Do you have friends leftypol?
I don't.
Do you have friends leftypol?
I don't.
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who needs friends when you have comrades?
i have 'friends' i hang out with
I haven't had any genuine close friends in years though, life is fucking lonely and terrible etc etc
I haven't had friends since I finished my schooling, and even then I can't say I really liked them much.
Is this you OP?
ive never really had friends other than Internet ones
like i mean literally never
like not in elementary school even
I haven't had any since middle school
Same. Although I am super close with my family so friends aren't really needed
I've been to Todaiji twice and I fit through the pillar both times. My friendlessness is not on account of my weight.
No, I lost touch with my high school friends and had a major falling out with the guy I was hanging out with. No really close friends and the most social interaction I get is fucking a girl I meet on Tinder a few times a week.
.tfw other people are getting laid but at least I have friends
So you must a pretty high paying job right?
Ever thought there might be someone at your job you can relate to or feel solidarity with?
i asked if you were her because she is a friendless loner btw
Dude it's not much. Most of the time it's vanilla sex that doesn't do much for me, some of the time I go home and yank one out, and very few times the sex is actually good. The only universal thing is I'm incredibly lonely and don't have anyone to talk to.
Pls respond
Be honest, is she fat/ugly?
No I just live in Japan.
And I can't talk about leftist politics at work. There is a lingering Fordist/Eisenhoweran consensus among even low-level professionals that makes it very difficult to approach issues of class and labor. The primary political flashpoints are over foreign policy, and even there the "left" seems to be inspired moreso by Lennon rather than Lenin.
It's a different she most times, but most of the time I get 6+ and no real fatties. They're all boring as fuck and I'd probably date an ugly fatfuck who I could hold a conversation with than these stupid cunts.
I have 2 real life friends but we rarely talk.
even more rare is when go outside but i really enjoy it when that happens.
I have some on-line friends, but they are so boring, that I have to turn it into a fucking flame war and twist their fucking heads, to get some enjoyment out of it.
I'm so sorry.
Have you tried going to things organized by leftists like the JCP? could that be dangerous to your career or could people accept that? I have gone to political meetings and there were some quality people there, some solid friendships could be made.
I'm not allowed to be seen supporting any cause. I can't even sign petitions.
I don't particularly care for the JCP either. They're not communist.
I haven't had a friend since 2006, I'm 30. Broke up with GF three years ago. She was my last contact to the outside world.
Nice ghost story you got there, kiddo
I think I have some friends but I always feel that I'm just being humored. It seems like its just some big joke being played on me. These people are just pretending to be my friend because they think its hilarious that someone like me would think they have friends. Is this some sort of alienation or am I just fucked up?
Sounds like a low self esteem. Even if you think you don't evaluate yourself low, you probably rate your self a little harshly against others around you without fully consciously realizing it.
No. Haven't since 2012.
broke up with gf a year ago and had a falling out with my best friend at the same time, but i still have a few friends. actually went to a christmas party tonight, pretty chill.
Did your best friend take your GF?
Yeah, I do, but I don't think I'm representative of the average user here. And when I first got into image board culture, I didn't have many friends at all.
That's the thing; you have to remember that everyone here is someone who, for one reason or another, spent a lot of time online, chatting to strangers on image boards - so much so that it became a comfortable place for them to hang out, more comfortable than real life for many of us. That is not a normal human being.
I've only started really using them in the past 2 years. I did spend a lot of time online back when I had friends but not image boards.
I have three real friends, one of which I see only once a year, and then an assortment of acquaintences who pretend we're actual friends.
I'm absolutely not trying to demean/shit on anyone itt, but I think making friends is easier than you think it might be. Cliche as it sounds, just being yourself without pretending to be who you think everyone wants you to be is easy and also more effective (I learned this the hard way). If you're a user here, you probably have some interesting stuff to say and (at least in my experience) people want to hear it.
In short, making friends is as simple as just being honest with yourself. If you know who you are, your ideas, what you want or like, and can communicate that, then you can make friends (again, imo)
I've been browsing image boards daily since 2008 if that's relevant
One best friend who's my only real friend other than my cousins. Then a bunch of people from Uni but I'm not really friends with them. Feels bad
Then a bunch of online buds.
What's wrong with that
Nothing but I never feel like I have anything interesting to talk about. I have no experiences with anything.
Yes. Jesus fucking christ, what's wrong with you lot?
Is everyone on the chan sites some introverted social outcast?
People don't like me any more and I'm too shy and broken to make friends
We congregate here because of boisterous, cocky, horrible cunts dominating the real world. At least here there's no pressure on me.
Some amount of not giving a shit is necessary that much I agree on, but "the just bee yourself" advice doesn't take into account that everyone is faking shit to a degree. No matter how optimistic your estimations of other humans at least 20% of the most honest and humble person you know is still bluster, arrogance, confidence and outright lies. I apply this to myself as well. Don't truss it. Everyone is an author and reporter of their own personality, it's a biased viewpoint and one prone to playing up the home team. You have to be fake, it's inescapable.
Sometimes you just cant fake it or care enough to sell your personality to others.
Yes and what the fuck is wrong with everyone here?
Of course I do.
Despite the democratization of imageboards, anonymous posting attract loners more than socialized people.
A few not very deep ones. I have a job, a gf and a nice apartment so I'm somewhat comfortable at life by now, but this sense of disenfranchisement with society is still there and will probably always be. I sometimes wish Holla Forums was more of a community with more hanging out. My best memories of imageboard culture was a small board where everyone tripfagged.
