Did you ever notice how every time we beat a form of capitalism it goes "Ha ha ha, this isn't even my final form!"?
Did you ever notice how every time we beat a form of capitalism it goes "Ha ha ha, this isn't even my final form!"?
itt final bosses with too many fucking forms
That's only because no one has ever tried a truly global revolution. In fact so far the only people who have truly "beaten" various forms of capitalism are the capitalists themselves via various financial crises and economic recessions.
Never change
I was always supposed to be global
I could go on, but i'm not going to name every single communist/socialist country. And i'm sure you're ready to scream it's not real socialism. How about you name one that does work without horrific totalitarian policies?
That was almost as bad as you guy's faggy looney tunes memes, why can't leftists be funny anymore?
The looney toon shit I saw on Holla Forums? You're fucking retarded if you think Holla Forums made those, they're so obviously weak Holla Forumsack understanding of our positions.
The comic is supposed to be introductory and educational. it's not >le funi meme
Of course you faggots cant comprehend anything that isnt delivered to you in internet image macros so I'm not sure why I bothered
Great retort comrade, i'm glad you guys use shitty comics as educational material, it reminds me of the time I wiped my ass with the communist manifesto.
Might want to rethink that one, Trumpy.
You know how the democrats got fucking destroyed because they didn't understand Trump's base and how to do anything but fling shit at it? That's similar to your genius move of thinking anyone cares what either of those people think. I'd also like to point out you faggots can't name a single country that can have both socialism and any semblance of democracy or decency. It's ok to admit defeat guys, i'm asking the impossible.
r u rl
Because it's literally impossible to get rid of private ownership of things or trading. A global revolution won't change that either, by the way.
In the end, who cares about other people? YOURSELF is the only thing that is worth anything in the end and everything else is just a spook.
Nice deflection see and specifically
You're beaten, but at least try you faggot
. you're all spooks are far as I can tell
Dude we just said the revolution needed to be international, but then you're all like
are you retarded
Lol communism is a joke. A failed meme that's been adopted by talentless lazy NEETs who need a place to fit in.
lmao wagecuck
So you admit you're just a drain on society.
oh shit nigger what r u doing
that spooky fam
What pisses me off is not that you wrote that, but the fact your shitposting is so unsophisticated and repetive.
No, the soviet union was economically stable, everyone had a job and the society had a well built infastructure before liberal reforms in the 1980's caused the government to fail. People want the soviet union back, because capitalism has failed that region entirely