that took place supposedly on their own soil less than 15 years ago?
How can you even reconcile leftism with support for Assad? I will never understand Turkish people…
You really might be the stupidest person on here
you clearly know nothing about Turkey, ISIS or the IRA. kill yourself.
Buttmad britbong detected
kys champagne socialist