Is family a spook? Think about it.
Am I the only one who sees the problem with this? I honestly don't care about anyone in my family, and I especially wouldn't just because they are blood relatives.
Is family a spook? Think about it.
Am I the only one who sees the problem with this? I honestly don't care about anyone in my family, and I especially wouldn't just because they are blood relatives.
life is a spook so kill yourself
Going by the definition of spook as something that doesn't benefit you, it sounds like the idea of a family is a spook 4u since not all children were made out of wedlock.
It's another "I am communist because it makes my parents angry" episode
If you don't feel a duty to your family, stop giving a shit about them. I care for my family because I love them, not because of some spooky duty
Pretty sure spook never meant that.
hey Obvious Holla Forums Pretending to be Mustafa Mond Falseflag Guy, are there any more in the series of Cammy and that other chick being publically used?
could be. It's the relationship between the individual and the object that render it a spook or not. In your case, it is a spook because your relationship is compulsory.
In my case, it is not.
A spook is an idea that does not exist outside of the minds of the people who believe in it and the people who believe in it will violently defend it. This is Stirners definition of a spook.
And raised me. And paid for all my food. And we're my friends. Helped me out.
Are you actually retarded? The only way your scenario would be true is if you we're abandoned, and in that situation, thats exactly what happens, your biological family is unknown to you and undeserving of respect.
You're absolutely right. Also family is the first and smallest identitarian/tribal unit.
Fuck off retards.
A slavemaster also takes care for his slave. Should the slave respect his master?
Let me ask you this: did he ever asked to be born in the first place? Did anyone of us ever did?
The parent is usually the slave rather than the master because they take of a stupid helpless for free
Motherhood is a spook tbh. Mothers should leave thier babies to die because what the fuck use is that useless kid? Why should they take care of them? Just because they birthed them? Spooky af
Your mother being a whore is not a spook, it's a social problem and has left you with issues.
plz. My family doesn't own me, faggot. I can walk away if I want.
If you think societal expectations hold any power over you, it is you who is spooked, not me.
pic related
No, I love my family :3
If they don't like taking care of children then you're right, which is why children should be taken care by adults that like to do that.
Women shouldn't be forced to be mothers. If they don't want the child then they should give it to an childcare institution. Of course this means they should be sterilized to prevent future pregnancies.
Good for you. I was making the point that just taking care of someone else's needs is not argument enough to respect or love your caretakers. Not all children are slaves, only those that do stuff they don't want to.
What are you talking about?
How is it a meme? Did you consent to be born?
So because I recognize that I and anyone else didn't want to be born this means I should go on and suffer a meaningless and painful death?
Highly reductionist nonsense.
He didn't think about his slavemaster argument for more than 2 seconds
Maybe you should read my response you moron.
I did, and it's just more Holla Forums-tier views (forced sterilization) and general autism ("b-b-b-but I didn't consent to be born!")
Yep you're a complete moron.
I was talking about women who didn't want to be mothers and gave their child to a childcare institution. These women would want to be sterilized.
Not that there is anything wrong with forced sterilization as a preventive measure against forced life creation which is something much worse.
Start making an argument anytime now.
And I'm the moron
How about you make the argument that you need to consent to be born
family is important. if your family does not mistreat you or abuse you, they deserve your respect and attention/presence. you don't have to yield to their every whim or preference. but, a modicum of decency and civility goes a long way towards building a good sense of perspective and self when you deal with biological kin. they are genetically similar to you more so than anyone else you will encounter besides your kids (if you end up having any)
haha wow
Communism has killed your soul.
trying to despook yourself is pointless.
r8 my fam fam
you almost had an argument
Why cut my argument?
>Not that there is anything wrong with forced sterilization as a preventive measure against forced life creation which is something much worse.
Okay. Here's my argument: If you value and respect people's consent and personal will then you wouldn't create another being without their consent and desire to do so. To be born into this world is the most important decision a person could ever take. Since it's impossible to take that decision because we don't exist yet, it's wrong to make that decision on behalf of the person.
This is the logical conclusion of consent.
If you don't believe you need consent to be born then logically you don't need consent for anything else at all.
therefore they are more likely to think like you, empathize with you, instinctively defend you, help you, have similar medical conditions as you, be able to provide organs and blood should you need them
tip top kek
one of the biggest spooks
Yeah that's a spook, we should all be parentless test tubers with devotion to the party, family will get in the way of utopia. A mothers lifetime love of a child is nothing but a brick in the wall. A brother who knocks the shit out of your bully is a criminal. A father who spends time building a personality with you is teaching you confidence, he must stopped.
People who come from shit family's are a scourge, passing their abuse on through their unsocialised behaviour.
Ok I'm actually interested in having a serious discussion without insults.
This sentence is a contradiction. Just ponder on it for a second. You're not making a decision on "behalf" of anyone, since that person doesn't exist.
How does this follow?
Of course OP those people that gave you all that free shit while asking for no payment in return, yeah, fuck those people.
