Why live?
Tfw no submissive muslim gf
Dont live, kill yourself and take your shit taste with you.
I'd rather a cute little white girl who likes to play pretend.
Wow look at that woman, i'm sure you're not attracted to her white features. haha no way
How about you post a REAL MIDDLE EASTERN WOMEN who doesn't give into white attractiveness. Plucked eyebrows? What a colonized woman
Why live?
na zism is hilarious
Is that woman ugly to you? damn..please show me you bin, surely you must have only dated 10's
That is funny way of saying Caucasian features.
this is my best, followed by my second best.
Hello, my old friend
Middle Easterners are Caucasoids, you stupid shit
he's making sure you don't associate it with the caucasus region, which is where this girl would likely live, and OP likely isn't from
You are no nazi.
asians > europeans > indians > africans
old hags > cute lolis
Does this make me a bad leftist in your opinion, Holla Forums?
Fuck, that arrow was the wrong way round
*cute lolis > old hags
Why live?
state mandated gfs nazi pls.
You need to stop denying yourself on cultural basis.
I know that feel
Or a secular Arab/Persian gf would be nice
This is a fun thread.
Lol thiss cuck
You are no leftist! Leave this board
M8 posting grills who rejected you isn't nice.
She can afford to diet/exercise and chooses not to. LARP on >>>Holla Forums please
I can cherrypick girls pictures too
Keep trying you right wing eurocentric, you're really showing me
;^) you sly devil
Absolutely disgusting.
It seems my work here is done
This is what I live for…
come on lad post some qts
She's hot of course, but is DISGUSTING.
I didn't post that, it was someone trying to false flag
Besides the point which is that this ayran qt is DISGUSTING.
It seems my work here is done
yeah h-heh, she's really ugly and d-definitely not my wife
No my wife is a BROWN QT.