Having friends is bourgeois
Yes, friends, a handful of close ones. But no comrades.
This. Jesus fucking christ what a sorry lot here on leftypol.
I have like 3 good ones. Lost 2 because they were the children of Cuban immigrants and i said something about Fidel being a "comrade" and "heroes never die"
I know that feel bro. I missed the opportunity of fucking 7/10 bubble ass qt cuban immigrant who decided to start shitting on fidel just before we were about to make out. and I was like "uuuh-uh bitch, don't even go there" but she did and after 5 minutes she left with the glorious butthurt.
btw: I am not even a socialist, I am an anarchist who shits on MLism and Fidel in every opportunity I get against Commies. Yet the Revolutionary dignity keeps cock blocking me ;_;
I want normalfags to leave.
This is a Chad board for real revolutionaries.
If you don't have a close cadre of fellow communist friends as your comrades you don't belong here.
Chad is Porky
Incel NEETs are counter-revolutionary.
Yes, great many of them.
Oldest one of my friends I have known since I was seven and we have been close friends to this day.
NEETs are the forefront of the modern revolution.
That is not how you spell labor aristocracy, comrade.
based on what
Not since high school, and those two guys were the only friends I've ever had.
Never had any girlfriends ever, obviously.
I keep wondering if my life will improve, but I've been wondering for quite a while now and I don't think it'll improve.
There's just…nothing anymore.
I am of the opinion that you don't actually NEED friends
Just do what all desperate reactionaries do, keep LARPing for Day of the Rope until it happens and then realize nothing changed and you're now even more bullied because the ideal citizen is a strong Aryan worker and you're just a depressed, emasculated NEET
wonder where those quads went…
I used to tag along to a group at my seccondary school, I would go out with them occasionally but most of the things they did they never thought to invite me to. Only two of them in the group of 15+ I ever really connected with.
I went to uni expecting my social life to completely change, to be going out every night and easily pulling one night stands, but it's actually got a lot worse. While at home, I had two people I could confidently say were my friends, at uni I have literally none.
Going outside is difficult, even if it's just to pick up food. As I walk back up the stairs to my flat on campus, if no one else is around I'll just stand on the stairs for a bit, not moving, so I can delay having to go back into my room like a hermit and not even seeing anyone for the rest of the night. It dosnt really make that much sense, but I still do it.
I have friends online though.
How are you going to say you identify with the average worker when the average worker is normie? Get out there and do shit you haven't done before and meet new people. Half of you fatasses need to join a gym anyways so meet friends there.
You don't have to be a "normie" to be a worker. Conformity is capitalist bullshit to dull the mind. And I'm healthy, thanks.
You have to get dirty in the mud of conformity to pull them out of it though
There are three people I could say are my friends, one of them who I've been friendswith since mid school, the others from college. Most other people I know are just acquaintances whom although I may publicly refer to as friends, we don't really exchange much.
I don't deny that I cringe at some of the things I have done in the past, especially since meeting these two guys was through a stupid question of mine which opened the door since we had similar hobbies.
You don't even need to be that sociable.
Are they social democrats?
I can act like a normie if I have to but it's just fucking exhausting
But that doesn't exist.
Bet its the jews, niggers and mexicans fault
"Progressives" won't have me at the table – "not that there's anything wrong wit that."
of course you don't castro, your dead
Nope. I had some "friends" in high school but I slowly stopped talking to them. Made some online friends over the years but always stopped talking to them too.
This is Holla Forums we're talking about. Take 4chan's friendless virgins and multiply by 4.
I wonder whats in the bag. Pee or water or mystery liquid.
That's a myth propogated by leftcoms. They are more communist than most communist organizations in America. They are surging and improving the lives of the working class and providing a real alternative to Japan's one-party system. They still advocate Marxism and are taking steps towards socialism, so what's the problem?
Join us. Only socialism can save humanity now.
No it's my fault for being a weak faggot. I'm no strong aryan warrior
I am all for income equality, it's just im a race realist. This is the only reason I'm not Communist, I just really hate niggers and Jews and I want them to go back and not come here.
Yeah, I do have friends.
I have many friends as well as close friends and a girlfriend. Just want to post to balance the representation of the board we're seeing in this thread, I dont at all think less of anyone without friends, I've been lonely before and it's unbelievably difficult. It's a hell people who are very conventionally attractive and from muh privileged backgrounds will never be able to comprehend.
thanks fam, you're alright
They all died…
Also lose ability of maths in the process, it seems like.
Where can I find the smart people?
i have friends, but i have stoped feeling close to many
but like, they cool to be with, i just don't trust them with personal info anymore.
and the few friends i see at close…well, i kinda always fuck up the relationship
Most of my old friends moved on and we don't talk much and quitting drugs and other hit alienated my closest friend. Now I'm pretty much alone and don't really have anyone to talk to about anything but smalltalk bullshit.
I stopped caring about what this vapid society defines as normal years ago.
I've always been honest about myself and my experiences with others, and I have friends who are fine with that, I can still smell a veneer of lies from their experiences though, but I don't give a shit anymore.
The only "friends" I have in the physical world are Berniecrats I'm trying my best to get active and more radical. It's pretty cool to know a few people in my deep conservative area who are actually somewhat close to my own views for once. Sadly I'm just as alienated to them when it comes to hobbies and entertainment as everyone else around here.
Got some chill imageboard fams that I've hung out on with on IRC for a decade though.
friendship is bourgeois decadence.
My only friend is… The Friend of the People.