I can't trust anyone who's not close to their family.
Can't you see the irony in trying to be a communist/socialist/whatever and being against the most communistic unit you were ever a part of?
Unless your parents literally abandonded you. Even then I would always advise to not hold any grudges and even reach out to them if you can.
you are so fucking stupid
if you're what a family produces then yeah, full familial abolition. kill all fathers and hang all mothers.
who let all these spooked retards into leftypol
fuck off already
what's with this 0/10 shitposting?
This meme needs to die so hard
You were bullied by your shit family and everyone you come into contact is paying for it. Sorry pal, you need to stop abusing people.
A test tube and laboratory still won't love you any more than your family
I think you should read more philosophy to clear your mind of such cobwebs.
Even if you do, they gave you free shit for ~18 years.
Is that supposed to mean something? I sure am glad they didn't throw me to the woods so I could be eaten by wolves.
So you're mad your parents make you pay rent?
This rather the contradiction of the idea of consent itself, which is an illogical belief, a spook. How can anyone believe in consent if we don't even consented to our own birth?
You either choose to believe and uphold the idea of consent, which would logically follow that nobody should be allowed to create another living being because that would be a violation of their consent. Or you choose to drop the idea of consent.
Consent is fucking retarded, anyone born has a desire to live, unless they are defected mentally, they literally will fight for their lives without needing a treatise on why they are doing it. Not to mention you can only give consent when you can make a decision, and a sperm isn't going to be making his mark on your consent form, you gibbering retard.
Have you guys ever actually read Stirner? The whole "spook" thing is not just a method to arbitrarily dismiss arguments/concepts.
stop posting till you at least graduate high school you subnormal fuck
my family are a bunch of morons i cannot relate to.
relationships are a spook. we are all just using each other for survival,happiness. ect
what a bunch of fucking aspies you lot are
sand nigger
Then you surely don't have any problem with rape, murder, bullying, exploitation, etc?
Yes, you're absolutely right. It's this meaningless struggle that's the basis of this dog-eat-dog world.
That's the point you moron.
Is this for me? Because I don't dismiss the concept of consent, just pointing out how it's ultimately an irrational belief.
Wow user you really hurt my feelings with those mean words…. if only I had a loving family to make it okay
How about an argument instead of spazzing out?
You're technically right. The reason why we set out to make friends and have significant others is because we want to make ourselves happy. It's all about selfishness in the end, not that that's a bad thing, since it's the only way we can live the best we can. Stirner himself said it is irrational to care about anyone but yourself.
Leeches gotta leech.
It's a bond that can't be expressed in a simplistic sentence like "workers coming together to get stuff from porks", it is therefor beyond the comprehension and experience of the stirnerite, to them it is paranormal, spooky.
Stay mad.
stfu spooked nigger. all relationships are about give and take. its based on the need to survive
wtf i love stirner now
r8 mine.
wow 2 deep 4 me
me on the far left
me in the middle
Sounds like you'd make for a good Christian.
Luke 14:26
Why should I have to think about it, when you clearly haven't?
No. A family is an economic unit. It is a physical reality.
This is not selfishness. One person cannot be responsible for other person's feelings.
However people can have common responsibility for each other's material well being. This is the biggest act of unselfishness and generosity.
This is what the common ownership of means of production actually is. You care that everyone gets their food, shelter, clothes, other necessities and then some other stuff they want. And you care just as much as others care that everyone gets that.
Anything beyond sounds more like unnecessary self-sacrifice. And no one would want anyone else to sacrifice themselves. How would you even care?
Reading No More Mr. Nice Guy by Robert Glover, this makes the point how only each person is responsible for their own happiness because the alternative is pointless and wasteful. And argument is that such personal responsibility is also most beneficial for others.
it's arguably a bit more complicated than that. Firstly is the fact that, assuming parental instincts kick in, they wipe your ass, feed you and teach you how to read and speak for the first years of your life. Not to say, however, that if said parents are shitty one has "owes" them simply because they're the biological parents.
Even if your parents are angels you don't owe them anything.
Familial relations and other accidents of birth matter as much as "race" add "nationality," which is to say not at all.
The idea that you are tied to some group of people just because they gave birth to you is absolutely ridiculous. It's as ridiculous as thinking they owe you anything just for giving birth to you.
And all these fags in this thread that act like the only two options are much pure loving natural family or muh cold impersonal test tubes hurt durr need to despook themselves post haste.
mommy and daddy didn't love me the thread
No arguments, the post
Still no arguments
Not your fucking blog you edgy, angsty little faggot. Seriously, this is the kind of shit I'd expect to hear from a kid in their not tidying my room phase.
I guess it depends on the culture in which you were raised. Both sides of my family are Italian, so the whole idea of not caring about them is completely alien to me.
You win the award for "Most Spooked Response".
no, but in that sense, which I fully understand and agree with, one does not owe anyone anything in any situation.
You are.
They do.
you don't know what a spook is.