Haha reddit got you guys good.
How do you respond?
Haha reddit got you guys good.
How do you respond?
I like how they don't even try to argue against that but just throw adhom attack, calling him a "brocialist".
r/socialism and its associated subs are, like most Trot run groups, FBI disinfo organizations.
Marxist memes is right.
Brocialist pride worldwide.
Forgot picture.
Theres no such thing as non "brocialist" marxism.
If there was, it would be called liberalism
fuck xirxist memes tho
Good point.
Class reductionism failed. Deal with it.
all my keks
I like that image.
I think I'll steal it.
I think the OP is being sarcastic, this thread should not be bump locked.
Trots cannot be trusted. It should be obvious at this point that they are tools of western imperialism.
Here's how you know these words come from a place of hate as opposed to something like "feminazi" which is just being edgy. In "feminazi" the word that's a slur is "nazi," which is something that pretty much everyone recognizes as an insult. In "manarchist" or "brocialist" the "bad" words are "man" and "bro." As if being a man or a bro are bad things. Man can be gender-neutral to refer simply to the human species anyway (if it's a bit archaic), and bro literally refers to brotherhood, i.e. fraternity, i.e. solidarity. I think most people realize this, even if unconsciously, and that's what makes them mad about these terms. The anger is then used by the identitarian as further justification for excluding men and bros. Using anger as justification for exclusion is how you can tell someone is really a liberal. They care more about policing people's feelings and behavior than about political ends - even if you are one of the uncommon people who agrees with them, they will kick you out for breaching etiquette because that's what's really important to them.
Reddit pls
Ironic shitposting is still shitposting.
is this real?
Thank dog New Left has suceeded in establishing full communism :^)